Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Hunting Horn Tree: List of All Hunting Horns

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - List of Hunting Horns

This is a list of all Hunting Horns in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Read on to know all about the Hunting Horns, their damage, sharpness, elements, status effects, affinities, and available slots.

All Hunting Horn Guides
Hunting Horn 1Trees & Full List Hunting Horn 2How to Use Hunting Horn 3Best Builds
Songs and Effects

All Hunting Horn Trees

Defender Tree

 ┗Champion Horn Attack Icon150
  ┗Champion Horn II Attack Icon190
   ┗Champion Horn III Attack Icon210
    ┗Guardian Horn Attack Icon230

Kamura Tree

  ┣Kamura Chorus III Attack Icon90
  ┃┣Kamura Chorus IV Attack Icon130
  ┃┃┗Kamura Chorus V Attack Icon150
  ┃┃ ┗Kamura Ninja Horn Attack Icon180
  ┃┃  ┣Kamura Warrior Flute Attack Icon240
  ┃┃  ┃ ┗Kamura Warrior Flute+ Attack Icon280
  ┃┃  ┃  ┗Fine Kamura Flute Attack Icon310
  ┃┃  ┗Duke's GrailAttack Icon300Dragon Icon25
  ┃┃   ┗Magician's AllureAttack Icon320Dragon Icon28
  ┃┣Poetic Bell I Attack Icon120 Affinity Icon10% Water Icon20
  ┃┃┗Poetic Bell II Attack Icon170 Affinity Icon10% Water Icon24
  ┃┃ ┃┗Summoning Bell Attack Icon190 Affinity Icon15% Water Icon28
  ┃┃ ┃ ┗Summoning Bell+ Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon15% Water Icon33
  ┃┃ ┃  ┣Sublime Bell Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon15% Water Icon35
  ┃┃ ┃  ┃ ┗Sublime Bell+ Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon15% Water Icon38
  ┃┃ ┃  ┗Pure Bell Inari Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon10% Fire Icon23
  ┃┃ ┗Sublime Bell I Attack Icon130 Affinity Icon30% Fire Icon24
  ┃┃  ┗Sublime Bell II Attack Icon140 Affinity Icon30% Fire Icon26
  ┃┃   ┗Araknahorn Attack Icon180 Affinity Icon30% Fire Icon29
  ┃┃    ┣Araknatootle Attack Icon260 Affinity Icon30% Fire Icon32
  ┃┃    ┃ ┗Araknatootle+ Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon30% Fire Icon33
  ┃┃    ┃  ┗Doomed Bell Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon30% Fire Icon35
  ┃┃    ┗Garance TollAttack Icon280 Affinity Icon20% Blast Icon14
  ┃┃     ┗Garance Toll+Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon20% Blast Icon16
  ┃┃      ┗Kampa Da LavaterAttack Icon310 Affinity Icon20% Blast Icon18
  ┃┗Basarios Rock I Attack Icon110 Fire Icon10
  ┃ ┣Basarios Rock Mk. II Attack Icon150 Fire Icon12
  ┃ ┃┗Gigant Rock Attack Icon170 Fire Icon15
  ┃ ┃ ┗Gigant Rock+ Attack Icon270 Fire Icon 24
  ┃ ┃  ┗Titan's Rock Attack Icon340 Fire Icon 27
  ┃ ┗Usurper's Growl I Attack Icon110 Thunder Icon20
  ┃  ┗Usurper's Growl II Attack Icon160 Thunder Icon24
  ┃   ┗Despot's Thunderclap Attack Icon180 Thunder Icon28
  ┃    ┗Despot's Thunderclap+ Attack Icon290 Thunder Icon34
  ┃     ┗Oppressor's Boon Attack Icon310 Thunder Icon38
  ┗Zurogong Primo I Attack Icon90
   ┣Zurogong Primo II Attack Icon110
   ┃┣Zurogong Secundo Attack Icon160
   ┃┃┗Zurogong Secundo+ Attack Icon 250
   ┃┃ ┗Zurogong Tertio Attack Icon 330
   ┃┗Striped Dragonga I Attack Icon140 Affinity Icon-20%
   ┃ ┗Striped Dragonga II Attack Icon200 Affinity Icon-20%
   ┃  ┗Tigrex Horn Attack Icon210 Affinity Icon-20%
   ┃   ┗Tigrex Horn+ Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon-20%
   ┃    ┗Tigrex Roar Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon-20%
   ┃     ┗Tigrex Roar+ Attack Icon330 Affinity Icon-20%
   ┣Bariguiro I Attack Icon90 Affinity Icon20% Ice Icon15
   ┃┗Bariguiro II Attack Icon150 Affinity Icon20% Ice Icon18
   ┃ ┗Algiguiro Attack Icon170 Affinity Icon20% Ice Icon20
   ┃  ┗Guiro Frula Attack Icon270 Affinity Icon20% Ice Icon25
   ┃   ┗Guiro Frula+ Attack Icon280 Affinity Icon20% Ice Icon27
   ┃    ┗Frigiguiro Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon20% Ice Icon30
   ┗Frilled Flute I Attack Icon90 Sleep Icon12
    ┗Frilled Flute II Attack Icon130 Sleep Icon15
     ┣Illusory Flute Attack Icon180 Sleep Icon19
     ┃┗Illusory Flute+ Attack Icon250 Sleep Icon22
     ┃ ┗Nightmare Flute Attack Icon280 Sleep Icon26
     ┃   ┗Nightmare Flute+ Attack Icon300 Sleep Icon30
     ┗Bloom Snow FluteAttack Icon270 Ice Icon52
      ┗Bloom Snow Flute+Attack Icon310 Ice Icon60
       ┗Flicker Blizzard FluteAttack Icon320 Ice Icon68

Primordial Tree

Silver Smasher Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon0% Dragon Icon40

Ore Tree

 ┣Wind Horn Attack Icon90
 ┃┣Metal Bagpipe I Attack Icon100
 ┃┃┣Great Bagpipe Attack Icon150
 ┃┃┃┗Heavy Bagpipe I Attack Icon160
 ┃┃┃ ┣Fortissimo Attack Icon180
 ┃┃┃ ┃┣Fortissimo+ Attack Icon230
 ┃┃┃ ┃┃┗Rinforzato Attack Icon270
 ┃┃┃ ┃┃ ┗Rinforzato+ Attack Icon310
 ┃┃┃ ┃┣Grundner FlapAttack Icon280 Affinity Icon20% Thunder Icon23
 ┃┃┃ ┃┃┗Grundner Flap+Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon20% Thunder Icon25
 ┃┃┃ ┃┃ ┗Grunlicht FlapAttack Icon300 Affinity Icon20% Thunder Icon28
 ┃┃┃ ┃┗Frostmoon WailerAttack Icon290 Ice Icon21
 ┃┃┃ ┃ ┗Frostmoon Wailer+Attack Icon300 Ice Icon23
 ┃┃┃ ┃  ┗Harmonic ResonanceAttack Icon320 Ice Icon25
 ┃┃┃ ┗Hidden Harmonic I Attack Icon140 Affinity Icon40%
 ┃┃┃  ┗Hidden Harmonic II Attack Icon160 Affinity Icon40%
 ┃┃┃   ┗Cry in the Night Attack Icon170 Affinity Icon40%
 ┃┃┃    ┗Horn of Deprivation Attack Icon230 Affinity Icon40%
 ┃┃┃     ┣Horn of Deprivation+ Attack Icon250 Affinity Icon40%
 ┃┃┃     ┃┗Avidya Harmonic Attack Icon280 Affinity Icon40%
 ┃┃┃     ┗Namalsadirah's Asterism Attack Icon310 Poison Icon17
 ┃┃┣Pukei Bagpipe I Attack Icon100 Poison Icon18
 ┃┃┃┣Pukei Bagpipe II Attack Icon170 Poison Icon24
 ┃┃┃┃┗Datura Lurr Attack Icon190 Poison Icon27
 ┃┃┃┃ ┗Datura Lurr+ Attack Icon260 Poison Icon29
 ┃┃┃┃  ┗Datura Accelerando Attack Icon290 Poison Icon30
 ┃┃┃┃   ┗Datura Accelerando+ Attack Icon320 Poison Icon34
 ┃┃┃┗Flammenkornett I Attack Icon190 Affinity Icon-15% Fire Icon18
 ┃┃┃ ┗Flammenkornett II Attack Icon200 Affinity Icon-15% Fire Icon20
 ┃┃┃  ┗Forte Flammenkornett Attack Icon210 Affinity Icon-15% Fire Icon22
 ┃┃┃   ┗Forte Flammenkornett+ Attack Icon260 Affinity Icon-15% Fire Icon24
 ┃┃┃    ┗Horn of the Indomitable Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon-15% Fire Icon27
 ┃┃┃     ┗Horn of the Indomitable+ Attack Icon330 Affinity Icon-15% Fire Icon30
 ┃┃┗Valkyrie Chordmaker I Attack Icon100 Fire Icon16
 ┃┃ ┗Valkyrie Chordmaker II Attack Icon120 Fire Icon18
 ┃┃  ┗Queen Chordmaker Attack Icon170 Fire Icon22
 ┃┃   ┣Queen Chordmaker+ Attack Icon270 Fire Icon26
 ┃┃   ┃┣Queen's Harmonium Attack Icon320 Fire Icon28
 ┃┃   ┃┃┗Queen's Harmonium+ Attack Icon340 Fire Icon29
 ┃┃   ┃┗Gold Chordmaker Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon15% Fire Icon40
 ┃┃   ┗RosengitarreAttack Icon270 Affinity Icon20% Poison Icon17
 ┃┃    ┣Rosengitarre+Attack Icon280 Affinity Icon20% Poison Icon23
 ┃┃    ┃ ┗RosenseeleAttack Icon290 Affinity Icon20% Poison Icon28
 ┃┃    ┗Kaktus SeeleAttack Icon280 Affinity Icon20% Fire Icon42
 ┃┣Sandpipe I Attack Icon120 Affinity Icon-30%
 ┃┃┗Sandpipe II Attack Icon150 Affinity Icon-30%
 ┃┃ ┗Sandcrier Attack Icon200 Affinity Icon-30%
 ┃┃  ┗Sandcrier+ Attack Icon270 Affinity Icon-30%
 ┃┃   ┗Sandscreecher Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon-30%
 ┃┃    ┗Sandscreecher+ Attack Icon360 Affinity Icon-30%
 ┃┗Frog Flute I Attack Icon100 Water Icon12
 ┃ ┗Frog Flute II Attack Icon160 Water Icon16
 ┃  ┗Amphibia Allargando Attack Icon210 Water Icon18
 ┃   ┗Amphibia Allargando+ Attack Icon240 Water Icon22
 ┃    ┗Amphibia Larghetto Attack Icon250 Water Icon24
 ┃     ┗Amphibia Larghetto+ Attack Icon330 Water Icon26
 ┗Wind Thief Horn I Attack Icon80 Affinity Icon10%
  ┣Wind Thief Horn II Attack Icon90 Affinity Icon10%
  ┃┗Gale Horn Attack Icon150 Affinity Icon10%
  ┃ ┗Gale Horn+ Attack Icon230 Affinity Icon10%
  ┃  ┗Great Gale Horn Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon10%
  ┗Droth Drone I Attack Icon80 Water Icon30
   ┗Droth Drone II Attack Icon90 Water Icon32
    ┗Droth Roar Attack Icon160 Water Icon35
     ┣Droth Roar+ Attack Icon240 Water Icon42
     ┃┗Echoing Droth Roar Attack Icon290 Water Icon45
     ┃ ┗Echoing Droth Roar+ Attack Icon320 Water Icon50
     ┗Golm DrumAttack Icon290
      ┗Golm Drum+Attack Icon310
       ┗Seismic PaukenAttack Icon340

Bone Tree

 ┗Bone Horn II Attack Icon100
  ┣Hardened Bone Horn Attack Icon140
  ┃┣Hunter's Horn Attack Icon170
  ┃┃┣Native's Horn Attack Icon210
  ┃┃┃┣Sonic GlassAttack Icon240 Paralysis Icon17
  ┃┃┃┃┗Sonic Glass+Attack Icon280 Paralysis Icon19
  ┃┃┃┃ ┗Glass QueenAttack Icon290 Paralysis Icon21
  ┃┃┃┣Shell CastanetAttack Icon280 Water Icon15
  ┃┃┃┃┗Shell Castanet+Attack Icon300 Water Icon16
  ┃┃┃┃ ┗Colored CastanetAttack Icon320 Water Icon19
  ┃┃┃┗Vadya MuseAttack Icon300 Affinity Icon10%
  ┃┃┃ ┗Vadya Muse+Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon10%
  ┃┃┃  ┗Allysyl MuseAttack Icon320 Affinity Icon10%
  ┃┃┗Duo Horn I Attack Icon220 Affinity Icon-15%
  ┃┃ ┗Duo Horn II Attack Icon230 Affinity Icon-15%
  ┃┃  ┗Duo Risoluto Attack Icon240 Affinity Icon-15%
  ┃┃   ┗Duo Risoluto+ Attack Icon330 Affinity Icon-15%
  ┃┃    ┗Horned Tyrant's Horn Attack Icon340 Affinity Icon-15%
  ┃┃     ┗Horned Tyrant's Horn+ Attack Icon350 Affinity Icon-15%
  ┃┗Bull Grunt I Attack Icon180 Affinity Icon-5%
  ┃ ┗Bull Grunt II Attack Icon190 Affinity Icon-5%
  ┃  ┗Wild Grunt Attack Icon230 Affinity Icon-5%
  ┃   ┗Feral Grunt Attack Icon260 Affinity Icon-5%
  ┃    ┗Feral Grunt+ Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon-5%
  ┃     ┗Barbarian Grunt Attack Icon330 Affinity Icon-5%
  ┣Flame Feroce I Attack Icon110 Fire Icon25
  ┃┗Flame Feroce II Attack Icon170 Fire Icon32
  ┃ ┗Rathalos Feroce Attack Icon190 Fire Icon35
  ┃  ┗Rathalos Feroce+ Attack Icon290 Fire Icon40
  ┃   ┗Ophelia's Grace Attack Icon310 Fire Icon45
  ┣Kulu Mosso I Attack Icon90 Affinity Icon15%
  ┃┗Kulu Mosso II Attack Icon110 Affinity Icon15%
  ┃ ┗Kulu Grosso Attack Icon150 Affinity Icon25%
  ┃  ┗Kulu Grosso+ Attack Icon240 Affinity Icon25%
  ┃   ┗Kulu Katolos Mosso Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon25%
  ┗Khezu Horn I Attack Icon90 Thunder Icon20
   ┗Khezu Horn II Attack Icon100 Thunder Icon24
    ┗Khezu Flute Attack Icon130 Thunder Icon32
     ┗Khezu Flute+ Attack Icon260 Thunder Icon38
      ┗Khezu Keen Attack Icon280 Thunder Icon40
       ┗Khezu Keen+ Attack Icon320 Thunder Icon49

Bnahabra Tree

 ┃┣Vicello Unu Attack Icon120
 ┃┃┗Vicello Nulo Black I Attack Icon150 Dragon Icon15
 ┃┃ ┗Vicello Nulo Black II Attack Icon170 Dragon Icon17
 ┃┃  ┗Vicello Uno Black Attack Icon190 Dragon Icon20
 ┃┃   ┗Vicello Du Black Attack Icon240 Dragon Icon25
 ┃┃    ┗Vicello Tre Black Attack Icon290 Dragon Icon30
 ┃┃     ┗Vicello Kvar Black Attack Icon320 Dragon Icon38
 ┃┗Vicello Nulo Green I Attack Icon100 Paralysis Icon15
 ┃ ┗Vicello Nulo Green II Attack Icon150 Paralysis Icon18
 ┃  ┗Vicello Unu Green Attack Icon170 Paralysis Icon21
 ┃   ┗Vicello Du Green Attack Icon250 Paralysis Icon23
 ┃    ┗Vicello Tre Green Attack Icon320 Paralysis Icon25
  ┗Vicello Nulo White II Attack Icon120 Ice Icon10
   ┗Vicello Unu White Attack Icon170 Ice Icon13
    ┗Vicello Du White Attack Icon260 Ice Icon24
     ┗Vicello Tre White Attack Icon310 Ice Icon37

Magnamalo Tree

 ┗Sinister Strum II Attack Icon140 Blast Icon16
  ┗Sinister Shadestrum Attack Icon180 Blast Icon23
   ┗Sinister Shadestrum+ Attack Icon270 Blast Icon26
    ┗Mighty Souleraser Attack Icon290 Blast Icon29
     ┗Devil's LuteAttack Icon300 Blast Icon30

Gore Magala Tree

KummerklangAttack Icon280 Affinity Icon25% Dragon Icon18
 ┣Kummerklang+Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon25% Dragon Icon20
 ┃┗TrauerklangAttack Icon300 Affinity Icon25% Dragon Icon22
 ┗La SépultureAttack Icon280 Affinity Icon40% Dragon Icon35
 ┃┗Le GrégorienAttack Icon290 Affinity Icon40% Dragon Icon43
 ┗Grimm/JoieAttack Icon310 Affinity Icon-30% / 15% Dragon Icon47

Rajang Tree

Denden Daiko I Attack Icon170 Affinity Icon-10% Thunder Icon15
 ┗Denden Daiko II Attack Icon190 Affinity Icon-10% Thunder Icon17
  ┗Denden Doomsounder Attack Icon210 Affinity Icon-10% Thunder Icon20
   ┗Denden Doomsounder+ Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon-10% Thunder Icon23
    ┗Denden Delugesong Attack Icon330 Affinity Icon-10% Thunder Icon25

Furious Rajang Tree

Ibushi Tree

 ┗Azure Elder Horn II Attack Icon190 Dragon Icon11
  ┗Abyssal Gale Horn Attack Icon200 Dragon Icon14
   ┗Skytremor Typhoon Attack Icon340 Dragon Icon19

Narwa Tree

 ┗Abyssal Storm Horn Attack Icon190 Thunder Icon41
  ┗Skytremor Rumble Attack Icon320 Thunder Icon60

Bazelgeuse Tree

Rookslayer Drum I Attack Icon190 Affinity Icon-10% Blast Icon15
 ┗Rookslayer Drum II Attack Icon200 Affinity Icon-10% Blast Icon16
  ┗Bazelreid Rookslayer Attack Icon220 Affinity Icon-10% Blast Icon18
   ┗Baselsium Rookslayer Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon-10% Blast Icon22
    ┗Bazel Valdi Rooksearer Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon-10% Blast Icon25

Kushala Daora Tree

Daora's Taus I Attack Icon170 Affinity Icon10% Ice Icon32
 ┗Daora's Baphophone Attack Icon180 Affinity Icon10% Ice Icon35
  ┗Daora's Baphophone+ Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon10% Ice Icon40
   ┗Daora's Diabassoon Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon10% Ice Icon42

Teostra Tree

 ┗Teostra's Orphee Attack Icon200 Blast Icon42
  ┗Teostra's Orphee+ Attack Icon300 Blast Icon45
   ┗Teostra's Musica Attack Icon310 Blast Icon50

Chameleos Tree

 ┗Cursed Ocarina Attack Icon180 Poison Icon40
  ┗Cursed Ocarina+ Attack Icon300 Poison Icon44
   ┗Genie's Ocarina Attack Icon310 Poison Icon50

Valstrax Tree

Redwing Flute I Attack Icon150 Dragon Icon32
 ┗Reddnaught Ritmico Attack Icon160 Dragon Icon37
  ┗Crimson Clearwing Attack Icon280 Dragon Icon51

Gaismagorm Tree

Abyssal Hollow Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon-20% Dragon Icon20

Velkhana Tree

Sonorous Eisfyl Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon0% Ice Icon23

Amatsu Tree

Autumn Lute Attack Icon350 Affinity Icon-25% Water Icon47

Chaos Tree

 ┗Poison Fungasax II Attack Icon130 Poison Icon32
  ┗Toxic Fungasax Attack Icon150 Poison Icon35
   ┗Toxic Fungasax+ Attack Icon270 Poison Icon38
    ┗Mycotoxic Fungasax Attack Icon330 Poison Icon42

Magia Tree

Magia Charm I Attack Icon100 Ice Icon12
 ┗Magia Charm II Attack Icon150 Ice Icon14
  ┗Magia Charm III Attack Icon170 Ice Icon16
   ┗Magia Charmbell Attack Icon180 Ice Icon20
    ┗Magia Charmbell+ Attack Icon290 Ice Icon24
     ┗Bell of Laertes Attack Icon330 Ice Icon27

Spio Tree

Cornupion I Attack Icon130 Paralysis Icon10
 ┗Cornupion II Attack Icon150 Paralysis Icon12
  ┗Webbed Cornupion Attack Icon180 Paralysis Icon15
   ┗Hamlet's Horn Attack Icon240 Paralysis Icon16
    ┗Gossamer Cornupion Attack Icon320 Paralysis Icon18

Bombadgy Tree

Grass Flute I Attack Icon140 Blast Icon10
 ┗Grass Flute II Attack Icon150 Blast Icon12
  ┗Bombadgy's Cry Attack Icon170 Blast Icon15
   ┗Bombadgy's Cry+ Attack Icon270 Blast Icon18
    ┗Raccoon Dog Auldhorn Attack Icon320 Blast Icon23

Royal Order Tree

 ┗Royal Order's Horn+ Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon10%

Antique Machina Tree

Rampage Tree

  ┗Rampage Agitato III Attack Icon180
   ┗Rampage Agitato IV Attack Icon190
    ┗Rampage Agitato V Attack Icon200
     ┗Rampage Agitato S Attack Icon210

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MH Rise - Heavy Bowgun IconHeavy Bowgun
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MH Rise - Bow IconBow
Guide | Weapon Tree


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