Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Dual Threat: Animose Crossing Quest and Rewards

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Dual Threat: Animose Crossing Quest Banner

This is a guide for Dual Threat: Animose Crossing, a Quest appearing in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Learn about Dual Threat: Animose Crossing's availability, unlock conditions, target Monsters, and rewards for completing the Quest here.

Dual Threat: Animose Crossing Basic Information

Lv M★6 Locale Forlorn Arena.pngForlorn Arena
Type Event Quest
Time Limit 50 mins. Reward Money 120600
Objective Hunt 2 Scorned Magnamalo
Other Conditions Reward hits 0, or time expires

Monsters Appearing in Dual Threat: Animose Crossing

Monster Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Area
Scorned Magnamalo IconScorned Magnamalo
(Forlorn Arena)
- - -

Forlorn Arena Map and Materials

Monster Weakness

Monster Fire Symbol (MHW).png Water Symbol (MHW).png Thunder Element (MHW).png Ice Element (MHW).png Dragon Element (MHW).png
Scorned Magnamalo.pngScorned Magnamalo 0 18 14 7 0

Higher numbers indicates higher damage potential for that element.

Dual Threat: Animose Crossing Rewards

Bloodmalice Layered Armor Set

The Bloodmalice Layered Armor is a combination of the finest designs from Kamura and Elgado. You'll earn the right to wear it after obtaining Heavenly Silk from this quest!

Bloodmalice Layered Armor for Hunter

Guaranteed Gold Crowns

MH Rise Sunbreak Scorned Magnamalo Gold Crowns

Both Scorned Magnamalo in the quest are crown-sized, giving out both large and small gold crowns. Take advantage of this quest to earn the Miniature Crown Shield and Gold Crown Shield awards!

Sunbreak Awards and Achievements

Guild Card Titles

New Guild Card Titles
Punishment Magnificent
Entertainer Carnage
Outcome Flare
Legitimate All You Can
Friction Tempura

Additional Guild Card titles that show off your triumph against this dangerous duo will also be awarded after the quest.

All Guild Card Title Rewards

Target Rewards

Scorned Magnamalo
(Master Rank)
Item Name Drop Rate (#)
Begrudged Rancorscale 18%
Magna Armored Cortex 28%
Surging Armblade 21%
Moaning Bladeshell 8%
Magnamalo Tail+ 6%
Magna Barrierprism 16%
Magna Glare Eye 3%

Quest Rewards

Rewards Drop Rate
Melding Blood -
Golden Egg -
King Armor Sphere (x1-2)
Outfit Voucher+ (x1-2)
Heavenly Silk (x1-3)
Sovereign Jewel (x2)

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

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