Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Armor Sets

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - List of Armor Sets

This is a developing list of all the Armor found in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) and the Sunbreak DLC. Read more to see the different Armor Sets, Armor Appearance, Armor skills, and more available in the game!

List of Armor Sets

List of Master Rank Armor Sets

Aelucanth X / Rhopessa X Aknosom X
Alloy X Almudron X
Anjanath X Arc / Storge
Archfiend Armor Arzuros X
Astalos Auroracanth
Baggi X Barbania
Barioth X Barroth X
Basarios X Base Commander
Bazelgeuse X Bishaten X
Blessed Feather Bnahabra X
Bone X Brigade X
Bullfango Mask X Ceanataur
Chainmail X Chaotic Gore / Nephilim
Chrome Metal X Commission
Crimson Valstrax - Eclipse Crimson Valstrax - Epoch
Damascus X Death Stench X
Diablos X Dignified
Dober X Droth X
Edel X Espinas
Five Element Flaming Espinas
Garangolm Gargwa Mask X
Golden Lune Gore Magala
Goss Harag X Grand Chaos
Grand Divine Ire Grand God's Peer
Grand Mizuha Guardian
Guild Bard / Scholar Guild Palace
Hawk Heavy Knight
Hermitaur Hornetaur
Hunter X Ibushi - Pure
Ingot X Izuchi X
Jaggi Mask X Jaggi X
Jelly X Jyuratodus X
Kaiser X Kamura Legacy
Khezu X Knight Squire
Kulu-Ya-Ku X Kushala X
Lagombi X Leather X
Lucent Narga Lunagaron
Magmadron Makluva X
Malzeno Melahoa X
Mizutsune X Mosgharl X
Nargacuga X Narwa - Pure
Onmyo Orangaten
Pride Primordial
Professor / Charite Pukei-Pukei X
Pyre-Kadaki Rakna-Kadaki X
Rathalos X Rathian X
Remobra X Rhenoplos X
Rimeguard Risen Kaiser
Risen Kushala Risen Mizuha
Royal Artillery Corps Royal Ludroth X
Sailor Scholarly
Seregios Shell-Studded X
Silver Sol Sinister Demon
Sinister Grudge Skalda X / Spio X
Skull X Slagtoth X
Snowshear Soaring Feather
Somnacanth X Tempest
Tetranadon X Tigrex X
Tobi-Kadachi X Uroktor X
Utsushi True (Hidden) / Channeler (Spring) Utsushi True (Visible) / Medium (Light)
Vaik X Velociprey
Vespoid Virtue / Prudence
Volvidon X Wroggi X
Yukumo Sky Zinogre X

List of Master Rank Armor Sets

List of High Rank Armor Sets

Aelucanth S / Rhopessa S Aknosom S
Alloy S Almudron S
Anja S Arzuros S
Azure Age Baggi S
Barioth S Barroth S
Basarios S Bazel
Bishaten S Black Belt S
Black Leather Bnahabra S
Bone S Brigade
Bullfango Mask S Chainmail S
Chaos S Chrome Metal
Crimson Valstrax Cunning Specs
Damascus Death Stench S
Diablos S Dober
Droth S Edel S
Feather of Mastery Flame Seal
Gargwa Mask S Golden
Goss Harag S Hunter S
Ibushi Ingot S
Izuchi S Jaggi Mask S
Jaggi S Jelly S
Jyura Kadachi S
Kaiser Kamura S
Khezu S Kulu S
Kushala Lagombi S
Leather S Ludroth S
Makluva S Melahoa S
Mighty Bow Feather Mizuha
Mizutsune S Mosgharl S
Nargacuga S Narwa
Pukei S Rakna-Kadaki
Rathalos S Rathian S
Remobra S Rhenoplos S
Shadow Shades Shell-Studded S
Sinister S Skalda S / Spio S
Skull S Slagtoth S
Somnacanth S Tetranadon S
Tigrex S Uroktor S
Utsushi (Hidden) S / Channeler S Utsushi (Visible) S / Medium S
Vaik S Volvidon S
Wroggi S Zinogre S

List of High Rank Armor Sets

List of Low Rank Armor Sets

Aelucanth / Rhopessa Aknosom
Alloy Almudron
Anja Arzuros
Baggi Barioth
Barroth Basarios
Bishaten Black Belt
Bnahabra Bone
Brigade Bullfango Mask
Chainmail Chaos
Death Stench Diablos
Droth Edel
Gargwa Mask Goss Harag
Guild Cross Hunter
Ingot Izuchi
Jaggi Jaggi Mask
Jelly Kadachi
Kamura Khezu
Kulu Lagombi
Leather Ludroth
Makluva Melahoa
Mizutsune Mosgharl
Nargacuga Pukei
Rathalos Rathian
Remobra Rhenoplos
Shell-Studded Sinister
Skalda / Spio Skull
Slagtoth Somnacanth
Tetranadon Tigrex
Uroktor Utsushi (Hidden) / Channeler
Utsushi (Visible) / Medium Vaik
Volvidon Wroggi

List of Low Rank Armor Sets

Armor Sets by Monster and Type

All Large Monster Armor Sets

Aknosom.pngAknosom Almudron.pngAlmudron Anjanath.pngAnjanath Arzuros.pngArzuros
Barioth.pngBarioth Barroth.pngBarroth Basarios.pngBasarios Bishaten.pngBishaten
Diablos.pngDiablos Goss Harag.pngGoss Harag Great Baggi.pngGreat Baggi Great Izuchi.pngGreat Izuchi
Great Wroggi.pngGreat Wroggi Khezu.pngKhezu Kulu-Ya-Ku.pngKulu-Ya-Ku Lagombi.pngLagombi
Magnamalo.pngMagnamalo Mizutsune.pngMizutsune Nargacuga.pngNargacuga Pukei-Pukei.pngPukei-Pukei
Rathalos.pngRathalos Rathian.pngRathian Royal Ludroth.pngRoyal Ludroth Somnacanth.pngSomnacanth
Tetranadon.pngTetranadon Tigrex.pngTigrex Tobi-Kadachi.pngTobi-Kadachi Volvidon.pngVolvidon

All Small Monster Armor Sets

Bnahabra.pngBnahabra Bullfango.pngBullfango Gargwa.pngGargwa Jaggi.pngJaggi
Ludroth.pngLudroth Remobra.pngRemobra Rhenoplos.pngRhenoplos Slagtoth.pngSlagtoth

Other Armor Sets

Aelucanth / Rhopessa Alloy Bone
Brigade Chainmail Chaos
Death Stench Edel Hunter
Ingot Jelly Kamura
Leather Makluva Melahoa
Mosgharl Shell-Studded Skalda / Spio
Skull Utsushi (Hidden) / Channeler Utsushi (Visible) / Medium

Armor and Armor Skills

What are Armor Skills?

Armor Skills are buffs or abilities that assist hunters when wearing either an Armor Piece, Charm, or Decoration that adds levels to a Skill.

Armor Skill System Like MHW

The Armor Skill System in MH Rise loosely follows that of MHW. Increasing your armor skill by 1 level will give you a better skill effect. This makes the mixed set far more flexible and easier to do!

List of Skills

Changes from Past Games

Materials Needed to Craft is Decreased

Monster Hunter Rise - Lesser Material Requirements

Ingot Equipment Iron Ore x2
Earth Crystal x2
Dragonite Ore x2
Kestodon Skull x1
Iron Ore x8
Machalite Ore x3
Dragonite Ore x2
Monster Bone+ x1

It has been confirmed in an interview with Director Ichinose that weapons will have lesser materials required to craft but it looks like this applies to armor as well.

Changes from MHW

Check IconWearing 3 or more armor pieces from a set will grant you Resistance Bonuses.

Check IconPetalaces are added.

Wear 3 or More Armor Pieces and Get a Bonus

Monster Hunter Rise - Set Bonus Resistance.png

If you wear three or more armor pieces from the same set, you will get a resistance bonus based on that armor. This introduces a very tight balancing act for builds when both mixed sets and full-armor sets have their own advantages.

Petalaces are Added to the Game

Monster Hunter Rise - Demon Petalaces.png

Petalaces are a new kind of armor piece that you can wear in hunts. These new type of wearables increases the efficacy of endemic lives like Spiribirds. Furthermore, Petalaces must be worn at all times.

List of Petalaces

Changes from MHGU

Check IconChanges to the skill level system. Increase armor skill by a level to get a better bonus.

Check IconWearing 3 or more armor pieces from a set will grant you Resistance Bonuses.

Check IconPetalaces are added.

Skill System Has Changed

In MHGU, skills are increased by one level when you reach an increment of 10. MH Rise follows the system in MHW where increasing an armor skill by one level will give you a better effect. This makes mixed sets easier to do than the old system!

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise and Sunbreak Banner.png

Monster Hunter Rise Logo.pngMonster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Logo.pngSunbreak DLC

All Monster Hunter Rise Guides

Hunting & Equipment
Monsters.pngMonsters Weapons.pngWeapons Armor Icon.pngArmor
Petalace Icon.pngPetalaces Layered Armor Icon.pngLayered Armor Quests.pngQuests
Talismans.pngTalismans Skills.pngSkills Dango Icon.pngDango
Decorations.pngDecorations Best Armor.pngBest Builds Buddies Icon.pngBuddies
Gathering & Exploring
Maps Icon (Main Links).pngMaps and Locations Materials.pngItems and Materials Endemic Life Icon.pngEndemic Life
Cohoot Icon.pngStory Walkthrough Updates.pngNews and Game Info Game Mechanics.pngGame Mechanics
Characters Icon.pngCharacters and Voice Actors Discussion Board.pngMessage Boards Spiribird Icon.pngTips & Tricks


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