Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Where to Find Monksnail

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Monksnail Banner

Monksnail is a Rare Endemic Life found in Monster Hunter Rise and the Sunbreak DLC. Keep reading to learn all we know about the Monksnail, where to find it, and how to take a picture of Monksnail to complete the Giant in the Frost Islands? Request!

Monksnail Basic Information

endemic life Monksnail icon.png
Type Rare Creature
Official Description
A gigantic sea snail from the Frost Islands. It hates bright lights, and so remains in the sea during the day. At night, it surfaces where squids and other such potential prey gather. It possesses an organ that projects various patterns of light onto its skin. Its eyeball-like glow and colossal silhouette are the dread of every sailor in the region.

Based on the Umi-Bozu Yokai

Monksnail's design is based on the Japanese yokai Umi-Bozu. This yokai is said to appear in the middle of the sea and cause problems to sailors.

Where to Find Monksnail

Found in the Frost Islands During Nighttime

MH Rise - Area around Monksnail
Monksnail can be found in the sea in the Frost Islands during nighttime. So whenever you're in the Frost Islands during nighttime, make sure to look towards the open sea to check if there's a big jellyfish-looking creature with two yellow eyes moving about. It should be easier to spot from high ground.

A large echoing roar across the map at night can also signal the presence of the monksnail. Make sure you still check if there is no sound cue!

Exact Location on Map

To see it as quick as possible, fast travel to Sub-camp 2 and look to the sea in the east!
Frost Islands

Fast Travel to a Camp and Head Back

If you don't find Monksnail there, try fast travelling to a camp and head back. Though its appearance is random, it should appear in one specific place only, like all Rare Endemic Life. You can also try waiting for a few minutes until it appears.

Camp Guide | How to Unlock Sub-Camps

How to Use Monksnail

Take a Picture

MH Rise - Monksnail

Like all Rare Endemic Life, Monksnail should be photographed in game in order to get its entry in the Hunter's Notes. Try using the Greeting in the Action Bar in front of it and see how it reacts!

How to Take Pictures with the Camera: Photo Mode

Complete Request for the Monksnail Hat

MH Rise Sunbreak - Monksnail Hat

Players will also need to take a picture of the Monksnail to fulfill the Giant in the Frost Islands? Request in the Sunbreak DLC, so players who have not taken its photo yet can kill two birds with one stone. Completing this rewards the adorable Monksnail Hat!

Giant in the Frost Islands? Request and Rewards

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Rare Endemic Life

Rare Endemic Life
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Lucky Life

Lucky Life
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11 MH Riserover 1 year

After testing out the Greeting gesture, I've went and test the other default ones: - Like the Greeting, most gestures will only light up. - "Wave" obviously raises it's head, and roars. - "Nod" and "Applaud" makes it wiggle front to back. - "Call" makes it wiggle it's "shell" up and down. And another note: the Monksnail only last from the slanted mountain-side to the large, pointy island. It's slow, so take your time. It only comes out ONCE, but could be possible per every night.

3 Anonymousabout 2 years

It's worth noting that a big roar signals that it's coming out.


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