Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Update 11.0: Sunbreak First Title Update Patch Notes

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Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Version 11.0 Update Banner

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Version 11.0 was released on August 10, 2022! Check here for the latest information including release date, new monsters, new additions and features, patch notes, and download size!

Version 11.0 Release Date

Released on August 10, 2022

Monster Hunter Rise (Sunbreak) - Release Date

Update 11.0 can be downloaded for free from August 10, 2022! It is expected to arrive for both the PC and Nintendo Switch versions at the same time.

Nintendo Switch
PC (Steam)
August 10, 2022

Version 11.0 Main Additions

New Monsters

Four New Monsters
Monster Hunter Rise (Sunbreak) - Lucent Nargacuga BannerLucent Nargacuga Monster Hunter Rise (Sunbreak) - Seething BazelgeuseSeething Bazelgeuse
Monster Hunter Rise (Sunbreak) - Gold RathianGold Rathian Monster Hunter Rise (Sunbreak) - Silver Rathalos BannerSilver Rathalos

Four new monsters is added in this patch! Take on these dangerous and powerful monsters and craft their unique gear!

New Locale: Forlorn Arena

MH Rise Sunbreak - Forlorn Arena Information

A new arena-type locale called Forlorn Arena will also be added into the game! This secluded locale is found high above the mountains where it pierces the clouds. Lots of rare powerful monsters call this arena their lair, so be careful!

Forlorn Arena: Quests and Map Information

New Anomaly Quest Level: A5★

A4★ quests not enough to satisfy you itch to hunt? Update 11 would include a new, harder difficulty Anomaly monsters in A5★ quests! This new level would include more late-game monsters like Lunagaron, and Magma Almudron so be ready!

Anomaly Quest Guide:
All Afflicted Monsters and Rewards

Anomaly Investigations

A new feature called Anomaly Investigations is added to the game! These are quests where quest conditions like the target monster, number of players, and the locale are randomized! Completing said quests will increase your Investigation Level that allows you to take on even more dangerous monsters at higher levels!

Anomaly Investigations Guide:
All New Features

Anomaly Research Lab

Bahari finally opens their own shop! This new research facility enables Hunters to trade their anomaly-related materials or parts for rare items like King Armor Sphere, Outfit Voucher+, and a new item called Amber Essence!

Anomaly Research Lab Guide

Qurious Crafting

A new way to augment both your weapons and armor is introduced in this patch! Customize your gear with Qurious Crafting, available in your local blacksmith in Elgado and Kamura!

Qurious Crafting: Weapon and Armor Augments

Event Quests

From August 18, 2022 (PDT) / August 19, 2022 (UTC), we'll start getting Event Quests that will challenge all seasoned Hunters in Sunbreak!

If we're to follow Base Rise's event quest schedule, we should be getting new layered armor, stickers, and more weekly!

Event Quests List: Schedule and Roadmap

New Paid DLCs

New paid DLCs will also be added in this patch will be available for purchase from the Nintendo eShop / Steam Store!

The highlight for these though are the new purchaseable layered armor where you can dress up as your favorite NPC! Sweet!

List of Downloadable Content and Prices

Update 11.0: New Event Quests

We will also be getting weekly event quests which more often than not have unique rewards! These are released weekly every Thursday, 12AM GMT+00 so stay tuned! Here is a list of quest in Update 11.0 so far:

This list sorts Event Quests from newest to oldest!

Quest Name Monster/Locale
MH Rise Sunbreak - Daimyo and Pearls Event QuestDaimyo and Pearls
Released: September 22nd

Locale: Arena
MH Rise Sunbreak - Dual Threat A Song of Silver and Gold Dual Threat: A Song of Silver and Gold
Released: September 15th

Locale: Forlorn Arena
MH Rise Sunbreak - Minor InconveniencesMinor Inconveniences
Released: September 8th

Locale: Citadel
MH Rise Sunbreak - Flash of InspirationFlash of Inspiration
Released: September 1st

Locale: Arena
MH Rise Sunbreak - Dual Threat Revelry of DestructionDual Threat: Revelry of Destruction
Released: August 25th

Locale: Arena
MH Rise Sunbreak - A Grand GestureA Grand Gesture
Released: August 18th

Locale: Shrine Ruins

Event Quests List: Schedule and Roadmap

Version 11.0.1 Patch Notes

MH Rise Sunbreak - Update 11.0

Release Date Aug. 10, 2022
Nintendo Switch Ver. 11.0.1
Steam Ver.

Source: Official Website

New Story Elements

Main Additions/Changes
・ New monsters have been added and will appear in Gathering Hub quests.
・ New afflicted monsters have been added to the game.
・ New quests have been added.
・ A new quest system, Anomaly Investigations, has been added. Anomaly investigations will become available after completing the main story and progressing further in the game.
・ A new locale has been added: Forlorn Arena.
・ New weapons, armor, layered equipment, and skills have been added.
・ New facility added related to the Anomaly Investigations.
・ Qurious Crafting is now available as a new feature at the Smithy.
New System Elements
・ New Guild Card pages, awards, and titles have been added.
・ Two new speech timings have been added to Auto Shoutouts: "When the monster is pacified" and "When the monster is delirious".
・ You can now select a Badge of Heroes which will display next to your Hunter's name.
・ A new option has been added: "Hunter Connect Invite Settings".
Steam-only Additions and Changes
・ New Steam achievements have been added.
・ These achievements can be unlocked by obtaining the Guild Card medals added in Ver.
・ Achievements for new medals added in Ver. will be available in the next update, Free Title Update 2.

Bug Fixes and Balance Adjustments


Power Sheathe (Great Sword): Fixed an issue where Power Sheathe would not apply its buff effect if you perform a dodge too quickly after using the move with a left or right input.
Harvest Moon (Long Sword): Fixed an issue where Harvest Moon would not deactivate properly after your weapon is sheathed due to abnormal statuses (by performing a dodge right after you recover from the status).
Harvest Moon (Long Sword): Fixed an issue where Harvest Moon would not deactivate after transitioning into Wyvern Riding state.
Foresight Slash (Long Sword): Fixed an issue where Foresight Slash could not be chained into a Sacred Sheathe Combo after using the Spirit Gauge to perform the move and failing the counter.
Sword & Shield: There is a slightly longer delay before your character's direction changes when making a movement input during or at the beginning of a guard, making Backstep easier to execute in these situations.
Charge Blade: Fixed an issue where the effects of the Rapid Morph skill would not trigger when using Axe: Smash from a sheathed state.
Charge Blade - Air Dash: Fixed an issue where the Air Dash move would be canceled early if the move was used right at a ledge (or otherwise when you are already in midair at the start of the wirebug animation).
Charge Blade - Ultra Element Discharge (Impact Phial Only): Fixed an issue where the slamming portion of the attack would not have the weapon's elemental or status effect buildup values applied to it.
Insect Glaive: Fixed an issue where if a Kinsect was launched at a monster that was changing areas, the Kinsect would stop moving at the location the monster was when first launched.
Awakened Kinsect Attack (Insect Glaive): Fixed an issue where the player could get locked in the Switch Skill's animation and be unable to move after the Kinsect performs its automatic attacks right after using the Switch Skill.
Light Bowgun - Elemental Reload: Fixed an issue where reload speed would not be correctly reflected onto the player's Equipment Info when in bases with this skill equipped.
Light Bowgun - Fanning Maneuver: Fixed an issue where the player's direction would change to the same directional input used when performing Fanning Maneuver right after a Switch Skill Swap.
Light Bowgun - Critical Firepower: Fixed an issue where recoil reduction would not be correctly reflected onto the player's Equipment Info when in bases with this skill equipped.
Bow - Bolt Boost: Fixed an issue where the Gunner Aim Assist option would not work correctly for Super Critical Range aiming when using Bolt Boost.
Grinder (S): Fixed an issue where, when the sharpness boost activates while you already have the boost from a previous activation, the length of the original boost could unintentionally be overwritten by a shorter boost effect.
・ Fixed an issue where you could end up with more active Kittenators than intended during multiplayer.
・ Fixed an issue where Buddies would sometimes stagger at the start of some monsters' turf wars.
・ Fixed issues that kept Followers from successfully performing Wyvern Riding on monsters in other areas and making their way back to the player.


・ Fixed an issue where some beam- or laser-shaped attacks could go through walls and other obstacles.
・ Fixed an issue where dropped monster materials would disappear after a certain number of them are active at once.
Almudron: Made adjustments to an issue where Almudron would sink unnaturally into the ground when toppled near a ledge.
Magma Almudron: Fixed an issue where the player or Buddies might sometimes disappear when breaking the rocks Magma Almudron creates during battle.
Nargacuga: Fixed an issue where some of Nargacuga's attacks that should trigger a mountable state in other monsters were not behaving as intended.
Mizutsune: Fixed an issue where Mizutsune would sometimes keep moving towards a wall in the Jungle locale.
Rakna-Kadaki: Fixed an issue where Rakna-Kadaki could fail to leave the locale in certain parts of the Lava Caverns locale.
Rajang: Fixed an issue where Rajang could fail to leave the locale in certain parts of the Citadel locale.
Malzeno: Fixed an issue where some of the effects of Malzeno's attacks would not display as intended.
Pukei-Pukei: Fixed an issue where Pukei-Pukei would not drop items when latched onto by a Marionette Spider during certain actions.
Kushala Daora: Fixed an issue where a wind pressure reaction would trigger visually even when a wind pressure reaction was not triggered functionally.
Chameleos: Fixed an issue where high rank Chameleos would sometimes not behave as intended when affected by a flash.
Wyvern Riding
・ Fixed an issue where you could end up with more active Kittenators than intended during multiplayer.
・ Fixed an issue where Buddies would sometimes stagger at the start of some monsters' turf wars.

Locales and Environment

・ Fixed an issue where a Wyvern Riding monster launch could cause a monster to crash into a wall in places where a wall doesn't actually exist in certain areas of the Jungle locale.
・ Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck on certain parts of Area 3 of the Jungle locale.
・ Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck on a branch of the large tree in the center of the Jungle locale.
Endemic Life
Marionette Spider: You no longer lose a Marionette Spider if you were not able to pull a monster toward you.
Marionette Spider: You can no longer discard a Marionette Spider while you are in the middle of using one.
Nintendo Switch ONLY: Fixed an issue where, if you unplug your earphones or otherwise change the sound output while playing, the audio would cut off the next time you obtain a Wirebug or when the effects of a Morphed Wirebug wear off.

Base and Facilities

・ MP Accelerant: Changed the inputs required for using MP Accelerant to be slightly more convenient.
・ Locked talismans will now all be grouped at the bottom when melding at the Melding Pot.
Nintendo Switch ONLY: The L and R buttons can now be held down to change pages on the material selection screen at the Melding Pot.
Steam ONLY: The LB and RB buttons can now be held down to change pages on the material selection screen at the Melding Pot.
・ Fixed an issue where the Rathian Cortex material could be obtained from Master Rank Rathalos on Meowcenaries expeditions.
・ Fixed an issue where the Equipment Skills display would disappear when using Compare Equipment on a weapon after canceling a Compare Equipment on armor that has 6 or more armor skills.
・ Fixed an inconsistency with the Item Box sorting order for Sun Springnight Carp and Locked Treasure Chest.
・ Fixed an issue at the Canteen where food skills different than those from a Bunny Dango Set could be triggered when selecting that set right after selecting other dango.
・ Fixed an issue where the preview camera could not be moved while adjusting the hue, saturation, or contrast when changing pigments for armor and layered armor.
・ Fixed an issue where certain inputs could change the results of Anima and Reincarnation melding.


・ Increased the reward money, Hunter Rank points, and Master Rank points for Scorned Magnamalo quests.
・ Rewards claimed from Optional Subquests that could not be obtained (due to the total number of those rewards being at their maximum) are now automatically sold.
・ Fixed an issue where it was possible to join quests above your own highest unlocked rank when using the Random option to respond to Join Requests at ranks A1★ to A4★.
・ Fixed an issue where the game screen would not return to normal after fading to black during certain cutscenes while in multiplayer.
・ Fixed an issue where the same materials were required for multiple upgrades for the Secta Du White.
・ The stats for F Khezu Whaccine X have been adjusted to the following:
Melee attack power: 195
Ranged attack power: 215
Elemental attack power: 23
Damage type: Severing
Melee attack power: 200
Ranged attack power: 230
Elemental attack power: 21
Damage type: Blunt
・ The stats for C Khezu Arma X have been adjusted to the following:
Melee attack power: 195
Ranged attack power: 215
Elemental attack power: 23
Damage type: Severing (AFTER) Melee attack power: 200
Ranged attack power: 230
Elemental attack power: 21
Damage type: Blunt
・ Fixed an issue where the forging material types for Orangaten were categorized as MR Bishaten instead of MR Blood Orange Bishaten.
Large Elder Dragon Gem: Now sells for 18,000 zenny instead of 12,000z.
・ Fixed an issue where the awards page of other players' Guild Cards would sometimes not be updated properly.
・ Fixed an issue where certain skill effects would not be properly reflected onto the status of equipment registered to equipment loadouts.
・ The long sword's Silkbind Sakura Slash is now affected by the Player Hit Effects and Other Player Hit Effects options.
・ The Buttons for Wyvern Riding option can no longer be changed in the middle of a quest.
・ Fixed an issue where audio volume would change much more than intended after changing the volume in the options.
Steam ONLY: Fixed an issue where Guild Cards would sometimes not fully delete.
・ Fixed an issue where the icon for Rachnoid in the quest results screen would sometimes display as a Felyne icon instead.
・ Fixed various text bugs.
・ Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.

Version 11.0.1 Download Size

Nintendo Switch around 1.0 GB
Steam (PC) around 9.0 GB

Given all the content and features coming with Sunbreak, the update will require a fairly large amount of storage, so be sure to free up enough space before it arrives!

How to Download Updates

Version 11.0.2 Patch Notes

MH Rise Sunbreak - Update 11.0.2 Partial Banner

Release Date Aug. 26, 2022
Nintendo Switch Ver. 11.0.2
Steam Ver.

Source: Official Website

Bug Fixes and Balance Adjustments


・ Fixed an error that occasionally occurred if you register an equipment loadout containing a weapon with a Rampage Decoration, rollback the upgrade for that weapon, and then try to select that particular equipment loadout again.
・ Fixed an issue occasionally affecting the results of augmenting armor when performing specific steps while augmenting a weapon.
・ When changing the target in the search settings for Anomaly Investigations, the minimum level value will no longer be updated if the target is within the range of adjustable conditions.


・ Fixed an issue causing players to obtain Anomaly Investigations as "unauthorized quests" if they join another player's Anomaly Investigation for a monster they haven't unlocked yet.
・ Fixed an error that occasionally occurred when harvesting during an Anomaly Investigation.
・ Fixed an issue preventing Anomaly Investigations joined by multiple players in the same lobby from showing up in the search results for Join Requests.
STEAM ONLY: Detailed body hair on characters and monsters is now properly displayed when the anti-aliasing is turned off or set to "FXAA." This also ensures body hair is properly displayed when NVIDIA DLSS is enabled.
・ Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.

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Cross-Play and Cross-Save PC vs Switch: Which is Better?
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