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Free Talismans | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Free Talismans Banner

All of the Free Talismans in Monster Hunter Rise for PC and Switch, including how to get both the Novice and Legacy Talismans.

Talisman Guides
Melding Pot Kagero MerchantMelding Pot Guide Talisman BannerHow to Unlock MH Rise Sunbreak - Talisman Farming.pngTalisman Farming Free Talismans Banner,mode thumb Free Talismans

What are Talismans?

MH Rise - Kagero and the Melding Pot Market

Talismans are equipment that offer various skills with stat boosting effects. They sometimes offer slots for decorations that give MH Rise players an extra edge on customizing their preferred builds.

Talismans are melded in the Market through the Melding Pot. You may approach either Kagero the Merchant in Steelworks or Maido the Merchant in the Gathering Hub to use the Melding Pot.

Talisman Farming Guide

Free Talismans

From time to time, Capcom gives talismans through Senri the Mailman. These talismans are usually designed to help players blaze through early game quests and content.

Veteran's Talisman

Skills: Constitution Lv.1 and Recovery Up Lv. 2

This talisman is part of the Black Belt armor set and was released this February 24, 2022 along with Update 3.9.

The Veteran talisman is a decent starter talisman for those who aim to use bows or insect glaives as their main weapons. The Constitution level 1 and Recovery Up 2 are perfect for those early game hunts.

Legacy Talisman

Skills: Hunger Resistance Lv.1 and Wall Runner Lv. 1

This talisman was a part of the Guild Cross armor set released on October 29, 2021. The Legacy Talisman is not much different from the Novice Talisman except for its Hunger Resistance skill at level 1.

Depending on your early build, Hunger Resistance might be beneficial. However, we do suggest that you stick to the Novice Talisman for now for its Critical Eye level 1.

Kinship Talisman

Skills: Master Mounter Lv.1 and Wide-Range Lv. 1

Kinship Talisman was gotten from playing the Monster Hunter Stories 2 trial version starting June 16, 2021.

It's not the greatest talisman ever, but we think it is more of a reference to the relationship between hunters and monsties in the Monster Hunter Stories franchise.

Novice Talisman

Skills: Critical Eye Lv.1 and Wall Runner Lv. 1

Novice Talisman is the first talisman Capcom gave to its players, this can be claimed via the Courier at the very start of the game if you have made a pre-purchase of MH Rise for PC or Switch.

As an early game talisman, it does not offer a lot for veteran players. But since you would be doing a lot of exploring at the start, the Wall Runner skill can be useful at this point of the game. So be sure to take advantage of this!

How to Get the Free Talismans

Talk to the Courier

MH Rise - Talk to Senri the Mailman

1 Talk to the Courier (Senri the Mailman) near Hinoa or Fugen in Kamura Village.
2 Choose Add-on Content.
Your system will check online so make sure you have an internet connection!
3 Choose the reward you want to download. An overview for the reward is also shown!

Monster Hunter Rise Related Links

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2 Anonymous@Game8almost 3 years

Hey Anon! We've now added the Kinship Talisman to the article. Thank you for pointing this out :-)

1 Anonymousalmost 3 years

Kinship Talisman is missing. You get that for playing the MHST2 Demo


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