Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Hammer Builds (Master Rank)

★ All Title Updates now available for ALL PLATFORMS!
Title Update 4 | Title Update 5 | Bonus Update
┗ Check out all our Best Builds For Every Weapon!
┗ TU4 Monsters: Velkhana | Risen C.G. Valstrax
┗ TU5 Monsters: Amatsu | Risen Shagaru Magala
┗ Bonus Update Monster: Primordial Malzeno

Hammer MR Builds

This is a guide to the best builds and equipment for Hammers in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Learn about the best Hammers for Master Rank, and the best Skills and Armor pieces to use with the Hammers for Master Rank from the early game until the end game!

All Hammer Guides
Hammer 1Trees & Full List Hammer 2How to Use Hammer 3Best Builds

Hammer Builds List & Progression

This is a quick section summarizing all the Hammer builds in this page. It is arranged from newest to oldest, and MR build progression is from bottom to top.

Click on the build name to see the build!

Master Rank Title Update Build Name
MR120+ BU Blood Awakening Blast Hammer
MR180+ TU5 Frenzied Bloodlust Blast Strength Hammer
MR180+ TU5 Frenzied Bloodlust Elemental Courage Hammer
MR160+ TU4 Frostcraft Velkhana Hammer
MR140+ TU3 Powder Mantle Blast Build
MR110+ TU2 Poison + Buildup Boost Build
MR10+ TU2 KO Hammer Bloodlust
(Dereliction / Non-Dereliction)
MR10+ TU2 KO Hammer Build
(Dereliction / Non-Dereliction)
MR6+ Base Royal Order+ Dereliction
MR6+ Base Abyssal Windstorm Dragon Climber
MR3-6 Base Mid Game Hammer Raw + Blast
MR1-2 Base Atlas Hammer+ Raw Hammer Build

Ultra Endgame MR Build: MR 100+

BU Blood Awakening Blast Hammer Build

Recommended Hammer

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
DevilDevil's Die
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Blast Image 34

Recommended Armor Loadout

Armor Slots Skills
Risen Kushala GlareRisen Kushala Glare ③②①
Primordial MailPrimordial Mail ④④②
Burst Lv. 1
Risen Mizuha SleevesRisen Mizuha Sleeves ④②①
Risen Kushala Cocoon Risen Kushala Cocoon ③①ー
Primordial GreavesPrimordial Greaves ④④ー
Talisman Buildup Boost 2 with a ②② slot or better.
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.

Build Merits & Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
Chameleos Blessing
Kushala Blessing
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Powder Mantle
Critical Boost

For comfort, aim for the following:
Frenzied Bloodlust
Build Merits and Notes
The Bonus Update introduces a new comfort skill available for the hammer: Blood Awakening. Paired with Blood Rite, this skill is valuable when fighting against monsters with broken parts or Bloodblight.
If you can get Buildup Boost to Lv.3 through augments or a talisman, the Risen Mizuha arms can be swapped out for Primordial Vambraces to max out Blood Awakening and make more space for decorations.
This build uses two pieces of Primordial Malzeno armor, Risen Chameleos arms, and two pieces of Risen Kushala Daora armor.
The switch skill Charge Switch: Strength is best suited for this build to max out damage and health gained from Blood Rite. Considering that endgame monsters are significantly faster, Wirebug Whisperer and Wind Mantle have been included to support evasive switch skills such as Keeping Sway. Having Water Strike is also recommended when negating damage.
Devil's Die is still the choice hammer for dealing high damage. Charge Master, Teostra Blessing, and Blast Attack have been added to increase the improve the weapon's blast potential. The included affinity skills and augments places this weapon at 80% affinity.
You can at least safely recieve some Bloodblight by making use of Intrepid Heart, which significantly reduces damage and nullifies knockback when filled.

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TU5 Frenzied Bloodlust Blast Strength Hammer Build

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
DevilDevil's Die
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Blast Image 34
Armor Slots Skills
Risen Kushala GlareRisen Kushala Glare ③②①
Risen Kaiser MailRisen Kaiser Mail ②②ー
Virtue / Prudence BracesVirtue / Prudence Braces ③①ー
Risen Kaiser Coil Risen Kaiser Coil ④③ー
Archfiend Armor ScerosArchfiend Armor Sceros ③②②
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Talisman (via Qurious Melding)
Buildup Boost Lv. 3 with at least a ②②① slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Anti-Species/Exploit skill from your rampage decoration for further increasing damage.
Attack Boost Lv. 4 | Critical Eye Lv. 4
Charge Master Lv. 3 | Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
Master's Touch Lv. 3 | Blast Attack Lv. 3
Focus Lv. 3 | Wirebug Whisperer Lv. 3
Buildup Boost Lv. 3 | Ballistics Lv. 2
Teostra Blessing Lv. 2 | Powder Mantle Lv. 2
Resentment Lv. 1 | Critical Boost Lv. 1
Bloodlust Lv. 1 | Dereliction Lv. 1
Wind Mantle Lv. 1 | Frenzied Bloodlust Lv. 1
Intrepid Heart Lv. 1

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you will want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Powder Mantle
Buildup Boost
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Stamina Surge
Evade Extender
Intrepid Heart
Build Merits and Notes
Title Update 5 introduces a skill that can give us more offensive and defensive options through increased Wirebugs: Frenzied Bloodlust. For this Hammer build, we focus on incorporating Frienzied Bloodlust into the damage-heavy Charge Switch: Strength play style.
The Strength style focuses on dealing large amounts of burst damage in a few swings. This is a lot riskier to play compared to the Courage style, but more evasion opportunities are opened up thanks to the Wirebug Whisperer, Wind Mantle, and Frenzied Bloodlust skills.
Buildup Boost from a talisman and Dereliction is essential to this build in order to increase the Hammer's already limited damage ceiling. A Frostcraft Lv. 3 Qurious talisman may also be used to increase damage. However, there will be disadvantages to your Wirebug skills when sheathing for Frostcraft. Buildup Boost provides the most consistent increase.
If you wish not to use Dereliction, you can switch it out for the more comfortable Valstrax Greaves - Epoch which gives full Stun Resistance.
For DPS options, the added Wirebug skills benefit both Impact Burst and Impact Crater, allowing you to use them more often. Powder Mantle adds an explosive burst damage opportunity and Bloodlust for buffs to attack, affinity, and evasion.
Affinity with this build stands at around 80% on weak points with Sharpness Boost augments, and potentially up to 100% for 60 seconds upon overcoming Frenzy from Bloodlust. Affinity should still be high enough for Master's Touch Lv. 3 to be effective for sharpness management.

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TU5 Frenzied Bloodlust Elemental Courage Hammer Build

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Kaktus UnwetterKaktus Unwetter
Kaktus Unwetter Hammer Sharpness
310 0 15%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Fire Image 55
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Doomsday HammerDoomsday Hammer
Doomsday Hammer Hammer Sharpness
310 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Water Image 74
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Skyfold FuryflashSkyfold Furyflash
Skyfold Furyflash Hammer Sharpness
310 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Thunder Image 73
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
DaoraDaora's Hyperborea
310 0 10%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Ice Image 50
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Dark MorteDark Morte
Dark Morte Hammer Sharpness
320 20 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 52
Armor Slots Skills
Risen Kushala GlareRisen Kushala Glare ③②①
Risen Kaiser MailRisen Kaiser Mail ②②ー
Virtue / Prudence BracesVirtue / Prudence Braces ③①ー
Risen Kaiser Coil Risen Kaiser Coil ④③ー
Rimeguard GreavesRimeguard Greaves ④①ー
Talisman (via Qurious Melding)
Attack Boost 3 with at least a ②②① slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Element Exploit for further increasing elemental damage.
Attack Boost Lv. 6 | Ice Attack Lv. 5
Critical Eye Lv. 4 | Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
Critical Element Lv. 3 | Master's Touch Lv. 3
Focus Lv. 3 | Wirebug Whisperer Lv. 3
Element Exploit Lv. 3 | Ballistics Lv. 2
Powder Mantle Lv. 2 | Intrepid Heart Lv. 2
Critical Boost Lv. 1 | Bloodlust Lv. 1
Wind Mantle Lv. 1 | Frenzied Bloodlust Lv. 1
For Fire Build:
Fire Attack Lv. 5 | Teostra Blessing Lv. 2
Critical Eye Lv. 5 | Handicraft Lv. 1
Shock Absorber Lv. 1

For Water Build:
Water Attack Lv. 5 | Kushala Blessing Lv. 2
Handicraft Lv. 1 | Shock Absorber Lv. 1

For Thunder Build:
Thunder Attack Lv. 5 | Speed Sharpening Lv. 1
Shock Absorber Lv. 1
For Ice Build:
Kushala Blessing Lv. 2 | Handicraft Lv. 2
Critical Eye Lv. 5
For Dragon Build:
Dragon Attack Lv. 5 | Speed Sharpening Lv. 1
Critical Eye Lv. 5 | Shock Absorber Lv. 1
Handicraft Lv. 1

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Fire, Ice, and Dragon Hammer:
MH Rise - Elemental BoostElemental Boost Lv 7
MH Rise - Sharpness BoostSharpness Boost Lv 1
Water Hammer:
MH Rise - Elemental BoostElemental Boost Lv 5
MH Rise - Sharpness BoostSharpness Boost Lv 2
Thunder Hammer:
MH Rise - Elemental BoostElemental Boost Lv 3
MH Rise - Sharpness BoostSharpness Boost Lv 1
MH Rise - Rampage Slot UpgradeRampage Slot Upgrade Lv 1
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Powder Mantle
Dragon Conversion
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Stamina Surge
Evade Extender
Intrepid Heart
Build Merits
Title Update 5 introduced one fascinating skill that can give us more offensive and defensive capabilities through increased Wirebugs: Frenzied Bloodlust. For this Hammer build, we focus on incorporating Frienzied Bloodlust into an aggressive yet comfortable and mobile Charge Switch: Courage play style.
This build assumes no Qurious Armor Crafting. It, however, benefits the most out of Qurious Talismans. Make sure to have them when making this build!
The Courage style incentivizes quick charged strikes and mobility in combat. Despite lacking the raw damage opportunities of Charge Switch: Strength, this is compensated with effectively dishing out Elemental Damage.
The switch skills Water Strike and Keeping Sway are one of your best defensive options. The latter benefits from the skills Wirebug Whisperer, Wind Mantle, and Frenzied Bloodlust. This gives you more chances to i-frame through most monster moves, reposition, or quickly cancel your charges and attacks when about to be punished by a monster.
For DPS options, the added Wirebug skills benefit both Impact Burst and Impact Crater, allowing you to use them more. Powder Mantle adds an explosive burst damage opportunity and Bloodlust for buffs to attack, affinity, and evasion. Element Exploit and Critical Element are present since we want to maximize elemental damage.
Affinity with this build stands at around 70%-85% on weak points depending on your weapon and decorations, and potentially up to 90%-100% for 60 seconds upon overcoming Frenzy from Bloodlust. Taking advantage of high affinity, we use Master's Touch Lv. 3 for sharpness management.
Some elemental weapons suggested here are near purple sharpness, so we highly recommend you augment them with a Sharpness Boost.

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TU4 Frostcraft Velkhana Hammer Build

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Victorious NorthleinVictorious Northlein
Victorious Northlein Hammer Sharpness
330 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Ice Image 26
Armor Slots Skills
Flaming Espinas BrainFlaming Espinas Brain ③②ー
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Razor Sharp Lv. 1
Spare Shot Lv. 1
Rimeguard MailRimeguard Mail ④②①
Rimeguard GlovesRimeguard Gloves ③②①
Rimeguard Coil Rimeguard Coil ③③②
Focus Lv. 3
Frostcraft Lv. 1
Valstrax Greaves - EpochValstrax Greaves - Epoch ④③ー
Talisman Critical Eye 3 with a ②① slot
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Element Exploit to increase elemental damage against monsters weak to ice
Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.

Build Merits and Notes

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
Critical Draw
Spare Shot

For damage, aim for any of the following:
Powder Mantle

For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Stamina Surge
Evade Extender
Intrepid Heart
Build Merits and Notes
Title Update 4 saw the chilling return of the Frostcraft skill from the Velkhana armor set! Stay frosty during your hunts with this powerful skill which gives you an attack buff as long as you keep the gauge at the upper left side of your screen full. Do this by sheathing your weapon.
For weapon choice, the Victorious Northlein Hammer fits the build perfectly. As it's one of Velkhana's Weapons, it has faster Frostcraft gauge charge speed compared to other weapons. This will make the attack buffs from the Frostcraft skill frequently available. To further amp your dps, we also maxed out Slugger to make it easier to knock out a monster, providing you and/or your team an opening to deal significant damage. Get those bonks in!

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TU3 Powder Mantle Blast Build (MR140)

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
DevilDevil's Die
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Blast Image 34
Armor Slots Skills
Risen Kaiser HornsRisen Kaiser Horns ③②ー
Risen Kaiser MailRisen Kaiser Mail ②②ー
Risen Mizuha SleevesRisen Mizuha Sleeves ④②①
Risen Kaiser Coil Risen Kaiser Coil ④③ー
Archfiend Armor ScerosArchfiend Armor Sceros ③②②
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3; one ②① slot
Rampage Decoration

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Buildup Boost

For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Master's Touch
Stamina Surge
Intrepid Heart
Build Merits and Notes
Powder Mantle with a blast weapon is an explosive nightmare! Maxing this skill out is important to get the blast aura as quickly as possible. Just wait for it to turn blue then attack for some eruptive damage! While waiting, get those extra blast damage in with Teostra Soul equipped.
Keep in mind that this build also runs the Dereliction skill. If you get hit while having the red blast aura from the Powder Mantle skill, it will damage you and the monster that hit you (as long as they're close-ranged). Always keep an eye on your health!
Teostra Blessing is easy to incorporate in this blast build as the Flamescale Jewel is only a level one decoration. Slotting in two will increase your blast buildup by 10%, making it easier to proc those explosive hits!
Another skill included in this build is the Buildup Boost skill. At level one, it increases your attack power by 10% while proccing blast. With the Teostra Blessing skill making it easier to build up this ailment, this will provide the much needed damage boost for your hunts.

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TU2 Poison + Buildup Boost Build (MR110)

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Kaktus UnwetterKaktus Unwetter
Kaktus Unwetter Hammer Sharpness
310 0 15%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Fire Image 55
Armor Slots Skills
Kaiser Crown XKaiser Crown X ①①①
Risen Mizuha RobesRisen Mizuha Robes ④ーー
Risen Mizuha SleevesRisen Mizuha Sleeves ④②①
Archfiend Armor Ura Archfiend Armor Ura ④ーー
Burst Lv. 2
Archfiend Armor ScerosArchfiend Armor Sceros ③②②
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Talisman Weakness Exploit Lv.2, with ②① slots
Rampage Decoration

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
For increasing DPS, aim for:
Attack Boost
Charge Master
For comfort skills, we suggest:
Master's Touch
Stun Resistance
Build Merits and Notes
Considering Flaming Espinas weapons inflict both Fire and Poison, this Poison Hammer build takes advantage of the new Buildup Boost skill introduced in Title Update 2. Staple offensive skills are included in the build and are fit to synergize with the build's poison-centric skills: Chameleos Blessing, Poison Attack, Buildup Boost, and Foray. Common QoL skills are also included.
During hunts, aim to hit the monster's head to take advantage of the build's 90% affinity, which can be further improved by augmenting it and adding Affinity Boost for an additional 5% boost. Make sure to also constantly buildup and proc poison on your target for maximum damage!
Additionally, remember to replace Anti-Species Jewel on the weapon's Rampage Decoration slot depending on the monster you'll hunt!
When using this build, always swap to your Blue Scroll when the hunt begins as Dereliction will only provide increased attack and stun potency when on the Blue Scroll. We also recommend eating Gourmet Fish and Hide-and-Seek Dango to mitigate the health drain from Dereliction as they both provide health regeneration over time.

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Endgame MR Build: MR 6+

KO Hammer Bloodlust Build (MR6-100)
Dereliction and Non-Dereliction Builds

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Vergehen/Naissance Hammer Sharpness
330 0 -30% / 20%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 43
Armor Slots Skills
Silver SolhelmSilver Solhelm ④①①
Flaming Espinas MuscleFlaming Espinas Muscle ②②ー
Chaotic Faulds / Nephilim Tassets Chaotic Faulds / Nephilim Tassets ③①①
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Resentment Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Arc Greaves / Storge GreavesArc Greaves / Storge Greaves ③②ー
Razor Sharp Lv. 1
Spare Shot Lv. 1
Bloodlust Lv. 1
'Risky' Dereliction Build
Archfiend Armor EpineArchfiend Armor Epine ④ーー
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 2
'Safe' Non-Dereliction Build
Flaming Espinas GripFlaming Espinas Grip ④②ー
Talisman Attack Boost 3 with ②① slots
Rampage Decoration
MH Rise - KO Jewel+ 4KO Jewel+ 4 x 1
MH Rise - KO Jewel 2KO Jewel 2 x 1
MH Rise - Tenderizer Jewel 2Tenderizer Jewel 2 x 3
MH Rise - Critical Jewel 2Critical Jewel 2 x 1
MH Rise - Cornerstone Jewel 1Cornerstone Jewel 1 x 5
MH Rise - Brace Jewel 1Brace Jewel 1 x 1

MH Rise - Attack Jewel 2Attack Jewel 2 :
x2 for the Dereliction Build
x1 for the Non-Dereliction Build

MH Rise - Phoenix Jewel 2Phoenix Jewel 2 :
x1 for the Dereliction Build
x2 for the Non-Dereliction Build

MH Rise - Hard Steadfast Jewel 4Hard Steadfast Jewel 4
x1 for the Non-Dereliction Build
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Attack Boost Lv.7 | Defiance Lv.5
Resentment Lv.3 (Lv.2 for the Non-Dereliction Build)
Critical Boost Lv.3 | Weakness Exploit Lv.3
Slugger Lv.3 | Windproof Lv.3
Razor Sharp Lv.1 (Lv.3 for the Non-Dereliction Build)
Spare Shot Lv.1 (Lv.3 for the Non-Dereliction Build)
Critical Eye Lv.2 | Marathon Runner Lv.2
Coalescence Lv.1 (Lv.2 for the Non-Dereliction Build)
Bloodlust Lv.1 | Charge Master Lv.1
Critical Element Lv.1 | Flinch Free Lv.1
Strife Lv.1

Dereliction Build:
Dereliction Lv.2
Non-Deriliction Build:
Stun Resistance Lv.3 | Intrepid Heart Lv.1

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Build Merits and Notes
Nothing synergizes better than Bloodlust and Chaotic Gore Magala Weapons! Based on how they work and with Coalescence slotted in, overcoming the frenzy unlocks the true potential you and the weapons can do, granting boosts in damage. With Weakness Exploit equipped, it's easier to deal 100% affinity to monster weakspots, amping your dps that can speed-up hunts!
Two variations of this build is presented. The safer Non-Dereliction Build is for players who want that boost from Bloodlust while still staying safe from the health reduction. On the other hand, the Dereliction Build deals more damage, especially at max qurio. However, with Dereliction and Bloodlust equipped, your health drains a whole lot quicker at the start of a fight, so you have to be more careful and more precise with your positioning. Make sure to equip the one that suits your playstyle!
Slugger is a useful skill to have when playing the Hammer; this will help you knock out monsters to give you and/or your team an opening to deal significant damage.
All decos are available starting from MR 10, with the only exception being the Phoenix Jewel 2, which requires at least Anomaly Investigation Lv. 51. If you don't have the deco yet, it can be subsituted with the Furor Jewel 2 to increase the Resentment skill for the meantime

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KO Hammer Build
(Dereliction and Non-Dereliction)

Dereliction Hammer

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Abyssal WindstormAbyssal Windstorm
Abyssal Windstorm Hammer Sharpness
340 0 -20%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 21

Non-Dereliction Hammer

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Fine Kamura HammerFine Kamura Hammer
Fine Kamura Hammer Hammer Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Armor Slots Skills
Flaming Espinas BrainFlaming Espinas Brain ③②ー
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Razor Sharp Lv. 1
Spare Shot Lv. 1
Flaming Espinas MuscleFlaming Espinas Muscle ②②ー
Flaming Espinas GripFlaming Espinas Grip ④②ー
Archfiend Armor Ura Archfiend Armor Ura ④ーー
Burst Lv. 2
Dereliction Build
Archfiend Armor ScerosArchfiend Armor Sceros ③②②
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Non-Dereliction Build
Ingot Greaves XIngot Greaves X ①①ー
Talisman Critical Eye 3 with ②① slots
Rampage Decoration
MH Rise - KO Jewel+ 4KO Jewel+ 4 x 1
MH Rise - Expert Jewel 2Expert Jewel 2 x 4
MH Rise - Tenderizer Jewel 2Tenderizer Jewel 2 x 2
MH Rise - Critical Jewel 2Critical Jewel 2 x 3
MH Rise - Brace Jewel 1Brace Jewel 1 x 1

For the Dereliction Build:
MH Rise - Attack Jewel 2Attack Jewel 2 x 1
For the Non-Dereliction Build:
MH Rise - Physique Jewel+ 4Physique Jewel+ 4 x 1
MH Rise - KO Jewel 2KO Jewel 2 x 1
MH Rise - Grinder Jewel 1Grinder Jewel 1 x 2
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Critical Eye Lv.7
Attack Boost Lv.7 (Lv.6 on the Dereliction Build)
Critical Boost Lv.3 | Weakness Exploit Lv.3
Razor Sharp Lv.3 | Spare Shot Lv.3
Slugger Lv.3 (Lv.2 on the Dereliction Build)
Marathon Runner Lv.2 | Burst Lv.2
Resentment Lv.1 | Charge Master Lv.1
Flinch Free Lv.1 | Intrepid Heart Lv.1

Dereliction Build:
Dereliction Lv.1
Non-Deriliction Build:
Constitution Lv.2 | Speed Sharpening Lv.2

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments For Dereliction Hammer:
For Non-Dereliction Hammer:
Build Merits and Notes
This Hammer build aims to maximize the damage you can do, whether you use the Dereliction or the Non-Dereliction one. The Dereliction build focuses on counteracting the negative affinity the Abyssal Windstorm has by prioritizing the Critical Eye skill. Critical Boost, Weakness Exploit, and Burst alleviates this further, contributing greatly to the dps you can do. The Non-Dereliction build uses the Fine Kamura Hammer, which has a level 4 and a level 2 slot. This allowed us to incorporate 2 levels of Constitution, which slow down stamina consumption while you're charging your Hammer.
Slugger is a useful skill to have when playing the Hammer; this will help you knock out monsters to give you and/or your team an opening to deal significant damage. With the slots available for the Non-Dereliction build, it's possible to max this skill out with decorations. For the Dereliction build, only 2 points are allocated. This is okay since fighting with Dereliction while on your Blue Swap Scroll will increase you stun potency so you can still get those knockout bonks in!

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Royal Order+ Dereliction Raw

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Royal OrderRoyal Order's Bludgeon+
Royal Order
310 50 10%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Armor Slots Skills
Kaiser Crown XKaiser Crown X ①①①
Archfiend Armor BauloArchfiend Armor Baulo ③②ー
Resentment Lv. 1
Burst Lv. 1
Malzeno BracesMalzeno Braces ④ーー
Rathalos Coil X Rathalos Coil X ②ーー
Archfiend Armor ScerosArchfiend Armor Sceros ③②②
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Talisman Attack Boost 3 with ② slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Build Merits and Notes
This build using the Royal Order's Bludgeon+ features Dereliction and revolves around dealing high raw damage. Aside from Dereliction, this build uses Attack Boost, Critical Boost, Critical Eye, Weakness Exploit, and a point in Burst to improve its raw damage output. For utility, the build also runs maxed Speed Sharpening, Wirebug Whisperer, and a point in Evade Extender.
When using this build, always swap to your Blue Scroll when the hunt begins as Dereliction will only provide increased attack and stun potency when on the Blue Scroll.
In addition, to help mitigate the health drain from Dereliction, we recommend eating Gourmet Fish and the Hide-and-Seek Dango as they both provide health regeneration over time.

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Abyssal Windstorm Dragon Climber

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Abyssal WindstormAbyssal Windstorm
Abyssal Windstorm Hammer Sharpness
340 0 -20%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 21
Armor Slots Skills
Kaiser Crown XKaiser Crown X ①①①
Archfiend Armor BauloArchfiend Armor Baulo ③②ー
Resentment Lv. 1
Burst Lv. 1
Malzeno BracesMalzeno Braces ④ーー
Rathalos Coil X Rathalos Coil X ②ーー
Ingot Greaves XIngot Greaves X ①①ー
Talisman Wirebug Whisperer 2 with two ② slots or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Build Merits and Notes
This all-rounder Hammer build using Abyssal Windstorm mixes damage and utility, making it great to climb with in Master Rank. To boost the weapon's damage and counteract its negative affinity, Critical Eye, Attack Boost, Critical Boost, Weakness Exploit, and a point in Burst are used. To round out the build, max Speed Sharpening, Stun Resistance, and Wirebug Whisperer are included for utility and ease-of-use.

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Master Rank Build (Mid Game): MR 3-6

Mid Game Hammer Raw + Blast Build

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Mighty SouldevourerMighty Souldevourer
Mighty Souldevourer Hammer Sharpness
310 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Blast Image 31
Armor Slots Skills
Lunagaron HelmLunagaron Helm ②②ー
Jelly Vest XJelly Vest X ②②ー
Blast Attack Lv. 2
Focus Lv. 1
Slugger Lv. 1
Anjanath Vambraces XAnjanath Vambraces X ①ーー
Agitator Lv. 1
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Slugger Lv. 2
Rathalos Coil X Rathalos Coil X ②ーー
Ingot Greaves XIngot Greaves X ①①ー
Talisman Weakness Exploit Lv. 2 With ② Slot.
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Teostra Soul
Build Merits and Notes
A raw hammer build with a tinge of blast for Sunbreak's mid stages of master rank! Magnamalo Hammer has a higher raw base than other weapons with a few exception while retaining a high level of Sharpness. Coupled with the blast skills and the Teostra Soul and its damage output turns out higher than other hammer weapons at this stage of the game. [red]
Take note that even though we slotted in some blast skills, the main focus of the build is still dealing raw damage and the blast component is just a bonus./red] If you're still in the earlier stages of MR 3-6, we highly recommend the Nargacuga Hammer [Endless Eternia as it provides high affinity which allows you to reach high damage output even without the armor list and weapons provided!

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Master Rank Build (Early Game): MR 1-2

Atlas Hammer+ Raw Hammer Build

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Atlas Hammer+Atlas Hammer+
Atlas Hammer+ Hammer Sharpness
270 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Armor Slots Skills
Kadachi Helm XKadachi Helm X ①①ー
Ingot Mail XIngot Mail X ③①ー
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Windproof Lv. 2
Anjanath Vambraces XAnjanath Vambraces X ①ーー
Agitator Lv. 1
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Slugger Lv. 2
Anjanath Coil X Anjanath Coil X ④①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Ingot Greaves XIngot Greaves X ①①ー
Talisman Weakness Exploit 2 with a ② slot.
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Spiribird Doubled
Build Merits and Notes
A raw damage output utilizing the Atlas Hammer, the hammer with the highest non-negative affinity hammer in the lower MR ranks. We utilize several anjanath armor pieces to get attack boosts and the Slugger skill. The build is also backed up with talismans and decorations to reach high affinity rates and damage via Critical Boost and Weakness Exploit.

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Best Skills and Explanations

Best Damage Skills

These skills make it possible to deal extra damage! Aim for these skills for maximum DPS to defeat those monsters easier and finish those quests faster!

Best Skills Explanation
Weakness Exploit
A staple skill for any meta builds. Most of the monsters in Rise and Sunbreak have their heads as their main weakspots. With the Hammer's playstyle of always going for KOs, this skill provides a significant boost to your DPS! Always max out this skill whenever possible.
Attack Boost
This skill increases the Hammer's damage values, which allow you to deal significant damage!
Critical Eye
Always aim for 80-100% affinity to amplify the Hammer's base damage efficiently!
Critical Boost
Further amplifies critical hit damage. Make sure to have high affinity first before equipping!
Improves stun rate. Useful for solo play due to the lower enemy ailment resistance. Also useful for multiplayer to give the team openings to deal damage.
Powder Mantle
This skill from the Risen Teostra Armor provides the Hammer with additional blast damage every time it activates, contributing greatly to DPS.
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 3
Using the Blue Scroll to increase both attack and stun potency, improving overall damage; just be wary of your health!
Available in Sunbreak Base Game
Get a damage boost upon hit and a further boost after 5 consecutive attacks. Consider this skill for the Courage Hammer playstyle.
Available in Sunbreak Base Game
Overcome the Frenzy Virus to power up with this skill; best paired with Coalescence.
Available in Sunbreak Base Game
Blood Rite
Get constant heals while attacking broken parts. Synergizes well with Partbreaker.
Available in Sunbreak Base Game
Easily break monster parts with this skill. Pair it with Blood Rite to get more utility out of it!
Increases attack power the more your weapon loses sharpness. Best skill to use for Hammers with either blue sharpness or below or sharpness that can quickly deplete (e.g., Gornir and Finishing Hammer, respectively).

Best Comfort Skills

These are skills that make managing weapon mechanics a lot easier. Damage is only part of the equation - taking time to slot in comfort skills that increase consistency & comfort will also increase overall DPS!

Best Skills Explanation
This skill makes it easier to execute more charged attacks, increasing overall DPS.
Stamina Thief
Hammers can apply Exhaust whenever it hits the monster, especially the head. This skill can make exhausting a monster easier, providing more openings for you and your team to deal damage!
Three levels of this skill prevent most roars, tremors, and winds from interrupting your charged attacks. The Cornerstone Jewel is a level 1 decoration, so slot it in whenever possible!
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 1
Flinch Free
Useful especially in multiplayer where minor attacks can interrupt your attacks.
Speed Sharpening
Reduces a cycle for sharpening with each level. Useful for getting your sharpness level up mid-fight.
Intrepid Heart
Whenever the gauge above your health bar is full, this skill can be useful in preventing monster attacks from interrupting your combos, making it possible to pull off an extra charged attack before you can regroup.
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 2
This skill will help you conserve stamina better while you're running around charging your hammer. Only slot this skill in whenever possible.
Stamina Surge
Another stamina conserving skill. Only slot this skill in whenever possible.
Marathon Runner
Reduces stamina depletion while charging the Hammer. Only slot this skill in whenever possible.

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20 Anonymous2 months

On the Blood Awakening blast hammer build it says that you should have blood rite level 3 however it only shows where one level of blood rite comes from which is from the bloodening jewel 3. where do the other two blood rite levels come from?

19 Sunbreak Walkthrough Team@Game8almost 2 years

Hello, Blu! Thank you for pointing this out. Upon checking, the deco list for Courage Hammer incorrectly displayed 1 more Expert Jewel 2 (x2), so that may have been what took the slot for Mastery Jewel 2. This has been corrected. Hope this helps!


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