Starfield Shattered Space

Deep Cover Rewards and How to Unlock

Starfield - Deep Cover Walkthrough

Deep Cover is a faction quest in Starfield and is how you can join the Crimson Fleet. See how to unlock Deep Cover, rewards, and how to complete it.

Deep Cover Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Planet Started Jemison, Alpha Centauri
Location MAST District
Faction Crimson Fleet
Prerequisites Complete the Grunt Work quest
Quest Giver Commander Tuala
Rewards EXP: 250
Credits: 4800

Unlock By Getting Arrested in UC Vanguard Territory

An easy way to unlock the Deep Cover quest and join the Crimson Fleet faster is to commit a crime and get arrested in UC Vanguard territory. The quest will automatically start upon getting arrested.

You can do this method to unlock the quest faster. Otherwise, the quest will be unlocked after completing Grunt Work.

Reputation System Explained

Deep Cover Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

  1. Speak to Commander Ikande in the Operations Center
  2. Speak to Lieutenant Toft
  3. Proceed to Cydonia
  4. Speak to Saoirse Bowden at the Trade Authority
  5. Speak to Adler Kemp at the Broken Spear
  6. Recover Karl Fieldling's Debt
  7. Return to Adler Kemp

Undergo the Interrogation (Arrested Route Only)

Starfield - Deep Cover Undergo the Interrogation

If you unlock the Deep Cover quest through getting arrested, you will be taken by the UC Vanguard to Phobos for interrogation. You will then be interrogated by Commander Ikande.

He will ask you to work undercover for them and infiltrate the Crimson Fleet. Accept his offer to quickly move to the next objective. Turning him down will result to time in jail.

Follow the SysDef Guard to the Operations Center (Arrested Route Only)

Starfield - Deep Cover Follow the SysDef Guard to the Operations Center

Simply follow the SysDef Guard who will then lead you to an elevator that goes up to the Operations Center. Click the control panel and head into the door at the end of the hall.

Speak to Commander Ikande in the Operations Center

Starfield - Deep Cover Speak to Commander Ikande in the Operations Center

Head inside the Operations Center where you will find Commander Ikande at the other side of the room. Use this time to ask any questions you have through the dialogue prompts.

Speak to Lieutenant Toft

Starfield - Deep Cover Speak to Lieutenant Toft

Go and find Lieutenant Toft who should be walking by the control panels nearby. She will tell you about the basics of the plan to take down the Crimson Fleet.

Proceed to Cydonia

Starfield - Deep Cover Proceed to Cydonia

Follow the marker that leads you out the Operations Center and back to your ship, then go to Cydonia. You can fast travel to its location by selecting the objective on your Missions menu and showing it on the map.

Speak to Saoirse Bowden at the Trade Authority

Once you've arrive at Cydonia, head inside Cydonia Central Hub and look for Saoirse Bowden. From
the entrance, head straight then down the ramp, then look for the first metal door to the right.

Pay Her 1000 Credits to Get Information

Starfield - Deep Cover Speak to Saoirse Bowden

Saoirse is the woman standing just behind the door. Talk to her until she asks you to pay her 1000 credits for information about the Crimson Fleet. No matter what you choose to answer, she won't budge until you pay her.

Speak to Adler Kemp at the Broken Spear

Go back up the ramp and follow the marker to find Adler Kemp. He will ask you to do something for him first before helping you, which is to get Karl Fieldling to pay him his debt.

Recover Karl Fieldling's Debt

Starfield - Deep Cover Recover Karl Fieldling

Follow the quest marker to the Cydonia Residential area and head down the many flights of stairs into a large room full of people. Karl Fieldling will be sitting on the floor at the back end of the other room.

You may want to save your game before interacting with him as this will prompt different routes for you to take.

Should You Persuade or Attack Karl Fieldling?

If you choose to persuade Karl, select the green choices for a higher chance of succeeding. He is pretty easy to persuade, especially with the Persuasion skill or Hippolyta item. Choose to persuade Karl as it is the safest bet to complete the quest.

Choosing to attack Karl will cause him and the nearby security and robots to attack you, and you will get a 15000 bounty. A morally good companion will also dislike it if you choose this route. Adler Kemp himself will also start attacking you if you bring the fight to him, potentially leading to a failed quest.

How to Fix Failed to Create Save Game Error

Return to Adler Kemp

Starfield - Deep Cover Return to Adler Kemp

Go back to Adler Kemp and give him the money that was owed to him. He will then contact an associate from the Crimson Fleet for you to meet and start the Rook Meets King quest.

Rook Meets King Rewards and How to Unlock

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Factions

List of All Factions

All Joinable Factions

Faction Questlines
Starfield - UC Vanguard UC Vanguard Starfield - Freestar RangersFreestar Collective
Starfield - Ryujin Industries iconRyujin Industries Starfield - Crimson Fleet iconCrimson Fleet
Starfield - Constellation iconConstellation Ebbside Strikers
Starfield - House VaHouse Va'ruun

All Religions

List of All Religions
The Enlightened House Va'ruun Sanctum Universum

Crimson Fleet Questline

Quest Rewards
1 Deep Cover EXP: 250
2 Rook Meets King EXP: 250
Pirate Swashbuckler Gear
3 Echoes of the Past EXP: 350
・UC Prison Shuttle
4 Breaking the Bank EXP: 350
5 The Best There Is EXP: 250
・UC Citizen ID
The Well Apartment
6 Absolute Power EXP: 350
7 Eye of the Storm EXP: 350
8 Legacy’s End EXP: 350

Crimson Fleet Optional Quests

Quest Rewards
1 Burden of Proof EXP: 50
2 Doctor's Orders EXP: 100
3 Reclaiming the Past EXP: 75


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