Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

List of Base Game Switch Skills

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MH Rise - Base Game Switch Skills.png

This is a guide that lists down all of the Base Game's Switch Skills in Monster Hunter Rise. Learn more about how each Switch Skill work, their button inputs, as well as a quick preview of the moves.

Switch Skill Related Guides
MH Rise Sunbreak - How to Unlock All Switch SkillsHow to Unlock All Switch Skills
MH Rise Sunbreak - Base Game Switch SkillsBase Game MHRise Switch Skills MH Rise Sunbreak - Sunbreak Expansion Switch Skills.pngSunbreak Expansion Switch Skills

New Sunbreak Switch Skills

MH Rise Sunbreak - Setting Sun

With the Sunbreak expansion and master rank will come the new Silkbind Attacks and Switch Skills for all 14 weapons!
New Silkbind Attacks and Switch Skills

List of Base Game Switch Skills

Jump to a Weapon!
Great Sword Long Sword Sword and Shield
Dual Blades Lance Gunlance
Hammer Hunting Horn Switch Axe
Charge Blade Insect Glaive Light Bowgun
Heavy Bowgun Bow

Great Sword Switch Skills

Guard Tackle

MH Rise - GS Guard Tackle

Switched With
A forward-dashing attack using the flat side of the blade. More cumbersome that your standard tackle, but strong and allows you to guard.
Switch NSW - A
while charging

PC MH Rise - Right Click
Right Click
while charging

PlayStation PS4 - Circle Button.png
while charging

Xbox XBOX - B Button.png
while charging

Rage Slash

MH Rise - GS Rage Slash

Switched With
True Charge Slash
Strike from a unique stance. Not as powerful that True Charge Slash but when met with an attack, Rage Slash will increase its damage.
NSW - Left Analog + NSW - X
Left Stick + X
Change direction using Left Stick while charging.

MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button + MH Rise - Left Click
Directional Button + Left Click
Change direction using WASD while charging.

PS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
Left Stick + Triangle
Change direction using Left Stick while charging.

XBOX - Left Stick.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
Left Stick + Y
Change direction using Left Stick while charging.

Adamant Charged Slash

MH Rise - GS Adamant Charge Slash

Switched With
Hunting Edge
Uses a Wirebug to dash forward, and deliver a Strong Charged Slash. Has knockback protection as you dash forth.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Medium
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - X
zL + X
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click
Middle Click + Left Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
L2 + Triangle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
LT + Y

Great Sword Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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Long Sword Switch Skills

Drawn Double Slash

MH Rise - LS Drawn Double Slash

Switched With
Drawn Double Slash
A drawn attack that unleashes two attacks in a row. You can absorb attacks while moving forward and this move can be comboed with R to go straight to Spirit Blade II!
NSW - X (X) Draw weapon while sheathed.

MH Rise - Left Click (Left Click) Draw weapon while sheathed.

PS4 - Triangle Button.png (Triangle) Draw weapon while sheathed.

XBOX - Y Button.png (Y) Draw weapon while sheathed.

Spirit Reckoning Combo

MH Rise - Spirit Reckoning Combo

Switched With
Spirit Roundslash Combo
Changes into a Spirit Blade at the third strike. Drives forward using Dividing Slash then finishes with the Spirit Reckining combo. Difficult to pull off, but has high damage.
NSW - ZR (zR) after Spirit Blade II

MH Rise - M4 Click (MB4) after Spirit Blade II

PS4 - R2 Button.png (R2) after Spirit Blade II.

XBOX - Right Trigger.png (RT) after Spirit Blade II.

Silkbind Sakura Slash

MH Rise - LS Silkbind Sakura Slash

Switched With
Soaring Kick
A whirlwind-like attack, dashing past the target with a Wirebug. Increases the Spirit Gauge by 1.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Slow
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - X
zL + X
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click
Middle Click + Left Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
L2 + Triangle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
LT + Y

Long Sword Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

Sword and Shield Switch Skills

Drill Slash Combo

MH Rise - SnS Drill Slash Combo

Switched With
Hard Basher Combo
A derivative of the Shield Slam that converts Thrust to a Drill Slash. Basically a multi-hit attack with great potential when combined with an elemental weapon.
NSW - A (A) after a Shield Bash

MH Rise - Right Click (Right Click) after a Shield Bash

PS4 - Circle Button.png (Circle) after a Shield Bash.

XBOX - B Button.png (B) after a Shield Bash.

Sliding Slash

MH Rise - SnS Sliding Slash

Switched With
Advancing Slash
A sliding attack that slashes the target twice. High reach but no ability to turn. Allows for follow up jumping attack.
Draw Attack when sheathed.
NSW - X + NSW - A
X + A when unsheathed.
Pressing A while sliding changes attack to Jumping Rising Slash.
Draw Attack when sheathed.
MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Left Click + Right Click when unsheathed.
Pressing Right Click while sliding changes attack to Jumping Rising Slash.
Draw Attack when sheathed.
PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
Triangle + Circle when unsheathed.
Pressing Circle while sliding changes attack to Jumping Rising Slash.
Draw Attack when sheathed.
XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png
Y + B when unsheathed.
Pressing B while sliding changes attack to Jumping Rising Slash.

Metsu Shoryugeki

MH Rise - SnS Metsu Shoryugeki

Switched With
A jumping Wirebug attack that uses the shield to uppercut the target. Can perform a Guard at the start and can finish off with a Falling Bash.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Medium
Wirebug Cost: 2
NSW - ZL + NSW - A
zL + A
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Middle Click + Right Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
L2 + Circle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
LT + B

Sword and Shield Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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Dual Blades Switch Skills

Demon Flight

MH Rise - DB Demon Flight

Switched With
Demon Flurry Rush
An attack performed by slamming down both blades. A successful hit vaults you into the air, slicing your target as you spin upwards. Effective against monsters with weakpoints high above.
NSW - A (A) while in Demon Mode.
Draw attack while in Archdemon Mode.
Press A while in Archdemon Mode.

MH Rise - Right Click (Right Click) while in Demon Mode.
Draw attack while in Archdemon Mode.
Right Click while in Archdemon Mode.

PS4 - Circle Button.png (Circle) while in Demon Mode.
Draw attack while in Archdemon Mode.
Press Circle while in Archdemon Mode.

XBOX - B Button.png (B) while in Demon Mode.
Draw attack while in Archdemon Mode.
Press B while in Archdemon Mode.

Feral Demon Mode

MH Rise - DB Feral Demon Mode

Switched With
Demon Mode
A more offernsive verson of Demon mode. You switch to an attack-focused stance, dealing slashing attacks when dodging.
NSW - ZR (zR) to enter Feral Demon Mode

Press MH Rise - M4 Click(MB4) to enter Feral Demon Mode

Press PS4 - R2 Button.png(R2) to enter Feral Demon Mode

Press XBOX - Right Trigger.png(RT) to enter Feral Demon Mode

Tower Vault

MH Rise - DB Tower Vault

Switched With
Piercing Bind
Launches a Wirebug upwards and pulls you into the air. Does not deal any damage but allows you to execute aerial combos with the Dual Blades.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Fast
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - X
zL + X
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click
Middle Click + Left Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
L2 + Triangle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
LT + Y

Dual Blades Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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Lance Switch Skills

Spiral Thrust

MH Rise - LANCE Spiral Thrust

Switched With
Anchor Rage
Two-step maneuver to counterattack. Uses the shield to parry then uses Wirebugs to pull you forward. Use this to confuse your targets and let out a flurry of strikes.
Reposition using the Left Analog after the first dash or halt altogether.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Medium
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - A
zL + A
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Middle Click + Right Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
L2 + Circle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
LT + B

Shield Charge

MH Rise - LANCE Shield Charge

Switched With
Dash Attack
A charging attack with the shield up. Can only dash for a limited amount of time while fending off attacks with the shield. Crashing into a monster deals shield-based blunt damage.
Hold NSW - ZR, → NSW - X + NSW - A
zRX + A
Press X to perform a Shield Bash then A lead into a Leaping Thrust
Hold MH Rise - M4 Click, → MH Rise - Left Click +MH Rise - Right Click
MB4Left Click + Right Click
Press Left Click to perform a Shield Bash then Right Click lead into a Leaping Thrust
Hold PS4 - R2 Button.png, → PS4 - Triangle Button.png +PS4 - Circle Button.png
R2Triangle + Circle
Press Triangle to perform a Shield Bash then Circle lead into a Leaping Thrust
Hold XBOX - Right Trigger.png, → XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png
Press Y to perform a Shield Bash then B lead into a Leaping Thrust


MH Rise - LANCE Insta Block

Switched With
Swings your shield in an arch to parry attacks. Time your guard just before a monster hits you to follow-up with a Cross Slash. Great for countering right after blocking.
Press NSW - ZR (zR) right as you're about to be hit.
After a successful Insta-Block, pressing X will lead into a Cross Sweep.
PressMH Rise - M4 Click (MB4) right as you're about to be hit.
After a successful Insta-Block, pressing Left Click will lead into a Cross Sweep.
Press PS4 - R2 Button.png (R2) right as you're about to be hit.
After a successful Insta-Block, pressing Triangle will lead into a Cross Sweep.
Press XBOX - Right Trigger.png (RT) right as you're about to be hit.
After a successful Insta-Block, pressing Y will lead into a Cross Sweep.

Lance Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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Gunlance Switch Skills

Blast Dash

MH Rise - GL Blast Dash

Switched With
Charged Shelling
Uses recoil to travel far. Aims the Gunlance backwards then launches forward to close in the target. It is possible to use Blast Dash again while hurtling!
Hold NSW - A (A) and release when charged.
Can be performed midair using
NSW - ZR + NSW - A
zR + A
Hold MH Rise - Right Click (Right Click) and release when charged.
Can be performed midair using
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Right Click
MB4 + Right Click
Hold PS4 - Circle Button.png (Circle) and release when charged.
Can be performed midair using
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
R2 + Circle
Hold XBOX - B Button.png (B) and release when charged.
Can be performed midair using
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
RT + B

Ground Splitter

MH Rise - GL Ground Splitter

Switched With
Hail Cutter
Scrapes the ground while slashing upwards. Increases shell, Wyrmstake Shot, and Wyvern Fire damage temporarily.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Slow
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - X
zL + X
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click
Middle Click + Left Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
L2 + Triangle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
LT + Y

Guard Reload

MH Rise - GL Guard Reload

Switched With
Quick Reload
Has a Guard at the start of the reload. Reloads both the shells and the Wyrmstake Cannon but only reloads less shells than normal Reload.
NSW - ZR + NSW - A
zR + A
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Right Click
MB4 + Right Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
R2 + Circle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
LT + B

Gunlance Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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Hammer Switch Skills

Water Strike

MH Rise - HAMMER Water Strike

Switched With
Side Smash
Attack that allows you to absorb an enemy attack. Perform before getting hit to negate the damage. Can be followed-up by an upswing hammer attack.
Press NSW - A (A) as you are about to be hit.
If successful, press A or X to follow-up with an upswing.

Press MH Rise - Right Click (Right Click) as you are about to be hit.
If successful, press Right Click or Left Click to follow-up with an upswing.

Press PS4 - Circle Button.png (Circle) as you are about to be hit.
If successful, press Circle or Triangle to follow-up with an upswing.

Press XBOX - B Button.png (B) as you are about to be hit.
If successful, press B or Y to follow-up with an upswing.

Dash Breaker

MH Rise - HAMMER Dash Breaker

Switched With
Silkbind Spinning Bludgeon
Forward rush using Wirebugs. Enemy attack damage is negated while launching forward!
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Fast
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - X
zL + X
Hold zR to charge before launching the attack.
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click
Middle Click + Left Click
Hold MB4 to charge before launching the attack.
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
L2 + Triangle
Hold R2 to charge before launching the attack.
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
LT + Y
Hold RT to charge before launching the attack.

Charge Switch: Courage

MH Rise - HAMMER Charge Switch Courage

Switched With
Charge Switch: Strength
Decreases charging levels, but allows you to follow from one charge into another more quickly.
Press NSW - A (A) while charging.
Press again to disengage.
Charge level increases to maximum when diengaged.
Press MH Rise - Right Click (Right Click) while charging.
Press again to disengage.
Charge level increases to maximum when diengaged.
Press PS4 - Circle Button.png (Circle) while charging.
Press again to disengage.
Charge level increases to maximum when diengaged.
Press XBOX - Y Button.png (Y) while charging.
Press again to disengage.
Charge level increases to maximum when diengaged.

Hammer Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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Hunting Horn Switch Skills

Melodic Slap

MH Rise - HH Melodic Slap

Switched With
Overhead Smash
Swings the Hunting Horn around once, generating a forwards Sonic Smash. Low damage output but effective at stunning.
NSW - Left Analog + NSW - X + NSW - A
Left Stick + X + A
MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button + MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Directional Button + Left Click + Right Click
PS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Square Button.png
Left Stick + Triangle + Square
XBOX - Left Stick.png + XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png
Left Stick + Y + B

Melody Mode: Echo

MH Rise - HH Melody Mode Echo

Switched With
Melody Mode: Performance
An action that affects invigorating melodies. Generates a melody effect from the Staff using zR, MB4, R2, or RT, while boosting your own abilities. A mode focused on applying various melody effects.
Press NSW - ZR (zR) after lining up notes.

Press MH Rise - M4 Click (MB4) after lining up notes.

Press PS4 - R2 Button.png (R2) after lining up notes.

Press XBOX - Right Trigger.png (RT) after lining up notes.

Bead of Resonance

MH Rise - HH Bead of Resonance

Switched With
Places a Wirebug cocoon on the ground. If the same hunter generates melody effects, the cocoon also generates those effects, as does as a Sonic Wave that damages nearby monsters.
Only one cocoon can be placed at a time.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Medium
Wirebug Cost: 2
NSW - ZL + NSW - A
zL + A
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Middle Click + Right Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
L2 + Circle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
LT + B

Hunting Horn Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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Switch Axe Switch Skills

Forward Overhead Slash

MH Rise - SA Foward Overhead Slash

Switched With
Forward Slash
A lunging attack performed by winding up the axe and smashing it down. Difficult to pull off but delivers good damage. A subsequent Sword Mode attack will turn into a Double Slash.
NSW - Left Analog + NSW - X
Left Stick + X
MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button + MH Rise - Left Click
Directional Button + Left Click
PS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
Left Stick + Triangle
XBOX - Left Stick.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
Left Stick + Y

Compressed Finishing Discharge

MH Rise - SA Compressed Finishing Discharge

Switched With
Finishing Discharge
Puts you in a knockdown-resistant state and delivers a swift strike accompanied by an elemental explosion. The Activation Gauge has no effect on this action.
NSW - X (X) after Finishing Discharge

MH Rise - Left Click (Left Click) after Finishing Discharge

PS4 - Triangle Button.png (Triangle) after Finishing Discharge

XBOX - Y Button.png (Y) after Finishing Discharge

Soaring Wyvern Blade

MH Rise - SA Soaring Wyvern Blade

Switched With
Invincible Gambit
Launches you in the air while ending with a Forward Slash in midair. If Forward Slash connects, an explosion occurs.
Wirebug Recovery Speed: Medium
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - X
zL + X
After jumping up, press X to perform a Forward Slash.
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Left Click
MB4 + Left Click
After jumping up, press Left Click to perform a Forward Slash.
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
L2 + Triangle
After jumping up, press Triangle to perform a Forward Slash.
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
LT + Y
After jumping up, press Y to perform a Forward Slash.

Switch Axe Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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Charge Blade Switch Skills

Condensed Spinning Slash

MH Rise - CB Condensed Spinning Slash

Switched With
Condensed Element Slash
Activates the Element Regeneration system while charging. The shield rotates and acts as a spinning saw blade. Switches the weapon to Axe mode and turns energy into phials.
Hold Buttons X (X) while charging
Release X at the right time

Hold MH Rise - Left Click (Left Click) while charging
Release Left click at the right time

Hold PS4 - Triangle Button.png (Triangle) while charging
Release Triangle at the right time

Hold XBOX - Y Button.png (Y) while charging
Release Y at the right time

Counter Morph Slash

MH Rise - CB Counter Morph Slash

Switched With
Morph Slash
A more defense-focused switching attack with a longer blocking effect. If successful, the follow-up Element Discharge Slash's damage increases.
In Sword Mode,
NSW - ZR + NSW - X
MH Rise - M4 Click+ MH Rise - Left Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

In Axe Mode,
Button zR or MH Rise - M4 Click or PS4 - R2 Button.png or XBOX - Right Trigger.png

In Sword mode:
zR + X
MB4 + Left Click
R2 + Triangle
RT + Y

In Axe Mode:
zR, MB4, R2, or RT

Axe Hopper

MH Rise - CB Axe Hopper

Switched With
Counter Peak Performance
Slam the Axe overhead, using recoil and Ironsilk to propel you to the air. While airborne, you can execute a Super Amped Elemental Discharge (SAED).
Wirebug Recovery Speed: Medium
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - A
zL + A
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Middle Click + Right Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
L2 + Circle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
LT + B

Charge Blade Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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Insect Glaive Switch Skills

Advancing Roundslash

MH Rise - IG Advancing Roundslash

Switched With
Leaping Slash
Attack performed by spinning foward like a top. When attacked during the spin, you will use that force to jump up. Only happens while you still have momentum.
Draw Weapon on foot while unsheathed.
NSW - Left Analog + NSW - A
Left Stick + A
Draw Weapon on foot while unsheathed.
MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button + MH Rise - Right Click
Directional Button + Right Click
Draw Weapon on foot while unsheathed.
PS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
Left Stick + Circle
Draw Weapon on foot while unsheathed.
XBOX - Left Stick.png + XBOX - B Button.png
Left Stick + B

Tetraseal Slash

MH Rise - IG Tetraseal Slash

Switched With
Tornado Slash
Delivers four strikes on the spot. One of the attacks is hit with the handle's seal, which can lure in Powder Kinsects.
With Red Extract loaded, perform a Leaping Slash and press
NSW - A or MH Rise - Right Click or PS4 - Circle Button.png or XBOX - B Button.png
(Does not follow up with Advancing Roundslash when Leaping Slash is switched out).
Press A, Right Click, Circle, or B

Diving Wyvern

MH Rise - IG Diving Wyvern

Switched With
Recall Kinsect
A strong attack that pulls you downward with great force. The attack has a small damage radius which means all damage is concentrated at that one specific point.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Medium
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - A
zL + A
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Middle Click + Right Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
L2 + Circle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
LT + B

Insect Glaive Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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Light Bowgun Switch Skills

Elemental Reload

MH Rise - LBG Elemental Reload

Switched With
Reloads take longer than usual but boosts elemental damage of elemental shots.
While unsheathed:
NSW - X or MH Rise - M5 Click or PS4 - Triangle Button.png or XBOX - Y Button.png

While unsheathed,
press X, MB4, Triangle, or Y

Quickstep Evade

MH Rise - LBG Quickstep Evade

Switched With
Forward Dodge
Quick evasive maneuver while your Light Bowgun is drawn. Distance covered is much smaller but requires less time to recover. Ammo fired immediately after this deals increased damage.
While unsheathed:
NSW - B or MH Rise - Space Button or PS4 - X Button.png or XBOX - A Button.png

While unsheathed,
press: B, Space, X or A

Fanning Maneuver

MH Rise - LBG Fanning Maneuver

Switched With
Fanning Vault
Uses wirebug as a level to quickly flank left or right. Increases attack power temporarily.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Fast
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - R + NSW - A
R + A
MH Rise - Shift Button + MH Rise - M4 Click
Shift + MB4
PS4 - R1 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
R1 + Circle
XBOX - Right Bumper.png + XBOX - B Button.png
RB + B

Light Bowgun Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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Heavy Bowgun Switch Skills


MH Rise - HBG Tackle

Switched With
Melee Attack
A shoulder check by the Hunter. Prevents flinching and knockback, but still allow significant damage. Only use this for weak attacks that may knock you back!
NSW - X + NSW - A
X + A
MH Rise - M5 Click + MH Rise - M4 Click
MB5 + MB4
PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
Triangle + Circle
XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png
Y + B

Counter Charger

MH Rise - HBG Counter Charger

Switched With
Counter Shot
A parry skill using Wirebugs. Absorbs an attack from a monster without taking any damage. Will shorten the amount of time for a Charged Shot.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Fast
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - R + NSW - X
R + X
MH Rise - Shift Button + MH Rise - M5 Click
Shift + MB5
PS4 - R1 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
R1 + Triangle
XBOX - Right Bumper.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
RB + Y

Healing Mech-Wyvernsnipe

MH Rise - HBG Healing Mech-Wyvernsnipe

Switched With
Fires a specialized shot, different depending on the weapon. Has its own gauge, and replenishes over time. Regular Wyvernheart and Wyvernsnipe deals less damage but can heal the hunter.
NSW - A or MH Rise - M4 Click or PS4 - Circle Button.png or XBOX - B Button.png
to enter Wyvernsnipe.
(Press A, MB4, Circle, or B again to stop.)

NSW - ZR or MH Rise - Left Click or PS4 - R2 Button.png or XBOX - Right Trigger.png
to fire.
Press A, MB4, Circle, or B (Press A, MB4, Circle or B again to stop.)

Press zR, Left Click, R2, or RT to fire.

Heavy Bowgun Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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Bow Switch Skills

Absolute Power Shot

MH Rise - BOW Absolute Powershot

Switched With
Power Shot
Fires a powerful shot after charging. Shots are fired with a higher level than usual (but never over the charge level limit). Power Shots will cost more stamina but can stun the target.
After firing an arrow, press:
NSW - A or MH Rise - M4 Click or PS4 - Circle Button.png or XBOX - B Button.png

After firing an arrow, press:
A, MB4, Circle, or B


MH Rise - BOW Dodgebolt

Switched With
Charging Sidestep
Spinning evade that doubles as an attack. Making it a near-miss can fill up the charge level considerably. Allows you to move forward, backwards, left, or right.
NSW - Left Analog + NSW - B
MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button + MH Rise - Space Button
PS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - X Button.png
XBOX - Left Stick.png + XBOX - A Button.png
while aiming.

Buttons B or MH Rise - Space Button or PS4 - X Button.png or XBOX - A Button.png
during a combo.
Left Stick + B
Directional Button + Space
Left Stick + X
Left Stick + A
while aming.

B, Space, X, or A
during a combo

Aerial Aim

MH Rise - BOW Aerial Aim

Switched With
Focus Shot
An action for firing arrows by jumping straight up with a Wirebug. Particularly damaging shots can be fired from midair. A close-range attack using an arrow can also be aimed directly underneath you.
Aerial Aim also retains you current bow charge level so use this at max level (3 or 4)
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Medium
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - R + NSW - X
MH Rise - Shift Button + MH Rise - M5 Click
PS4 - R1 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
XBOX - Right Bumper.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

Press A, MB4, Circle, or B to continue firing arrows midair.
Press X, MB5, Triangle, or Y to follow-up with an Aerial Diving Melee Attack.
R + X
Shift + MB5
R1 + Triangle
RB + Y

Bow Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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How to Unlock All Switch Skills

Switch Skills Banner

For more information on how to unlock all the Switch Skills above, check out this article:
Switch Skills Guide:
How to Unlock Switch Skills

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Sunbreak Guides
New Silkbind Attacks and Switch Skills How to Switch Skill Swap
How to Get from MR 6 to MR 100 Fast Anomaly Research Level: How to Get Max Level Fast
How to Bring Followers - List of Followers Special Investigations: How to Unlock
Village Facility Guides
Room Guide: Things To Do Inside Your Room Training Area Guide
Canteen and Food Skills Gathering Hub Guide
Getting Started
Character Creation Guide List of Controls
Palico Guide Palamute Guide
Cohoot Guide List of Settings
Can I Change My Name? Can I Change Gender?
Hunter and Monster Stats
Explanation of Hunter Stats Monster Stats Explained
Attack and Elemental Attack Defense and Elemental Defense
Affinity and Negative Affinity Monster Size and Effects
Abnormal Status and Elemental Blight Guide Buff Duration: How Long Do Buffs Last?
Weapon and Armor-Related Guides
How to Rollback Weapons How to Forge Weapons and Armor
Damage Types: Difference Between Sever, Blunt, Projectile Damage How to Use Weapon and Armor Designs
How to Change Armor Pigment How to Hide Armor Pieces
How to Upgrade Kinsects How Does Sharpness Work?
Qurious Crafting:
Armor Augments
Chaotic Gore Magala Weapons Explained
Gameplay Features
Wirebug Moves and Controls Silkbind Attacks
How to Lock-On and Target Settings Switch Skills Guide
Wyvern Riding Guide Turf Wars
What is the Rampage? Hunter Rank (HR) Guide
Unchangeable Appearance Features How to Fast Travel
Fishing Guide Quest Completion Rewards
How to Carry Eggs Respawn Timers
Melding Pot Guide Solo and Multiplayer Guide
Crafting List How to Use Photo Mode
List of Lottery Prizes How to Save the Game
Character Edit Vouchers
Online Play
Multiplayer and Co-op Guide Hunter Connect and Like Function
How to use the Chat Feature How to Use Gestures
Join Requests Guide How Does Difficulty Scaling Work?


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