Starfield Shattered Space

Job Gone Wrong Rewards and How to Unlock

Job Gone Wrong is a faction quest in Starfield. See how to unlock Job Gone Wrong, rewards, and how to complete it.

Job Gone Wrong Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Planet Started Akila, Cheyenne System
Location Akila City
Faction Freestar Rangers
Prerequisites Advance The Empty Nest quest
Quest Giver Sam Coe
Rewards EXP: 150
Credits: 3800

Job Gone Wrong Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

Succeed in Persuading the Robbers (Outcome 1)

  1. Persuade the Bank Robbers to Surrender
  2. Talk to Daniel Blake

Fail in Persuading the Robbers (Outcome 2)

  1. Persuade the Bank Robbers to Surrender
  2. Talk to Daniel Blake
  3. Ask to See the Hostages or Sneak into the Bank
  4. Eliminate the Bank Robbers
  5. Talk to Daniel Blake

1. Persuade the Bank Robbers to Surrender

Starfield - persuading the bank robbers

Go to the door and interact with the intercom. You will then attempt to make them surrender through persuasion. This can be tough if you haven't been allotting points to your Persuasion Skill as this conversation has eight bars to fill within only three turns.

But don't worry! The outcome of this event won't affect the rewards that you get from Daniel at the end of the quest, so it's safe to risk your turns choosing the red dialogue options!

Get More Loot If Persuasion Fails

Getting the bank robbers to surrender is the way to go if you want to get this Faction Quest done quick. However, if you're looking for more action and items, you can deliberately fail to talk them to surrendering so you can take the other route where you wipe them all out and loot their bodies.

2. Talk to Daniel Blake

Starfield - talking to Daniel Blake

Report back to Daniel Blake to let him know how the negotiation went. If the robbers agreed to surrender, Daniel will hand over your reward and complete the quest. Otherwise, he will hand you a key to the back door where you can "backdoor" them.

3. Ask to See the Hostages or Sneak Into the Bank

Starfield - GalBank rear door

There are two possible entrances into the bank: the front door where you have to do some persuasion again and the back door where you take them by surprise.

Both choices will yield the same result so we recommend taking the back door to save time and effort.

4. Eliminate the Bank Robbers

Starfield - eliminating the robbers

As soon as you enter the bank, proceed deeper with guns blazing, literally. You'll have to eliminate every bank robber inside, their leader included, to advance the quest.

5. Talk to Daniel Blake

Starfield - completing Job Gone Wrong

Don't forget to loot their dead bodies for free items before exiting the bank! Afterwards, talk to Daniel Blake outside to get your reward and complete the quest.

Starfield Related Guides

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Freestar Rangers Questline

Quest Rewards
1 Job Gone Wrong EXP: 150
2 Deputized EXP: 250
3 Where Hope is Built EXP: 250
4 Shadows In Neon EXP: 250
5 Surgical Strike EXP: 350
6 On The Run EXP: 350
7 First to Fight, First to Die EXP: 250
8 The Hammer Falls EXP: 150
・Star Eagle Ship

Freestar Rangers Optional Quests

Quest Rewards
1 One Riot, One Ranger EXP: 75


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