Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Status Boost, Abnormal Status, and Elemental Blight Guide

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Status Effects and Elemental Blight

This is a guide to Status Boost effects, Abnormal Status effects, and Elemental Blights in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. If you want to know more about the status effects and blights, new elemental statuses, and how to remove blights and negative status effects, read on!

Status Boosts

List of Status Boosts and Effects

Status Effects
MH Rise - Attack Boost Icon
Attack Boost
Buffs the Hunter's Attack for a period of time.
MH Rise - Elemental Attack Boost Icon
Elemental Boost
Increases the Hunter's Elemental Damage for a period of time.
MH Rise Sunbreak - Abnormal Status iconAbnormal Status Boost Increases the Hunter's Status buildup for a period of time.
MH Rise - Affinity Up Icon
Affinity Up
Temporarily raises the Hunter's Affinity.
MH Rise - Defense Up Icon
Defense Up
Increases the Hunter's Defense for a period of time.
MH Rise - Stamina Use Reduced Icon
Stamina Use Reduced
Reduce the stamina consumption of moves and attacks performed by Hunter.
MH Rise - Stamina Recovery Up Icon
Stamina Recovery Up
Temporarily increases the recovery rate of Hunter's stamina.
MH Rise Sunbreak - Infinite Stamina icon
Infinite Stamina
Moves and attacks performed by the Hunter do not affect their stamina.
MH Rise - Gourmet Fish Effect Icon
Gourmet Fish Effect
Regenerates a certain amount of the Hunter's Health in intervals.
MH Rise - Immunity Icon
Cures and prevents status ailments while active.
MH Rise - Natural Healing Up Icon
Natural Healing Up
Increases the amount of health that can be recovered. This increases the amount of the red recovarable health in the Hunter's health bar.
MH Rise - Blowback Negated / Sonic Barrier Icon
Blowback Negated / Sonic Barrier
Prevents Hunter from being blown away by Monster attacks.
MH Rise - Divine Protection Icon
Divine Protection
Chance to decrease the amount of damage taken by Hunter from Monsters.
MH Rise - Self-Improvement Icon
Boosts the Hunter's movement speed and prevents attacks from being deflected.
MH Rise - Knockbacks Negated
Knockbacks Negated
Momentarily prevents Hunter from taking Knockbacks.
MH Rise - Tremor Negated Icon
Tremor Negated
Protects Hunters from Tremors made by Monsters.
MH Rise - Wind Pressure Negated Icon
Wind Pressure Negated
Protects Hunters from Wind Pressure made by Monsters.
MH Rise - Stun Negated Icon
Stun Negated
Momentarily prevents the Hunter from being inflicted with Stun status effect.
MH Rise - Blight Negated Icon
Blight Negated
Prevents and nullifies all Blight status effects from inflciting the Hunter.
MH Rise - Health Regeneration Icon
Health Regeneration
Gradually restore the health of Hunter for a period of time.
MH Rise - Sharpness Loss Reduced Icon
Sharpness Loss Reduced
Temporarily reduce Hunter's loss of weapon sharpness.
MH Rise - Environment Damage Negated Icon
Environment Damage Negated
Terrain-based damage are nullified temporarily.
MH Rise - Earplugs S and Earplugs L Icon
Earplugs (S) / Earplugs (L)
• Earplugs (S) - Nullifies weak Monster roars.
• Earplug (L) - Nullifies strong Monster roars.
MH Rise - Infernal Melody Icon
Infernal Melody
When active, this will boost Hunter's Attack considerably.
MH Rise Sunbreak - Frenzy Immunity icon
Frenzy Immunity
The Hunter is immune to Frenzy and won't experience Frenzy buildup.
MH Rise Sunbreak - Evade Window Up icon
Evade Window Up
The Hunter has increased Evade Window.
MH Rise Sunbreak - Grinder (S) Icon
Grinder (S)
Temporarily boosts sharpness properties.
MH Rise Sunbreak - Status Trigger Icon
Status Trigger
All hits inflict abnormal Status buildup for a period of time.
MH Rise - Attack Boost Icon
Elemental Resistance Up
Buffs all elemental resistance for the Hunter. This is currently unique to Dragon Conversion.

Status Boosts or Buffs are positive effects bestowed upon the hunter or buddy for a set period of time.

Status Boost Duration and Value Varies

Each effect duration may vary depending on their source (provided through skills, items, hunting horn songs, or endemic life.)

Skills like Burst will give an Attack Up for only a very small window compared to Dereliction which gives Attack Up for the entire duration of the hunt as long as the skill is equipped.

Also note that for some boosts, the value indicating them can be stacked. This means that while you may only see one icon of Attack Up, both the effects of Burst and Dereliction can be stacked together.

How to Activate Status Buffs

Eating Dangos

MH Rise - Hunter Getting a Boost from Dangos
A variety of status boosts can easily be activated just by eating Dangos before or during hunts. Just approach any of the Canteens in Kamura Village or enter any Camps during quests.

List of Dangos and Effects

Interact with Endemic Life

MH Rise - Lampsquids

Interacting with Perma Buffers and Temp Buffers will provide status boosts for Hunters. Keep your eyes peeled for these endemic lifeforms during your hunts.

List of Endemic Life

Use the Hunting Horn

MH Rise - Hunting Horn Self Improvement

Hunting Horn is capable of a variety of status buffs and support skills. This weapon type is essential for tough hunts like Apex Monster hunts.

Hunting Horn Songs and Effects

Palico Support

Palico Mimi - Equipped Moves

Some Palicoes are adept in support skills, other than the healing kind, these skills can potentially make or break a hunt.

Best Builds and Equipment for Palicoes

Some Skills Will Give You Boosts

Some skills from armor, decorations, and talismans will give you status boosts after fulfilling certain conditions like waiting for a period of time, applying consecutive strikes, or being afflicted with a status effect.

Maximum Might, for example, gives you Affinity Up so as long as you have your stamina full for a short period of time. Similar applies to Peak Performance, where you get an Attack Boost for keeping your health full.

Checking if you have Status Boost icons is a way to help you are getting status buffs from a certain skill!

List of Armor Skills

Elemental Blights on Hunters

List of Elemental Blights

Blight Effect and Solutions
MH Rise - Fireblight
Damage over time

• Use Nulberry
• Dodge roll thrice (3x)
• Dodge roll once (1x) when on water
• Wait for effects to wear off
MH Rise - Waterblight
Slow stamina recovery

• Use Nulberry
• Repeatedly dodge roll
• Repeatedly Wiredash
• Wait for effects to wear off
MH Rise - Thunderblight
More susceptible to stuns
• Use Nulberry
• Repeatedly dodge roll
• Wait for effects to wear off
MH Rise - Iceblight
Slow Wirebug gauge recovery

• Use Nulberry
• Repeatedly dodge roll
• Wait for effects to wear off
MH Rise - Dragonblight
Weapon element and status effects are nullified

• Use Nulberry
• Repeatedly dodge roll
• Wait for effects to wear off

Elemental Blights are ailments caused by special, element-based monster attacks. Elemental attacks from monsters may be signified by their attack colors and other visual cues.

Each elemental blight is unique and can be cured through different ways: either in the field through a prescribed item or a remedy such as repeated dodge rolls.

Curing Elemental Blights

Cure Elemental Blights Using Nulberries

MH Rise - Use Nulberry during Fireblights

All elemental blights can be cured by using Nulberries so when fighting a monster with elements, always make sure to bring a full stack!

Cure Elemental Blights with Dodge Rolls and Evasion

MH Rise - Cure Fireblight by Rolling

In case you forget to bring Nulberries, all elemental blights can be cured by repeatedly doing dodge rolls.

In the case of Fireblight, you can roll three times on land or once in water to get rid it quickly. Get rid of it quickly since it does steady damage to you over time!

Have Wide Range for Curing Elemental Blights

If anyone in the hunting party has a Wide Range skill, it can be paired with items like the Nulberry to cure nearby hunters or buddies afflicted with elemental blights.

This skill is best used if there are hunters who do not have cures at present, cannot use items, or have run out. Best to communicate with the party regarding what items they have during a hunt before going with this skill!

Mitigating and Preventing Elemental Blights

Elemental Resistance Skills
Status Effects
Blight Resistance At Lv 3, this will prevent any elemental blight.
MH Rise Sunbreak Fire ResistanceFire Resistance Having a Fire Resistance of 20 or above will prevent Fireblight.
MH Rise Sunbreak Water ResistanceWater Resistance Having a Water Resistance of 20 or above will prevent Waterblight.
MH Rise Sunbreak Thunder ResistanceThunder Resistance Having a Thunder Resistance of 20 or above will prevent Thunderblight.
MH Rise Sunbreak Ice ResistanceIce Resistance Having an Ice Resistance of 20 or above will prevent Iceblight.
MH Rise Sunbreak Dragon ResistanceDragon Resistance Having a Dragon Resistance of 20 or above will prevent Dragonblight.
Unique Resistance-Modifying Skills
Defense Boost Raises all elemental resistances by +3/+5 (depending on level).
Present in various armor or talismans.
Dragonheart Sets all elemental resistances to 30/50 when 50%/70%/80% (depending on level) of your health remains. You will be under Dragonblight while this is active, but will be immune to other blights.
Present in Crimson Glow Valstrax Armor or obtained on an armor piece through Qurious Armor Crafting.
Furious Gives +5/+10/+20 to all elemental resistances (depending on level) when the Red Swap Scroll is active.
Present in Furious Rajang Armor or obtained on an armor piece through Qurious Armor Crafting.
Dragon Conversion Gives +3/+5/+10 to all elemental resistances (depending on level) when the Blue Swap Scroll is active. Starting at Lv. 2, a buff while on the Swap Blue Scroll will further give +15 to all resistances.
Present in Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax armor.

Each elemental blight can have their duration reduced by having Blight Resistance Lv. 1-2 equipped.

For their prevention, there are two ways: by having Blight Resistance Lv. 3 or having an elemental resistance of 20 and above.

Remember that this does not nullify damage caused blights—only the blight itself. Elemental resistance, however, will naturally reduce the damage you take from elemental attacks.

Raising an elemental resistance above 20 while affected by a blight will not cure that blight. It will have to be cured by the usual means.

Elemental Blights on Monsters

List of Elemental Blights on Monsters

Blight Effects
MH Rise - FireblightFireblight • Damage over time
• Monster is more likely to flinch
MH Rise - WaterblightWaterblight • Monster Hide becomes softer
• Gives opportunity to damage parts where your weapon usually bounce off
MH Rise - ThunderblightThunderblight • Monster can be stunned even when hit with non-blunt weapons
• Stun damage will accumulate even if hit on other parts but will trigger the stun when hit on the head!
MH Rise - IceblightIceblight • Monster will have reduced movement speed
• No effect on exhausted monsters

Like hunters and buddies, monsters are also subject to the effects of Elemental Blights.

However, you cannot simply apply through Elemental Weapons, and must be applied through other means listed below.

How to Deal Elemental Blights Against Monsters

Use Elemental Beetles

MH Rise - Firebeetle

In Monster Hunter Rise, monsters can be afflicted by elemental blights by using the elemental Beetles in the map!

To easily induce blights to monsters, the following endemic life is scattered in the battlefield:

Endemic Life Effect
MH Rise - BeetleFirebeetle Induces fireblight to the monster
Induces waterblight to the monster
Induces thunderblight to the monster
Induces iceblight to the monster

List of Endemic Life

Use Wyvern Riding Attacks

MH Rise - Wyvern Riding

While riding monsters using Wyvern Riding, some moves allow you to induce elemental blights to another monster e.g. Mizutsune's water breath attack (waterblight) and Rathalos' Mounted Punisher (fireblight)!

Wyvern Riding Guide: Best Monsters to Wyvern Ride

Abnormal Status Effects on Hunters

List of Abnormal Status Effects

Status Effect and Solutions
MH Rise - BleedBleed
Damage over time

• Stand still (slow recovery)
• Crouch (fast recovery)
• Eat Sushifish or Gourmet Fish
MH Rise - BloodblightBloodblight
Natural health recovery reduced and red health slowly decreases; health recovered from potions decreased

⦿ Bloodblight will often come from the attacks of Malzeno and Afflicted Monsters
• Deal damage in order to recover health
• Wait for effect to wear off
MH Rise - FrenzyFrenzy
Natural health recovery disappears; damage taken from all attacks increased when gauge fills up

⦿ This is a unique status caused by attacks from Gore Magala and Shagaru Magala, or by having the Bloodlust skill equipped.
• Continue attacking before gauge fills up
• Reduce buildup gauge with Nulberries
MH Rise - PoisonPoison and Venom
Damage over time

• Use Antidote or Herbal Medicine
• Wait for the effect to wear off
MH Rise - StunStun
Unable to move for a short while

• Mash evade and movement keys
• Wait for the effect to wear off
• Get knocked back by an attack
MH Rise - ParalysisParalysis
Unable to move for a short while

• Mash evade and movement keys
• Wait for the effect to wear off
• Get knocked back by an attack
MH Rise - SleepSleep
Gradually puts you to sleep; damage received is increased

• Use Energy Drink before you fall asleep completely
• Receive an attack while asleep
• Wait for the effect to wear off
MH Rise - Blastblight
A short time or after being blown back, an explosion will trigger, causing damage

• Use Deodorant
• Repeatedly dodge roll
• Wiredash
MH Rise - Hellfireblight
A short time or after being blown back, an explosion will trigger, causing damage

⦿ Can be caused by attacks from Magnamalo and Scorned Magnamalo, or triggered by the skill Hellfire Cloak Lv 3.
• Use Deodorant
• Repeatedly dodge roll
• Wiredash to leave behind a hellfire cloud that explodes when hit or after time.
MH Rise - Defense DownDefense Down
Lowers your defense stats making you take more damage

• Use Adamant Seed or Armorskin
• Wait for the effect to wear off
MH Rise - Resistance DownResistance Down
Lowers your elemental resistance making you more susceptible to elemental blights

• Use a Nulberry
• Wait for the effect to wear off
MH Rise - StenchStench
Prevents you from using health and stamina recovery items

• Use a Deodorant
• Wait for the effect to wear off
MH Rise - BubbleBubble (S) and Bubble (L)
Bubbles accumulate and makes movement harder

⦿ Caused by Mizutsune's bubbles or triggered through through dodge rolling with the equipped skill Bubbly Dance Lv 3.
• Use a Cleanser
• Receive an attack
MH Rise - WebbedWebbed
Prevents movement, attacks and evasion while affected

• Use a Cleanser
• Mash buttons and rotate Left Analog Stick
MH Rise - LeechedLeeched
Damage over time

• Repeatedly dodge roll
• Use a Kunai to remove
• Wiredash

Abnormal Status Effects or Status Ailments are usually negative effects applied by monsters on hunters or buddies.

Most of these effects cannot be mitigated, cured, or prevented through the same means that are used for Elemental Blights. They must be cured through other means.

Some status effects can be taken advantaged of and turned into to buffs by fulfilling certain conditions and having the right equipment.

How to Cure Abnormal Status Effects

Keep Recovery Items on Hand

MH Rise - Use Items to Cure Status

Always know which abnormal status effect a monster can give your hunter. Knowing this allows you to prepare the necessary cures before the hunt!

Do not forget to check your Item Loadout via the Equipment Box every time. If you are lacking items, you can always buy from Kagero the Merchant or the Gathering Hub Merchant in Kamura, or Oboro the Merchant in Elgado.

Refer to the table before this section for the cure to every abnormal status effect!

Have Wide Range for Curing Abnormal Status

Just like for Elemental Blights, the Wide Range skill can be used for recovery items like the Antidote to cure nearby hunters and buddies afflicted with abnormal status.

Wide Range applies with the most radius at Lv. 5. Make the best use of it by communicating or predicting when your party needs it the most!

Cure Poison with a Hunting Horn Song

The Hunting Horn has specific hunting horns that have Health Recovery (S) + Antidote which can be used to cure hunters in a party afflicted with poison.

Look out for this song if you are fighting monsters that can inflict poison!

Hunting Horn Songs and Effects

Use Abnormal Status Effects to Your Advantage

Status Strategy
MH Rise - BloodblightBloodblight This is best taken advantaged of in conjunction with Blood Rite and Recovery Up
MH Rise - FrenzyFrenzy Recovering from this effect will grant you increased affinity for a period time. Ideally paired with Resuscitate or Coalescence.
MH Rise - Hellfireblight
The explosion trigger left by Hellfireblight can be valuable in getting the first monster KO.
Performance with this blight be improved with Hellfire Cloak ramp-up skill.
MH Rise - BubbleBubble (S) and Bubble (L) Have the Bubbly Dance skill at Lv 2 and above to keep Bubbleblight Minor and get increased invasion. This can be paired with Hellfire Blight to increase the uptime of status-dependent buffs like Resuscitate and Coalescence.

Some Abnormal Status Effects can be turned against the monster by using skills that boost your stats when you are afflicted or recovering from a status effect.

Coalescence and Resuscitate are great general skills to have if your DPS depends heavily on their usage. However, you might want to prioritize Attack Boost, Critical Eye and Element Attack first if you feel getting buffs from status effects are situational.

Resentment is another one but only benefits from red health gained from certain statuses like Frenzy and Poison that causes tick damage. This is best reserved for other unique skills that provide better skill uptime, like Dereliction and Berserk.

Mitigating and Preventing Abnormal Status Effects

Abnormal Status Effect Resistance Skills
Skill Effects
Poison Resistance Prevent Poison at Lv. 3.
Paralysis Resistance Prevent Paralysis at Lv. 3.
Sleep Resistance Prevent Sleep at Lv. 3.
Stun Resistance Prevent Stun at Lv. 3.
Blast Resistance Prevent Blast at Lv. 3.
Unique Resistance Skills
Teostra Blessing Prevent poison and venom at Lv. 3.
Hellfire Cloak Reduces damage from hellfire at Lv. 1.
Bubbly Dance Reduces Bubbeblight effects, and reduces any large forms of Bubbleblight to small at Lv. 2.

Unlike Elemental Blights, Abnormal Status Effects are unique and cannot simply be cured by Blight Resistance.

Therefore, specific skills exist to reduce their and duration and ultimately prevent such status effects.

Abnormal Status Effects on Monsters

List of Abnormal Status Effects on Monsters

Status Effect
MH Rise - PoisonPoison and Venom • Deals damage over time
• Increased damage when exhausted
MH Rise - ParalysisParalysis • Unable to move for a short period
• Increased effectiveness when exhausted
MH Rise - SleepSleep • Puts the monster to sleep
• First attack that wakes it up (wake-up attack) deals double damage
MH Rise - Blastblight Blast • Builds up overtime before dealing damage.
• Monster skin toughness is ignored
MH Rise - StunStun • Occurs when the head is attacked by a blunt weapon
• Could also occur when attacked while having thunderblight
MH Rise - Exhaust Blue Icon Weak Monster.Exhaust • Naturally occurring status effect on monster
• Usually denoted by slower movement and dripping saliva on mouth

Like hunters and buddies, monsters can also be afflicted by abnormal status.

Easier to Apply on Monsters

Compared to elemental blights, it is much easier to cause these status effects thanks to weapons with the Status attribute.

Each monster has a unique Status Threshold, and reaching this threshold will activate the status. You can refer to a monster's threshold by checking Ailments tab under Large Monsters in the Hunter's Notes.

How to Deal Abnormal Status Effects Against Monsters

Use Status Weapons

MH Rise - Status Weapons

If your build focuses on inflicting abnormal status effects, use a status weapon that has fast multi-hits like the Dual Blades and Sword and Shield. This allows you to accumulate status onto a monster more quickly!

Equip Skills that Boost Status Buildup

Skill Effects
Slugger Increases monster stun buildup.
Stamina Thief Increases monster exhaust buildup.
Poison Attack Increases monster poison buildup.
Sleep Attack Increases monster sleep chance buildup.
Paralysis Attack Increases monster paralysis buildup.
Blast Attack Increases monster blast buildup.
Charge Master Increases status buildup from charge attacks.
Status Trigger Increased abnormal status buildups on hits with your weapon after a perfectly timed-evade.

Status effects can be applied quicker on monsters by having skills like Status Trigger equipped while using Status Weapons.

Use Wyvern Riding Attacks

Wyvern Riding Elemental Blight

Like elemental bights, some moves while riding a monster induces status e.g. Rathian's somersault attack can inflict poison onto an opposing monster!

Stun using Blunt Weapons

Blunt Damage Stun Lock versus Chameleos

Blunt weapons like the Hammer and Hunting Horn can inherently stun and exhaust monsters when hit on the head. The Hammer's silkbind switch skill, Impact Burst, adds more buildup for stun.

Alternatively, the Bow's Exhaust Coating can also induce exhaust.

All Weapon Type and Guides

Use Endemic Life and Items

Endemic Life.jpg

Endemic life like the Poisontoad can be found across a locale for use against monsters.

Also, you can use items like Tinged Meat that induces status effects!

List of Items

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

MH Rise - Game Mechanics Partial Banner
All Game Mechanics Guides

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Getting Started
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Can I Change My Name? Can I Change Gender?
Hunter and Monster Stats
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Attack and Elemental Attack Defense and Elemental Defense
Affinity and Negative Affinity Monster Size and Effects
Abnormal Status and Elemental Blight Guide Buff Duration: How Long Do Buffs Last?
Weapon and Armor-Related Guides
How to Rollback Weapons How to Forge Weapons and Armor
Damage Types: Difference Between Sever, Blunt, Projectile Damage How to Use Weapon and Armor Designs
How to Change Armor Pigment How to Hide Armor Pieces
How to Upgrade Kinsects How Does Sharpness Work?
Qurious Crafting:
Armor Augments
Chaotic Gore Magala Weapons Explained
Gameplay Features
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How to Lock-On and Target Settings Switch Skills Guide
Wyvern Riding Guide Turf Wars
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Unchangeable Appearance Features How to Fast Travel
Fishing Guide Quest Completion Rewards
How to Carry Eggs Respawn Timers
Melding Pot Guide Solo and Multiplayer Guide
Crafting List How to Use Photo Mode
List of Lottery Prizes How to Save the Game
Character Edit Vouchers
Online Play
Multiplayer and Co-op Guide Hunter Connect and Like Function
How to use the Chat Feature How to Use Gestures
Join Requests Guide How Does Difficulty Scaling Work?


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