Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

List of Collaborations and Quests | Capcom Collab

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Collaboration Quests Banner

This article lists the confirmed and predicted collaborations for Monster Hunter Rise and the Sunbreak DLC. If you want to see all the collabs that Capcom has made for MH Rise, as well as the rewards they give out, read on!

Event Quest Guides
MH Rise - Event Quests BannerEvent Quests
MH Rise - Collab Quests BannerCollab Quests MH Rise - Challenge QuestsChallenge Quests

List of All Collaboration Quests

MH Rise - Sonic Costume

Here's a list of all the collab quests with the most recent release on top. We will add more collab quests as they are announced so bookmark this website or follow the Game8 Monster Hunter Twitter account for instant news!

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
USJ - Arzuros Onslaught! IconUSJ - Arzuros Onslaught!
Unlock Conditions:
Talk to the Courier and select Add-On Content starting January 21st
Special Rewards:
Azure Era Set
USJ - Shrine Showdown! IconUSJ - Shrine Showdown!
Unlock Conditions:
Talk to the Courier and select Add-On Content starting January 21st
Special Rewards:
Azure Age Set, Azure Star Long Swords, Azure Era Bows
Gotta Hoard Fast! IconGotta Hoard Fast! No Target Monster
Unlock Conditions:
Talk to the Courier and select Add-On Content starting November 26th
Special Rewards:
Sonic Costume, Canyne Tails, Figurines
Super Shady Look-alike IconSuper Shady Look-alike
Unlock Conditions:
Talk to the Courier and select Add-On Content starting November 26th
Special Rewards:
Sonic Wear
Knight in Shattered Armor IconKnight in Shattered Armor
Unlock Conditions:
Talk to the Courier and select Add-On Content starting October 29th
Special Rewards:
Broken Knight Armor
The Blue BomberThe Blue Bomber's Best Bud
Unlock Conditions:
Talk to the Courier and select Add-On Content starting September 24th
Special Rewards:
Dog Bolts
SF: Ultimate Promotion Exam IconSF: Ultimate Promotion Exam
Unlock Conditions:
Talk to the Courier and select Add-On Content starting August 27th
Special Rewards:
Satsui no Hado
Rising Sun!? IconRising Sun!? No Target Monster
Unlock Conditions:
Talk to the Courier and select Add-On Content starting July 30th
Special Rewards:
Celestial Scroll
Bird Wyverns of Ruin? IconBird Wyverns of Ruin?
Unlock Conditions:
Talk to the Courier and select Add-On Content starting June 18th
Special Rewards:
Disguise Device

List of Collaboration Rewards

Universal Studios Japan (January 2022)

Monster Hunter Rise - USJ Collab

Monster Hunter Rise welcomes the new year with its first collab of the year with the USJ collab event. Get these new armors and weapons starting this January 21st 2022!

Azure Age Set and New Weapon Tree

MH Rise - Azure Age Layered Armor

The Azure Age Set is available both as layered armor and as an armor set. To be able to forge this set you will need the Azure Era Gem which can be farmed through the USJ - Shrine Showdown!

Armor Sets Azure Age Set
Armor Set | Layered Armor Set
Weapon Tree Lonsg Sword: Azure Star Tree
Bow: Azure Era Tree

Azure Era Set

MH Rise - Azure Era Layered Armor for Palico and Palamute

The Azure Era Set is also available as layered armor and as an armor set for your Buddies! You will need the Azure Era Seal to be able to forge this in the Buddy Smithy. This item can be farmed through the USJ - Arzuros Onslaught! quest.

Armor Sets Felyne Azure Era
Armor Set | Layered Armor Set
Canyne Azure Era
Armor Set | Layered Armor Set

Sonic The Hedgehog 30th Anniversary (November 2021)

MH Rise  - Sonic The Hedgehog Collab Event Quest Rewards

For the 30th anniversary of Sonic the Hedgehog, SEGA teams up with CAPCOM to celebrate the birth of Sonic.

Through the two quests, players will be able to get a layered armor set for their Palicoes, Palamutes, and Hunter! They also get rewarded with Sonic-themed figurines to serve as decoration in their room.

It was released on Update 3.6 on November 26, 2021.

Sonic Costume and Canyne Tails Set

MH Rise - Canyne Tails and Sonic

Sonic Costume
Canyne Tails Set
Materials Needed Qty

Sonic Wear

MH Rise - Sonic Wear Layered Armor

Sonic Wear Materials Needed Qty
8 pts

Ghost 'n Goblin Resurrection (October 2021)


MH Rise - Ghost n Goblins Resurrections Arthur

Don the armor of Arthur from Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection, available starting October 28, 2021! In this quest you will able to obtain the Broken Kinght Armor which lets you forge the Arthur Layered Armor.

Arthur Layered Armor Materials Needed Qty
8 pts

Megaman 11 (September 2021)


MH Rise - Rush Costume Palamute Layered Armor

Lets get those gears running for that Rush Costume, available on September 24, 2021! This quest provides Dog Bolts as you slay a miniature Zinogre in the Arena!

Rush Costume Materials Needed Qty

Street Fighter (August 2021)


MH Rise - Akuma Street Fighter Layered Armor

Channel your inner monster and wear the Satsui no Hado Akuma layered armor during Monster Hunter Rise's third CAPCOM Collaboration starting from August 27, 2021! The quest will drop Satsui no Hado that you can use to craft the Akuma Layered Armor!

Akuma Layered Armor Materials Needed Qty
8 pts

Okami (July 2021)

Ammy Costume

MH Rise - Okami Collaboration Quest

Dress your Palamute as the mystical Okami Amaterasu during Monster Hunter Rise's second CAPCOM Collaboration slated to be released on July 30! Collect Sun Goddess Pictures to complete the quest, which will drop Celestial Scrolls that you can use to craft the Ammy Costume Layered Armor!

Ammy Costume Layered Armor Materials Needed Qty

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin (June 2021)

Raider Hunter Layered Armor

MH Rise - Monster Hunter Stories x Monster Hunter Rise collaboration

It is confirmed that Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin (MHST2) will have a collaboration with Monster Hunter Rise (MHRise)! When you have a save data for MHST2, you get the Rider Hunter layered armor set in Monster Hunter Rise (MHRise)!

Tsukino Palico Layered Armor

MH Rise - Tsukino Collaboration

The first Monster Hunter Rise Collaboration is confirmed to be with Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin! The quest is available from June 18, 2021 and will pit you against three Bird Wyverns in the Arena! The quest will drop Disguise Devices that you can use to craft the Tsukino Costume Layered Armor!

Tsukino Costume Layered Armor Materials Needed Qty

Our Collaboration Predictions

The Great Ace Attorney

MH Rise - Great Ace Attorney Collaboration

The Great Ace Attorney is finally heading West and with it releasing in late July, we expect this game to be one of the CAPCOM Collaboration that we'll get! The Great Ace Attorney follows the tale of Phoenix Wright's ancestor Ryunosuke Naruhodo in Edo Japan so the historical theme fits!

Resident Evil Village

MH Rise - Lady Dimitrescu

With the success of Resident Evil Village, we also expect this game to be part of CAPCOM's MHRise Collaboration list! Maybe we'll fight Lady Alcina Dimitrescu in a special quest? Or maybe we'll get some Layered Armor to dress up like her? We're excited!

The Legend of Zelda

MH Rise - Legend of Zelda Collaboration

In the past, The Legend of Zelda has always been a collaboration partner whenever Monster Hunter is released on a Nintendo system and we think this will not change. Maybe we will see a Wolf Link Palamute Layered Armor in the future!


MH Rise - Baki Collaboration

Another collaboration in the past was Baki and we would be glad if it returns. Its quest poses a great challenge in the past as it pits you against a Furious Rajang without any armor!

Demon Slayer

Demon Slayer fits the overall theme and feel of Monster Hunter Rise as a whole. What more, Natsuki Hanae, the Japanese voice actor for Iori, the Buddy Handler is the same as that of Tanjiro Kamado from Demon Slayer! Maybe this could be a hint that there would be a Demon Slayer collaboration in the works!

Attack on Titan

With the introduction of Wirebugs, we think Attack on Titan could be a perfect collaboration! With the newly introduced wirebug actions and mobility options, it looks very much like the omnidirectional maneuver gear from the anime!


This one relies solely on the overall theme of the village in the game which reminds us so much of Konoha from the Naruto series. If Capcom does collaborate with Naruto, it would be a good way to appeal to younger audiences!

Nioh 2

With the new monsters getting their inspiration from Japanese yokai, it would be cool if Nioh 2 gets a collaboration with Monster Hunter Rise. Both games fight yokai-themed monsters so it would make sense!

Monster Hunter World Collaboration List

We listed all the collaborations in Monster Hunter World and Iceborne just so you could have an idea of how good some of these are!

Iceborne Collaboration List

Iceborne Collaborations
MHW - Resident EvilResident Evil 2 MHW - Horizon Frozen WildsHorizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds
MHW - USJ Master RankUSJ MHW - Monster Hunter MovieMonster Hunter Movie

MHW Collaboration List

Monster Hunter World Collaborations
MHW - Witcher 3The Witcher 3 MHW - Assassins CreedAssassin's Creed
MHW - Final Fantasy 14Final Fantasy XIV MHW - Devil May Cry CollaborationDevil May Cry
MHW - MegamanMega Man MHW - Horizon CollaborationHorizon Zero Dawn
MHW - Street Fighter 5Street Fighter V MHW - USJUSJ

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise - List of Quests

Quest Types and List of Quests

All Quest Guides by Type

Quest Types
MH Rise - Village Quests BannerVillage Quests MH Rise - Urgent Quests BannerUrgent Quests
MH Rise - Gathering Hub Quests BannerGathering Hub Quests
Base Game | Sunbreak
MH Rise - Arena Quests BannerArena Quests
MH Rise - Side Quests BannerSide Quests MH Rise - Requests BannerRequests
MH Rise - Event Quests BannerEvent Quests
MH Rise - Collab Quests BannerCollaboration Quests
MH Rise - Challenge QuestsChallenge Quests MH Rise Sunbreak - Anomaly Quests BannerAnomaly Quests
MH Rise Sunbreak - Follower Quests and RewardsFollower Quests MH Rise Sunbreak - Support Survey Quests and RewardsSupport Surveys


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