Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Heavy Bowgun Builds (Master Rank HBG)

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Monster Hunter Rise (Sunbreak) - Master Rank Heavy Bowgun
This is a guide to the best builds and equipment for Heavy Bowguns (HBG) in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Learn about the best Heavy Bowguns for Master Rank, and the best Skills and Armor pieces to use with the Heavy Bowguns for Master Rank from the early game until the end game!

All Heavy Bowgun Guides
Heavy Bowgun 1Trees & Full List Heavy Bowgun 2How to Use Heavy Bowgun 3Best Builds

Heavy Bowgun Builds List & Progression

This is a quick section summarizing all the Heavy Bowgun builds in this page. It is arranged from newest to oldest, and MR build progression is from bottom to top.

Click on the build name to see the build!

Master Rank Title Update Build Name
MR180+ TU5 Dragonheart Dereliction Raw
MR180+ TU5 Shield Spread HBG
MR160+ TU4 TU4 Endgame Spread Build
MR160+ TU4 TU4 Dragon Conversion Elemental Pierce Build
MR120+ TU3 TU3 Elemental Pierce Build
MR140+ TU3 TU3 Raw Pierce Build
MR10+ TU3 Elemental Pierce Climber
MR10+ TU2 Raw Pierce Climber
MR10+ TU2 Endgame Sticky Ammo Climber
MR3-6 Base Mid Game Spread Ammo
MR3-6 Base Mid Game Pierce & Slicing Ammo
MR1-2 Base Izuchi Pierce + Slicing Starter

Ultra Endgame MR Build: MR100+

TU5 Dragonheart Dereliction Raw HBGs

Spread Heavy Bowgun

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Righteous VarkaRighteous Varka ④ーー 370 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe

Pierce Heavy Bowgun

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Ursprung/MortUrsprung/Mort ③①① 360 0
Affinity Element
-35% / 15%
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernheart

Recommended Armor Loadout

Armor Slots Skills
Valstrax Helm - EclipseValstrax Helm - Eclipse ④①①
Risen Kushala IramRisen Kushala Iram ③②①
Flaming Espinas GripFlaming Espinas Grip ④②ー
Virtue / Prudence Coil Virtue / Prudence Coil ④②ー
Archfiend Armor ScerosArchfiend Armor Sceros ③②②
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Talisman Dragonheart Lv.4; with ②② slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Attack Boost Lv.7 | Dragonheart Lv.5
Razor Sharp Lv.3 | Spare Shot Lv.3
Weakness Exploit Lv.3 | Critical Boost Lv.3
Tune-Up Lv.2 | Recoil Down Lv.2
Kushala Blessing Lv.2 | Intrepid Heart Lv.1
Frenzied Bloodlust Lv.1 | Bloodlust Lv.1
Dereliction Lv.1 | Resentment Lv.1
Evade Extender Lv.1 | Coalescence Lv.1
Spread only:
Spread Up Lv.3 | Maximum Might Lv.3
Reload Speed Lv.1
Pierce only:
Pierce Up Lv.3 | Reload Speed Lv.3
Ballistics Lv.1 | Steadiness Lv.1

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor augments are not needed for this build. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
Razor Sharp
Frenzied Bloodlust
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Powder Mantle
Resentment (aim for higher levels)
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Intrepid Heart
Evade Extender
Build Merits and Notes
With the introduction of Vigor and Cyclus melding, Dragonheart can now be rolled in talismans. At Lv.5, this skill adds around 50 raw attack when activated, which is quite the boost! When paired with Dereliction on the Blue Scroll, the 80% HP threshold can be reached fairly easily even with the HP recovery of Bloodlust.
This build requires equipping the Power Barrel to maximize Tune-Up's attack boost. While this is certainly more powerful than our other raw builds, this is also much riskier to use as there is continuous health drain and HP must be kept below 80%. As a safety net, we've included a level of Intrepid Heart.

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TU5 Shield Spread Heavy Bowgun

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Righteous VarkaRighteous Varka ④ーー 370 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe
Armor Slots Skills
Virtue / Prudence HelmVirtue / Prudence Helm ④④ー
Redirection Lv. 2
Defiance Lv. 2
Risen Kushala IramRisen Kushala Iram ③②①
Valstrax Braces - EpochValstrax Braces - Epoch ④①①
Rakna Coil X Rakna Coil X ②②ー
Spare Shot Lv. 1
Spread Up Lv. 1
Tune-Up Lv. 1
Silver SolgreavesSilver Solgreaves ②②①
Talisman Weakness Exploit Lv.3; with ③① slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster. Use Kushala Daora Soul if you want 100% Affinity on weakpoints.

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor augments are not needed for this build. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
Razor Sharp
Latent Power
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Powder Mantle
Attack Boost
Mail of Hellfire
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Guard Lv.5
Blood Rite
Recovery Up
Build Merits and Notes
Sunbreak's endgame pushes Anomaly Investigations to greater heights with powerful monsters that can easily one-shot gunners even with max armor upgrades. One way of surviving is by using the Shield to take hits and retaliate with Spread 3 shots. While this won't make you immortal, it's certainly a much safer way to play the Heavy Bowgun.
The Heavy Bowgun's shield is normally pretty weak, with most attacks causing heavy knockback even with max Guard levels. This issue can be resolved with Embolden and Tune-Up. Guard Up allows you to block through normally unblockable attacks like beams and lasers, opening opportunities to rain Spread ammo on monsters. This combination of skills can take most hits in the game with minimal knockback, getting you back in action quickly.
This build also adds several defensive skills like Kushala Blessing Lv.3 and Blood Rite for healing. Intrepid Heart can act as an extra layer of safety while Evade Extender can help in cases where evading would be better than directly tanking hits.

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TU4 Endgame Spread Build

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Righteous VarkaRighteous Varka ④ーー 370 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe
Armor Slots Skills
Risen Kaiser HornsRisen Kaiser Horns ③②ー
Risen Kaiser MailRisen Kaiser Mail ②②ー
Valstrax Braces - EpochValstrax Braces - Epoch ④①①
Sinister Grudge Tassets Sinister Grudge Tassets ④②①
Arc Greaves / Storge GreavesArc Greaves / Storge Greaves ③②ー
Razor Sharp Lv. 1
Spare Shot Lv. 1
Bloodlust Lv. 1
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3; with one ② slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor augments are not needed for this build. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
Razor Sharp
Latent Power
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Tune-Up Lv.2 (if using with Power Barrel)
Attack Boost
Mail of Hellfire
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Intrepid Heart
Ammo Up Lv.3
Blood Rite
Build Merits and Notes
The Righteous Varka has high raw and fairly manageable Recoil and Reload Speed for its Spread Ammo 3 and can use Status and Exhaust ammo. This gives it more flexibility while maintaining the power of its Spread shots when compared to other options.
The chosen skills guarantee crits on weakspots after Bloodlust while providing additional damage with Powder Mantle. This build is best used with the Power Barrel to maximize attack.

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TU4 Dragon Conversion Elemental Pierce Build

Fire Elemental Heavy Bowgun

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Six Paths CrossingSix Paths Crossing ①①① 350 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernheart

Water Elemental Heavy Bowgun

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Heavy Crab BusterHeavy Crab Buster ③ーー 350 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe

Thunder Elemental Heavy Bowgun

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Skyshot ThunderstormSkyshot Thunderstorm ④ーー 340 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe

Ice Elemental Heavy Bowgun

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
EgilEgil ②ーー 360 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe

TU4 Elemental Pierce Build Armor Setup

Armor Slots Skills
Valstrax Helm - EpochValstrax Helm - Epoch ④②ー
Valstrax Mail - EpochValstrax Mail - Epoch ④④ー
Archfiend Armor EpineArchfiend Armor Epine ④ーー
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 2
Valstrax Coil - Epoch Valstrax Coil - Epoch ④①①
Archfiend Armor ScerosArchfiend Armor Sceros ③②②
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3; with ①① slot
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Use Element Exploit if monster has a 25 element hitzone, otherwise use Kushala Daora Soul
Attack Boost Lv.7 | Element Attack Lv.5
Dragon Conversion Lv.3 | Dragon Resistance Lv.3
Spare Shot Lv.3 | Dereliction Lv.3
Stamina Surge Lv.3 | Defiance Lv.3
Reload Speed Lv.2/Lv.3 | Element Exploit Lv.1/Lv.3
Resentment Lv.2 | Evade Extender Lv.2
Latent Power Lv.2 | Recoil Down Lv.1
Burst Lv.1
Teostra Blessing Lv.2 (Fire Only)
Kushala Blessing Lv.1 (Water Only)
Steadiness Lv.1 (Thunder Only)

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor augments are not needed for this build. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
Stamina Surge
Latent Power
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Furious Lv.3 or additional resistance
Kushala Blessing Lv.2 (Water and Ice)
Tune-Up Lv.2 (if using Power Barrel)
Mail of Hellfire
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Intrepid Heart
Blood Rite
Build Merits and Notes
Pierce elemental ammo continues to be a powerful option for the Heavy Bowgun thanks to Dereliction. TU4 introduces Dragon Conversion, which boosts elemental damage further, as long as elemental resistance is high enough.
Using this build requires the Crouching Shot and Setting Sun switch skills in addition to the Power Barrel mod. Start hunts with the Blue Scroll then quickly build up around 80 hits using Pierce or Spread Ammo with Crouching Shot. Once you've gained the additional resistance, swap to the Red Scroll to take advantage of the bonus elemental damage for the rest of the hunt.
Due to the limited supply of elemental ammo, be sure to bring combines for every hunt as well as a Farcaster for emergency restocks.

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TU3 Elemental Pierce Build

Fire Elemental Heavy Bowgun

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Six Paths CrossingSix Paths Crossing ①①① 350 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernheart

Water Elemental Heavy Bowgun

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Heavy Crab BusterHeavy Crab Buster ③ーー 350 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe

Thunder Elemental Heavy Bowgun

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Skyshot ThunderstormSkyshot Thunderstorm ④ーー 340 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe

Ice Elemental Heavy Bowgun

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
EgilEgil ②ーー 360 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe

TU3 Elemental Pierce Build Armor Setup

Armor Slots Skills
Chaotic Helm / Nephilim HelmChaotic Helm / Nephilim Helm ④②ー
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Risen Kushala IramRisen Kushala Iram ③②①
Archfiend Armor EpineArchfiend Armor Epine ④ーー
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 2
Chaotic Faulds / Nephilim Tassets Chaotic Faulds / Nephilim Tassets ③①①
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Resentment Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Archfiend Armor ScerosArchfiend Armor Sceros ③②②
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Talisman Ammo Up Lv.2; with ① slot
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Use Element Exploit if monster has a 25 element hitzone, otherwise use Kushala Daora Soul
Element Attack Lv.5 | Attack Boost Lv.4
Critical Eye Lv.4 | Resentment Lv.4
Spare Shot Lv.3 | Dereliction Lv.3
Reload Speed Lv.2/Lv.3 | Strife Lv.2
Kushala Blessing Lv.2 | Razor Sharp Lv.2
Ammo Up Lv.2 | Critical Element Lv.2
Evade Extender Lv.2 | Recoil Down Lv.1
Element Exploit Lv.1 | Burst Lv.1
Steadiness Lv.1 | Weakness Exploit Lv.1
Teostra Blessing Lv.2 (Fire Only)

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor augments are not needed for this build. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
Razor Sharp
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Tune-Up Lv.2 (if using Power Barrel)
Weakness Exploit
Element Exploit
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Blood Rite
Build Merits and Notes
Pierce elemental ammo continues to be a powerful option for the Heavy Bowgun thanks to easier access to Teostra and Kushala Blessings as well as the new skill Strife. We're also keeping Dereliction, as it remains a powerful elemental boosting skill especially when paired with Strife.
We're also keeping Bowgun staples like Spare Shot and Burst while adding Ammo Up to extend clip size. Depending on the Bowgun, you may reduce levels of Recoil Down and Reload Speed to free up slots and fit in other skills as needed.
Due to the limited supply of elemental ammo you can carry, be sure to bring combines for every hunt as well as a Farcaster if you must restock. To maximize the number of hits each shot does, use the Setting Sun switch skill with a Power Barrel.

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TU3 Raw Pierce Build

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Ursprung/MortUrsprung/Mort ③①① 360 0
Affinity Element
-35% / 15%
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernheart
Armor Slots Skills
Silver SolhelmSilver Solhelm ④①①
Risen Kushala IramRisen Kushala Iram ③②①
Golden LunebracesGolden Lunebraces ④②①
Risen Kaiser Coil Risen Kaiser Coil ④③ー
Arc Greaves / Storge GreavesArc Greaves / Storge Greaves ③②ー
Razor Sharp Lv. 1
Spare Shot Lv. 1
Bloodlust Lv. 1
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3; with one ② slot
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor augments are not needed for this build. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
Razor Sharp
Master's Touch
Critical Element
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Tune-Up Lv.2 (if using Power Barrel)
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Blood Rite
Build Merits and Notes
Crouching Shot gained buffs in TU3 that let the already powerful Pierce Ammo deal raw damage much quicker than before. Pierce shots also continue to improve with the introduction of Ursprung/Mort, the Chaotic Gore HBG. Unlike our previous choice, the Devil's Conduit, the Ursprung/Mort doesn't require Weakness Exploit to reach maximum affinity, allowing us to deal crits with all the pierce hits and letting us slot in Anti-species Jewels for more damage.
For skills, Bloodlust is mandatory as we need it to change the Ursprung/Mort's negative affinity to positive. Thankfully, overcoming the Frenzy with Pierce Ammo is fairly easy. Damage skills like Critical Boost, Pierce Up, and Burst all help maximize the weapon's potential, while Ballistics and Evade Extender should make positioning easier. Wirebug Whisperer may be slotted in by replacing Ballistics and one level of Attack Boost if you rely on the Silkbind Attacks for survivability.
For weapon augments, we recommend full Attack augments as the build can already hit 100% affinity after overcoming the Frenzy. Using the Power Barrel is also recommended to increase our damage per shot. We also recommend using the Setting Sun switch skill when you have the chance to maximize the number of hits per shot.

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Endgame MR Build: MR 6-100

Elemental Pierce Climber

Fire Elemental Light Bowgun

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Six Paths CrossingSix Paths Crossing ①①① 350 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernheart
Weapon Augments

Water Elemental Light Bowgun

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Heavy Crab BusterHeavy Crab Buster ③ーー 350 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe
Weapon Augments

Thunder Elemental Light Bowgun

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Skyshot ThunderstormSkyshot Thunderstorm ④ーー 340 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe
Weapon Augments

Ice Elemental Light Bowgun

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
EgilEgil ②ーー 360 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe
Weapon Augments

Elemental Pierce Climber Armor Setup

Armor Slots Skills
Chaotic Helm / Nephilim HelmChaotic Helm / Nephilim Helm ④②ー
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Arc Mail / Storge MailArc Mail / Storge Mail ②ーー
Archfiend Armor EpineArchfiend Armor Epine ④ーー
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 2
Chaotic Faulds / Nephilim Tassets Chaotic Faulds / Nephilim Tassets ③①①
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Resentment Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Archfiend Armor ScerosArchfiend Armor Sceros ③②②
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3, with ①① slots
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Use Element Exploit if monster has a 25 element hitzone, otherwise use Kushala Daora Soul
Element Attack Lv.5 | Critical Eye Lv.4
Resentment Lv.4 | Attack Boost Lv.4
Dereliction Lv.3 | Spare Shot Lv.3
Reload Speed Lv.2/Lv.3 | Strife Lv.2
Resuscitate Lv.2 | Evade Extender Lv.2
Steadiness Lv.1/Lv.2 | Bloodlust Lv.1
Critical Element Lv.1 | Element Exploit Lv.1
Burst Lv.1 | Coalescence Lv.1
Recoil Down Lv.1 (Except Thunder)
Build Merits and Notes
Pierce elemental ammo is a great way to quickly hunt monsters that are very weak to elemental damage. All these parts are available starting from MR 10, with the only exception being the Phoenix Jewel 2, which requires at least Anomaly Investigation Lv. 51. This can be substituted with an extra level of Burst in the meantime.
Using the Power Barrel is recommended to maximize damage, while frequently having Setting Sun up will make sure you get the most hits out of each shot. Since the build is using Dereliction, be sure to stay on the Red Scroll and watch your health.
This build doesn't require any augments, but increasing the levels of skills such as Strife or Coalescence will certainly improve elemental damage.

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Raw Pierce Climber

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Ursprung/MortUrsprung/Mort ③①① 360 0
Affinity Element
-35% / 15%
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernheart
Weapon Augments
Armor Slots Skills
Silver SolhelmSilver Solhelm ④①①
Kushala Cista XKushala Cista X ②②ー
Ammo Up Lv. 2
Handicraft Lv. 2
Flaming Espinas GripFlaming Espinas Grip ④②ー
Rathalos Coil X Rathalos Coil X ②ーー
Arc Greaves / Storge GreavesArc Greaves / Storge Greaves ③②ー
Razor Sharp Lv. 1
Spare Shot Lv. 1
Bloodlust Lv. 1
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3, with ①① slots
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Build Merits and Notes
Pierce Ammo with the Chaotic Gore HBG is a powerful endgame combination. This build can be made starting from MR 10, save for a few decorations. Pierce Jewel+ 4 can be obtained after reaching investigation level 71, but this and the other Lv. 4 decoration can be replaced with Pierce Jewel 3 to keep Pierce Up Lv.3. The Phoenix Jewel 2 requires investigation level 51, but this can be substituted with a decoration for another skill like Evade Extender or Ballistics.
The Power Barrel is the mod of choice for its boost to raw attack, while Crouching Shot should be equipped to quickly fire Pierce shots when there's an opening.
Augments are optional for this build, but adding skills for more damage, such as Powder Mantle and Mail of Hellfire, can certainly help.

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Endgame Sticky Ammo Climber

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Antique Machina HBAntique Machina HB ーーー 350 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernheart
Weapon Augments
Armor Slots Skills
Flaming Espinas BrainFlaming Espinas Brain ③②ー
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Razor Sharp Lv. 1
Spare Shot Lv. 1
Kushala Cista XKushala Cista X ②②ー
Ammo Up Lv. 2
Handicraft Lv. 2
Flaming Espinas GripFlaming Espinas Grip ④②ー
Anjanath Coil X Anjanath Coil X ④①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Flaming Espinas HeelFlaming Espinas Heel ④①ー
Attack Boost Lv. 1
Burst Lv. 2
Talisman Recoil Down Lv.3; with two ① slot
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Teostra Soul
Attack Boost Lv.7 | Razor Sharp Lv.3
Spare Shot Lv.3 | Recovery Speed Lv.3
Ammo Up Lv.3 | Recoil Down Lv.3
Artillery Lv.3 | Slugger Lv.3
Reload Speed Lv.3 | Handicraft Lv.2
Intrepid Heart Lv.2 | Burst Lv.2
Evade Extender Lv.2 | Steadiness Lv.2
Build Merits and Notes
Sticky Ammo, while not as overpowered as before, makes a decent comeback in Sunbreak's endgame! Damage is bolstered through Attack Boost, Artillery, and Teostra Soul. Slugger is added to enhance the Ammo's KO damage, while the usual QoL staples for Bowgun performance are present in the build.
We've updated this build to use the Antique Machina HB over the Bordeaux Candlestick+ as it can also fire Level Shot Cluster Bombs, meaning you don't have to aim them at an arc for the explosion. You'll primarily be launching Sticky Ammo and Cluster Bombs at the head to stun the monster then unleash charged Wyvern Ammo when you have an opening. Also, watch out when using this build during multiplayer hunts as the explosions can send your teammates flying!
As the Antique Machina HB only has a level 1 Rampage Decoration slot, we'll need to use the Rampage Slot upgrade augment to slot in the Teostra Soul Jewel 2. The rest can be filled with Attack Boost augments. Of course, the set will also use the Power Barrel to maximize our damage.

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Master Rank Build (Mid Game): MR 3-6

Mid Game Spread Ammo

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Golm Cannon+Golm Cannon+ ③②① 380 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernheart
Armor Slots Skills
S. Studded Hat XS. Studded Hat X ②①ー
Steadiness Lv. 2
Ballistics Lv. 2
Tune-Up Lv. 1
Rakna Mail XRakna Mail X ③①ー
Reload Speed Lv. 2
Spare Shot Lv. 1
Spread Up Lv. 1
Malzeno BracesMalzeno Braces ④ーー
Rakna Coil X Rakna Coil X ②②ー
Spare Shot Lv. 1
Spread Up Lv. 1
Tune-Up Lv. 1
Grand GodGrand God's Peer Feet ①①①
Talisman Wirebug Whisperer Lv.2; two ② slots recommended but not required
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Kushala Daora Soul
Build Merits and Notes
This build revolves around Garangolm's insanely powerful spread HBG. Damage is maximized through the usual suspects plus Tune-Up. QoL staples such as Reload Speed and Recoil Down are added to tame the HBG.
Wirebug Whisperer is once again added to significantly reduce your wirebug charges, making shield mods unnecessary for survival!
Take note that Attack Jewel 2sshould only go to talisman slots if you have them. Prioritize other skills in the armor and weapon slots. Only slot in Precise Jewel 2 once you've upgraded to Golm Cannon+.

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Mid Game Pierce & Slicing Ammo

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Mighty SoulstrikerMighty Soulstriker ②①ー 350 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe
Armor Slots Skills
Utsushi True Mask (H) / ChannelerUtsushi True Mask (H) / Channeler's Hair Tie (Spring) ①ーー
Damascus Mail XDamascus Mail X ②①ー
Pukei-Pukei Braces XPukei-Pukei Braces X ③ーー
Spare Shot Lv. 1
Ballistics Lv. 2
Squire Squire's Belt ③ーー
Grand GodGrand God's Peer Feet ①①①
Talisman Wirebug Whisperer Lv.2; two ② slots recommended but not required
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Build Merits and Notes
Those who prefer to continue through the midgame with Pierce and Slicing Ammo may opt for this build. Main skills are mostly the same as the early game build, but with the inclusion of Wirebug Whisperer and Critical Boost.
As with most HBG builds, Wirebug Whisperer is maxed out so you can use your Silkbind moves more frequently. This cooldown reduction is significant enough to make Shield Mods unnecessary in hunts, allowing you to use Power Barrels instead.

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Master Rank Build (Early Game): MR 1-2

Izuchi Pierce + Slicing Starter

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Gale Crossbow+Gale Crossbow+ ②①ー 250 0
Affinity Element
Rampage Slots
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe
Armor Slots Skills
Rhenoplos Helm XRhenoplos Helm X ②ーー
S. Studded Vest XS. Studded Vest X ①①ー
Pierce Up Lv. 1
Tune-Up Lv. 1
Somnacanth Braces XSomnacanth Braces X ②ーー
Anjanath Coil X Anjanath Coil X ④①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Ingot Greaves XIngot Greaves X ①①ー
Talisman Attack Boost Lv. 3
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Spiribird Doubled
Build Merits and Notes
A build that utilizes Pierce and Slicing Ammo to kick off the Sunbreak expansion! Damage is bolstered through Pierce Up, Attack Boost, with the addition of QoL staples such as Ballistics, Spare Shot, and Recoil Down to ensure a comfortable early game experience.

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Best Skills for Heavy Bowgun

Best Damage Skills

These skills make it possible to deal extra damage! Aim for these skills for maximum DPS to defeat those monsters easier and finish those quests faster!

Best Skills Explanation
Weakness Exploit
Increases affinity when hitting enemy weakspots, which can increase your DPS significantly.
Ammo Type Up
Get one of the three ammo type skills depending on what you're going to use! We recommend maxing this skill out before anything else.
Normal/Rapid Up | Spread Up | Pierce Up
Element Attack
Sunbreak featured buffs for elemental damage, making elemental builds viable. Be sure to max out this skill to get the most out of its potential.
Fire | Water | Ice | Thunder | Dragon
Attack Boost
Increases DPS for all ammo types. Aim for at least 4 levels of this skill.
Critical Boost
Amplifies critical damage by 30/35/40% per level, working well with Weakness Exploit.
Continuous shots from the Bowgun can power you up with this skill. Max it out whenever possible but a single point is enough to deal impactful damage.
Using the Red Scroll will increase element values while using the Blue Scroll increases attack values, improving overall damage. Don't fear the depleting health; with how the Bowgun playstyle works, you'll never have to worry about getting hit! For additional elemental damage, pair this skill with Strife from the Chaotic Gore Magala Armor Set.
Available in Sunbreak Base Game
Element Exploit
This skill is ideal to have on elemental builds, making sure you pull off significant damage every time you hit elemental hit zones!
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 1
Critical Element
Increases elemental damnage during critical hits. Slot this skill in whenever your affinity is close to or at 100%!
Maximum Might
Increases affinity when Stamina is at maximum. Slot in this skill if you need more affinity to reach 100% from other skills.
Dragon Conversion
When activated, this skill from the Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax Armor will benefit elemental builds, increasing DPS even further! Only consider this skill when you can build around it.
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 4
Overcome the Frenzy Virus to boost affinity with this skill; best paired with Coalescence.
Available in Sunbreak Base Game
Mail of Hellfire
Attack power while using the Red Scroll will increase raw power by at least 15. This is a fun skill to consider when you can build around it!
Available in Sunbreak Base Game

Best Comfort Skills

These are skills that make managing weapon mechanics a lot easier. Damage is only part of the equation - taking time to slot in comfort skills that increase consistency & comfort will also increase overall DPS!

Best Skills Explanation
Recoil Down
This skill reduces the time between shots, greatly helping with DPS and preventing you from staying in place for too long.
Reload Speed
Ideal skill to output more DPS throughout the fight!
Spare Shot
Increased DPS by giving you a chance to shoot ammo for free.
Reduces deviation, which will make your shots more accurate. At level 3, this skill also extends your range. Slot this skill in if you're eating for Dango Temper.
Ballistics helps extend your critical distance, allowing you to hit optimal damage from far away. This skill helps with positioning safely throughout the fight.
Ammo Up
Increases ammo clip size for bowguns, which lets you shoot more and, in turn, increases DPS. For most Bowgun builds, 2 levels of this skill is enough.
Evade Extender
A great comfort skill to have. Evade Extender greatly helps with survivability, considering Bowgunners should avoid getting hit at all costs.
Introduced in the Sunbreak Expansion, this skill increases the power of your attached mods. Tune-Up is a nice pickup for most bowgun builds, but only consider this skill when you can build around it.
Available in Sunbreak Base Game
Intrepid Heart
Whenever the gauge above your health bar is full, this skill can be useful in clutch situations.
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 2
Having this skill in addition to Guard and Tune-Up makes the Shield a more viable mod to use.
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 2

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17 KC6 months

Found something when building the Endgame Sticky Climber build. It appears that only 2 levels of Recoil Down and Steadiness are needed to get max effectiveness on the Antique Machina HB. Don’t know if I’m incorrect somehow or if it’s perhaps a remnant from when the build used the Pyre-Kadaki gun. Can we confirm? Thanks.

16 Anonymousover 1 year

for "TU5 Shield Spread Heavy Bowgun" you can't get a WEX 3 talisman. The highest weakness exploit can go is up to 2.


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