Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Update 16.0: Sunbreak Bonus Update Patch Notes

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Sunbreak - Update 16 Patch Notes Banner

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Version 16.0 releases on June 8, 2023! Check here for the latest information including new monsters, new additions, and features, patch notes, and download size!

Version 16.0 Release Date and Size

Bonus Update Released on June 8, 2023!

Sunbreak - Bonus Update Release Date

Update 16.0 is downloadable together with the Bonus Update from June 8, 2023 for the Nintendo Switch and Steam!

Nintendo Switch
PC (Steam)
June 8, 2023

Bonus Update Release Date and Monsters

Download Size

Nintendo Switch
(Version 16.0.0)
0.4 GB
1.4 GB

Update 16.0 comes at around 0.4GB for Nintendo Switch and 1.4GB for PC. Make sure you have enough storage space in your device on release day!

Version 16.0 Main Additions

New Variant Monster

Sunbreak - Primordial Malzeno Monster Border Icon

A new final monster is added in this bonus update! Face the fearsome Primordial Malzeno and finish Elgado's story once and for all!

Primordial Malzeno: Weakness and Drops

New Skill: Inspiration

Inspiration is a new skill that temporarily buffs attack in addition to the effects of items or melodies used on the party. Hunting Horn users should consider slotting this in to rouse their allies! Those that like to support friends with Wide-Range or items like Lifepowder and Hardshell Powder will likewise welcome this skill.

Inspiration Skill Effects

New Decorations

It was confirmed that the new Inspiration Jewel 1 will be added in this update!

It will be added alongside Bloodening Jewel+ 4 and Thrift Jewel+ 4 - decorations that improves on the currently released Bloodening Jewel 3 and Thrift Jewel 2!

Sunbreak Decoration List

Hold Up to 200 Anomaly Investigations

In the Bonus Update, Hunters will be able to hold up to 200 Anomaly Investigations in their quest lists. This will be an increase from the default holding capacity of 120 investigations.

Sunbreak Anomaly Investigations Guide

Qurious Augment Roll For Slots!

The Bonus Update will introduce the capability for Hunters to roll for slots into their armors! It shows up as a third option under Stability and Skills+.

Best Armor Augments and Recommendations

Version 16.0 New Event Quests

MH Rise Sunbreak - Buff Body Gamma Set

New Event Quests are also available after the release of Bonus Update, which will net you with more unique rewards after completing them!

This list sorts Event Quests from newest to oldest!

Quest Name Monster/Locale
Sunbreak - Cutting Through DarknessCutting Through Darkness
Released: June 8th

Locale: Forlorn Arena
Sunbreak - For a Song and a Rain DanceFor a Song and a Rain Dance
Released: June 8th

Locale: Jungle
Sunbreak - Adorned Arena BorderAdorned Arena
Released: June 15th

Locale: Forlorn Arena
Sunbreak - Hazard Superconductor BorderHazard: Superconductor
Released: June 15th

Locale: Flooded Forest
Sunbreak - Wild Growth Event Quest IMGWild Growth
Released: June 22nd

Locale: Sandy Plains
Sunbreak - Hazard Winter Warning Event Quest IMGHazard: Winter Warning
Released: June 22nd

Locale: Forlorn Arena
Sunbreak - Premarital Socks Border ImagePremarital Socks
Released: June 29th

Locale: Frost Islands
Sunbreak - Collision Course Comet ImageCollision Course Comet
Released: July 6th

Locale: Jungle
Sunbreak - Rare Species Snapshot ImageRare Species Snapshot
Released: July 6th

Locale: Forlorn Arena
Sunbreak - Dual Threat Banquet of Beauty ImageDual Threat: Banquet of Beauty
Released: July 13th

Locale: Citadel
Sunbreak - Hazard: GRRRRRangolm! ImageHazard: GRRRRRangolm!
Released: July 13th

Locale: Forlorn Arena
Sunbreak - Swole Simian Silliness ImageHazard: Swole Simian Silliness
Released: July 20th

Locale: Arena
Sunbreak - Hazard Lunag-awoooooooon!Hazard: Lunag-awoooooooon!
Released: July 20th

Locale: Forlorn Arena
Sunbreak - Flagship FightFlagship Fight
Released: July 27th

Locale: Shrine Ruins
Sunbreak - Daily PracticeDaily Practice
Released: July 27th

Locale: Citadel
Sunbreak - Hazard: Melody of MayhemHazard: Melody of Mayhem
Released: September 25th

Locale: Infernal Springs

Event Quests List: Schedule and Roadmap

Version 16.0 Patch Notes

Sunbreak - Version 16 Partial Banner

Release Date April 20, 2023
Nintendo Switch
(Ver. 16.0.0)
0.4 GB
1.4 GB

Source: Official Website

Main Additions / Changes

New Story Elements
・ A new monster has been added and will appear in Gathering Hub quests.
・ New quests have been added.
・ A wider variety of monsters now appear on Anomaly Investigations.
・ New weapons, armor, layered equipment, and skills have been added.
・ New skills have been added to the pool of potential skills available during Qurious Armor Crafting.
・ ''Augment: Slots+'' has been added to Qurious Armor Crafting.
・ A new skill has been added to the pool of potential skills available during ''Qurious Melding—Vigor''.
・ A new prize has been added to the Market's lottery.
・ New trinkets and hanging scrolls have been added.
・ New items have been added for trade at the Anomaly Research Lab.
・ New dialogue added for major NPCs at Kamura Village and Elgado Outpost based on your progress. progress.
New System Elements
・ The maximum number of Anomaly Investigations you can own has been raised to 200.
・ New Guild Card titles have been added.
・ A new Badge of Heroes has been added.

Bug Fixes and Balance Adjustments


・Fixed an issue where, if the player fainted right before performing the gunlance's Blast Dash, they would perform a single Blast Dash when trying to use Shelling after recovering.
・Fixed a bug where, if the player registers the Dragon Conversion skill to a loadout while the value exceeds the limit, the quantity of the effect in the loadout would be different from the actual effect.
・Fixed a bug causing bias in the frequency at which some players would draw a monster's attention (aggro).
・Fixed a bug occasionally causing Luchika to try to guard against unblockable monster attacks when she has the gunlance equipped.
・Fixed a bug where some of Utsushi's voice lines would not properly play during the battle with Amatsu.
・Fixed a bug causing Followers to perform incorrect evasion behavior if they heal just when Amatsu is about to perform one of its special attacks.
・Fixed a bug causing Followers to get hit by the ice pillars that spawn at the end of a turf war between Malzeno and Velkhana.
・Fixed a bug preventing Followers from performing proper dodges if the player places a Gustcrab in a specific spot.


・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing Barioth's landing animation to play properly when it enters the Forlorn Arena.
・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing Amatsu from roaring at the start of the battle.
・Fixed a bug occasionally causing Amatsu to start shaking a little when it is downed at the edge of the battlefield.
・Fixed a bug preventing the sound effect from being played when breaking a part on Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax's body.
・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing Marionette Spiders from being displayed in the correct location when the player throws them at a Crimson Glow Valstrax, a Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax, or a Risen Shagaru Magala.
・Fixed a bug occasionally causing a mountable monster to attack the hunter if the player rides it during the Amatsu quest but never attacks Amatsu with it.

Locales and Environment

・Fixed a bug during the Amatsu quest occasionally causing the background used for when the quest is completed to be displayed after the player changes their equipment in the tent and then leaves the tent.
・Fixed a bug during the Amatsu quest occasionally causing the cannon placed in the battle arena to keep facing downwards if the player accesses it while it is reloading.
・Fixed a bug causing the sky to change rapidly if the player moves around a specific elevated platform in Area 13 of the Citadel.

Base & Facilities

・You can now hold down the L button or R button to scroll through pages on the Smithy's material selection screen.
・Fixed an issue occasionally causing trinkets placed in Your Room in Elgado to face the wrong direction.


・You can now earn 3-monster quests for Anomaly Investigations taking place at the Arena, the Infernal Springs, or the Forlorn Arena, starting from Level 261.
・Chaotic Gore Magala may now appear during Expedition Tours.
・Fixed a bug preventing some Side Quests from being deliverable until the player has completed specific other quests.
・Fixed a bug during the Amatsu quest where, even if the player succesfully manages to restrain ・Amatsu with a Silkbinder shot, the voice line for a failed shot would be played.
・Fixed a bug occasionally causing the on-screen guidance and Utsushi's dialogue to disappear if the player uses a Great Wirebug during the Amatsu quest and it starts glowing.
[SWITCH ONLY] Fixed a bug occasionally preventing a completion mark from being displayed when completing a Special Investigation in a local co-op Lobby.
・Fixed a bug causing the Ominous Cloud lance to display with an unintended appearance when using the preview in the item box.
・Fixed a bug where, if the player removes the gunlance's "Stuffed Magnamalo" layered weapon outside of a tent, the sound effect for sheathing that weapon will still be played.
・Fixed a bug preventing the reload sound for the Wicked Needle light bowgun from playing properly.
・Fixed a bug causing the Espinas and Flaming Espinas light bowgun to appear unsheathed when sheathed.
・Fixed a bug preventing the hunter's hair from being displayed correctly when using the "Bahari ・Locks" hairstyle and equipping the Professor's Goggles.
・Fixed a bug preventing some head armor from being displayed correctly when using the "Fluffy Curls" hairstyle.
[STEAM ONLY] Fixed a bug where using the "Black & White" or "Black & White (Cinema-style)" filter and resetting the quest would result in the filter being disabled and the game displaying in an unsupported color palette.
・Fixed a bug causing some NPCs to use dialogue that doesn't match the player's progress. ・Fixed a bug causing the subtitles to be displayed with a delay during specific cutscenes if the text language and voice language are both set to English. ・Fixed a bug causing unnatural display to occur when searching for a Lobby without any settings on the Lobby Search screen. ・Fixed an issue with some names in the credits not following the correct display rules. ・Fixed various text bugs. ・Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.
・ Two extra restrictions have been added for blocked players on Steam's blocked-user list:
1. They will not be able to enter the same Lobby (if the Lobby was created after they were blocked).
2. They will not be able to play quests with the player who blocked them.
・ When playing on Steam Deck, the on-screen keyboard will now automatically be displayed in situations where the player can enter text.
・ This setting can be changed by going to the Options and selecting Display -> Automatic Screen Keyboard Display.
・ Fixed a bug preventing Steam profile names from being displayed correctly if the name contains a ''less than'' symbol.

Version 16.0.1 Patch Notes

Sunbreak - Update 16.0.1 partial Banner

Release Date July 7, 2023
Nintendo Switch Ver. 16.0.1
Steam Ver.

Source: Official Website

Bug Fixes

・Fixed a bug causing damage output to be decreased for hunters using a bow, if their elemental properties exceeded a certain value.
・Fixed a bug during the Amatsu quest where the second monster would not appear during the fight, preventing the player from progressing.
・Fixed a bug causing players to lose material types and armor spheres (any type) when forging decorations in a certain sequence.

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