Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Character Creation Guide

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Character Creation Guide banner
Character creation and customization make a return in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Read on to know how to create a character and to learn which features cannot be reverted!

Can I Edit My Character Later?

Limited Edits After Character Creation

Can be changed Hairstyle and color / Eyebrow color / Facial Hair and color / Makeup 1, 2, & 3, / Clothing (inner) / Voice (DLC only)
Cannot be changed Name / Gender (Type) / Age / Face / Skin color / Eyes / Nose / Mouth / Voice

There are many features that cannot be edited once you leave Character Creation, but appearance settings like your hairstyle, color, and makeup can still be changed. Character Edit Vouchers will let you edit everything else except for your name.

Use Character Edit Vouchers for More Options

Free Vouchers

MH Rise - Character Edit Voucher

Using a Character Edit Voucher, you are able to change the entire appearance of your hunter! You will see the amount of Character Edit Vouchers you have in your account by going to the Character Select menu.

Accompanied by the 2.0 Update, a free Character Edit Voucher should have been credited to your account.

Character Edit Voucher

Purchase Vouchers

Store Price
Nintendo eShop 1 Voucher $2.99
2 Vouchers $4.99
3 Vouchers $6.99
Steam 1 Voucher $2.99
2 Vouchers $4.99
3 Vouchers $6.99
PlayStation 1 Voucher $2.99
2 Vouchers $4.99
3 Vouchers $6.99
Xbox 1 Voucher $2.99
Save $0.30 with Game Pass
2 Vouchers $4.99
Save $0.50 with Game Pass
3 Vouchers $6.99
Save $0.70 with Game Pass

Character Edit Vouchers are available for purchase as DLC on all available platforms.

List of DLC and Prices

Editable Palico and Palamute Features

Can be changed Clothing color
Cannot be changed Coat / Eyes / Ears / Tail / Voice / Eyes / Ears

Make sure you're satisfied with your Palicoes and Palamutes' appearance, because all of their features except the color of their clothing can't be changed.

Character Creation Guide

Like all other Monster Hunter games, it is possible to create and customize your character in Rise. However, unlike older games, customization options are shared between males and females, allowing for more unique characters. Read on to know every customization option for your character!

Changeable Background

MH Rise Sunbreak Character Creation Edit Background.PNG

Change Background
NSW - L or NSW - R
PS4 - L1 Button.png or PS4 - R1 Button.png
XBOX - Left Bumper.png or XBOX - Right Bumper.png
Z or C

Lighting changes everything! Before you go and edit your character, check out how your character looks during the day or at night by changing the background via the background menu at the bottom-right.

Basic Settings (Type 1 and Type 2)

MH Rise - Body Types
Body Types 1 and 2 represent male and female body types respectively, with 15 available character presets under each of these body types.

Presets are Available!

Not wanting to customize your character and just head straight into the game?

There are preset customizations available to the player! They are premade so you might encounter other players that will look exactly like you. But if such things aren't a big deal then the preset options are a great tool for you!

Advanced Settings

Advanced Character Customization Options
Face Shape Skin Hairstyle
Eyebrows Eyes Nose
Mouth Facial Hair Makeup

Click on a link to take you to that customization option's section.

Face Shape

Customization Options
Cheek Size ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Adjusts the wideness of the cheeks.
Chin Length ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Adjusts how long the chin is.
Chin Position ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Raises or lowers the chin based on position.
Chin Width ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Adjusts the wideness of the chin.
Jaw Width ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Adjusts the wideness of the jaw.


Customization Options
Skin Tone ・4 Color Presets with a Default Color.
・Further customized with the Color Palette's range slider (x, y).
Age ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Adjusts skin quality based on approximate age.
Muscle Definition ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Defines the overall musculature of your character.


Customization Options
Hairstyle ・34 Available Types.
Hair Color ・50 Color Presets with a Default Color.
・"Use Saved Palette" option available.
・Hue, Saturation, and Contrast options available.


Customization Options
Brow Shape ・27 Available Types.
Brow Color ・50 Color Presets with a Default Color.
・"Use Saved Palette" option available.
・Hue, Saturation, and Contrast options available.
Brow Depth ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines how low or high your character's brow is.
Brow Width ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines how wide your character's brow is.
Brow Position ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines the slope of your character's brow.


Customization Options
Upper Eyelids ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines the default position of your character's upper eyelid.
・Setting the slider to 0 will completely shut your character's eyes.
Lower Eyelids ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines how high your character's lower eyelids are.
Outer Eye Position ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines the angle of the outer edges of your character's eyes.
Eye Depth ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines the protrusion of your character's eyes.
Eye Width ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines the distance of your character's eyes from each other.
Eye Position ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Adjusts the position of your character's eyes relative to the face.
Eye Size ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Adjusts the size of your character's eyes.
Eye Color ・Options to Change Both eye colors or individually are available.
・ 50 Color Presets with a Default Color.
・"Use Saved Palette" option available.
・Hue, Saturation, and Contrast options available.
Eyelash Length ・Choose among Short, Normal, or Long.
・ Sets how long eyelashes are.
Eyelash Color ・ 50 Color Presets with a Default Color.
・"Use Saved Palette" option available.
・Hue, Saturation, and Contrast options available.


Customization Options
Nose Height ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines the overall protrusion of your character's nose from the face.
Nose Position ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines the length of your character's noss bridge.
Nose Bridge Height ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines the protrusion of your character's nose bridge.
Nose Tip Position ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines how low your character's nose tip is.
Nose Bridge Width ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines how wide your character's nose bridge is.
Nostril Width ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines how wide your character's nostrils are.
Nostril Position ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines how high the sides of your nose are.


Customization Options
Mouth Protrusion ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines the overall protrusion of your character's mouth is from the face.
Mouth Width ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines how wide your character's mouth is.
Mouth Position ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Adjusts the y position of your character's mouth.
Mouth Corners Position ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines the angle of the corners of your character's mouth.
Lip Thickness ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines how thick your character's lips are.

Facial Hair

Customization Options
Facial Hair Shape ・28 Available Types
Facial Hair Color ・50 Color Presets with a Default Color
・"Use Saved Palette" option available
・Hue, Saturation, and Contrast options available

Makeups 1, 2, and 3

Characters in Monster Hunter Rise can have up to three makeup options, with one each for the lower, middle and upper layers. These can be overlapped, linked, or adjusted depending on each makeup option's customization.

Customization Options
Makeup Type ・41 Available Types
Vertical Position ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines the y position of your character's makeup.
Horizontal Position ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100
・Determines the x position of your character's makeup.
Vertical Size ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines the height of your character's makeup.
Horizontal Size ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines how wide your character's makeup is.
Color ・50 Color Presets with a Default Color
・"Use Saved Palette" option available
・Hue, Saturation, and Contrast options available
Glossy ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100
・Gives your character's makeup a glossy appearance.
Metallic ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Gives your character's makeup a metallic appearance.
Transparent ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100.
・Determines how apparent your character's make up is.
Luminous ・Slider with values ranging from 0-100
・Determines how well your character's makeup glows in dark or low-light settings.


There are currently four available clothing types for your character, with additional color options for each type:

Customization Options
Clothing Type ・4 Available Types
Clothing Color ・50 Color Presets with a Default Color
・"Use Saved Palette" option available
・Hue, Saturation, and Contrast options available
・Clothing Color is split into 2 Pigments (2 sections of your respectiveclothing type)


There are 20 available voice types for your character. You can preview these voice types under difference states and scenarios by using the Action and Expression Samples tabs.

Voice Acting

The hunter speaks a lot in the game. Unlike in previous games where the hunter was a silent protagonist, in Rise, they talk a lot! For those who prefer the traditional hunter, it is possible to reduce the frequency of the hunter's talking in the settings.

Voice Available in Three Languages

Like other characters in the game, the Hunter's language will be affected by the language settings. Players can choose to have the hunter speak Japanese, English, or in the Monster Hunter Language.

List of Characters and Voice Actors

Recreate Characters with All Settings

While there isn't any way to import or export settings easily, there is a way to view the summary of all the settings for your character. You can use this to share your character with others or recreate another one!

Buddy Customization Guide

Palamute Customization

The Palamute is a new Buddy in Rise. It is a Canine and is a larger Buddy than the Palico.

While mounted on the Palamute, it is possible to perform various actions such as healing, sharpening your weapons, and even jumping!

When editing the Palamute, preset settings are also available similar to the hunter edit menu.

Palamute Guide

Palamute Customization Options
Presets Coat Eyes
Ears Tail Clothing

Click on a link to take you to that customization option's section.

Presets Available!

There are 15 available presets for your Palamute if you prefer to skip the customization process and jump straight into the game!


Customization Options
Fur Pattern ・7 Available Types
Pattern Color ・50 Color Presets with a Default Color
・"Use Saved Palette" option available
・Hue, Saturation, and Contrast options available
・Pattern Color is split into 3 parts (3 sections of your Palamute's fur)


Customization Options
Eye Shape ・7 Available Types
Eye Color ・50 Color Presets with a Default Color
・"Use Saved Palette" option available
・Hue, Saturation, and Contrast options available
・Eyes can be colored seperately


Customization Options
Ear Shape ・7 Available Types


Customization Options
Tail Shape ・6 Available Types


Customization Options
Clothing Color ・50 Color Presets with a Default Color
・"Use Saved Palette" option available
・Hue, Saturation, and Contrast options available


Voice options can be previewed under different stances and conditions by using the Action Samples tab.

Customization Options
Voice Types ・3 Available Types
Pitch ・Low, Normal, and High pitch options available

Palico Customization

A bunch of things can be edited for the Palico but the most important part to edit is the Palico's behavior. It directly affects gameplay and is what decides whether what kind of playstyle your Palico will have in the game.

Palico Guide

Palico Customization Options
Presets Coat Eyes
Ears Tail Clothing
Voice Support Type

Presets Available!

There are 15 available presets for your Palico if you prefer to skip the customization process and jump straight into the game!


Customization Options
Fur Pattern ・7 Available Types
Fur Color ・50 Color Presets with a Default Color
・"Use Saved Palette" option available
・Hue, Saturation, and Contrast options available
Pattern Color ・50 Color Presets with a Default Color
・"Use Saved Palette" option available
・Hue, Saturation, and Contrast options available
・Pattern Color is split into 3 parts (3 sections of your Palico's fur)


Customization Options
Eye Shape ・8 Available Types
Eye Color ・50 Color Presets with a Default Color
・"Use Saved Palette" option available
・Hue, Saturation, and Contrast options available
・Eyes can be colored seperately


Customization Options
Ear Shape ・7 Available Types


Customization Options
Tail Shape ・6 Available Types


Customization Options
Clothing Color ・50 Color Presets with a Default Color
・"Use Saved Palette" option available
・Hue, Saturation, and Contrast options available


Voice options can be previewed under different stances and conditions by using the Action Samples tab.

Customization Options
Voice Type ・3 Available Types
Pitch ・Low, Normal, and High pitch options available

Support Type

Support Types
MH Rise - healer support type palico iconHealer A support type that focuses on recovery moves. Uses healing to keep hunters in tip-top fighting shape.
MH Rise - assist support type palico iconAssist A support type that's ready to assist. Places traps to weaken monsters and set up advantageous situations.
MH Rise - fight support type palico iconFight A support type that focuses on combat. Can become fur-ious boosting its own attack and making it a fighting furball.
MH Rise - bombardier support type palico iconBombardier A support type with a penchant for blowing things up. Has high explosive power and can handle large bombs.
MH Rise - gathering support type palico iconGathering A support type that can sniff out valuables. Highly suited to pilfering items and collecting quality materials.

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) Related Guides

MH Rise - Game Mechanics Partial Banner
All Game Mechanics Guides

Sunbreak Guides
New Silkbind Attacks and Switch Skills How to Switch Skill Swap
How to Get from MR 6 to MR 100 Fast Anomaly Research Level: How to Get Max Level Fast
How to Bring Followers - List of Followers Special Investigations: How to Unlock
Village Facility Guides
Room Guide: Things To Do Inside Your Room Training Area Guide
Canteen and Food Skills Gathering Hub Guide
Getting Started
Character Creation Guide List of Controls
Palico Guide Palamute Guide
Cohoot Guide List of Settings
Can I Change My Name? Can I Change Gender?
Hunter and Monster Stats
Explanation of Hunter Stats Monster Stats Explained
Attack and Elemental Attack Defense and Elemental Defense
Affinity and Negative Affinity Monster Size and Effects
Abnormal Status and Elemental Blight Guide Buff Duration: How Long Do Buffs Last?
Weapon and Armor-Related Guides
How to Rollback Weapons How to Forge Weapons and Armor
Damage Types: Difference Between Sever, Blunt, Projectile Damage How to Use Weapon and Armor Designs
How to Change Armor Pigment How to Hide Armor Pieces
How to Upgrade Kinsects How Does Sharpness Work?
Qurious Crafting:
Armor Augments
Chaotic Gore Magala Weapons Explained
Gameplay Features
Wirebug Moves and Controls Silkbind Attacks
How to Lock-On and Target Settings Switch Skills Guide
Wyvern Riding Guide Turf Wars
What is the Rampage? Hunter Rank (HR) Guide
Unchangeable Appearance Features How to Fast Travel
Fishing Guide Quest Completion Rewards
How to Carry Eggs Respawn Timers
Melding Pot Guide Solo and Multiplayer Guide
Crafting List How to Use Photo Mode
List of Lottery Prizes How to Save the Game
Character Edit Vouchers
Online Play
Multiplayer and Co-op Guide Hunter Connect and Like Function
How to use the Chat Feature How to Use Gestures
Join Requests Guide How Does Difficulty Scaling Work?


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