Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

List of Petalaces: Best Petalaces and How to Upgrade

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - List of Petalaces | Best Petalaces and How to Upgrade

This is a comprehensive guide and list for Petalaces found within Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) and the Sunbreak DLC. Read on to learn more about Petalaces as well as how to upgrade them!

Are There New Sunbreak Petalaces?

No New Petalaces Confirmed in Sunbreak

There are no new Petalaces in the Sunbreak DLC. Instead, Skills like Spiribird Doubled have been moved to the forefront with the introduction of Rampage Decorations to make sure that players can use their base game Petalaces to their maximum potential.

Everything You Need To Know About Sunbreak

What are Petalaces?

Equipment that Improves the Effects of Spiribirds

MH Rise - Petalace with Spiribird

The Petalace is a new piece of equipment introduced to Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). It is a bracelet that is made of a plant called the Sending Sprig. Just like a piece of armor or a weapon, you can equip Petalaces for various effects. Its main effect is to collect pollen from Spiribirds and retain its permabuffs until the end of a quest.

What are Spiribirds?

Various Types

MH Rise - Different Petalaces

Petalace comes in various types which gives various effects. Some can raise your maximum health while others raise your attack. Utilize the best Petalace for the builds you want to make.

Type Effect
Hunting Petalace Gives a balanced increase to all stats
Strength Petalace Petalace that boosts your health
Improves the effects of Green Spiribirds
Fortitude Petalace Petalace that boosts your defense
Improves the effects of Orange Spiribirds
Demon Petalace Petalace that boosts your attack
Improves the effects of Red Spiribirds
Absolute Petalace Petalace that boosts health and gives a balance increase to all stats
Underworld Petalace Petalace that boosts stamina and gives a balance increase to all stats


Type Health Stamina Attack Defense
Hunting Petalace ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★
Strength Petalace ★★★★★ ★★★ ★★
Fortitude Petalace ★★★★★ ★★★★
Demon Petalace ★★★ ★★★★★ ★★
Absolute Petalace ★★★★★ ★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★
Underworld Petalace ★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★

★ indicates the lowest overall values for a stat, while ★★★★★ indicates the highest overall values.

Choose a Petalace that will suit your play style. We do recommend that you use Demon Petalaces as stamina and strength can be improved in other ways such as eating Dangos and with Spiribirds.

How to Unlock Petalaces

First Petalaces Given To You By Hinoa

MH Rise -  Hinoa Hub Quest Maiden

Hunters receive Petalaces by progressing through the game. Hinoa gives you your first Hunting Petalace I at the start of the game. Future Petalaces are then given to you by Elder Fugen.

Hunting Petalace I
Health Health Up 30
Health Gained 3
Stamina Stamina Up 30
Stamina Gained 3
Attack Attack Up 5
Attack Gained 1
Defense Defense Up 10
Defense Gained 1

How to Upgrade Petalaces

Upgraded During the Game

MH Rise - Hub Quest Counter

Petalaces are upgraded as you progress through the Hunter Ranks. These upgrades will be given to you by Elder Fugen.

Story Walkthrough and Progression Guide

Level II Petalaces

MH Rise - Apex Arzuros in Rampage

Level II Petalaces are upgraded after reaching High Rank (HR4) in the Hub. This means finishing the ★4 Urgent Rampage Quest that pits you against an Apex Arzuros.

Hunting Petalace II
Health Health Up 50
Health Gained 5
Stamina Stamina Up 50
Stamina Gained 5
Attack Attack Up 10
Attack Gained 2
Defense Defense Up 20
Defense Gained 2
Strength Petalace II
Health Health Up 75
Health Gained 8
Stamina Stamina Up 75
Stamina Gained 8
Attack Attack Up 5
Attack Gained 1
Defense Defense Up 10
Defense Gained 1
Fortitude Petalace II
Health Health Up 40
Health Gained 4
Stamina Stamina Up 75
Stamina Gained 8
Attack Attack Up 5
Attack Gained 1
Defense Defense Up 30
Defense Gained 3
Demon Petalace II
Health Health Up 30
Health Gained 2
Stamina Stamina Up 30
Stamina Gained 3
Attack Attack Up 15
Attack Gained 3
Defense Defense Up 5
Defense Gained 1

Level III Petalaces

MH Rise - Level 3 Petalaces

Talk to Elder Fugen after reaching HR 6. This will increase the level of your current Petalaces to Level III.

Hunting Petalace III
Health Health Up 70
Health Gained 8
Stamina Stamina Up 70
Stamina Gained 8
Attack Attack Up 13
Attack Gained 2
Defense Defense Up 30
Defense Gained 3
Strength Petalace III
Health Health Up 100
Health Gained 9
Stamina Stamina Up 90
Stamina Gained 9
Attack Attack Up 10
Attack Gained 2
Defense Defense Up 15
Defense Gained 2
Fortitude Petalace III
Health Health Up 50
Health Gained 8
Stamina Stamina Up 100
Stamina Gained 10
Attack Attack Up 8
Attack Gained 1
Defense Defense Up 40
Defense Gained 4
Demon Petalace III
Health Health Up 50
Health Gained 5
Stamina Stamina Up 90
Stamina Gained 9
Attack Attack Up 20
Attack Gained 4
Defense Defense Up 20
Defense Gained 2

Unlock Update 2.0 Petalaces

Reaching HR8 after updating to Version 2.0 will prompt you to two new quests which will be posted by Elder Fugen.

Completing the quests, A Blaze Among Beasts and May Fire Quell Fury will unlock the Absolute Petalace and the Underworld Petalace respectively. Make sure to talk to Elder Fugen after completing each quest to obtain them!

Absolute Petalace
Health Health Up 100
Health Gained 10
Stamina Stamina Up 70
Stamina Gained 10
Attack Attack Up 15
Attack Gained 2
Defense Defense Up 50
Defense Gained 5
Underworld Petalace
Health Health Up 70
Health Gained 10
Stamina Stamina Up 100
Stamina Gained 10
Attack Attack Up 15
Attack Gained 2
Defense Defense Up 50
Defense Gained 5

Best Petalaces in Monster Hunter Rise

Demon Petalace

The most recommended Petalace is the Demon Petalace. It gives the highest increase in attack power upon acquisition of spiribirds. It is highly recommended because it can easily increase your hunter's attack power just by collecting Red Spiribirds.

Demon Petalace III
Health Health Up 50
Health Gained 5
Stamina Stamina Up 90
Stamina Gained 9
Attack Attack Up 20
Attack Gained 4
Defense Defense Up 20
Defense Gained 2

Strength Petalace

This Petalace has the highest increase in health and has the highest acquisition value for health.

Since the amount of increase in health is 100, if you collect all the Green Spiribirds and increase your health by 50 with a meal, the maximum health will be 250.

This Petalace is recommended for those who are thinking of making a tank build and are worried about their health gauge.

Strength Petalace III
Health Health Up 100
Health Gained 9
Stamina Stamina Up 90
Stamina Gained 9
Attack Attack Up 10
Attack Gained 2
Defense Defense Up 15
Defense Gained 2

Absolute Petalace

The Absolute Petalace increases health as well as other stats far greater than level III Petalaces. This petalace can be unlocked by completing the A Blaze Among Beasts and May Fire Quell Fury.

Absolute Petalace
Health Health Up 100
Health Gained 10
Stamina Stamina Up 70
Stamina Gained 10
Attack Attack Up 15
Attack Gained 2
Defense Defense Up 50
Defense Gained 5

Rainbow Spiribird in Rampages and Arena-type Maps

Before After

When fighting in Rampage Quests or Arena-type Maps (Arena, Coral Palace, or Infernal Springs), a Rainbow Spiribird is provided at the start. This increases your stats to the maximum possible provided by Spiribirds. Don't forget to get them!

Click the drop down list below to see quests with Arena-type Maps:

Quest Type Lvl Quest Name
Arena Quest ★1 Arena 01
Event Quest ★1 Bird Wyverns of Ruin?
Arena Quest ★2 Arena 02
Challenge Quest ★2 Challenge Quest 01
Hub Quest ★3 Disastrously Beautiful
Event Quest ★3 Heart of a Warrior
Hub Quest ★4 Learning the Light Bowgun
Event Quest ★4 The Tiniest Snowbaron!
Village Quest ★4 Third Wheel
Hub Quest ★5 Hone Your Heavy Bowgun
Event Quest ★5 Wrestling with Pain
Village Quest ★6 Advanced: The Veterans' Gala
Arena Quest ★6 Arena 04
Challenge Quest ★6 Challenge Quest 02
Event Quest ★6 Nothing to Sneeze At!
Hub Quest ★6 Showdown in the Arena
Event Quest ★6 The Blue Bomber's Best Bud
Event Quest ★6 Troubled Waters
Hub Quest ★7 A Whirlwind of a Stage
Event Quest ★7 Advanced: Born of Paradise
Event Quest ★7 Advanced: Crimson Calamity
Hub Quest ★7 Advanced: Proof of Power
Hub Quest ★7 Advanced: Those Crowned Apex
Arena Quest ★7 Arena 05
Challenge Quest ★7 Challenge Quest 03
Challenge Quest ★7 Challenge Quest 04
Challenge Quest ★7 Challenge Quest 05
Challenge Quest ★7 Challenge Quest 07
Event Quest ★7 Clouds of Narwa Rumble Again
Event Quest ★7 Gales of Ibushi Blow Again
Event Quest ★7 Heart of a Hero
Event Quest ★7 Heart of a Ninja
Event Quest ★7 Heart of an Apex
Event Quest ★7 Heart of Might
Event Quest ★7 Princesses' Banquet
Event Quest ★7 Rajang's Holiday Special
Hub Quest ★7 Seared Situation
(Key Quest)
Urgent Hub Quest ★7 Serpent Goddess of Thunder
Urgent Hub Quest ★7 The Allmother
Event Quest ★7 Zin and Yang
Event Quest M★1 Daimyo and Pearls
Event Quest M★1 Harvest Boon
Arena Quest M★1 MR Arena 01
Event Quest M★1 Rookie Hunters Welcome!
Arena Quest M★2 MR Arena 02
Hub Quest M★2 Now That's What I Call Great!
(Key Quest)
Event Quest M★3 Another Grand Gesture
Arena Quest M★3 MR Arena 03
Hub Quest M★3 Rock, Paper, Pincers
(Key Quest)
Event Quest M★4 Flash of Inspiration
Event Quest M★4 Forbidden Waltz
Event Quest M★4 Hell's Jingle Bells
Arena Quest M★4 MR Arena 04
Arena Quest M★4 MR Arena 05
Event Quest M★5 Cheering Ra Ra Rajang
Event Quest M★5 Punches and Pincers
Event Quest M★5 Roar of the Black Eclipse
Urgent Hub Quest M★6 A Mysterious Pale Flame
Event Quest M★6 Advanced: Carnival Carnage
Hub Quest M★6 Advanced: Edge of Madness
Hub Quest M★6 Advanced: Eternal Flame
Event Quest M★6 Brightly Shining Disaster
Hub Quest M★6 Destructive Dragon Deity
Event Quest M★6 Dual Threat: Destructive Stars
Event Quest M★6 Dual Threat: Light & Darkness
Event Quest M★6 Dual Threat: Revelry of Destruction
Hub Quest M★6 Four Beast Quartet
Event Quest M★6 Hazard: Buffoon's Buff Baboon Swoon
Event Quest M★6 Hazard: Dance of Disaster
Event Quest M★6 Hazard: Melody of Mayhem
Event Quest M★6 Hazard: Swole Simian Silliness
Event Quest M★6 Knights, Show Thy Valiance!
Arena Quest M★6 MR Arena 06
Urgent Hub Quest M★6 Retribution
Urgent Hub Quest M★6 Spine-Tingling Divinity
Hub Quest M★6 Spine-Tingling Divinity - Reprise
Event Quest M★6 Starting with a Bang
Urgent Hub Quest M★6 The Sun Will Rise Again
Hub Quest M★6 Unbridled Mayhem

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2 Chris Gravesalmost 4 years

You get level 3 petalace when you hit HR 6 in the HUB.

1 Anonymousalmost 4 years

What are the actual Types of Petalaces?!


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