Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Best Item Loadouts: Which Items to Bring

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Best Item Loadouts: Which Items to Bring

This is a guide to the best Loadouts for each quest in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Read on to see all the best loadouts, best items to always have, and best item ingredients to carry.

Best Item Loadouts

Generally Good Items Mid-Level Quests High-Level / Difficult Quests
Situational Items / Counter Items Valuable Crafting Items Multiplayer Items and Skills
Ammo and Coatings

Generally Good Items

Item List
Potion.pngPotion Ration.pngRation Shock Trap.pngShock Trap
Tranq Bomb.pngTranq Bomb Powercharm.pngPowercharm Armorcharm.pngArmorcharm

This is the usual basic items you'll want on hunts. Make sure to at least make a single loadout that has all of these in your inventory to speed up your hunting preparation!

Powercharm and Armorcharm can stack with Powertalon and Armortalon, so once you have acquired those items, have them both in your inventory to boost both your damage and defense even further.

This loadout is enough for the majority of quests in low rank to high rank. Feel free to add to it as you progress through the game.

Mid-Level Quests

Item List
Pitfall Trap.pngPitfall Trap Mega Potion.pngMega Potion Demondrug.pngDemondrug
Armorskin.pngArmorskin Dung Bomb.pngDung Bomb Large Barrel Bomb.pngLarge Barrel Bomb
Mega Barrel Bomb.pngMega Barrel Bomb Powertalon.pngPowertalon Armortalon.pngArmortalon

These are items you'll want to consider bringing against tougher enemies. This can be for HR quests or against monsters that you consider difficult to beat.

When you both have Powertalon and Armortalon, these can be stacked Powercharm and Armorcharm as mentioned previously. Make sure to have all of these in your inventory if you want to max out your attack and defense buffs!

They can provide great advantages to the player and greatly alleviate the difficulty of the fight.

High-Level / Difficult Quests

MH Rise - Using the Farcaster.gif

Item List
Mega Demondrug.pngMega Demondrug Mega Armorskin.pngMega Armorskin Dust of Life.pngDust of Life
Max Potion.pngMax Potion Ancient Potion.pngAncient Potion

These are items you'll want to have during the toughest monster fights. These are usually against Elder Dragons, Master Rank, and Anomaly Quests.

List of Hub Quests

Situational Items / Counter Items

MH Rise - Pukei-Pukei Spitting Poison.gif

Item List
Antidote.pngAntidote Herbal Medicine.pngHerbal Medicine Nulberry.pngNulberry
Energy Drink.pngEnergy Drink Sonic Bomb.pngSonic Bomb Flash Bomb.pngFlash Bomb
Cleanser.pngCleanser Deodorant.pngDeodorant Gourmet Fish.pngGourmet Fish
Dash Juice.pngDash Juice

Some large monsters are best dealt with situational and counter items. Against fliers and any monster that likes to do sweeping and pinning attacks, Flash Bombs are your best friends.

For any monster that can cause both Poison and Deadly Poison, it is best to have Antidote and Herbal Medicine. Of the two, the latter is the fastest to consume. But you can only hold so much of that. Bring both just in case!

Nulberries are valuable in getting rid of elemental blights if you do not have high elemental resistance. You will want to have this when dealing with Dragonblight, as it renders you unable to do elemental damage as long as you have it.

Abnormal Status and Elemental Blight Guide

Situational High-Level / Difficult Quests

Farcaster is recommended when you are dealing with strong arena-wide attacks or attacks where you are guaranteed to cart. You will also want to use this if you run out of items in maps where you can exit normally such as the Forlorn Arena or Infernal Springs.

Dash Juice is an optional item to bring if you are using stamina-heavy weapons like the Dual Blades.

Gourmet Fish is an optional item to bring if you want to remedy blights that give you continuous damage, or remedy health drain from skills like Dereliction, Bloodlust, and Berserk.

Valuable Crafting Items

Crafting Ingredients Crafting Result
Potion.pngPotion Honey.pngHoney Mega Potion.pngMega Potion
Catalyst.pngCatalyst Mandragora.pngMandragora Max Potion.pngMax Potion
Godbug.pngGodbug Gloamgrass Bud.pngGloamgrass Bud Dust of Life.pngDust of Life

Remember that you can craft items in the middle of a hunt. If you have room to spare, it would be a good idea to bring materials for any of three valuable recovery items: Mega Potion, Max Potion, and Dust of Life.

Of the three, the first is the easiest to craft. This can be handy if you run out of the recovery items mentioned above (which can happen a lot in the endgame.)

Potions are the easiest to acquire since large quantities of them can be bought at the merchant (even better when bought at a discount.) Honey can be procured easily if you set your buddies to gather them from Trade Requests in the Argosy.

Crafting List

Multiplayer Items and Skills

Item List
Lifepowder.pngLifepowder Dust of Life.pngDust of Life Nulberry.pngNulberry
Herbal Medicine.pngHerbal Medicine Flash Bomb.pngFlash Bomb
Item Skills Skill Explanation
Wide-Range Wide-Range at higher levels becomes valuable, since any consumables you take (except Max and Ancient Potions) also affect other members in your party.
Item Prolonger Increases the duration of buffs acquired from items. Only affects the hunter with this skill equipped.
Speed Eating Increases your item consumption speed. Synergizes with Wide-Range.
Free Meal Gives you a pre-determined chance of consuming an item for free. Synergizes with Wide-Range.
Mushroomancer Allows you to eat any of the mushroom items depending on your level. In combination with Wide-Range, these items can affect other players (except Mandragora).

In multiplayer, healing items like Lifepowder and Dust of Life are must-haves (so much that it is an unspoken rule) as they can save a hunter's life at any time. They are the fastest to use compared to regular potions, and they can be used anywhere without Wide-Range.

The Wide-Range skill opens up a lot of potential recovery opportunities in multiplayer. You will also want to bring items like Nulberries that cancel out blights.

Keep these in mind when joining any multiplayer hunt!

Ammo and Coatings

MH Rise - Heavy Bowgun Charging Shots.gif

Normal Ammo 1.pngNormal Ammo 1 Spread Ammo 1.pngSpread Ammo 1 Sticky Ammo 1.pngSticky Ammo 1
Pierce Ammo 1.pngPierce Ammo 1 Spread Ammo 1.pngSpread Ammo 1 Power Coating.pngPower Coating
Normal Ammo 1Elemental Ammo Normal Ammo 1Status Ammo

What ammo you bring actually depends on the play style of your ranged weapon. For example, if you are using a Bowgun Pierce Build, you will want to prioritize having Pierce Ammo with you.

The ammo you need to bring all depends on the hunt and the capabilities of your ranged weapon.

Bows use coatings. For bowguns, they use ammo, and you will want to look out for their ammo capacities, recoil, reload, and shot types.

It is suggested to bring all the highest level ammo that your weapon can support unless you're confident in your skills with just using normal ammo.

Sunbreak Ammo and Phials

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