Starfield Shattered Space

Ebbside Strikers Questline

Starfield - Top Banner Ebbside Strikers Faction Questline

Ebbside Strikers is a faction located inside Madame Savauge's Place in Neon in Starfield. Learn the Ebbside Strikers questline, the location of Ebbside Strikers and how to join, the leader and members of Ebbside Strikers, and all rewards!

Ebbside Strikers Location and How to Join

Found in Madame Savauge's Place in Neon

Starfield - Ebbside Strikers Base Location

The Ebbside Strikers is a small faction that can be found in Madame Savauge's Place, Neon of the Volii Alpha planet in the Volii System.

Finish the Audition Quest to Join Ebbside Strikers

Starfield - How to Join  Ebbside Strikers

You can join the Ebbside Strikers by completing The Audition quest that acts as a test before recruiting you. The quest unlocks when a man named Digger Zemin talks to you upon entering the Ebbside entrance to Neon, close to Madame Savauge's Place.

The Audition Rewards and How to Unlock

Ebbside Strikers Questline

All Ebbside Strikers Quests

Quest Details
1. The Audition Location: Volii Alpha, Volii System
Quest Giver: Andrea Sandoval
EXP: 50 | Credits: 6300
2. Display of Power Location: Neon, Volii System
Quest Giver: Hatchet
EXP: 75 | Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
3. The Showdown Location: Neon, Volii System
Quest Giver: Vogal Fuches
Street Sweeper
EXP: 100 | Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits

All Ebbside Strikers Exclusive Rewards

List of Exclusive Rewards

Quest All Exclusive Rewards
Display of Power ・ None
The Audition ・ None
The Showdown Street Sweeper

Completing the following quests under the Ebbside Strikers faction will grant you the exclusive rewards listed above.

Ebbside Strikers Leader and Members

Faction Leader

Starfield - Ebbside Strikers Briggs Briggs

Faction Members

Starfield - Ebbside Strikers Andrea Sandoval Andrea Starfield - Ebbside Strikers Vogal Vogal Starfield - Ebbside Strikers Hatchet Hatchet

Ebbside Strikers is a tough gang led by Briggs. They are a small group but are well known as they control the streets of Neon as they steal, mug, and kill though only when needed.

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