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Luxury Armor Stand Award: How to Unlock | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Luxury Armor Stand Award Banner

Want to find out how to unlock the Luxury Armor Stand Award in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise)? Keep reading for more details on this Award, including a list of weapons and armor that count!

How to Unlock Luxury Armor Stand Award

Luxury Armor Stand Award
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Luxury Armor Stand Award
How to Unlock Forge weapons and armor of the highest rarity

To get this Award, you will need to forge a weapon of at least Rarity 6 and above, then one of each piece of armor of at least Rarity 7. This can be any weapon or armor piece, so they don't all have to be from the same set as long as you have made at least 5 separate pieces of Rarity 7 or higher.

Where to Find Rarity 6 and Above Weapons

Since this award was already in-game before Rarity 7 weapons were introduced in Update 2.0, you will only need to craft a Rarity 6 weapon to get this award.

Rarity 6 (dark blue icons) and Rarity 7 (red icons) weapons are often at the rightmost side of the weapon tree.

List of Weapons | All Weapon Guides

Where to Find Rarity 7 Armor

Rarity 7 armor is only available in high rank armor sets. Low rank armor are only Rarity 3 and below, while high rank is Rarity 4 to Rarity 7.

You will know an armor piece is Rarity 7 when the icon for it is color red. You can also check the rarity at the Equipment Info on the side.

List of High Rank Armor Sets

Forge the Damascus Armor Set

The earliest Rarity 7 armor you can craft is the Damascus Armor set which doesn't require rare materials like gems. The pieces can be made as soon as you beat Thunder Serpent Narwa.

If you have Sunbreak and therefore access to Master Rank, armor pieces that are Rarity 8 and higher also count.

Damascus Armor Set Forging Materials

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