Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Damage Types: Difference Between Sever, Blunt, Projectile Damage

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damage types sever blunt and projectile banner.pngIn Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise), there are three types of damage: sever, blunt, and projectile. Each of them have their own benefits and effectiveness on monsters' body parts. Find out more about each damage type by reading on!

Damage Types: Sever, Blunt, Projectile

Sever Damage Type

Monster Hunter Rise (Tigrex) - Severing the Tail.gif

Sever damage allows you to cut the tail off of a lot of monsters, which you can then carve for materials.

Sever Damage-Dealing Weapons
Long Sword IconLong Sword Dual Blades IconDual Blades
Insect Glaive IconInsect Glaive Switch Axe IconSwitch Axe
Great Sword IconGreat Sword* Sword & Shield IconSword & Shield*
Lance IconLance* Gunlance IconGunlance*
Charge Blade IconCharge Blade* Light Bowgun IconLight Bowgun*
Heavy Bowgun IconHeavy Bowgun*

*This weapon can also deal a different type of damage.

Great Sword Sever Damage

Most of the Great Sword's attacks deal sever damage, save for a couple moves.

Sword & Shield Sever Damage

All the attacks done with the sword deal sever damage.

Lance Sever Damage

All the attacks done with the lance itself deal sever damage.

Gunlance Sever Damage

The Gunlance mostly deals sever damage. Meanwhile, most of its shelling deals fixed damage, meaning it deals the same damage regardless of whatever body part it hits.

Charge Blade Sever Damage

The Charge Blade can deal sever damage when you have either an Elemental or Impact Charge Blade with no phials active.

Slicing Ammo (Light Bowgun and Heavy Bowgun)

slicing ammo.gif
Light Bowguns and Heavy Bowguns, if they have the capacity for it, can fire Slicing Ammo. Slicing Ammo deals sever damage, so when aimed at the tail, it can definitely cut it off. If you look closely, you can see that it has a special slicing animation when it goes off!

Blunt Damage Type

blunt damage stunlock versus chameleos.gif
Blunt damage can stun a monster whenever it hits the monster's head, giving you time to whale on the monster with powerful combos. Whenever you hit the head with blunt damage, it has a small lightning animation upon hit.

Blunt Damage-Dealing Weapons
Hammer IconHammer Hunting Horn IconHunting Horn
Great Sword IconGreat Sword* Sword & Shield IconSword & Shield*
Lance IconLance* Gunlance IconGunlance*
Charge Blade IconCharge Blade* Light Bowgun IconLight Bowgun*
Heavy Bowgun IconHeavy Bowgun*

*This weapon can also deal a different type of damage.

Great Sword Blunt Damage

Tackle Attack Side Blow Attack

A couple of the Great Sword's attacks deal blunt damage: the Side Blow attack as well as the Tackle attack.

Sword & Shield Blunt Damage

shield bash attack (sword and shield).gif
The Sword & Shield's Shield Bash attack can deal blunt damage.

Lance Blunt Damage

shield bash attack (lance).gif
The Lance's Shield Bash attack can deal blunt damage.

Gunlance Blunt Damage

wyrmstake cannon (gunlance).gif
While it's very niche, the Gunlance can deal blunt damage. It can only be dealt with the Wyrmstake Cannon attack, and is limited to Wide Shelling Type.

Charge Blade Blunt Damage

roundslash guard point (charge blade).gif
The Charge Blade can deal blunt damage when you have an Impact Charge Blade and the phials are active. Same goes for Elemental Charge Blades with Impact Phials equipped and active.

It can also deal blunt damage with Guard Points and perfectly-timed blocks if the shield is charged.

Light Bowgun Blunt Damage

melee attack (light bowgun).gif
The Light Bowgun's Melee Attack is the only attack that can deal blunt damage.

Heavy Bowgun Blunt Damage

melee attack (heavy bowgun).gif
The Heavy Bowgun's Melee Attack is the only attack that can deal blunt damage.

Sticky Ammo (Light Bowgun and Heavy Bowgun)

sticky ammo.gif
If the Light Bowgun or Heavy Bowgun has the capacity for it, they can use Sticky Ammo on monsters' heads to deal blunt damage!

Projectile Damage Type

bow versus apex rathian (projectile damage).gif

Projectile damage is unique to ranged weapons. As you may already know, ranged weapons are known for the wide variation of ammo and phials you can use.

Ranged weapons also have critical distance, which determines how much damage you do depending on how far away you are from the monster.

Projectile Damage-Dealing Weapons
Light Bowgun IconLight Bowgun* Heavy Bowgun IconHeavy Bowgun*
Bow IconBow

*This weapon can also deal a different type of damage.

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