Starfield Shattered Space

The Key Ingredient Rewards and How to Unlock

Starfield - The Key Ingredient Rewards and How to Unlock
The Key Ingredient is a faction quest in Starfield. See how to unlock The Key Ingredient, rewards, and how to complete it.

The Key Ingredient Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Planet Started Volii Alpha, Volii System
Location Neon
Faction Ryujin Industries
Prerequisites Complete Guilty Parties
Quest Giver Dalton
Rewards EXP: 250
Credits: 4800

The Key Ingredient Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

  1. Meet Masako in Veena Kalra's Office
  2. Talk to Masako
  3. Travel to Carinae III-A
  4. Land at CM Station RC-1
  5. Enter the CM Station RC-1 Mine
  6. Discover What Happened at CM Station RC-1
  7. Find the Rothicite Shipment
  8. Read the Contract
  9. Travel to the Clinic in the Narion System
  10. Dock at the Clinic
  11. Enter the Clinic
  12. Retrieve the Rothicite Shipment
  13. Discover What Infinity Ltd. is Doing at the Clinic
  14. Return to Veena at Ryujin Tower
  15. Talk to Veena
  16. Talk to Masako

1-2. Meet Masako in Veena Kalra's Office

Starfield - The Key Ingredient -  Talk to Masako
Head to Veena Kalra's office and meet Masako. She, Veena, and Camden will give you the details for your next assignment as you wait for Dalton to finish analyzing the evidence and making the report.

Depending on whether you chose to do Nyx's favor during Background Checks, Camden will not be present in the meeting with Masako and Veena.

3. Travel to Carinae III-A

Starfield - The Key Ingredient - Travel to Carinae
Travel to Carinae III-A to secure the shipment mentioned by Masako and Veena. You can find it in Eta Cassiopeia Star System.

4-5. Land and Enter CM Station RC-1

Starfield - The Key Ingredient- Go to Station
Land at CM Station RC-1 and enter the CM Station RC-1 Mine. You can follow the quest marker to navigate through the sandstorm easily.

You will encounter a lot of Ecliptic Agents inside the station and mine; defeat them and proceed with the quest.

6. Discover What Happened at CM Station RC-1

7. Find the Rothicite Shipment

Starfield - Discover Station
Use the lift to travel further down. Access the CM Station computer, select Shipments, and read the Ryujin Industries [Canceled] to learn what happened on the Rothicite Shipment.

8. Read the Contract

Starfield - The Key Ingredient- Read the Contract
Follow and kill the Ecliptic Operator nearby. Loot his body after and read the contract from your inventory under Notes. You will see a bunch of sources where the shipment might have gone.

9-11. Travel and Enter the Clinic in the Narion System

Starfield - The Key Ingredient - Go to Clinic
Head to the clinic in the Narion System mentioned in the contract. You can enter the clinic by docking your ship.

12. Retrieve the Rothicite Shipment

(Optional) Talk to Dr. Lane

Starfield - The Key Ingredient - Talk to Dr. Lane
Head to the restricted area being watched by a Freestar Guard. You can persuade him (6 Bars) to let you inside. If you fail the persuasion, you can pay 2500 Credits or lie to him to get through.

You will see Sean and Dr. Lane in a room after getting inside. Speak to them and lie about Infinity LTD sending you. If you also invested skill points in medicine, you can blackmail Dr. Lane and his colleagues to gain access to retrieve the shipment and his computer.

13. Discover What Infinity Ltd. is Doing at the Clinic

Starfield - The Key Ingredient - Grab the Shipment
Check Dr. Lane's computer and look at the Project Dominion. Read through all the files under that folder to progress. You can also read other folders and report it back to Masako.

After that, grab the Rothicite Shipment on a table near the window.

14-15. Return to Veena at Ryujin Tower

Starfield - The Key Ingredient - Return to Veena
Go back to Veena's office and give her the shipment. She will be overjoyed and immediately start working with it.

16. Talk to Masako

Starfield - The Key Ingredient - Return to Masako
Masako will ask you about your investigation at the CM Station RC-1. Tell her everything that happened to finish the quest.

Depending on your choices during the Guilty Parties quest, either Sabotage or Managing Assets quests will be unlocked after this.

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Ryujin Industries Questline

Quest Rewards
1 Back to the Grind EXP: 250
2 One Step Ahead EXP: 100
3 A New Narrative EXP: 1100
4 Access is Key EXP: 100
5 Sowing Discord EXP: 250
6 Accidents Happen EXP: 100
7 Maintaining the Edge EXP: 100
8 Top Secrets EXP: 10000
9 Background Checks EXP: 250
10 Guilty Parties EXP: 250
11 The Key Ingredient EXP: 250
12 Sabotage EXP: 350
Med Pack (x3)
Operative Helmet
Operative Suit
13 Executive Level EXP: 350

Ryujin Industries Optional Quests

Quest Rewards
1 Managing Assets EXP: 100
2 The Power of Persuasion EXP: 100
3 Balancing the Books EXP: 100


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