Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Best Dango Combinations

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This is a guide to which Dango you should choose when going on quests in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Here we'll list various Dango combinations that we find the most useful for different situations.

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Best Dango Combinations

Master Rank - Defensive

General Survival Set

Dango Effect Activation Rate
Super Bestnut Dango.pngSuper Bestnut Dango Defender (Hi):
Often decreases damage taken.
Magnacrisp Dango.pngMagnacrisp Dango Moxie:
Prevents fainting one time when damage taken exceeds your remaining health.
Dango Adrenaline:
Greatly increases attack when health is dangerously low.
Self-Kelp Dango.pngSelf-Kelp Dango Defender:
Whenever you take a set amount of damage, damage from the next hit is reduced.
Monster Hunter Rise - CohootTips from Game8 Super Bestnut is useful since it reduces damage taken just like Divine Blessing. Magnacrisp can keep you from fainting a single time if you happen to get unlucky and stacks with Guts. Self-Kelp is also great for surviving against monster combos thanks to its damage reduction.
If you're having trouble with your health, you can swap out one of the dangos with Hide-and-Seek Dango which helps recover your health over time. Chirp Chirp can be useful to buff yourself with Spiribirds more easily before a hunt.

Health Drain Counter Set

Dango Effect Activation Rate
Hide-and-Seek Dango.pngHide-and-Seek Super Recovery Dango:
Gradually recovers health over time when discovered by a large monster.
Magnacrisp Dango.pngMagnacrisp Dango Moxie:
Prevents fainting one time when damage taken exceeds your remaining health.
Dango Adrenaline:
Greatly increases attack when health is dangerously low.
Mint-iature Dango.pngMint-iature Dango Booster:
Temporarily increases attack and defense after consumption, once.
Monster Hunter Rise - CohootTips from Game8 Sunbreak introduces several skills like Dereliction, Bloodlust, and Berserk that drain health in exchange for different bonuses. One way to mitigate the drain is through Super Recovery Dango which is very useful at Level 4.
Dango Moxie can be taken at Level 3 to ensure that you have some health restored when it's used up, but it can be substituted with Super Bestnut or Self-Kelp based on preference. Dango Booster is all around a good option to round out the set as it boosts both offense and defense.

See Full Dango List Here

Master Rank - Offensive

General Melee Set

Dango Effect Activation Rate
Super Bestnut Dango.pngSuper Bestnut Dango Defender (Hi):
Often decreases damage taken.
Mint-iature Dango.pngMint-iature Dango Booster:
Temporarily increases attack and defense after consumption, once.
Spud-luck Dango.pngSpud-luck Dango Weakener:
Large monster encountered on quests have an increased chance of being weaker than normal.
Monster Hunter Rise - CohootTips from Game8 A straightforward dango set that balances offense with defense. Spud-luck is good at making hunts go faster as it can lower the max HP of monsters, but you can swap it out for Fruitflash (Dango Bombardier) or Invigorating (Dango Fighter) if you're using Gunlance or Dual Blades, respectively. Weapons that can KO monsters may want to eat Dizzybloom for Dango Slugger too while status users will want Secretheart for Dango Specialist.
If you're having trouble with your health, you can swap out one of the dangos with Hide-and-Seek Dango which helps recover your health over time, or Magnaroar to prevent fainting once. Chirp Chirp can also be useful to buff yourself with Spiribirds before a fight.
Avoid using Spud-luck for multi-monster hunts and large elder dragons like Gaismagorm as their HP is fixed.

Bowgun Dango Set

Dango Effect Activation Rate
Beansplosion Dango.pngBeansplosion Dango Temper:
Increases ammo damage, but also increases deviation.
Centering Dango.pngCentering Dango Feet:
Prevents you from getting knocked on your butt.
Dango Marksman:
Increases the power of shots and arrows.
Recommended Dango for...
Solo: Spud-luck Dango.pngSpud-luck
Multiplayer: Mint-iature Dango.pngMint-iature
Dango Weakener:
Large monster encountered on quests have an increased chance of being weaker than normal.
Dango Booster:
Temporarily increases attack and defense after consumption, once.
Monster Hunter Rise - CohootTips from Game8 This dango set improves your Bowgun ammo's damage as much as possible while potentially lowering the max HP of your target monster. You can swap Centering out with Fruitflash for Dango Bombardier if you're using Sticky Ammo.
Aim for Dango Temper Lv. 4 to maximize the damage boost and to minimize the deviation penalty. Slot in Steadiness when possible to counter the penalty.
Avoid using Spud-luck for multi-monster hunts and large elder monsters like Gaismagorm as their HP is fixed.

Bow Dango Set

Dango Effect Activation Rate
Invigorating Dango.pngInvigorating Dango Fighter:
Reduces stamina depletion when evading, blocking, or doing certain other actions.
Centering Dango.pngCentering Dango Feet:
Prevents you from getting knocked on your butt.
Dango Marksman:
Increases the power of shots and arrows.
Recommended Dango for...
Solo: Spud-luck Dango.pngSpud-luck
Multiplayer: Mint-iature Dango.pngMint-iature
Dango Weakener:
Large monster encountered on quests have an increased chance of being weaker than normal.
Dango Booster:
Temporarily increases attack and defense after consumption, once.
Monster Hunter Rise - CohootTips from Game8 This is a dango set that helps manage stamina while increasing your bow's damage. Spud-luck can make hunts go faster, but you can swap it out for Dizzybloom instead if you want to improve your KO potential via Absolute Power Shots.
Avoid using Spud-luck for multi-monster hunts and large elder monsters like Gaismagorm as their HP is fixed.

Dragon Conversion Set

Dango Effect Activation Rate
Lava-hot Egg Dango.pngLava-hot Egg Dango Fire Res (Hi):
Significantly increases fire resistance.
Waterfall Dango.pngWaterfall Dango Water Res (Hi):
Significantly increases water resistance.
Sub-zero Dango.pngSub-zero Dango Ice Res (Hi):
Significantly increases ice resistance.
Spicejolt Dango.pngSpicejolt Dango Thunder Res (Hi):
Significantly increases thunder resistance.
Monster Hunter Rise - CohootTips from Game8 For users of the Dragon Conversion skill, maximizing elemental resistance is key to boosting elemental damage. By eating any three of the elemental resistance dangos, you can increase element by up to 11 points.
Make sure to boost the positive ones first as the skill only adds up positive resistances for the conversion. Also, avoid going over the 50 resistance cap for any single element.

High Rank - Defensive

Dango Effect Activation Rate
Super Bestnut Dango.pngSuper Bestnut Dango Defender (Hi):
Often decreases damage taken.
Magnaroar Dango.pngMagnaroar Dango Moxie:
Prevents fainting one time when damage taken exceeds your remaining health.
Mint-iature Dango.pngMint-iature Dango Booster:
Temporarily increases attack and defense after consumption, once.
Monster Hunter Rise - Cohoot Icon.pngTips from Game8 Once you hit High Rank, Bestnut can be upgraded into Super Bestnut for an even higher chance of reduced damage. Similar to the Low Rank option, when going up against a monster that deals elemental damage, you can swap Mint-iature for the upgraded elemental Dango to keep yourself healthy. Magnaroar you will unlock at the tail end of your Low Rank journey, keeping you from fainting a single time if you happen to get unlucky.

See Full Dango List Here

High Rank - Offensive

General Melee Set

Dango Effect Activation Rate
Super Bestnut Dango.pngSuper Bestnut Dango Defender (Hi):
Often decreases damage taken.
Mint-iature Dango.pngMint-iature Dango Booster:
Temporarily increases attack and defense after consumption, once.
Spud-luck Dango.pngSpud-luck Dango Weakener:
Large monster encountered on quests have an increased chance of being weaker than normal.
Monster Hunter Rise - Cohoot Icon.pngTips from Game8 A straightforward dango set that balances offense with defense. Spud-luck is good at making hunts go faster as it can lower the max HP of monsters, but you can swap it out for Fruitflash (Dango Bombardier) or Invigorating (Dango Fighter) if you're using Gunlance or Dual Blades, respectively. Weapons that can KO monsters may want to eat Dizzybloom for Dango Slugger too while status users will want Secretheart for Dango Specialist.
Avoid using Spud-luck for multi-monster hunts and large elder dragons like Narwa the Allmother as their HP is fixed. You can instead use other dango like Blastslash for Dango Polisher to speed up sharpening.

Melee Stunner Set

Dango Effect Activation Rate
Dizzybloom Dango.pngDizzybloom Dango Slugger:
Makes it easier to stun monsters.
Blastslash Dango.pngBlastslash Dango Polisher:
Speeds up weapon sharpening.
Dango Pyro:
Upgrades Large Barrel Bombs to Mega Barrel Bombs.
Mint-iature Dango.pngMint-iature Dango Booster:
Temporarily increases attack and defense after consumption, once.
Monster Hunter Rise - Cohoot Icon.pngTips from Game8 This set opts for Dizzybloom that, while having a low activation rate without Dango Tickets, increases your chances of stunning monsters so you can deal damage uninterrupted. Sharp gets upgraded to Blastslash, bringing with it an extra skill for those who use Barrel Bombs.

Bowgun Dango Set

Dango Effect Activation Rate
Beansplosion Dango.pngBeansplosion Dango Temper:
Increases ammo damage, but also increases deviation.
Centering Dango.pngCentering Dango Feet:
Prevents you from getting knocked on your butt.
Dango Marksman:
Increases the power of shots and arrows.
Recommended Dango for...
Solo: Spud-luck Dango.pngSpud-luck
Multiplayer: Mint-iature Dango.pngMint-iature
Dango Weakener:
Large monster encountered on quests have an increased chance of being weaker than normal.
Dango Booster:
Temporarily increases attack and defense after consumption, once.
Monster Hunter Rise - CohootTips from Game8 This dango set improves your Bowgun ammo's damage as much as possible while potentially lowering the max HP of your target monster. You can swap Centering out with Fruitflash for Dango Bombardier if you're using Sticky Ammo.
Slot in Steadiness when possible to counter the deviation penalty of Temper.
Avoid using Spud-luck for multi-monster hunts and large elder monsters like Narwa the Allmother as their HP is fixed.

Bow Dango Set

Dango Effect Activation Rate
Invigorating Dango.pngInvigorating Dango Fighter:
Reduces stamina depletion when evading, blocking, or doing certain other actions.
Centering Dango.pngCentering Dango Feet:
Prevents you from getting knocked on your butt.
Dango Marksman:
Increases the power of shots and arrows.
Recommended Dango for...
Solo: Spud-luck Dango.pngSpud-luck
Multiplayer: Mint-iature Dango.pngMint-iature
Dango Weakener:
Large monster encountered on quests have an increased chance of being weaker than normal.
Dango Booster:
Temporarily increases attack and defense after consumption, once.
Monster Hunter Rise - CohootTips from Game8 This is a dango set that helps manage stamina while increasing your bow's damage. Spud-luck can make hunts go faster, but you can swap it out for Dizzybloom instead if you want to improve your KO potential via Absolute Power Shots.
Avoid using Spud-luck for multi-monster hunts and large elder monsters like Narwa the Allmother as their HP is fixed.

See Full Dango List Here

Low Rank - Defensive

Dango Effect Activation Rate
Bestnut Dango.pngBestnut Dango Defender (Lo):
Sometimes decreases damage taken.
Medicinal Dango.pngMedicinal Dango Medic (Lo):
Slightly increases health recovery from items.
Balancing Dango.pngBalancing Dango Feet:
Prevents you from getting knocked on your butt.
Monster Hunter Rise - Cohoot Icon.pngTips from Game8 Your options for defensive Dango will be a bit limited until you rank up a few times, but once you have access to Bestnut you should be all right. Balancing isn't quite a damage reducer as much as it is helpful in keeping you on your feet so you can recover. Medicinal will increase the potency of healing items, helping you use less and heal more.
Alternatively, depending on which monster you're going up against, you can swap Balancing for any of the elemental Dango for extra resistance. You will likely want to use a Dango Ticket if picking Balancing due to its low activation rate. You may also use Mint-iature for more attack and defense once it's available.

See Full Dango List Here

Low Rank - Offensive

Dango Effect Activation Rate
Peach Skill Dango.pngPeach Skill Dango Deflector:
Helps your weapon retain sharpness when attacks are deflected.
Sharp Dango.pngSharp Dango Polisher:
Speeds up weapon sharpening.
Mint-iature Dango.pngMint-iature Dango Booster:
Temporarily increases attack and defense after consumption, once.
Monster Hunter Rise - Cohoot Icon.pngTips from Game8 These Dango will do their best to keep you in the fight and dealing damage. Peach Skill and Sharp help out with your weapon's sharpness so your attacks will consistently do as much damage as possible while Mint-iature provides a 10 minute attack and defense buff.

See Full Dango List Here

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1 Anonymousalmost 4 years

Not sure if Dizzybloom is best here since you can't stun with every weapon right?


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