Starfield Shattered Space

One Step Ahead Rewards and How to Unlock

Starfield - One Step Ahead Walkthrough

One Step Ahead is a faction quest in Starfield. See how to unlock One Step Ahead, rewards, and how to complete it.

One Step Ahead Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Planet Started Volii Alpha, Volii System
Location Neon
Faction Ryujin Industries
Prerequisites None
Quest Giver Imogene
Rewards EXP: 100
Credits: 1000

One Step Ahead Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

  1. Talk to Imogene
  2. Upload the Program at CeltCorp
  3. Return to Imogene at Ryujin Tower

1. Talk to Imogene

Start the quest by talking to Imogene on the Operations floor of Ryujin Tower. Imogene will explain the situation with CeltCorp and brief you on the mission.

2. Upload the Program at Celtcorp

Starfield - digipicking the CeltCorp computer

Head to the marked building and take the elevator up to CeltCorp's floor. The target computer where you will upload the program is just a few rooms ahead.

It will also require one digipick and zero prying eyes. You don't want to get caught lockpicking and get yourself arrested!

Make Sure No One's Looking Before Lockpicking!

Starfield - sneaky lockpicking

Before digipicking the target computer at CeltCorp, where you will upload the program from Imogene, make sure no one's around first or you'll get a bounty on your head!

There's a security officer guarding the area as well as some employees in the computer room, but you can get them to leave by waiting on the chair in the meeting room to wait and skip time, preferably until midnight.

Check the room and make sure people are either gone or not looking at the computer before doing your job. You can also quicksave before digipicking just to be safe!

Lockpicking Guide and How to Pick Locks

3. Return to Imogene at Ryujin Tower

Starfield - getting the payment from Imogene

Exit the building and walk back to the Ryujin Tower. Take the elevator to the Operations floor and report to Imogene to get your payment and complete the quest!

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Factions

List of All Factions

All Joinable Factions

Faction Questlines
Starfield - UC Vanguard UC Vanguard Starfield - Freestar RangersFreestar Collective
Starfield - Ryujin Industries iconRyujin Industries Starfield - Crimson Fleet iconCrimson Fleet
Starfield - Constellation iconConstellation Ebbside Strikers
Starfield - House VaHouse Va'ruun

All Religions

List of All Religions
The Enlightened House Va'ruun Sanctum Universum

Ryujin Industries Questline

Quest Rewards
1 Back to the Grind EXP: 250
2 One Step Ahead EXP: 100
3 A New Narrative EXP: 1100
4 Access is Key EXP: 100
5 Sowing Discord EXP: 250
6 Accidents Happen EXP: 100
7 Maintaining the Edge EXP: 100
8 Top Secrets EXP: 10000
9 Background Checks EXP: 250
10 Guilty Parties EXP: 250
11 The Key Ingredient EXP: 250
12 Sabotage EXP: 350
Med Pack (x3)
Operative Helmet
Operative Suit
13 Executive Level EXP: 350

Ryujin Industries Optional Quests

Quest Rewards
1 Managing Assets EXP: 100
2 The Power of Persuasion EXP: 100
3 Balancing the Books EXP: 100


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