Starfield Shattered Space

Hostile Intelligence Rewards and How to Unlock

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence Rewards and How to Unlock
Hostile Intelligence is a faction quest in Starfield. See how to unlock Hostile Intelligence, rewards, and how to complete it.

Hostile Intelligence Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Planet Started Niira, Narion System
Location The Red Devils HQ
Faction UC Vanguard
Prerequisites Complete the War Relics quest
Quest Giver Hadrian
Rewards EXP: 350
Credits: 12000

Hostile Intelligence Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

  1. Follow and speak to Hadrian
  2. Proceed to Londinion
  3. Proceed to the Command Post
  4. Discuss the exploration plan
  5. Inform Hadrian you're ready to move out.
  6. Allow Kaiser to unlock the airlock
  7. Proceed into the city
  8. Locate the Aceles Gene Samples
  9. Clear the processing plant
  10. Eliminate the remaining hostiles
  11. Give Kaiser the samples
  12. Proceed to the steam tunnels
  13. Observe the Lazarus Plant with Hadrian
  14. Kill the Terrormorph
  15. Give the sample to Kaiser
  16. Discuss the findings with the team
  17. Follow Kaiser
  18. Restore power to the spaceport access hatch
  19. Initiate the system reboot
  20. Collect the recording
  21. Speak to Hadrian
  22. Return to Kaiser
  23. Find and secure the final sample
  24. Return to Forward Base 441 and discus your findings

1. Follow and Speak to Hadrian

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Follow Hadrian
Follow Hadrian after she meets with Kaiser. Speak to her and she will tell you what to do next, involving a creature named The Aceles, as they can fight off the deadly Terrormorphs.

(Optional) Visit LT. Azevedo to Purchase New Gear

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Buy Items
You can look for Azevedo inside the headquarters to purchase new gear before heading out. You can also sell items you won't be needing anymore and earn some Credits for later use.

Purchase Reckless Bombardment and Vampire's Gift

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Buy Unique Weapons

Unique Weapons
Reckless Bombardment Vampire's Gift

You can purchase these two unique weapons from Lt. Azevedo and use them later on in the quest. If you already have a better weapon, you can save your credits and buy other supplies instead.
All Unique Weapon Locations

2-3. Proceed to the Command Post in Londinion

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Command Post
Head to the planet Toliman II in Alpha Centauri star system to put the plan in motion. Go to Londinion Command Outpost and look for Commander Hatoum to get briefed.

4. Discuss the Exploration Plan

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Get Items
Hadrian will discuss the exploration plan in detail after the commander finishes up. She will tell you to get supplies too from the armory as mentioned by Commander Hatoum. It will help you later in the quest as you will encounter a lot of enemies, mostly Terrormorphs. You can skip it if you think you're good to go!

Get a Free X-989 Microgun

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Microgun
Talk to the agent inside the armory and get X-989 Microgun, another Unique Weapon, for free! It's one of the best weapons you can use in the quest, as it has bonus damage against alien creatures.

5. Inform Hadrian You're Ready to Move Out

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Inform Hadrian
Hadrian and the team will move near the airlock. Meet her there once you're ready to move and start the exploration.

6. Allow Kaiser to Unlock the Airlock

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Airlock
Allow Kaiser to unlock the airlock and wait for a few moments for it to open. Head inside and open another airlock using the switch on the other end.

7-8. Proceed into the City and Locate the Aceles Gene Samples

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Aceles Samples
Proceed into the city and start finding the Aceles Gene Samples. Prepare your weapons once the door opens, as you will face several hostile enemies immediately.

9. Clear the Processing Plant

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Clear Processing Plant
Defeat all enemies in the area before moving to the next one to secure it. You can continue searching the area to find the Aceles Gene Samples after that.

(Optional) Search the Base Cache

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Base Cache
You can get more supplies by going to the base cache nearby. You can get a few weapons, ammo, grenades, and several med packs to aid you in battle.

10. Get the Aceles Gene Samples and Eliminate the Remaining Hostiles

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Aceles Samples
There are three storage containers in the area where each one contains an Aceles Gene Sample. Get them all and fight off enemies as you go to progress. You will be required to eliminate them all for that to happen.

You can get another Unique Weapon, Shattered Shock, inside one of the containers, so make sure to check them thoroughly!

11. Give Kaiser the Samples

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Give Samples after Plant Processing
Give the samples to Kaiser once you get all of them to ensure they're safe. Percival will inform you about the next batch of samples after that.

12. Proceed to the Steam Tunnels

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Steam Tunnel
Enter the Steam Tunnels and follow the path until you reach a glass window. You should see a plant on the other side as you get there.

13. Observe the Lazarus Plant with Hadrian

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Watch the Plant
Observe the Lazarus Plant with Hadrian and watch as a Heatleech transform into a Terrormorph. Hadrian will talk to you to discuss what you just saw. Proceed on tracking it down after the conversation.

14. Kill the Terrormorph

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Terrormorph
Eliminate the Terrormorph that transformed a few moments ago to ensure a fresh sample. Move between platforms in the area to kill it efficiently with the help of the team.

15. Give the Sample to Kaiser

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Give Sample to Kaiser after Lazarus
Give the new sample to Kaiser and wait for him to analyze it. Kaiser will eventually confirm that the Lazarus Plant is used to trigger the attacks.

16. Discuss the Findings with the Team

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Discuss Finding
Hadrian will talk to you again about the recent findings. Try to answer all of her questions with what you think is appropriate. You can choose anything as it won't affect the outcome, and Percival will interrupt your talk anyway!

17. Follow Kaiser

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Follow Kaiser
Follow Kaiser and escape the place. Kaiser will go to the access hatch on the other side to unlock it but fail to release the lock, as its power supply is insufficient.

18. Restore Power to the Spaceport Access Hatch

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Restore Power
Go upstairs and try to restore power to the access hatch. You can do that with one tap on the utility controls inside the security room.

19. Initiate the System Reboot

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - System Reboot
It seems like a system reboot is required to make it work. Press the red button on the wall to force a system reboot.

20-21. Collect the Recording and Speak to Hadrian

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Collect Recording
Hadrian will notice that the voice in the playback is talking to her father, Vae Victus. She will then play a recording to confirm it. Grab the recording after that so they can analyze it further back to the base.

Hadrian would like to speak to you again regarding this. You can answer however you like, as it won't have any changes on the outcome. You can even tell her that her father is still alive.

22. Return to Kaiser

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Return to Kaiser

Go back to Kaiser and wait for the hatch to open. You will be back in the open but you still need to find the last sample.

23. Find and Secure the Final Sample

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Final Sample
The last sample and the last Terrormorph is currently hiding on the ground, but it will come out once you get close to it. Kill it immediately before other hostile creatures appear and attack your team!

Lood the dead body after that to collect the sample and give it to Kaiser to secure it.

24. Return to Forward Base 441 and Discuss your Findings

Starfield - Hostile Intelligence - Return to Forward Base
Go back to Forward Base 441 and discuss your findings with Percival and Hadrian. The quest ends after the conversation, and the last quest on the UC Vanguard Questline, A Legacy Forged, will become available!

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UC Vanguard Questline

Quest Rewards
1 Supra Et Ultra EXP: 275
2 Grunt Work EXP: 250
UC Vanguard Pilot Pack
UC Space Helmet
UC Spacesuit
3 Delivering Devils EXP: 250
4 Eyewitness EXP: 350
5 Friends Like These EXP: 350
・UC Citizen ID
The Well Apartment
6 The Devils You Know EXP: 150
7 War Relics EXP: 250
8 Hostile Intelligence EXP: 350
9 A Legacy Forged EXP: 350
Mercury Tower Penthouse

UC Vanguard Optional Quests

Quest Rewards
1 Preventive Action EXP: 125
2 Search and Seizure EXP: 200
3 Two Tales Two Cities EXP: 200
4 Vanguard: Bug Hunt EXP: 150
5 Apex Predator EXP: 150
6 Vanguard: Safer Skies EXP: 125


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