Monster Hunter Now Walkthrough & Guides Wiki

Monster Hunter Now - Guide and Walkthrough Wiki

Check out our Monster Hunter Now guides for builds, weapons, armor, monsters, and updates to the mobile game!

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Monster Hunter Now Recommended Articles

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All Monster Hunter Now Guides

Monster Hunter Now Guides
Monster Hunter Now - BuildsBest Builds Monster Hunter Now - Message BoardsReferral Codes & Boards
Monster Hunter Now - WeaponsAll Weapons & Tier List Monster Hunter Now - ArmorBest Armor Sets
Monster Hunter Now - MonstersMonsters Monster Hunter Now - SkillsSkills
Monster Hunter Now - Items and MaterialsItems & Materials MH Now - List of EventsEvents
Monster Hunter Now - QuestsChapters and Quests MH Now - Patch Notes and Updates PartialAll Patch Notes and Updates

All Tips and Tricks Articles

All Tips and Tricks Articles
Tips and Beginner's Guide
Affinity Guide Palico Bag Guide
How To Change Weapons Respawn Times
Adventure Sync Guide Controls and Combat Tips
How to Get New Weapons Elemental Damage Explained
Multiplayer Guide Dragon Element Weapons
How to Upgrade Weapons What to Do if No Monsters are Spawning?
How to Farm Zenny What is the Maximum Hunter Rank and Level Cap?
All Fire Weapons Health Regen Guide
When Do Biomes Change How to Jump Attack
How to Perfect Dodge How to Get Gems and What to Spend On
How to Fix Map Not Loading Issue Things to Do Every Day
Status Ailments and Effects How to Raise Hunter Rank
List of All Missables What to Do If You Get Stuck
How to Break Monster Parts What Happens When You Faint?
Recommended Settings All Hunter Medals
In-Game Shop and Web Store Items Hunt-a-thons Event Guide
How to Unlock Layered Armor -

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Monster Hunter Now Builds

Monster Hunter Now - Builds

Best Builds

All Weapon Build Guides

All Weapon Builds
Monster Hunter Now - Sword and Shield Sword and Shield Monster Hunter Now - Great Sword Great Sword Monster Hunter Now - Long Sword Long Sword
Monster Hunter Now - Hammer Hammer Monster Hunter Now - Light Bowgun Light Bowgun Monster Hunter Now - Bow Bow
Monster Hunter Now - LanceLance Monster Hunter Now - Dual BladesDual Blades Monster Hunter Now - Charge BladeCharge Blade
Monster Hunter Now - GunlanceGunlance

Monster Hunter Now Message Boards

Monster Hunter Now - Message Boards Partial

All Message Boards

List of Message Boards

Message Boards
Referral Code Board Friend Code Board

Monster Hunter Now Weapons

Monster Hunter Now - Weapons Partial
Best Weapons Tier List

List of All Weapons and Guides

Close-Ranged Weapons
Monster Hunter Now - Sword and Shield Sword and Shield
Guide | List
Monster Hunter Now - Great Sword Great Sword
Guide | List
Monster Hunter Now - Long Sword Long Sword
Guide | List
Monster Hunter Now - Hammer Hammer
Guide | List
Monster Hunter Now - Dual Blades Dual Blades
Guide | List
Monster Hunter Now - Lance Lance
Guide | List
Monster Hunter Now - Charge Blade Charge Blade
Guide | List
Monster Hunter Now - Gunlance Gunlance
Guide | List
Long-Ranged Weapons
Monster Hunter Now - Bow Bow
Guide | List
Monster Hunter Now - Light Bowgun Light Bowgun
Guide | List

Monster Hunter Now Armor

Monster Hunter Now - Armor Partial

Best Armor Sets

List of All Armor Sets

Jack-o'-Head Leather Set Jagras Set
Kulu Set Pukei Set Barroth Set
Girros Set Kadachi Set Lumu Set
Jyura Set Anja Set Rathian Set
Legiana Set Diablos Set Rathalos Set
Diablos Nero Set Rath Heart Set Radobaan Set
Banbaro Set Barioth Set Zinogre Set
New Year Specs 2024 Rath Soul Set Dragon Dance Mask
Tzitzi Set Odogaron Set Vangis Set
Pukei Lagoon Set Basarios Set Khezu Set
Kushala Set

Monster Hunter Now Monsters

Monster Hunter Now - Monsters Partial

List of All Monsters

List of Large Monsters

Monster Hunter Now - Great Jagras Large Monster IconGreat Jagras Monster Hunter Now - Kulu-Ya-Ku Large Monster IconKulu-Ya-Ku Monster Hunter Now - Pukei-Pukei Large Monster IconPukei-Pukei
Monster Hunter Now - Barroth Large Monster IconBarroth Monster Hunter Now - Great Girros Large Monster IconGreat Girros Monster Hunter Now - Tobi-Kadachi Large Monster IconTobi-Kadachi
Monster Hunter Now - Paolumu Large Monster IconPaolumu Monster Hunter Now - Jyuratodus Large Monster IconJyuratodus Monster Hunter Now - Anjanath Large Monster IconAnjanath
Monster Hunter Now - Rathian Large Monster IconRathian Monster Hunter Now - Legiana Large Monster IconLegiana Monster Hunter Now - Diablos Large Monster IconDiablos
Monster Hunter Now - Rathalos Large Monster IconRathalos Monster Hunter Now - Black Diablos Large Monster IconBlack Diablos Monster Hunter Now - Pink Rathian Large Monster IconPink Rathian
Monster Hunter Now - Zinogre Large Monster IconZinogre Monster Hunter Now - Barioth Large Monster IconBarioth Monster Hunter Now - Banbaro Large Monster IconBanbaro
Monster Hunter Now - Radobaan Large Monster IconRadobaan Monster Hunter Now - Azure Rathalos Large Monster IconAzure Rathalos Monster Hunter Now - Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Large Monster IconTzitzi-Ya-Ku
Monster Hunter Now - Odogaron Large Monster IconOdogaron Monster Hunter Now - Deviljho Large Monster IconDeviljho Monster Hunter Now - Coral Pukei-Pukei Large Monster IconCoral Pukei-Pukei
Monster Hunter Now - Kushala Daora Large Monster IconKushala Daora Monster Hunter Now - Basarios Large Monster IconBasarios

List of Small Monsters

Monster Hunter Now - Cortos Large Monster IconCortos Monster Hunter Now - Jagras Large Monster IconJagras Monster Hunter Now - Mernos Large Monster IconMernos
Monster Hunter Now - Noios Large Monster IconNoios Monster Hunter Now - Raphinos Large Monster IconRaphinos Monster Hunter Now - Shamos Large Monster IconShamos
Monster Hunter Now - Wulg Large Monster IconWulg

Monster Hunter Now Skills

Monster Hunter Now - Skills Partial
List of All Skills

List of All Skills

Artful Dodger Artillery Attack Boost Bleeding Resistance
Burst Concentration Critical Boost Critical Eye
Defense Boost Divine Blessing Dragon Attack Earplugs
Evade Extender Evasive Concentration Fire Attack Fire Resistance
Firm Foothold Focus Fortify Guard
Guts Happy New Year (2024) Health Boost Heroics
Hunter's Unity Ice Attack Ice Resistance Kushala Frostwind
Last Stand Latent Power Lock On Offensive Guard
Paralysis Attack Paralysis Resistance Partbreaker Peak Performance
Poison Attack Poison Resistance Power Prolonger Quick Work
Recoil Down Reload Speed Resentment Rising Tide
Skyward Striker Sleep Attack Sleep Resistance Slugger
Sneak Attack Solidarity (Pumpkin Hunt) Special Boost Special Insurance
Status Sneak Attack Thunder Attack Thunder Resistance Tremor Resistance
Water Attack Water Resistance Weakness Exploit Windproof

Monster Hunter Now Items

Monster Hunter Now - Items and Materials Partial
Items and Materials

List of All Items

All Items
MH Now - Potion Icon Potion MH Now - First-Aid Med Icon First-Aid Med
MH Now - Paintball Icon Paintball MH Now - Palico Paintball Icon Palico Paintball
MH Now - Wander Droplet Icon Wander Droplet MH Now - Wander Orb Icon Wander Orb
MH Now - Special Carving Knife Icon Special Carving Knife -

List of All Materials

All Materials
Monster Hunter Now - Large OreOre Monster Hunter Now - Large BoneBones
Monster Hunter Now - Large VegetationVegetation Monster Hunter Now - Monster MaterialsMonster Materials
Monster Hunter Now - Weapon Refining PartsWeapon Refining Parts Monster Hunter Now - Armor Refining PartsArmor Refining Parts

Monster Hunter Now Events

MH Now List of Events Partial Banner

List of Events

Active Events

Event Name Event Date
(local time)
Monster Hunter Now - Season 2 Kickoff Season 2 Kickoff June 13, 2024 -
June 23, 2024
Monster Hunter Now - Gunlance Training Quests Gunlance Training Quests June 13, 2024 -
September 1, 2024

Upcoming Events

Event Name Event Date
(local time)
Monster Hunter Now - A Visitor From Another Story A Visitor From Another Story June 24, 2024 -
July 14, 2024
Monster Hunter Now - Even Happier Hunting Even Happier Hunting! June 24, 2024 -
July 07, 2024

Recently Concluded Events

Event Name Event Date
(local time)
Monster Hunter Now - Season 1 ClimaxSeason 1 Climax June 6, 2024 -
June 11, 2024
MH Now - Bolt from the Wilds Zinogre.pngBolt from the Wilds: Zinogre May 20, 2024 -
May 26, 2024
Monster Hunter Now - Monster Hunter 20th Anniversary Quest II Partial BannerMonster Hunter 20th Anniversary Quest II April 22, 2024 -
May 26, 2024
MH Now - Prepare for Zinogre Ice Element Quests Prepare for Zinogre: Ice Element Quests May 13,2024 -
May 19, 2024

Monster Hunter Now Quests

Monster Hunter Now - Quests Partial
All Chapters and Quest List

Post-Game Quests

Post-Game Quests

About Monster Hunter Now

Product Information

Monster Hunter Now - Product Information
Release Date September 14, 2023
Developer Niantic, CAPCOM
Price Free-to-play with in-game purchases
Platforms ・iOS
Genre Action, Adventure

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