Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak | In Cahoots for Cohoot Pics: All Owl Locations

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MH Rise Sunbreak Cohoot Locations.png

This is a guide to the In Cahoots for Cohoot Pics Request in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Learn where all three Cohoots (Owls) are and how to take pictures of them.

Basic Information

Quest In Cahoots for Cohoot Pics
Client Pasapato the Historian
Objective Photograph 3 Cohoots in Elgado
Reward Cohoot Mask (Layered Armor)
How to Unlock Clear Anjanath Urgent Quest

Request Rewards the Cohoot Mask

MH Rise Sunbreak Cohoot Layered Armor Mask Showcase

Upon completing this quest, you will be rewarded with a Cohoot Layered Armor head piece.

This will automatically become available in the Layered Equipment Settings at the Item Box. No need to craft this first at the smithy!

All Cohoot (Owl) Locations

Three Cohoots in Elgado Outpost

Main Cohoot Locations in Elgado
1 MH Rise Sunbreak Cohoot 1.png
The white Cohoot on the right can be found perched on top of the chart board in the Command Post. This Cohoot can be found on Admiral Galleus's shoulder if it is not seen here.
2 MH Rise Sunbreak Cohoot 2 #4.pngMH Rise Sunbreak Cohoot 2 #2.png
This brown Cohoot (your Cohoot) lives in the nest on top of the wall opposite the chart board in the Command Post. It is accessible via Wiredashing.
The brown Cohoot will tend to fly around and change locations wherever the hunter is present, as seen in the picture of the white Cohoot above. Take a picture of it whenever you see it nearby!
3 Sunbreak Cohoot 3 #3.png MH Rise Sunbreak Cohoot 3 #2.png The final Cohoot is at the very top of the train tracks surrounding the tower attached to the Command Post. This spot is more easily reachable from Cohoot #2's nest.
This Cohoot is different from the white Cohoot found in #1.

To complete the In Cahoots for Cohoot Request, you must take pictures of (3) three unique Cohoots in Elgado Outpost. Take pictures of them by accessing the Camera through the Action Bar.

Taking pictures of Cohoots in other areas outside Elgado do not work. Likewise, taking another picture of the same Cohoot in different places in Elgado (Galleus's white Cohoot, for example) do not count towards the request objective. You must take a picture of three unique Cohoots regardless of location.

A message on the right-hand side of the screen will show up letting you know that a picture counts towards the request objective when you take a shot of a Cohoot. To be sure that the picture is counted, make sure that the Cohoot is in frame when you take a picture!

Cohoot nests can give you valuable items like Sushifish. Make sure to check on them regularly!

Cohoot Guide

Video Guide

Alternative Cohoot Locations

Alternative Cohoot Locations in Elgado
1 MH Rise Sunbreak Tadori Cohoot
If Cohoot #1 is not found at the top of the chart board at the Command Post, it can be found perched on the shoulder of Admiral Galleus.
2 MH Rise Sunbreak Tadori Cohoot
Alternatively, you can take a picture of the brown Cohoot at the Command Post located beside Doctor Tadori once he is available in Elgado. This brown Cohoot is different from the Cohoot found at the top of the train tracks.
Tadori only appears after completing the MR4 Urgent Quest In Search of the Doctor. Unlocking Tadori right away is not required for completing this quest.

While you can call for your Cohoot through the Call Cohoot action in the Action Bar, you cannot take out your camera while your Cohoot is perched on your arm.

How to Receive the Request

Talk to Pasapato the Historian

Sunbreak Pasapato the Historian.png

After completing the Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath MR2 Urgent Quest, Pasapato the Historian will be available at the Tea Shop to offer this Request. Simply talk to him to start it!

List of Urgent Quests

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