Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Kamura Village | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Kamura Village

This is a comprehensive guide on the Kamura Village found within Monster Hunter Rise (MHRise). Read on to learn more about the different aspects of Kamura VIllage and the different things you can do!

What is Kamura Village?

Base Hub for Hunters

Kamura Village is a peaceful village known for producing Tatara Steel. Kamura Village serves as the base for Hunters, where you gain access to multiple facilities that can assist you with hunting.

Amazing NPCs

MH Rise - Amazing NPCs

The entirety of Kamura Village is filled with useful NPCs that help you out in various ways. Each NPC has a specific use as well as full lines done by talented Voice Actors.

List of Characters and Voice Actors

The Infamous Rampage

MH Rise - The Infamous Rampage

A disastrous event where a large group of monsters stampede through Kamura Village for various reasons. The Rampage has been happening to Kamura Village since ancient times which may be related to the Wyverian twins that reside in it. 50 years ago, the Rampage almost wiped out the entire village.

What is the Rampage?

Kamura Village Stronghold

MH Rise - Kamura Village Defense System

With the infamous tradition of the Rampage, the people of Kamura Village have built defenses to fight off the tide of monsters that will eventually crash through. This Defense system is also known as the Stronghold, the location where you do Rampage Quests.

Rampage Guide: How to Get S-Rank

Things to Do in Kamura Village

Talk to Hinoa about Village Quests

MH Rise - Talk to Hinoa about Village Quests

Hinoa is the mediator for Village Quests in Kimura Village. Hinoa is very close with the main character and she treats them like family. Along with her twin, their singing often calms the villagers and her smile radiates through the entirety of Kamura Village.

Village Quest Guide and List of Key Quests

Talk to Minoto about Hub Quests

MH Rise - Talk to Minoto about Hub Quests

Minoto is the more serious sister of the twins and is the mediator for Hub Quests in Kamura Village. Similar to her sister, Minoto is close to the main character and expresses concern whenever they go out on dangerous Urgent Quests.

Hub Quest Guide and List of Hub Quests

Talk to Master Utsushi for Arena Quests

MH Rise - Master Utsushi

Aside from helping you with unlocking Switch Skills, Master Utsushi also offers High Rank quests for mastering weapons and offers Arena Quests for Hunters looking for a challenge!

Arena Quest Guide

Drop by the Tea Shop for Yomogi's Bunny Dango

MH Rise - yomogi_img02

Yomogi is the resident chef of the Tea Shop in Kamura Village. Her Bunny Dango offer nutritious benefits to hunters as her Bunny Dango is regarded as a village specialty. So special that it has garnered popularity throughout the land.

Canteen and Food Skills

Talk to Iori for Buddy Recruitment

MH Rise - Iori

Buddy Handler Iori is in charge of Palico and Palamute recruitment! You can find him hanging out in the Buddy Plaza and discuss Hunting Buddies with him!

Buddy Plaza Guide

Speak to Shirubei to Level Up Buddies

Buddy expert Shirubei specializes in levelling up the Buddies that you don't bring with you on hunts. So that even if they are idle, they still accumulate EXP and level up on their own!

Buddy Dojo Guide

Discuss with Kogarashi about Meowcenaries

MH Rise - Kogarashi

Meowcenaries are a different way of farming materials as you choose to send off your buddies to different Locales! In both Low Rank and High Rank, there are nodes for gathering that sometimes host rare goods that only the meowcenaries can find!

Meowcenaries Guide

Speak with Rondine for Special Goods and Ordering Items

MH Rise - Rondine

Rondine the Trader is the captain of the Argosy, a shipping vessel from a faraway land that specializes in trading goods and exchanging items. With the help of your Palicoes, she can help you in farming materials, some of which can only be obtained through trading.

Argosy and Trading Guide

Courier Handles Multiplayer Needs

With the help of the Courier, you can access multiplayer lobbies! Up to 4 hunters can hang out in a lobby within Kamura Village simultaneously. A generous addition compared to the restricted nature of the earlier Monster Hunter games when it came to hub zones. Learn more about the multiplayer side of things by reading our linked article below!

Local Co-op and Online Multiplayer

Visit Hamon for Weapons and Armor

MH Rise - Blacksmith

Hamon is the resident blacksmith. Though often cranky, his craftsmanship is pristine. A retired hunter who used to hunt with Fugen the Elder, Hamon offers his services for the battle in defense of Kamura Village. He is in charge of forging and upgrading weapons and armor. Hamon is also in charge of Decorations, which gives you extra buffs in your armor!

Decoration List: How to Unlock Decorations

Stop by Kisaki's Shop for Buddy Needs

MH Rise - Kisaki

The Buddy Smithy right next to Hamon is run by an enthusiastic Felyne named Kisaki. Kisaki is in charge of crafting Buddy equipment.

Visit Kagero for General Needs

MH Rise - Kagero

Kagero offers discounts and gifts from time to time, as well as a lottery system. He also in charge of helping you set up sub-camps and create talismans using the Melding Pot!

How to Use the Melding Pot and Success Rates

Lottery Rules

The lottery prizes vary depending on how lucky you are that day. You are offered a chance of winning the lottery only once per sale. A maximum of three times if you use Amiibo, though you can only use the lottery once per day per amiibo.

Cohoot the New Pet

MH Rise - Cohoot the New Pet

Cohoot is not only a new companion in quests that helps in tracking monsters but also a pet! You can dress up your Cohoot in fancy clothes and give it attention while you stay in Kamura Village.

Cohoot Guide: Owl Buddy and How to Use

You Can Fast Travel

It seems you can fast travel to each facility in Kamura Village - not just to a certain area, but individual facilities like the Smithy, Canteen, Quest Hubs, etc.!

How to Fast Travel

Wirebugs can Be Used

MH Rise - Wirebug In Kamura Village.jpeg

It is confirmed that you can use Wirebugs inside Kamura Village! You can freely practice here and scale buildings!

How to Use Wirebugs

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise - Maps Locations Partial Banner

List of Maps and Locations

All Sunbreak Maps and Locations

Locales and Other Locations
MH Rise Sunbreak - Forlorn ArenaForlorn Arena MH Rise Sunbreak - CitadelThe Citadel
MH Rise Sunbreak - Elgado Outpost Icon BannerElgado Outpost MH Rise Sunbreak - The Jungle MapThe Jungle

All Base Game Maps and Locations

MH Rise - Shrine RuinsShrine Ruins MH Rise - Frost IslandsFrost Islands
MH Rise - Sandy PlainsSandy Plains MH Rise - Flooded ForestFlooded Forest
MH Rise - Lava CavernsLava Caverns
Other Locations
MH Rise - Kamura VillageKamura Village MH Rise - Infernal SpringsInfernal Springs


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