Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Solid Padlock Award: How to Unlock

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MH Rise Sunbreak - Solid Padlock Award

The Solid Padlock Award is obtained after getting all monster scrolls and trinkets added in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Read on to learn more about how to get this award, how to get Sunbreak scrolls and trinkets, and more!

How to Unlock Solid Padlock Award

Obtain All Sunbreak Monster Scrolls

MH Rise Sunbreak - Sunbreak Monster Scrolls at Argosy

One requirement for the Solid Padlock award is obtaining all decorative monster scrolls added in the base Sunbreak expansion. These will be sold at the Argosy after defeating each new monster at least ten times, and cost Kamura Points to purchase.

Do take note that these include Furious Rajang and Scorned Magnamalo, which unlock at MR 50 and MR 100 respectively.

List of Sunbreak Monsters

Only Requires Base Sunbreak Scrolls

As this award was obtainable before the free title updates, scrolls and statues from monsters such as Lucent Nargacuga, Velkhana, and the Risen Elder Dragons are NOT needed to complete the award.

Check Number of Hunts in Guild Card

To keep track of the number of times you have hunted a monster, look at the eighth tab of your Guild Card and check the Hunted record for each monster.

List of Sunbreak Scrolls

Sunbreak Monster Scrolls
MH Rise Sunbreak - Daimyo Hermitaur Scroll
Daimyo Hermitaur Scroll
2000 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Blood Orange Bishaten Scroll
Blood Orange Bishaten Scroll
2000 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Aurora Somnacanth Scroll
Aurora Somnacanth Scroll
2800 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Scorned Magnamalo Scroll
Scorned Magnamalo Scroll
4000 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Garangolm Scroll
Garangolm Scroll
3300 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Shogun Ceanataur Scroll
Shogun Ceanataur Scroll
2800 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Magma Almudron Scroll
Magma Almudron Scroll
3200 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Lunagaron Scroll
Lunagaron Scroll
3700 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Astalos Scroll
Astalos Scroll
3200 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Espinas Scroll
Espinas Scroll
3200 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Gore Magala Scroll
Gore Magala Scroll
3200 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Seregios Scroll
Seregios Scroll
3200 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Pyre Rakna-Kadaki Scroll
Pyre Rakna-Kadaki Scroll
3200 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Malzeno Scroll
Malzeno Scroll
4400 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Shagaru Magala Scroll
Shagaru Magala Scroll
3600 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Furious Rajang Scroll
Furious Rajang Scroll
4000 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - The Archdemon Scroll
The Archdemon
5000 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Flag Ornament
Flag Ornament
0 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Sun Princess
Sun Princess
3500 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Valiant Knight
Valiant Knight
4000 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Dappled Daytime
Dappled Daytime
4500 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - Deadly Tracker
Deadly Tracker
4500 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - The Oppression
The Oppression
5000 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon
MH Rise Sunbreak - The Abyss
The Abyss
6000 MH Rise - Kamura Points Icon

Obtain All Sunbreak Trinkets

MH Rise Sunbreak - Malzeno Statue in Lottery

The second half of the requirement to receive the Solid Padlock award is by collecting all new Trinkets, which include monster and non-monster statues. These are used to give your in-game house some decor.

These Trinkets are obtained from winning the Jackpot from the Lottery at the Market and by collecting Relic Records at the Jungle and the Citadel.

List of Trinkets from Lottery Jackpots

Lottery Trinkets
MH Rise Sunbreak - Kingdom Longship Kingdom Longship MH Rise Sunbreak - Cohootrioshka Cohootrioshka
MH Rise Sunbreak - Toy Spelunker Toy Spelunker MH Rise Sunbreak - Regalfin Pouch Regalfin Pouch
MH Rise Sunbreak - Gowngoat Bobbler Gowngoat Bobbler MH Rise Sunbreak - Massive Copal Massive Copal
MH Rise Sunbreak - Gargolda Statue Gargolda Statue MH Rise Sunbreak - Shogun Ceanataur StatueShogun Ceanataur Statue
MH Rise Sunbreak - Espinas Statue Espinas Statue MH Rise Sunbreak - Malzeno Statue Malzeno Statue
MH Rise Sunbreak - Archfiend Statue Archfiend Statue

List of Trinkets from Relic Records

Relic Record Trinkets
MH Rise Sunbreak - Daimyo Hermitaur Statue Daimyo Hermitaur Statue
5 Jungle Relic Records
MH Rise Sunbreak - Astalos Statue Astalos Statue
10 Jungle Relic Records
MH Rise Sunbreak - Garangolm Statue Garangolm Statue
5 Citadel Relic Records
MH Rise Sunbreak - Lunagaron Statue Lunagaron Statue
10 Citadel Relic Records

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise - Tips and Tricks Partial Banner

All Tips & Tricks

Sunbreak Award Guides

Sunbreak Awards
Natural Picture Frame Award Solid Padlock Award
Unbreakable Bag Award Comfortable Sandals Award

List of Sunbreak Awards

Base Game Award Guides

Base Game Awards
Adept Hunter Certificate Award Copper, Silver, and Gold Ecologist Awards
Deft-hand Rod Award Fan of True Ascendancy Award
From Palicoes With Love Award Golden Spiribug Plate Awarde
Luxury Armor Stand Award Runner's Sandals Award

List of Base Game Awards


3 Anonymousover 2 years

You need to have unlocked the base game rise padlock award too. Does anyone know if there’s any cosmetic award for doing these medals?

2 Anonymousover 2 years

I’ve collected all of the ones listed and it still hasn’t unlocked. So I know there are some missing from something.


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