Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Insect Glaive Builds and Best Armor

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Insect Glaive Builds and Best Equipment Guide

This is a guide to the best builds and equipment for Insect Glaives in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Learn about the best Insect Glaives and Kinsects for the Sunbreak expansion, and the best Skills and Armor pieces to use with the Insect Glaives for Low Rank, High Rank, and Master Rank.

All Insect Glaive Guides
Insect Glaive 1Trees & Full List Insect Glaive 2How to Use Insect Glaive 3Best Builds
Best Kinsects and How to Upgrade Them

If you have any suggestions or additional information, please comment them below!

Latest Sunbreak MR Build

Heaven-Sent Blood Awakening Elemental Glaives

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Kaktusspringen Insect Glaive Sharpness
310 0 15%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Fire Image 40
Kinsect Level 14
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Eventide Kazanagi+Eventide Kazanagi+
Eventide Kazanagi+ Insect Glaive Sharpness
320 0 15%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Water Image 31
Kinsect Level 14
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Skysoar FlashSkysoar Flash
Skysoar Flash Insect Glaive Sharpness
310 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Thunder Image 61
Kinsect Level 15
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
DaoraDaora's Samudra
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Ice Image 52
Kinsect Level 13
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Silver SpearSilver Spear
Silver Spear Insect Glaive Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 41
Kinsect Level 15
Armor Slots Skills
Risen Kaiser HornsRisen Kaiser Horns ③②ー
Primordial MailPrimordial Mail ④④②
Burst Lv. 1
Primordial VambracesPrimordial Vambraces ④④②
Sinister Grudge Tassets Sinister Grudge Tassets ④②①
Tempest HakamaTempest Hakama ④④ー
Talisman Weakness Exploit Lv. 2 with a ②②① slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Kinsect Supercharge
Attack Boost Lv.7 | Element Attack Lv.5
Weakness Exploit Lv.3 | Critical Boost Lv.3
Power Prolonger Lv.3 | Critical Eye Lv.3
Critical Element Lv.2 | Blood Rite Lv.2
Blood Awakening Lv.2 | Wirebug Whisperer Lv.1
Mail of Hellfire Lv.1 | Coalescence Lv.1
Bloodlust Lv.1 | Element Exploit Lv.1
Burst Lv.1 | Intrepid Heart Lv.1
Powder Mantle Lv.1 | Heaven-Sent Lv.1
Fire Only:
Burst Lv.3 | Teostra Blessing Lv.2
Ice/Water Only:
Kushala Blessing Lv.1/Lv.2
Dragon Only:
Critical Eye Lv.6 | Critical Element Lv.3
Burst Lv.3

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Mail of Hellfire
Kushala Blessing Lv.2 (for Ice build)

For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Blood Rite
Intrepid Heart
Frenzied Bloodlust
Build Merits and Notes
This build is an alternative to our Dragon Conversion sets, which replace it with Heaven-Sent to forego other sharpeness skills and Blood Awakening as another source of elemental damage. It can also be safer to run, especially in hunts against afflicted monsters or those with easily breakable parts due to the boosts gained when healing with attacks.
The chosen Insect Glaives are similar to our previous builds for their good element values and decent purple sharpness after adding anomaly slots. However, the Silver Spear takes over the Crimson Springwing thanks to its amazing slots and purple sharpness.
Any Kinsect will work with this build, but it is best used with Assist Kinsects for extra damage when using Tetraseal Slash. Powder Kinsects can also perform well for their detonations and potential for extra healing. If you're struggling with the increased stamina usage of Kinsect Supercharge, the anti-species rampage decorations are good alternatives.

Master Rank Insect Glaive Builds

High Rank Builds

MH Rise - High Rank Insect Glaive Build

Gathering Hub HR 4 - HR 100+

Whether you're just breaking in the High Rank at HR 4 or are just looking for some new strategies at HR 100, we've got the best High Rank Insect Glaive builds to spice up your hunts.

►High Rank Insect Glaive Builds

Latest Builds Rank
Master's Touch Narga Build HR 40+
Valstrax Bloodlust Glaive Build HR 100+

Low Rank Builds

MH Rise - Low Rank Insect Glaive Builds

Village Quests - Low Rank Hub

Check out the best Insect Glaive builds for Monster Hunter beginners or for speeding through Village Quests or Low Rank Gathering hub.

►Low Rank Insect Glaive Builds

Latest Builds Rank
Critical Eye + Constitution Build Village Quest ★4 to ★6

Best Kinsects


Name Bonus Base Stats
Boosted Powder Extract ・Power: 125
・Speed: 7
・Heal: 10
Exalted Alucanid
Boosted Powder Extract ・Power: 125
・Speed: 7
・Heal: 10
Powder Vortex ・Power: 90
・Speed: 8
・Heal: 17
Powder Vortex ・Power: 90
・Speed: 8
・Heal: 17

Late Game

Name Bonus Stats
Carnage Beetle
Dual Color (Attack) ・Power: 180
・Speed: 8
・Heal: 10
Monarch Alucanid
Dual Color (Attack) ・Power: 180
・Speed: 8
・Heal: 10
Charged Chain Attack ・Power: 144
・Speed: 14
・Heal: 12
Charged Chain Attack ・Power: 144
・Speed: 14
・Heal: 12

Early Game

Name Bonus Stats
Triple Up Time ・Power: 72
・Speed: 8
・Heal: 10
Triple Up Time ・Power: 72
・Speed: 8
・Heal: 10

Best Insect Glaive Skills

Best Damage Skills

These skills make it possible to deal extra damage! Aim for these skills for maximum DPS to defeat those monsters easier and finish those quests faster!

Best Skills Explanation
Weakness Exploit
A staple skill for any meta builds. With the Insect Glaive's mobility, it becomes easy to aim for enemy weakspots, which further increases the skill's value. Always max out this skill whenever possible.
Attack Boost
Increasing your Insect Glaive's attack rating is a good way to increase DPS.
Critical Eye
Increases critical chance, which works well with Insect Glaive. As much as possible, try to always reach close to 80-100% affinity.
Critical Boost
Further amplifies critical hit damage. Make sure to have high affinity first before equipping Critical Boost!
This skill works well with the Insect Glaive's fast combos, giving hunters that extra boost in DPS.
Element Attack
Sunbreak saw buffs for elemental damage, making elemental builds viable. Be sure to max out this skill to get the most out of its potential.
Fire | Water | Ice | Thunder | Dragon
Critical Element
For elemental builds, this skill contributes greatly to the damage dealt to a monster; best partnered with elemental builds focused on maxing out affinity.
Wind Mantle
The Insect Glaive benefits greatly from this skill inherent in the Risen Kushala Daora Armor, especially for an Aerial Playstyle.
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 3
Powder Mantle
The Insect Glaive fast attacking combos can activate this skill from the Risen Teostra Armor with ease, contributing greatly to DPS.
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 3
Dragon Conversion
When activated, this skill from the Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax Armor will benefit elemental Insect Glaives, increasing DPS even further!
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 4
Using the Red Scroll for elemental builds and the Blue Scroll for raw builds improves overall damage; just be wary of your health!
Available in Sunbreak Base Game
Overcome the Frenzy Virus to power up with this skill; best paired with Coalescence.
Available in Sunbreak Base Game

Best Comfort Skills

These are skills that make managing weapon mechanics a lot easier. Damage is only part of the equation - taking time to slot in comfort skills that increase consistency & comfort will also increase overall DPS!

Best Skills Explanation
Protective Polish
A neat skill to have for Insect Glaives because of how the sharpness rapidly decreases due to its fast attacking nature.
This skill can completely replace other sharpness skills and reduces stamina usage too. At max level, it can give infinite sharpness and stamina as long as you don't get hit!
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 5
Master's Touch
Ideal for high affinity Insect Glaive builds with an inherent high purple sharpness (e.g., Abyssal Insectoid) or sharpness that takes a long time to deplete (e.g., Crimson Springwing).
Power Prolonger
Extends the duration of Kinsects (from 90 seconds up to 126 seconds at lvl. 3), which improves your overall DPS.
Stamina Surge
Recovers your stamina quickly after a lengthy aerial + Diving Wyvern combo.
This skill will let you be in the air longer, amping your Diving Wyvern damage even more.
Speed Sharpening
Faster sharpening allows you to easily take a quick break in the middle of the fight to refresh your weapon's sharpness. Leads to an overall higher damage output for extended fights.
Evade Extender
Useful for closing the distance on big monsters during aerial dashes (e.g., Narwa, Ibushi, Gaismagorm).
Three levels of this skill prevent most roars, tremors, and winds from interrupting your combos. The Cornerstone Jewel is a level 1 decoration, so slot it in whenever possible!
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 1
Intrepid Heart
The Insect Glaive's fast combos will easily fill the gauge for this skill to activate; useful in preventing monster attacks from interrupting your combos, especially mid-air.
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 2

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MH Rise - Builds Partial Banner

All Builds and Best Equipment

• Weapons marked withNEW have been updated.
• Weapons withUP have been reviewed and does not warrant an updated build from the Bonus Update.
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Other Builds

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Palico | Palamute


15 Anonymousover 1 year

I have a para build I've been using and it works pretty good my opinion... The 3 pieces of heaven sent with head and waist from gold rath with the stratosphere glaive, with 1 aug for status and the rest on attack... Still unlocking decos, currently at Mr158

7 St3althint0rabout 2 years

I have always been a fan of the Chaotic Gore weapons, and my build uses Wehmut/Merveille + Exalted Alucanid, Arc Helm, R. Kaiser Mail, R Kushala Grande, S. Grudge Tassets and Malzeno Greaves. Can anyone possibly test this build out sometime? My hunter name is my username here. Also, can you possibly consider making a build for Chaotic Gore Insect Glaive? Thank you and please!


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