Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak | How to Use the Chat Features: Best Chat Alternatives

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How to Use the Chat Features | Best Chat Alternatives.png

Do you want to know how to communicate with fellow hunters? Read on to learn how to use the Chat feature in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Here, we discuss how to use the Chat feature, shortcuts to using the chat feature, and alternatives to using chat.

How to Use the Chat Feature

Use the Action Bar

The Action Bar is an easy way to access the Chat Menu. By setting it preemptively then pressing the up or down button on the D-pad, you'll be able to easily access shoutouts, stickers, and gestures!

Use by setting it in the Radial Menu

Another easy shortcut is to set a communication shortcut in the Radial Menu. The disadvantage of this option is you'll require one slot on the radial menu to set up only 1 communication tool. This can be a gesture, a sticker, or a custom message.

Press the - Button

The - button is perhaps, the handiest way to use the chat feature. While it may be placed far on the regular joycons, pressing it twice can be a fast shortcut to head straight into free message. Use this shortcut if you have something important or detailed to say to your team members.

Go to the Main Menu and choose Chat Menu

The “not a shortcut” method. This is the least efficient way to use the chat feature. Simply press the + button then head to the Chat Menu then select it.

Best Way to use the Chat Features

Divide messages by Radial Menu and Action Bar

This method is suggested to lessen down the amount of slots your communication shortcuts will use on the Radial Menu. On the radial menu, it is suggested to use only Custom Shoutouts and Gestures!

Use Stickers More often

Stickers are the most attention catching messages you'll have. It has a huge icon that will eat a big part of the screen and is a reliable way to get your message across the team. We also highly suggest using Stickers because it has a “recently used” page so you can customize what messages you quickly want to send to your team.

Use Other Apps

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While the options above may prove useful while playing with strangers, the best way to communicate while playing a coop game with a decent pace like Monster Hunter is a voice com setup. Having an app like Discord ready while playing with friends is highly suggested to maximize the team's efficiency.

Can You Use Voice Chat? Best Chat Apps

List of Shoutouts, Stickers, and Gestures

List of Translated Shoutouts

Translated shoutouts are convenient for when you find yourself queuing up with people who speak different languages. These shoutouts will display as the player's chosen language, no matter who sends it.

Nice to meet you! Thanks!
Good work! Sorry...
Don't sweat it! Hey, come over here.
I'm coming with you! Understood.
Attack! Help me!
Let's capture this thing! I'll try to ride it!
I'm gathering Hunting Helpers. I'll use a Hunting Helper!
I'm posting a quest. Can you post a quest?
Hang on for a minute. Let's get ready to go!
Ready to go! Heading back to the village.
I'm abandoning the quest... I'm leaving the game.
Thanks for the hunts! See you later!

List of Stickers

"OK!" sticker

"HELP!" sticker

"Nice!" sticker

"Don't sweat it!" sticker

"Congratulations!" sticker

"Now I'm mad!" sticker

"Heh." sticker

"Sorry." sticker

"No." sticker
"Let's do this!" sticker

"Come on!" sticker

"Eureka!" sticker

"Uh..." sticker

"Thanks." sticker

"Hmm?" sticker

"Nice to meet you." sticker

"Chill!" sticker

"What the—!?" sticker

"See ya!" sticker

"Sweeeet!" sticker

List of Gestures

"Greeting" gesture

"Point" gesture

"Nod" gesture

"Refuse" gesture

"Wave" gesture

"Applaud" gesture

"Stop! Stop stop stop!" gesture

"Show Off 1" gesture

"Show Off 2" gesture
call gesture.gifmode:scale
"Call" gesture

"Remorse" gesture

"Joy 1" gesture

"Joy 2" gesture

"Taunt" gesture

"Good Work!" gesture

"Apologize" gesture

"Woohoo!" gesture

"Shadow Box" gesture

"Crossed Arms" gesture

How to Use Gestures

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