Starfield Shattered Space

Access is Key Rewards and How to Unlock

Starfield - Access is Key Rewards and How to Unlock
Access is Key is a faction quest in Starfield. See how to unlock Access is Key, rewards, and how to complete it.

Access is Key Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Planet Started Volii Alpha, Volii System
Location Neon
Faction Ryujin Industries
Prerequisites None
Quest Giver Imogene
Rewards EXP: 100
Credits: 2500

Access is Key Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

  1. Talk to Imogene
  2. Travel to Gagarin Landing
  3. Retrieve the Security Keycard
  4. Return to Imogene at Ryujin Tower

1. Talk to Imogene

Starfield - Access is Key - Talk to Imogene

Talk to Imogene to get your next assignment, which is getting an Security Keycard. You can also ask her about ideas on how to get it and she will tell you that you can wear a Security Guard Uniform or a suit to help you get it peacefully.

(Optional) Wear a Suit or a Security Guard Uniform

Starfield - buying a corpo suit from Aito Suzuki

Before heading to Gagarin Landing for the security keycard, make sure you're wearing a suit or a security guard uniform so you can retrieve it through persuasion.

Head to the Ryujin Tower lobby, look for Aito Suzuki, and purchase a Corpo Boardroom Suit. Make sure to quicksave and equip the suit before talking to the security chief for a non-hostile approach.

The security chief won't cooperate if you're not wearing either outfit, so you'll have to take the keycard by force. Make sure you're prepared for combat (and quicksaved, just in case) before doing so.

2. Travel to Gagarin Landing

Starfield - Access is Key - Gagarin Landing
Travel to Alpha Centauri Star System and land on Gagarin Landing on the planet Gagarin. Go to the base nearby and start retrieving the Security Keycard.

3. Retrieve the Security Keycard

Starfield - Access is Key - Get Keycard
Equip the uniform or the suit if you have them, and start persuading the UC Security Chief to get the Security Keycard. You can do a quicksave as a safe measure if you fail.

Alternatively, you can go with guns blazing and eliminate the UC Security Chief to get the keycard.

4. Return to Imogene at Ryujin Tower

Starfield - Access is Key - Return to Imogene
Return to Ryujin Tower and hand over the Security Keycard to Imogene. The quest ends after that, and the next one on the Ryujin Industries questline, Sowing Discord, will unlock!

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Factions

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Starfield - UC Vanguard UC Vanguard Starfield - Freestar RangersFreestar Collective
Starfield - Ryujin Industries iconRyujin Industries Starfield - Crimson Fleet iconCrimson Fleet
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Starfield - House VaHouse Va'ruun

All Religions

List of All Religions
The Enlightened House Va'ruun Sanctum Universum

Ryujin Industries Questline

Quest Rewards
1 Back to the Grind EXP: 250
2 One Step Ahead EXP: 100
3 A New Narrative EXP: 1100
4 Access is Key EXP: 100
5 Sowing Discord EXP: 250
6 Accidents Happen EXP: 100
7 Maintaining the Edge EXP: 100
8 Top Secrets EXP: 10000
9 Background Checks EXP: 250
10 Guilty Parties EXP: 250
11 The Key Ingredient EXP: 250
12 Sabotage EXP: 350
Med Pack (x3)
Operative Helmet
Operative Suit
13 Executive Level EXP: 350

Ryujin Industries Optional Quests

Quest Rewards
1 Managing Assets EXP: 100
2 The Power of Persuasion EXP: 100
3 Balancing the Books EXP: 100


1 Anonymousover 1 year

pretty sure this quest is bugged for me, I'm wearing a suit and the security chief won't talk about a security key. and when I try to pickpocket her there is no key on her(security chief dalisto praetorius on gagarin landing)


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