Starfield Shattered Space

Friends Like These Rewards and How to Unlock

Starfield - Friends Like These Rewards and How to Unlock
Friends Like These is a faction quest in Starfield. See how to unlock Friends Like These, rewards, and how to complete it.

Friends Like These Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Planet Started Jemison, Alpha Centauri
Location MAST District
Faction UC Vanguard
Prerequisites Finish the Eyewitness quest
Quest Giver Abello
Rewards EXP: 350
Credits: 12000 ・UC Citizen ID

Friends Like These Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

  1. Speak to Deputy Macintyre
  2. Acquire the Freestar Collective Archival Code
  3. Access the UC Listening Device
  4. Follow and speak with Cameron
  5. Confront Radcliff
  6. Follow Radcliff
  7. Acquire House Va'ruun's Archival Code
  8. Approach the intercom
  9. Throw the Power Switch
  10. Continue deeper into the Embassy
  11. Approach more intercoms and throw the power switches
  12. Explore the basement
  13. Approach the stranger
  14. Speak with Ambassador Bal'mor and get the code
  15. Return to Deputy Macintyre
  16. Report to the Armistice Archives
  17. Approach the Monitor Station
  18. Deposit the Code Pieces
  19. Collect the Terromorph Data
  20. Return the data
  21. Give the data to Hadrian
  22. Speak to Macintyre

1. Speak to Deputy Macintyre

Starfield - Speak with Macintyre
Speak with Deputy Macintyre in a room in Interstellar Affairs. She will tell you how to access the archives with classified information related to your investigation of the Terrormorphs. To simplify it, you need to get the Freestar Collective and House Va'ruun archival codes to earn access to the archives.

Listen closely to what she's saying to know all your options and how to approach each one of them!

2. Acquire the Freestar Collective Archival Code

Starfield - Go to Radcliff
Head to the Freestar Embassy and look for Radcliff. She will be the one you need to convince to get the code for the archive. You can try to persuade her using dialogue choices, or you can opt to look for the listening device and blackmail her later.

It will be hard to persuade her since there are 8 bars you need to fill, especially if you don't unlock and level up your Persuasion Skill. But if you do, you can skip objectives #3/4 and #5 and immediately obtain the code!

3-4. Access the UC Listening Device

Sneak to Radcliff's room by crouching to get the listening device. You can use the vent with the help of Cameron, or you can go straight to the room behind her back and into her room. You can then listen to the recording to find something you can use to blackmail her.

You can choose this path if you fail to persuade Radcliff or don't want to do it.

Follow and Speak with Cameron to Get Access to the Vent

Cameron is an embassy employee close to Radcliff, meaning you can get some info from him regarding Radcliff. Speak to him and convince him to work with you to get to Radcliff's room. He will give you the key to access the door to the vent and into Radcliff's room.

5. Confront Radcliff

Starfield - Follow Radcliff
Confront Radcliff and ask her again about the code, but this time using the evidence from the listening device as your front. She will eventually give in and ask you to follow her.

6. Follow Radcliff

Starfield - Get Code from Radcliff
Follow Radcliff below inside a room filled with computers to get the code. You can start going to the Ambassador Bal'mor of House Va'ruun for the last code after this.

7. Acquire House Va'ruun's Archival Code

Starfield - Get the Code
Head to the House Va'ruun's embassy and use the elevator to get to Bal'mor. You will know you're there if the facility is overgrown with plants.

8. Approach the Intercom

Starfield - Approach Intercom
You will hear someone's voice through the intercom as you head inside. You can find it by following the voice and the quest marker.

9. Throw the Power Switch

Starfield - Power Switch
Pull the lever near the intercom to restore the power However, it won't be enough so you will need to find more deeper into the embassy.

10. Continue Deeper into the Embassy

Starfield - Robots
Continue deeper into the embassy to restore more power as instructed by the voice from the intercom. There will be killer robots and turrets along the way, so take them out first to secure the place before searching!

You can also grab a few med packs scattered around the area to replenish your health if you get hit.

11. Approach more Intercoms and Throw the Power Switches

Starfield - More Power Switches
More intercoms and power switches will be marked on the map at this point. Follow them and do the same thing you did in objective #7 and #8 respectively.

12. Explore the Basement and Eliminate the Robots

Starfield - Explore the Basement
Explore the basement and take out several more robots popping up. A man will go out of a room once the robots are dead.

13. Approach the Stranger

Starfield - Approach the Stranger
Approach the man that came out of a room in the basement. It turns out that he is Bal'mor the ambassador of House Va'ruun.

14. Speak with Ambassador Bal'mor and Get the Code

Starfield - Speak with Balmor
Follow Bal'mor instead and talk about the code you need to get to access the archives. He will ask you to follow him after your conversation so he can give you the code.

15. Return to Deputy Macintyre

Starfield - Return to Macintyre
Return to Macintyre after obtaining the archival code from House Va'ruun. She will then give permission to report to the Armistice Archives and get information about Terrormorph.

16. Report to the Armistice Archives

Starfield - Armistice Archives
Use the elevator to get to the Armistice Archives. They are expecting you to show, so follow her instructions to progress.

17. Approach the Monitor Station

Starfield - Approach the Monitor
Go near the monitor station and listen to the woman speaking behind a glass window. She will tell you the procedures to access the archives.

18. Deposit the Code Pieces

Starfield - Code Pieces
The first step is to deposit the code pieces from the UC Vanguard, Freestar Collective, and House Va'ruun onto their respective terminals. The vault door to the archives will open after that, and you can start collecting the Terrormorph data.

19. Collect the Terromorph Data

Starfield - Collect the Data
Go inside the archives and grab the data with the quest marker. You should see it on the furthest side of the room.

20. Return the Data

Starfield - Return the Data
Report to Macintyre and let her know that you got the Terrormorph data. You will see her with Hadrian, both planning the next plan of action.

21. Give the Data to Hadrian

Starfield - Give Data to Hadrian
Give the data to Hadrian to learn more about the plan. She will tell you where you're headed next and the new base of operations, which is on The Red Devils HQ on Mars.

22. Speak to Macintyre

Starfield - Rewards and Quest End
Follow and speak to Macintyre outside. She will give you your rewards, including a UC Citizen ID that proves you're now an official citizen of the United Colonies.

The next quest, The Devils You Know, will unlock after this!

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Factions

List of All Factions

All Joinable Factions

Faction Questlines
Starfield - UC Vanguard UC Vanguard Starfield - Freestar RangersFreestar Collective
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Starfield - Constellation iconConstellation Ebbside Strikers
Starfield - House VaHouse Va'ruun

All Religions

List of All Religions
The Enlightened House Va'ruun Sanctum Universum

UC Vanguard Questline

Quest Rewards
1 Supra Et Ultra EXP: 275
2 Grunt Work EXP: 250
UC Vanguard Pilot Pack
UC Space Helmet
UC Spacesuit
3 Delivering Devils EXP: 250
4 Eyewitness EXP: 350
5 Friends Like These EXP: 350
・UC Citizen ID
The Well Apartment
6 The Devils You Know EXP: 150
7 War Relics EXP: 250
8 Hostile Intelligence EXP: 350
9 A Legacy Forged EXP: 350
Mercury Tower Penthouse

UC Vanguard Optional Quests

Quest Rewards
1 Preventive Action EXP: 125
2 Search and Seizure EXP: 200
3 Two Tales Two Cities EXP: 200
4 Vanguard: Bug Hunt EXP: 150
5 Apex Predator EXP: 150
6 Vanguard: Safer Skies EXP: 125


2 Anonymousover 1 year


1 Anonymousover 1 year

You can unlock a unique pistol, Laredo, by selecting the “You call that a negotiation… without even offering me a gift” option when blackmailing Radcliffe


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