Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

MH Rise vs World: New Features and Unique Game Mechanics

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Monster Hunter Rise - MH Rise vs. World Banner

Let us take a look at the key differences between Monster Hunter Rise and World! See what the new features in MH Rise vs World are, including the Wirebug, the Palamute, locales and maps, its multiplayer feature, and more!

MH World vs MH Rise Summary

If you are a Hunter fresh from MH World or just someone looking to know the difference between Rise and World, here are a few key differences between the two:

Key Features MH World MH RIse
Mounting Monsters Mounting Wyvern Riding
Map Traversal Clutch Claw Wirebugs
Wall Running No Yes
Switchable Attacks No Switchable Attacks Switch Skills
Special Attacks No Special Attacks Silkbind Attacks
Buddies Palico
Canteen Choose the Food Items Choose the Dango Flavor
Fully Voiced Hunter No Yes
Buddies in Multiplayer Fills missing slot in Multiplayer Each Hunter can bring one
Gathering Hub Maximum of 16 per Hub Maximum of 4 per Hub
Skill Equipment Craftable Talismans,
Random Decorations
Craftable Decorations,
Random Talismans
Monster Tracking Uses Scoutflies to find tracks Uses Cohoots to Scout. Locations are immediately marked on the map
Follower Collab Quests No Follower Collab Quests
Weapon Augmentation Weapon Augments include Defense Boost, Health Regen, and Slot Augment Qurious Weapon Crafting
Armor Augmentation Raises maximum defense cap only Qurious Armor Crafting
Postgame System The Guiding Lands Anomaly Investigations

Wyvern Riding

Ride Monsters Into Battle

MH Rise - Wyvern Riding Evade to Counter

You can mount and control monsters with the Ironsilk from your Wirebugs! It is an improved version of the Mounting mechanic back in Monster Hunter World since you can now fully control the attacks, actions, and movement of monsters while mounted.

You also have the option of launching a monster at another monster or a wall, similar to the Clutch Claw move and Flinch Shot from MH World.

Comprehensive Wyvern Riding Guide


Wirebug Features

MH Rise - Wirebug Fall Cushion

The Wirebugs allow the hunter to jump and dash ahead by grappling with this flying companion. This also allows hunters to execute aerial attacks as well as new moves called Silkbind Attacks. This feature is a massive help in exploring locales and hunting monsters.

Recover with Wirefall

MH Rise Magnamalo KO Move

With the Wirebug, you can recover quickly after getting knocked down by a monster's attack.

Complete Wirebug Guide

Silkbind Attack

MH Rise - Silkbind Attack

All 14 weapons have new moves called Silkbind Attacks that use up Wirebugs when executed. These are similar to the Hunter Arts from Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (MHGU). Each weapon has different Silkbind Attacks, so make sure you check them out!

All Weapon Guides

Switch Skills

GS Adamant Charge Slash

You can use and choose Switch Skills, or alternate moves, to make your hunter feel unique. Whether it's regular or Silkbind Attacks, you're free to pick Switch Skills that suit your playstyle. With the Sunbreak DLC expansion, you can even use multiple movesets while hunting with Switch Skill Swap.

Switch Skills Guide

New Buddies


MH Rise - Canyne Tails Palamute Layered

If you loved the addition of Raider Rides in Iceborne, you now have a similar but permanent member to your team called the Palamute! Not only can you ride it around different locales, but it can also assist you in combat!

Palamute Guide and Controls


MH Rise - Reindeer Party Cohoot Outfit

You also get the cute Cohoot, which you can dress up, pet, and give food to, just like your Palamute and Palico. It will also tell you the position of Monsters during hunts. Plus, visiting its nest will give you a different reward every time.

Cohoots work like Scoutflies from MH World but monsters are already marked in the map the moment you enter a locale. With this there's no need to investigate or collect monster tracks to search for a monster.

What is a Cohoot?

New Base and New Locales

Kamura Village

MH Rise - Kamura Village

Kamura Village is the new base of operations in MH Rise. The buildings in Kamura Village resemble traditional Japanese buildings, and its inhabitants wear traditional Japanese clothing as well. It serves the purpose of assisting the hunter as well as providing insight into the culture of this game's lore.

Kamura Village

The Rampage at Kamura Village

MH Rise - The Rampage

50 years ago, a deluge of monsters came to attack Kamura Village, nearly wiping the population to nothing. This event earned the name The Rampage. You encounter the Rampage a few times while playing through the game, as well as it being an integral part in progressing the main story.

It has a tower defense style of gameplay and will be its own kind of quest.

What is the Rampage?

New Training Area

MH Rise - Training Area

There is a brand new training area with a really large monster to test your weapons, wirebug attacks, and switch skills on. Moreover, it is no longer limited to one person; you can now train with other hunters!

Training Area Guide

New Maps and Locales

MH Rise - Shrine Ruins

Locales and maps are not as intricate as they used to be in World. MH World's map can have at most four levels which leaves more space for exploration. So far the maps for each locale in Rise are two levels at most, making the locales relatively smaller than that of World's.

List of Locales and Maps

Elgado Outpost

MH Rise Sunbreak - Elgado Outpost

Much like Seliana in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, Elgado Outpost is the equivalent Master Rank base of operations for MH Rise: Sunbreak. This also serves as the base for the Knights of the Royal Order, new characters that you can help you out in new single player quests called Follower Collab Quests.

Elgado Outpost

New Endemic Life

MH Rise - Blastoad in Shrine Ruins

Endemic lifeforms or Endemic Life in MH Rise are not just collectibles anymore, unlike in MHW. All of them provide a bonus to the hunter during Quests, and some can even be carried along like an Item found within your Helper Cage!


MH Rise - Permabuffer

This type of endemic life increases your stat for the duration of the hunt. Stamina would still decrease over time during hunts but the max stamina would still increase with each Yellow Spiribird.

Temp Buffer

MH Rise - Monster Hunter Rise - Clothfly

Temp buffers are buffs that make your stats higher for a period of time. This type does not last long unlike the Permabuffers.

List of Endemic Life

New Equipment and New Food


MH Rise - Petalace

Petalaces are new hunting tools that provide several direct boosts to the hunter's stats. Lore-wise, it causes Spiribirds to get close to you, showering you with their buffing pollen.

It serves a similar function to Charms from previous games, these equipment offer unique buffs to hunters.

List of Petalaces

Bunny Dango

MH Rise - Bunny Dango

You can get Bunny Dangos from Yomogi at the Tea Shop and the canteen at the Gathering Hub.

Dangos buff your max health and stamina. They also provide additional effects that help with each hunt. Some dangos improve certain resistances from elements, you can mix and match dangos depending on your hunt or on the quest you want to take.

Best Dango Combinations: Dango Tier List

New Multiplayer Features

Hub Quests

MH Rise - Quest Difficulty Scaling

Hub Quests, unlike Village Quests, can be played in either single-player or multiplayer. The difficulty also scales appropriately whenever people join or leave the quest.

Hub Quest Guide and List of Hub Quests

Hunter Connect

Hunter Connect is essentially matchmaking for hunters. You will need to create your own Hunter Connect with the appropriate details, such as the time you want to hunt and what kind of hunters you're looking for (beginners, veterans, etc.).

You can also create a whole Lobby that only other hunters with the same Hunter Connect can find! This way, you can meet and play with like-minded hunters.


Right after a hunt with other hunters, you can choose to send a Like to another hunter. If both of you send each other a Like, it'll become Mutual Likes, and it'll be easier to find each other's Lobbies for future hunts!

Hunter Connect and Like Function

Photo Mode


You can take pictures of anything you want, such as Endemic Life, Monsters, or other Hunters! You can also get your Cohoot to take a group picture of you and your friends.

How to Take Pictures with the Camera:
Photo Mode

Should You Buy MH Rise?

Monster Hunter Rise - Apex Zinogre Emergency Banner Icon

Yes. We highly recommend getting Monster Hunter Rise, but you can also get Monster Hunter World. Both offer a wealth of content but as a successor to MH World, MH Rise has better features with its Wirebug function, Switch Skills, and improved multiplayer features. The loading times have greatly improved compared to the console version of MH World too.

MH Rise gets even better with the Sunbreak expansion released on June 30, 2022, with additional updates releasing all the way until 2023. This DLC introduces new monsters, new locales, and new systems that set it further apart from MH World and Iceborne.

But if you are itching to explore the world of Monster Hunter to its fullest extent you can get Monster Hunter World: Iceborne and enjoy hours of content ready for you.

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