Starfield Shattered Space

Executive Level Rewards and How to Unlock

Starfield - Executive Level Rewards and How to Unlock
Executive Level is a faction quest in Starfield. See how to unlock Executive Level, rewards, and how to complete it.

Executive Level Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Planet Started Volii Alpha, Volii System
Location Neon
Faction Ryujin Industries
Prerequisites Complete Sabotage
Rewards EXP: 350
Credits: 13500 ・CQB-X

Executive Level Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

  1. Lobby Board Members
  2. Attend the Meeting
  3. Wait for Everyone to Arrive
  4. Talk to Masako

1. Lobby Board Members

Starfield - Executive Level - Lobby Board Members
Speak with the Board Members and find out what their votes on about the two topics, Internal Neuroamp and Infinity LTD. All of them are in their respective rooms have quest markers on their location. You can also manipulate some of the members and their votes to get your desired result.

2-3. Attend the Meeting and Wait for Everyone to Arrive

Starfield - Executive Level - Attend Meeting
Attend the meeting and head to the board room after speaking with everyone. You will need to wait for everyone to arrive to start.

Listen and answer the questions during the meeting. The first topic is Infinity LTD, where they decide to acquire the whole company or not, and Ularu will be fired in the middle of it, but it won't happen if you killed her during the Guilty Parties quest.

The last topic will talk about the decision with the Internal Neuroamp.

4. Talk to Masako

Starfield - Executive Level - Talk to Masako
Speak to Masako after the meeting to receive all the rewards for your efforts for the faction. You will get 13500 Credits and a CQB-X.

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Factions

List of All Factions

All Joinable Factions

Faction Questlines
Starfield - UC Vanguard UC Vanguard Starfield - Freestar RangersFreestar Collective
Starfield - Ryujin Industries iconRyujin Industries Starfield - Crimson Fleet iconCrimson Fleet
Starfield - Constellation iconConstellation Ebbside Strikers
Starfield - House VaHouse Va'ruun

All Religions

List of All Religions
The Enlightened House Va'ruun Sanctum Universum

Ryujin Industries Questline

Quest Rewards
1 Back to the Grind EXP: 250
2 One Step Ahead EXP: 100
3 A New Narrative EXP: 1100
4 Access is Key EXP: 100
5 Sowing Discord EXP: 250
6 Accidents Happen EXP: 100
7 Maintaining the Edge EXP: 100
8 Top Secrets EXP: 10000
9 Background Checks EXP: 250
10 Guilty Parties EXP: 250
11 The Key Ingredient EXP: 250
12 Sabotage EXP: 350
Med Pack (x3)
Operative Helmet
Operative Suit
13 Executive Level EXP: 350

Ryujin Industries Optional Quests

Quest Rewards
1 Managing Assets EXP: 100
2 The Power of Persuasion EXP: 100
3 Balancing the Books EXP: 100


1 Trying to reach outover 1 year

Trying not to include spoilers but at the end of the executive mission while going with the secondary option, I keep getting "softlocked" after the meeting. My character will stand up amd I can look around but I can't walk, travel, or open inventory. The person I need to speak with is too far away to talk to. I'm on xbox so anyway to get notice to this for a patch would be really cool. Thanks for your tume.


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