Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Hub Quest Guide and List of Hub Quests

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MH Rise Sunbreak - Hub Quests Sunbreak

Hub Quests are multiplayer quests which can raise your Master Rank in Monster Hunter Rise. We listed down all hub quests found in the Sunbreak Expansion of Monster Hunter Rise which includes the target monsters, rewards, and unlock conditions!

Hub Quest Related Articles
Hub Quest Base Game Top BannerBase Game Hub Quests Hub Quest Sunbreak Expansion Top BannerSunbreak Hub Quests

List of Base Game Hub Quests

MH Rise - Hub Quests Base Rise Banner

Look back on where it all started! If you want to see a list of all Hub Quests found in the base game of MHRise, check out the link below:

Base Game Hub Quest List

List of Sunbreak Hub Quests

M★1 Hub Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
A Sinking Feeling (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Uninvited Guest"
Need a Hunter, ASAP! (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Uninvited Guest"
You Had Me at Poofy (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Uninvited Guest"
Catnap Ruined (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Uninvited Guest"
Buggin' Out
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Uninvited Guest"
Reap What You Saw
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Uninvited Guest"
It Could be Worse... (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Tetranadon Blockade"
The Red Rolling Terror (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Tetranadon Blockade"
Barroth to a Great Start (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Tetranadon Blockade"
[REDACTED] (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Tetranadon Blockade"
BRRRR Plus ZZZzzz Equals? (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Tetranadon Blockade"
The Good, the Bad, and Lagombi
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Tetranadon Blockade"
The Jungle Guidebook
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Tetranadon Blockade"
Supply Line Shell Game
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Tetranadon Blockade" and talk to Azuki the Cook
Special Rewards:
Self-Kelp Dango

M★1 Urgent Hub Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Uninvited Guest
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Serpent Goddess of Thunder"
Tetranadon Blockade
Unlock Conditions:
Complete two M★1 Key Quests after finishing the Quest "Uninvited Guest"

M★2 Hub Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
A Dangerous Dare
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins" and talk to Pingarh the Sailor
Pinecone Pelting Panic
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins" and talk to Azuki the Cook
Special Rewards:
Careless Caramel Dango
The Queen's Garden (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins"
The Alabaster Devourer (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins"
Somnacanth Sleep Aid (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins"
Poison Drops in the Sand (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins"
Bird Wyvern Jamboree (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins"
The Assault of the Scarlet Tengu
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins"
Sour Grapes
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins"
Plant Probe Pests
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath"
Skulking Among the Sand
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath"
A Shocking, Sloppy Synthesis
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath"
BZZZZZ or ZZZZzzzz Pt. 2
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath"
In Pursuit of the Khezuit
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath"
A Fond Fur-Well
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath"
Rumble in the Jungle (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath"
Now That's What I Call Great! (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath"
Shrine Ruined (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath"
Messed Up Situation (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath"
Pent-Up Frustrations (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath"

M★2 Urgent Hub Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins
Unlock Conditions:
Complete two M★1 Key Quests after finishing the Quest "Tetranadon Blockade"
Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath
Unlock Conditions:
Complete two M★2 Key Quests after finishing the Quest "Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins"

M★3 Hub Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Trial of the Almudron (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Rocky Rampage"
My Ceanataur Gently Weeps (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Rocky Rampage"
White Knight on Ice (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Rocky Rampage"
Oh, My Garsh Harag (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Rocky Rampage"
Nocturnal Nuisances (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Rocky Rampage"
Garangolm Gone Mad
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Rocky Rampage"
Pollution Problems
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Rocky Rampage"
Soft or Spotty?
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Rocky Rampage"
Tempering the Fierce
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy" and talk to Fugen the Elder
Special Rewards:
Elder Fugen's Blades
Shadow in the Jungle (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy"
Studying Starvation Effects
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy" and talk to Bahari the Scientist
Special Rewards:
Guardian armor set
Desert Lost and Found
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy"
The Mother of All Medicines!?
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy"
Troublemaker Trio
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy"
Freedom from a Frigid Future!
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy"
In His Master's Footsteps
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy"
Stitching a Wintry Wardrobe
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy"
Shady Activity
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy"
A Keen-Eyed Observation
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy"
The Hot and Cold Treatment
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy"
Rock, Paper, Pincers (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy"
A Tale of Two Titans (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy"
Purging Hatred (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy"
A Sandy Spider Nest (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Keep it Busy"

M★3 Urgent Hub Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
A Rocky Rampage
Unlock Conditions:
Complete two M★2 Key Quests after finishing the Quest "Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath"
Keep it Busy
Unlock Conditions:
Complete three M★3 Key Quests after finishing the Quest "A Rocky Rampage"

M★4 Hub Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Unavoidable Cold
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Ice Wolf, Red Moon" and talk to Azuki the Cook
Special Rewards:
Hot-to-Trot Dango
A Mizutsune's Appeal (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Ice Wolf, Red Moon"
Dust Devil Despot (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Ice Wolf, Red Moon"
King of the Crumbling Castle (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Ice Wolf, Red Moon"
Pincers Versus Pyro (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Ice Wolf, Red Moon"
Howling Moon
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Ice Wolf, Red Moon"
Citadel Security
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Ice Wolf, Red Moon"
An Electrifying Grace
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "In Search of the Doctor" and talk to Azuki the Cook
Special Rewards:
Amble Ramble Dango
Impassioned Cavern Crawl
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "In Search of the Doctor"
Troublemaking Trio Pt. 2
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "In Search of the Doctor"
Quit Spooking My Lunch!
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "In Search of the Doctor"
Thousand Cuts, Totally Crushed
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "In Search of the Doctor"
Jade Membrane, Sapphire Claws
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "In Search of the Doctor"
Monju Mashup!
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "In Search of the Doctor"
Twin Sparks in the Dark
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "In Search of the Doctor"
White Knight, Armored Warrior (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "In Search of the Doctor"
Hot Mud in Your Eye (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "In Search of the Doctor"
A Thousand Scales of Dread (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "In Search of the Doctor"
Sacrilegious Thunder Wolf (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "In Search of the Doctor"
Give a Girl Some Fluff!
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Slumbering Jungle Espinas"
A Request From Your Superior
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Slumbering Jungle Espinas"
Power Struggle
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Slumbering Jungle Espinas"
Spooky Citadel!? (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Slumbering Jungle Espinas"
A Mighty Need (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Slumbering Jungle Espinas"
Wicked Wyvern Trilogy
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Slumbering Jungle Espinas"
Buddy Rescue Operation
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Slumbering Jungle Espinas"
Absolute Power (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Slumbering Jungle Espinas"
Dark Wings, Dark Work (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Slumbering Jungle Espinas"
Tears for Temnocerans
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Slumbering Jungle Espinas"

M★4 Urgent Hub Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Ice Wolf, Red Moon
Unlock Conditions:
Complete three M★3 Key Quests after finishing the Quest "Keep it Busy"
In Search of the Doctor
Unlock Conditions:
Complete two M★4 Key Quests after finishing the Quest "Ice Wolf, Red Moon"
A Slumbering Jungle Espinas
Unlock Conditions:
Complete two M★4 Key Quests after finishing the Quest "In Search of the Doctor"

M★5 Hub Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Emperor of Flame
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest 'Burn Brighter Than the Sun'
Storm of The Kushala Daora
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest 'The Frozen Dictator'
Blade Cloaked in Darkness (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Witness by Moonlight"
Stats on Statuses, Stat!
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Witness by Moonlight" and talk to Bahari the Scientist
Special Rewards:
Azure Layered Armor
Seismic Scares
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Witness by Moonlight"
Settle the Score! (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Witness by Moonlight"
Bazelgeuse Warning (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Witness by Moonlight"
Evil Forest (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Witness by Moonlight"
Crimson Moonlight
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Witness by Moonlight"
Burn Brighter Than the Sun (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Dark Citadel, White Wheel"
The Frozen Dictator (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Dark Citadel, White Wheel"
Leave No Trace Behind (Key Quest)
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Dark Citadel, White Wheel"
Bombs and Beams
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Dark Citadel, White Wheel"
Life is Full of Ups and Downs
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Dark Citadel, White Wheel"
Hard & Soft Supreme
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Dark Citadel, White Wheel"
With the Power of Friendship...
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Dark Citadel, White Wheel" and talk to Azuki the Cook
Special Rewards:
Buddy Bond Dango
Beyond the Silence
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Leave No Trace Behind"

M★5 Urgent Hub Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Witness by Moonlight
Unlock Conditions:
Complete two M★4 Key Quests after finishing the Quest "A Slumbering Jungle Espinas"
Dark Citadel, White Wheel
Unlock Conditions:
Complete two M★5 Key Quests after finishing the Quest "Witness by Moonlight"
Gathering of the Qurio
Unlock Conditions:
Complete two M★5 Key Quests after finishing the Quest "Dark Citadel, White Wheel"

M★6 Hub Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Hazard: Primordial Pest
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the MR10 Urgent Quest "Harbinger of Destruction"
Legend Resurrected
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the MR10 Urgent Quest "Harbinger of Destruction"
Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 160
Clashing Swords Upon the Rime
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 10
Advanced: Toxic Trio
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the MR 10 Urgent Quest "What Sleeps in the Tower"
Advanced: Resplendent Silver
Unlock Conditions:
Advanced: Edge of Madness
Unlock Conditions:
Falling Into Chaos
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR10
Risen Kushala Daora
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR120
Risen Teostra
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR140
Advanced: Scarlet Shindig
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the MR10 Urgent Quest "Falling Into Chaos"
Advanced: Espinaptime
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the MR10 Urgent Quest "Falling Into Chaos"
Advanced: Jungle Fervor
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the MR10 Urgent Quest "Falling Into Chaos"
Advanced: Eternal Flame
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quests "Falling Into Chaos" and "Clashing Swords Upon the Rime"
Advanced: Trade Obstruction
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quests "Falling Into Chaos" and "Clashing Swords Upon the Rime"
Hazard: The Hazy Shadow
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quests "Falling Into Chaos" and "Clashing Swords Upon the Rime"
Risen Shagaru Magala
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR180
Destructive Dragon Deity
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the MR10 Urgent Quest "The Sun Will Rise Again"
Advanced: Infestation Infiltration
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quests "The Sun Will Rise Again" and "Risen Shagaru Magala"
Advanced: Twisted Tag Team
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quests "The Sun Will Rise Again" and "Risen Shagaru Magala"
Advanced: Unflinching Walk
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quests "The Sun Will Rise Again" and "Risen Shagaru Magala"
Risen Chameleos
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 110 and talk to Bahari the Scientist
Advanced: In Pursuit of the Truth
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the MR 100 Urgent Quest "Back with a Vengeance"
Advanced: The Gold Standard
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the MR 10 Urgent Quest "A Single Beam of Moonlight" and MR 50 Urgent Quest "Pierce the Heavens"
Advanced: True King of the Skies
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the MR 10 Urgent Quest "Explore the Unexplored"
Unreasonable Rage
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Pierce the Heavens"
Sticky Secret Sticking Sauce
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Proof of Courage" and talk to Azuki the Cook
Special Rewards:
Hide-and-Seek Dango
Trials of Passion and Composure
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Proof of Courage"
Bringing Back That Sparkle
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Proof of Courage"
Mystery Shrouded in Mist
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Proof of Courage"
Winds that Burn
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Proof of Courage"
Bested by Bazelgeuse
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Proof of Courage"
The Ultimate Fight?
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Proof of Courage"
The Devil's Reincarnation
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Proof of Courage"
Spine-Tingling Divinity - Reprise
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Spine-Tingling Divinity"
Mysterious Glow
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Star at Worlds End"
Monster Mash
Unlock Conditions:
Unbridled Mayhem
Unlock Conditions:
Dance of The Fierce Flame
Unlock Conditions:
Four Beast Quartet
Unlock Conditions:
Advanced: Hail to the Fierce
Unlock Conditions:
Clear all of the other base Sunbreak hub quests
Special Rewards:
Harp Crown Layered Armor

M★6 Urgent Hub Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Harbinger of Destruction
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR10 and talk to Admiral Galleus
Raining Fire
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR10
A Single Beam of Moonlight
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the MR 10 Urgent Quest "Raining Fire"
Explore the Unexplored
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the MR 10 Urgent Quest "Raining Fire"
The Invisible Predator
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the MR 10 Urgent Quests "A Single Beam of Moonlight" and "Explore the Unexplored"
What Sleeps in the Tower
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR10
A Mysterious Pale Flame
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the MR 10 Urgent Quest "What Sleeps in the Tower"
The Sun Will Rise Again
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR10 and talk to Fugen the Elder
Proof of Courage
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Gathering of the Qurio"
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 20
Spine-Tingling Divinity
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 30
Pierce the Heavens
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 50
Star at Worlds End
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 70
Back with a Vengeance
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 100

Hub Quest Features and Mechanics

Multiplayer Quests Attached to Hunter Rank

Hub Quests are multiplayer quests that you can do with friends or on your own. If you're playing alone, take note that these quests were designed for multiple players and are more difficult. But they're definitely doable for solo players! Hub Quests are also the only way to access high rank and raise your Hunter Rank, which can reach up to HR999. In the Sunbreak DLC, Hub Quests are the primary quest type, and are tied to Master Rank instead of Hunter Rank.

Multiplayer and Co-op Guide: How to Play Online

Finish Urgent Quests to Proceed

Like with Village Quests, there are Urgent Quests that you have to finish to unlock higher-level quests. These Urgent Quests are unlocked by completing a certain number of Key Quests, a specific subset of Hub Quests marked with a red diamond.

Urgent Quests

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise - List of Quests

Quest Types and List of Quests

All Quest Guides by Type

Quest Types
MH Rise - Village Quests BannerVillage Quests MH Rise - Urgent Quests BannerUrgent Quests
MH Rise - Gathering Hub Quests BannerGathering Hub Quests
Base Game | Sunbreak
MH Rise - Arena Quests BannerArena Quests
MH Rise - Side Quests BannerSide Quests MH Rise - Requests BannerRequests
MH Rise - Event Quests BannerEvent Quests
MH Rise - Collab Quests BannerCollaboration Quests
MH Rise - Challenge QuestsChallenge Quests MH Rise Sunbreak - Anomaly Quests BannerAnomaly Quests
MH Rise Sunbreak - Follower Quests and RewardsFollower Quests MH Rise Sunbreak - Support Survey Quests and RewardsSupport Surveys


5 Anonymousover 3 years

Have you fought him in the rampage

4 Anonymousover 3 years

HR 100?! Damn... This is sick


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