Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Event Quest Rewards List

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Event Quest Rewards Banner

Players can receive a number of unique aesthetic rewards, which are exclusive to specific event quests. Among these are special equipment, stickers, gestures and pose sets, and guild card titles. Find out what you can get from which event quest up to Sunbreak's Title Update 5 below!

Event Quest Guides
MH Rise - Event Quests BannerEvent Quests
MH Rise - Collab Quests BannerCollab Quests MH Rise - Challenge QuestsChallenge Quests

Special Equipment

MH Rise - Ammy Costume

New equipment with each of their own unique set of skills are obtainable after successfully completing certain Event Quests. You can also unlock the Layered Armor version of the armor pieces, further expanding your Fashion Hunter's wardrobe or your Buddy's wardrobe!

Sunbreak Special Equipment

Equipment Quest / Monster

Extremely Buff Body Layered Armor Set
Hazard: Swole Simian Silliness

Blood Earring Layered Armor
Dual Threat: Banquet of Beauty

Cielo Layered Armor
Adorned Arena

Darkened Sight Layered Armor
Cutting Through Darkness

Bloodmalice Layered Armor Set
Dual Threat: Animose Crossing

Alice Layered Armor Set
A Mysterious Purr-esent

Buff Body Armor Set
Buff Body Layered Armor
Hazard: Buffoon's Buff Baboon Swoon

Lagombi Ears Layered Armor
...And a Triple Scoop of Pain

Lennigan Layered Armor Set
Food Fight

F Fairy Equipment
F Fairy Layered Amor
C Fairy Equipment
C Fairy Layered Armor
Buddy Dress-Up Party

Reflet Layered Armor Set
Knights, Show Thy Valiance!

Marine Layered Armor Set
Get Off My Stage!

Snowy Cohoot Earmuffs Layered Armor
Dual Threat: Seething Chaos

Face Scarf Layered Armor
I Need My Beauty Sleep!

Artian Layered Armor Set
Shadow in the Sandstorm

Palamask Layered Armor
Running Out of Ideas

Dusk Layered Armor Set
A Dress to Die For

Shui Layered Armor Set
Beaten to the Punch

Black Wing Earrings Layered Armor
Dual Threat: Destructive Stars

Felyne Purrlock Equipment
Felyne Purrlock Layered Amor
C Arfsène Equipment
C Arfsène Layered Armor
Purr-ivate Eye

Monocle of Clarity Layered Armor
Forbidden Waltz

Clockwork Layered Armor Set
Fear in the Flooded Forest

Elfin Crown Layered Armor
Dual Threat: Go Out with a Bang!

Lien Layered Armor Set
Flash of Inspiration

Qurio Crown Layered Armor
Dual Threat: Revelry of Destruction

Base Game Special Equipment

Equipment Quest / Monster

Blossom Layered Armor
Memories of That Day

Gala Suit Layered Armor
Zin and Yang

Origin Layered Armor
A Good Old-Fashioned Rampage

Azure Age Armor Set
Azure Age Layered Armor
Azure Star Long Swords
Azure Era Bows
USJ - Shrine Showdown!
Universal Studios Japan Collab

F Azure Era Equipment
F Azure Era Layered Armor
C Azure Era Equipment
C Azure Era Layered Armor
USJ - Arzuros Onslaught!
Universal Studios Japan Collab

Orion Layered Armor
Frost Bites

Diver Layered Armor
Troubled Waters

Sonic Costume
Gotta Hoard Fast!
Sonic the Hedgehog Collab
No Target Monster (Deliver 200 Rings)

Canyne Tails Layered Armor
Gotta Hoard Fast!
Sonic the Hedgehog Collab
No Target Monster (Deliver 200 Rings)

Sonic Wear Layered Armor
Super Shady Look-alike
Sonic the Hedgehog Collab

Arthur Layered Armor
Knight in Shattered Armor
Ghosts 'n' Goblins Collab

Rush Costume
The Blue Bomber's Best Bud
Mega Man Collab

Akuma Layered Armor
SF: Ultimate Promotion Exam
Street Fighter Collab

Ammy Costume
Rising Sun!?
Okami Collab
No Target Monster

Shadow Shades
An Icy Blade So Bright

Black Leather Legs
Almudron: Fashion Victim

Tsukino Costume
Bird Wyverns of Ruin?
Monster Hunter Stories 2 Collab

Cunning Specs
Haste Makes Waste


MH Rise - Endemic Life Sticker Set

Stickers can express what words can't. Some event quests reward stickers that improves your overall communication during hunts. Get them when you can!

Sticker Set Quest / Monster

"Bombadgy Set" stickers
The Tiniest Snowbaron!

"Chocolate Set" stickers
Princesses' Banquet

"Winter Set" stickers
Dastardly Vile Aknosom Trio

"Party Set" stickers
Rajang's Holiday Special

"Dango Set" stickers
Boomy Dango

"Endemic Life Set" stickers
White Desert Blossom

"Festival Set" stickers
Rampage: Muddi Gras

"Cohoot Set" stickers
Dancing Parasol, Snowy Breeze

"Ninja Set" stickers
Beast of the Shadows

Gestures and Pose Sets

MH Rise - Ninjutsu Gesture

Got something to say and words just won't cut it? Unlock a plethora of new gestures that you can use mid-hunt to properly convey your feelings!

Sunbreak Gestures and Poses

Gesture / Pose Quest / Monster

Yoga Pose Set
Rare Species Snapshot

Checking the Ground
Wild Growth

Wild Growth

Wild Growth

Please 1
For a Song and a Rain Dance

Please 2
For a Song and a Rain Dance

Please 3
For a Song and a Rain Dance

Arrival Pose Set
Ooooh Shiny...?

Kamura Pose Set
Freezing Fangs

Cry 1
Cooling the Caverns

Cry 2
Cooling the Caverns

The Torrid Trio

Take a Breather
The Torrid Trio

Royal Order Pose Set
Punches and Pincers

Accept Praise
Another Grand Gesture

Another Grand Gesture

Delightful Pose Set
Minor Inconveniences

It's Over! 1 Gesture
A Grand Gesture

It's Over! 2 Gesture
A Grand Gesture

Base Game Gestures and Poses

Gesture / Pose Quest / Monster

Running Pose Set
Rampage: Rampaging Rajangs

Heart Pose Set
Monster Maniacs

Sitting Pose Set
Wrestling with Pain

Hot & Cold Pose Set
Nothing to Sneeze At!

Kunai Pose Set
Kunai Ask You a Favor?

Wirebug Pose Set
Soaring Desire

Cheering Gesture
Scorching Showdown

Mew Mew Gesture
Rampage: Enchanting Parade

Play Possum Gesture
Fooled in the Flooded Forest

Blowing a Kiss Gesture
I Can't Do What Somnacan

Ninjutsu Gesture
Out of Sight, Out of Mind's Eye

Guild Card Titles

MH Rise - New Guild Card Titles

Do none of the currently released titles properly reflect your personality in the guild card? Event quests can give out new guild card titles as rewards as well!

Sunbreak Event Quests

Titles Quest / Monster
Hazard: Melody of Mayhem
・Fighting Spirit
・The Fierce
Daily Practice
・Triumphant Return
Flagship Fight
・Guardian Deity
Hazard: Swole Simian Silliness
・All You Can
Dual Threat: Animose Crossing
Hazard: Legendary Strike
・Grand Slam
Hazard: Buffoon's Buff Baboon Swoon
Dual Threat: Light & Darkness
・Flame Dance
・Vengeful Spirit
・Hidden Assassin
・Evening Breeze
Dual Threat: Moonlit Muscles
Dual Threat: A Returning Rush of Red
Dual Threat: A Song of Silver and Gold

Base Game Event Quests

Titles Quest / Monster
・Nice Job
・Not Bad
・Top of the Chain
Heart of Might
・Head Honcho
・Big Shot
Heart of an Apex
・Special Training
Heart of Rivalry
・Mew Mew
・Indugent Body
・Pet Lover
・Macho Medal
Heart of a Hero
・The Code
・It Is So
Heart of a Ninja
・One Clean Cut
・Bold Hero
・Haggard Warrior
・Warring Lands
・World Gone Mad
Heart of a Warrior


MH Rise Sunbreak - Melding Honey from Quest Rewards
Event Quests sometimes give out special items that can fetch you a high price, or items that can be used in crafting!

Sunbreak Event Quests

Item Rewards Quest
Golden Egg
Platinum Egg
Ooooh Shiny...?
Bloodrun Jewel
Lazurite Jewel
Adamant Jewel
Sovereign Jewel
A Fire to Jyuratodouse
Silver Egg
Golden Egg
Platinum Egg
Cheering Ra Ra Rajang
Silver Egg
Golden Egg
Platinum Egg
Daimyo and Pearls

Base Game Event Quests

Item Rewards Quest
Friend Voucher Blazin' Soul of a Warrior
Defender Ticket 1
Defender Ticket 2
Defender Ticket 3
Defender Ticket 7
Defender Ticket 8
Defender Ticket 9
Rampage: Kamura Night Hunt
Monster Keenbone
Aquaglow Jewel
Soaring Desire
Guild Ticket Clouds of Narwa Rumble Again
Kamura Ticket
Gales of Ibushi Blow Again
Silver Egg
Outfit Voucher
Defender Ticket 9
Diablos Deception
High Commendation
Silver Egg
Golden Egg
Tempest in the Desert
Shady Crystal
Silver Egg
Golden Egg
An Icy Blade So Bright
Defender Ticket 1
Defender Ticket 2
Defender Ticket 3
Defender Ticket 5
Defender Ticket 6
Defender Ticket 7
Outfit Voucher
Rampage: Muddi Gras

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) Related Guides

MH Rise - List of Quests

Quest Types and List of Quests

All Quest Guides by Type

Quest Types
MH Rise - Village Quests BannerVillage Quests MH Rise - Urgent Quests BannerUrgent Quests
MH Rise - Gathering Hub Quests BannerGathering Hub Quests
Base Game | Sunbreak
MH Rise - Arena Quests BannerArena Quests
MH Rise - Side Quests BannerSide Quests MH Rise - Requests BannerRequests
MH Rise - Event Quests BannerEvent Quests
MH Rise - Collab Quests BannerCollaboration Quests
MH Rise - Challenge QuestsChallenge Quests MH Rise Sunbreak - Anomaly Quests BannerAnomaly Quests
MH Rise Sunbreak - Follower Quests and RewardsFollower Quests MH Rise Sunbreak - Support Survey Quests and RewardsSupport Surveys


19 Anonymous12 months

yeah I'm currently wearing the black leather pants, remobra belt (which has a skull on it), buff body chest and arms, and a gargwa mask. It looks hilarious.

5 Anonymousabout 2 years

Missing too much from previous titles tbh.


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