Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Fanged Exploit Rampage Skill Effects

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This is a guide about Fanged Exploit Rampage Skill in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Read on to learn Fanged Exploit's effects, its effect per level, and which equipment uses the Fanged Exploit Rampage skill.

Other Rampage Guides
Rampage Guide: How to Get S-Rank Rampage Skills: Best Rampage Skills
How to Unlock Rampage Weapons What is the Rampage?

Fanged Exploit Effects

Rampage Skill Effect
Fanged Exploit Increases Damage to Fanged Beasts.

Deals 5% Extra Raw Damage

Fanged Exploit deals a fixed 5% increase to all raw damage (including Impact Phials and Gunlance shelling) when hunting the monsters listed below. Fanged Beasts are unique in that they aren't affected by other anti-species skills. Fanged Wyverns like Zinogre and Magnamalo are NOT affected by this skill.

Fanged Exploit Affected Monsters
Arzuros IconArzuros Apex Arzuros IconApex Arzuros Lagombi IconLagombi Volvidon IconVolvidon
Goss Harag IconGoss Harag Bishaten IconBishaten Blood Orange Bishaten IconBlood Orange Bishaten Garangolm IconGarangolm
Rajang IconRajang Furious Rajang IconFurious Rajang

Equipment with Fanged Exploit Rampage Skills

Decorations with Fanged Exploit Rampage Skill

MH Rise Sunbreak - Fanged Exploit Jewel 2 Rampage Decoration IconFanged Exploit Jewel 2

Melee Weapons with Fanged Exploit Rampage Skill

No melee weapons with this skill.

Ranged Weapons with Fanged Exploit Rampage Skill

No ranged weapons with this skill.

Rampage Weapons with Fanged Exploit Rampage Skill

No rampage weapons with this skill.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

MH Rise - Rampage Skills Partial Banner
Rampage Skills: Best Rampage Skills

Rampage Skills List

Related Rampage Skills
Add: Normal Ammo Affinity Boost Affinity Surge
Anti-Aerial Species Anti-Aquatic Species Arc Shot: Affinity
Arc Shot: Anti-shock Arc Shot: Recovery Attack Boost
Attack Melody Attack Surge Blast Boost
Blast Bloody Heart Boost Equipped Coating
Brutal Strike Buddy Rally Chameleos Soul
Charge Up Close-range Coating Boost Cluster Effect
Coating Switch Boost Defense Boost Defense Grinder
Defensive Melody Demon Rage Dragon Boost
Dragon Effect Dragon Exploit Dragon
Dulling Strike Element Exploit Elemental Boost
Elemental Surge Exhaust Effect Fanged Exploit
Fire Boost Fire Effect Fire
Fireblight Exploit Firing: Charge Firing: Pierce
Firing: Rapid Firing: Spread Guard Bash
Healing Melody Hellion Mode Ibushi Soul
Ice Boost Ice Effect Ice
Iceblight Exploit Kinsect Level Boost Kinsect Supercharge
Kushala Daora Soul Lasting Arc Shot Magnamalo Soul
Master Rider Maximum Volume Narwa Soul
Non-elemental Boost Normal Effect Paralysis Boost
Paralysis Coating Boost Paralysis Phial Switch Boost
Phial: Dragon Phial: Element Phial: Exhaust
Phial: Paralysis Phial: Poison Pierce Effect
Poison Boost Poison Coating Boost Poison Effect
Poison Rapid Fire (Normal) Rapid Fire (Piercing)
Rapid Fire (Shrapnel) Rapid Fire (Spread) Rapid Fire (Sticky)
Recoil Down Boost Recoil Down Surge Reload Speed Boost
Reload Speed Surge Resilient Melody Secondary: Dragon
Secondary: Fire Secondary: Ice Secondary: Thunder
Secondary: Water Self-Improvement Sharpness Type
Shelling: Long Shelling: Normal Shelling: Wide
Shrapnel Effect Silkbind Boost Sleep Boost
Sleep Coating Boost Sleep Effect Sleep
Small Monster Exploit Special: Wyvernheart Special: Wyvernsnipe
Spiribird Doubled Spread Effect Steadiness Boost
Steadiness Surge Sticky Effect Sticky/Cluster Effect I
Teostra Soul Thunder Boost Thunder Effect
Thunder Thunderblight Exploit Use Blast Coating
Use Exhaust Coating Use Para Coating Use Poison Coating
Use Power Coating Use Sleep Coating Valstrax Soul
Water Boost Water Effect Water
Waterblight Exploit Wirebug Wrangler Wyrmstake Boost
Wyvern Exploit


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