Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Nintendo Direct February 17 New Monsters and Summary | Monster Hunter Rise

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┗ TU4 Monsters: Velkhana | Risen C.G. Valstrax
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This is a summary of all information revealed for Monster Hunter Rise at the Nintendo Direct on February 17th. Learn about all the New Monsters announced in the livestream, and everything we learned from the Nintendo Direct!

Nintendo Direct February 17th Video

New Monsters Announced!


A new Monster which was previously seen only in a glimpse in the TGS trailer. Like the 'arachna' implied in its name, it uses a spider motif, and can ensnare hunters in its sticky webs.


A new monster with the ability to control mud. It can unleash muddy streams, and create walls of mud, forcing the player to think of new ways to use the Wirebugs in order to take it down.

New Monsters

Returning Monsters Confirmed


In the demo, the weapon and armor for the Hunting Horn was modeled after this monster. As such, its appearance was all but confirmed, but now we've finally had the opportunity to see it in action.



Like Arzuros and Lagombi, Volvidon is a Fanged Beast. It uses its long tongue and foul odorous gas to attack, and its tricky movements can make it a tough foe to best.


The trailer showed off the mainstay foe Diablos. Although it appears in a fortress-like area as part of the Rampage, it's most likely that its main turf will be in a sand-based Map.


The Rajang was shown being mounted by the Hunter with the Wyvern Riding ability, unleashing attacks upon a Tigrex.

Returning Monsters

New Maps Appear

Sandy Plains

The Sandy Plains are making a reappearance from MH3U! It's likely that Diablos, most at home in the sand, will be fought here as well.

Lava Caverns

Rakna-Kadaki and Basarios are shown fought in this environment, in the middle of a huge volcano. The outside of the volcano is shown at the start of the trailer, with the remainder showing deeper inside the caverns. Though it shows some resemblance to the volcano map from Monster Hunter Tri, based on the name, this seems to be a completely new Map.

List of Maps and Locations

First Look at the Rampage

The previously-announced Rampage mechanic in Rise has been shown off for the first time. In a Map resembling the Arena, Monsters attack the gates of the city, and storm through in great numbers, with Hunters having to battle multiple Monsters simultaneously.

Apex Monsters Announced

At the climax of the Rampage, Apex Monsters will appear. These seem to be unrelated to the Apex Monsters from MH4U, as the Japanese term used, “Nushi”, is different from the one previously used for Apex Monsters in Japanese. However, it's possible that a similar system to the one found in that game will be implemented for Rise.

What is the Rampage?

Hinoa and Minoto Join the Fight?

Hinoa and Minoto, the Quest and Hub Maidens, are shown wielding and Gunlance and Bow. It's unclear whether they will fight alongside the Hunter as NPCs, whether they will be playable characters, or whether their appearance will be available as Layered Armor – we'll have to wait for future announcements to see what happens.

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April 27th Digital Event Update 2.0, New Monsters, Hunter Rank Information
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February 17th Nintendo Direct New Monsters and Maps, Rampage Details and Apex Monsters
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All Digital Events and Livestreams


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