Starfield Shattered Space

Top Secrets Rewards and How to Unlock

Starfield - Top Secrets Walkthrough

Top Secrets is a faction quest in Starfield. See how to unlock Top Secrets, rewards, and how to complete it.

Top Secrets Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Planet Started Volii Alpha, Volii System
Location Neon
Faction Ryujin Industries
Prerequisites Complete Maintaining the Edge
Quest Giver Imogene
Rewards EXP: 250
Credits: 10000
Ember (x1)

Top Secrets Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

  1. Talk to Maeve
  2. Wait for Ularu Chen
  3. Meet Ularu Chen
  4. Travel to Cydonia on Mars in the Sol System
  5. Rendezvous with Simon Ryczek
  6. Find the Datura in Saturn's Orbit
  7. Talk to Malai Liskova
  8. Dock with the Datura
  9. Retrieve Malai's Gun for Simon
  10. Return to Simon in Cydonia
  11. Read Stanley McMillan's File
  12. Listen to the Audio File
  13. Retrieve the Project Dominion Files
  14. Return to Ularu at Ryujin Tower
  15. Follow Ularu
  16. Talk to Masako Imada

1. Talk to Maeve

Starfield - Maeve

Take the elevator to the Executive Offices floor in Ryujin Tower and follow the marker until you come across a Maeve Salini. Talk to her and inquire about your appointment with Ularu Chen to continue.

2-3. Wait to Meet Ularu Chen

Starfield - Ularu talking to Genevieve

Ularu's room is just to the left and she's about to wrap up her "meeting" with Genevieve. You can stand on the side and listen in. Surely, they wouldn't mind.

Talk to Ularu when it's done to receive a personal assignment from the boss herself.

4. Travel to Cydonia on Mars in the Sol System

Starfield - Cydonia on Mars

Take off from Volii Alpha to Mars and land on the target area where you'll meet with one of Ularu's contact.

5. Rendezvous with Simon Ryczek

Starfield - Simon

Enter Cydonia and head straight until you get really close to the objective marker. Hug the left side and go up the stairs to reach Simon.

Just in case you forgot what you're supposed to reply (Imogene mentioned this earlier), answer "Razor derby is the only real sport" to confirm that you're who Ularu sent.

You can get the info from him right away for 10,000 Credits or lower the price to 8,000 Credits first through Persuasion. But since Ularu said they will only reimburse up to 1,000 Credits for this assignment (really, though?), you might as well just go for the side job.

Important note! Your companion might dislike the idea of accepting the assassination contract, affecting your relationship negatively. You can come back after making enough Credits if you want this assignment to be clean.

6. Find the Datura in Saturn's Orbit

Starfield - finding the Datura

You'll get this objective if you accepted the side job. Fly out of the planet and travel to Saturn for the Datura. The target ship will immediately make a communication line and ask your business.

7-8. Talk to Malai Liskova and Dock with the Datura

Starfield - communicating with the Datura

There will be options to resolve this peacefully or with guns blazing. Maybe you can try negotiating with Malai to make it up to your companion!

Malai will let you board the Datura if you tell her you just want her gun as proof for Simon.

9. Retrieve Malai's Gun for Simon

Starfield - persuading Malai

Apparently, you still need to do another round of Persuasion to take Ember off Malai's hand. Of course, there will still be an option to get blood on your hands if you're tired of all this talking.

Kill Her to Get the Gun Right Away

Starfield - shooting Malai

You can get this over with instantly by shooting Malai as soon as you step foot on the Datura. She's alone here so you can catch her off guard if you take a preemptive strike.

10. Return to Simon in Cydonia

Starfield - showing the gun to Simon

Return to Cydonia and show the gun to Simon. He will let you keep the Ember and give you the information that you need for your assignment. Almost forgot what we came here for in the first place!

11-12. Read Stanley McMillan's File and Listen to Audio File

Starfield - info from Simon

Open your inventory, and under the New Items category, inspect the files that you just received from Simon.

13. Retrieve the Project Dominion Files

Starfield - Stanley

Projection Dominion, huh. It does sound catchy, and it's just nearby! Lucky.

Follow the objective marker until you find an unlocked room where Stanley's computer is. Make sure you're undetected before interacting with the computer, then digipick it open so you can download the Project Dominion files.

14. Return to Ularu at Ryujin Tower

Starfield - showing the Project Dominion files to Ularu

Report back to your boss and show her the slate with the files. Ularu will find out that it was a project stolen from Ryujin Industries, and will let Masako know.

15-16. Follow Ularu and Talk to Masako Imada

Starfield - Ularu talking to Masako

Masako really said "masaka" here

Follow Ularu to Masako's office and let them talk about the stolen project. Since you're the one who uncovered this theft, Masako will trust you to cooperate with the investigation and find who this mole is, and complete the quest.

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Factions

List of All Factions

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Starfield - UC Vanguard UC Vanguard Starfield - Freestar RangersFreestar Collective
Starfield - Ryujin Industries iconRyujin Industries Starfield - Crimson Fleet iconCrimson Fleet
Starfield - Constellation iconConstellation Ebbside Strikers
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All Religions

List of All Religions
The Enlightened House Va'ruun Sanctum Universum

Ryujin Industries Questline

Quest Rewards
1 Back to the Grind EXP: 250
2 One Step Ahead EXP: 100
3 A New Narrative EXP: 1100
4 Access is Key EXP: 100
5 Sowing Discord EXP: 250
6 Accidents Happen EXP: 100
7 Maintaining the Edge EXP: 100
8 Top Secrets EXP: 10000
9 Background Checks EXP: 250
10 Guilty Parties EXP: 250
11 The Key Ingredient EXP: 250
12 Sabotage EXP: 350
Med Pack (x3)
Operative Helmet
Operative Suit
13 Executive Level EXP: 350

Ryujin Industries Optional Quests

Quest Rewards
1 Managing Assets EXP: 100
2 The Power of Persuasion EXP: 100
3 Balancing the Books EXP: 100


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