Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Layered Weapons

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Layered Weapons were introduced in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's Free Title Update 2. Now, you will be able to change the look of your weapon without compromising your stats! Read about everything we know about Layered Weapons.

All Layered Weapons

Layered Weapon Types

All Layered Weapon Types
Great SwordGreat Sword Long SwordLong Sword Sword and ShieldSword and Shield
Dual BladesDual Blades HammerHammer Hunting HornHunting Horn
LanceLance GunlanceGunlance Switch AxeSwitch Axe
Charge BladeCharge Blade Insect GlaiveInsect Glaive BowBow
Light BowgunLight Bowgun Heavy BowgunHeavy Bowgun

What are Layered Weapons?

Change How Your Weapon Looks

MH Rise Sunbreak - Layered Weapons

If you're an avid fan of Layered Armor, then you'll know exactly how Layered Weapons will work!

Layered Weapons enable you to change how your weapon looks without losing out on stats. It will be equipped as a skin above your original weapons, so you won't lose decoration slots and weapon augments.

Craft and Wear Separately

Capcom has promised that almost all the weapons that have been in MH Rise will be available for use. You can change your weapon's appearance from the Layered Equipment Settings from your Item Box. Make sure to also forge the weapon design you want from the Smithy using Forge Layered Weapons.

How to Unlock Layered Weapons

Reach MR 10 in Sunbreak

Upon reaching MR 10, you'll start earning Outfit Voucher+ from several quests which will let you create both Master Rank Layered Armor and Layered Weapons.

Use Rampage S Weapons in Base Game

If you only have the base MH Rise, only the final upgrades of the rampage weapons can have their appearance changed. The option appears under Layered Rampage Weapons from the Ramp-Up Weapons menu at the Smithy.

Rampage Weapons Guide: How to Upgrade Rampage Weapons

DLC Layered Weapons

Lost Code Layered Weapons

Capcom has already released a video displaying new DLC: the Lost Code layered weapons. Every single weapon will have their own version of Lost Code, so no weapon will be left out!

List of Sunbreak
Downloadable Content and Prices

Stuffed Monster Layered Weapons

The Stuffed Monster series are plush weapons that are all based on different monsters and have unique sound effects. Some weapons even have gimmicks like the Goss Harag Dual Blades turning red when using Demon Mode!

Plush Weapons Arrive in Title Update 3!

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

MH Rise and Sunbreak Banner.png

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All Monster Hunter Rise Guides

Hunting & Equipment
Monsters.pngMonsters Weapons.pngWeapons Armor Icon.pngArmor
Petalace Icon.pngPetalaces Layered Armor Icon.pngLayered Armor Quests.pngQuests
Talismans.pngTalismans Skills.pngSkills Dango Icon.pngDango
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Gathering & Exploring
Maps Icon (Main Links).pngMaps and Locations Materials.pngItems and Materials Endemic Life Icon.pngEndemic Life
Cohoot Icon.pngStory Walkthrough Updates.pngNews and Game Info Game Mechanics.pngGame Mechanics
Characters Icon.pngCharacters and Voice Actors Discussion Board.pngMessage Boards Spiribird Icon.pngTips & Tricks


3 Anonymousover 2 years

Base game only rampage weapon can use layered weapon.

2 Anonymousover 2 years

you have to reach master rank lvl 10 to be avalabe


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