Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Wind Thief Crossbow Forging and Upgrade Materials | Monster Hunter Rise

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This page is about the Wind Thief Crossbow (Heavy Bowgun), a weapon found in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). All stats, as well as crafting materials and its full weapon tree can be found here.

Wind Thief Crossbow Stats and General Info

Wind Thief Crossbow I

Weapon Stats and Info
 Wind Thief Crossbow I Heavy Bowgun Image Wind Thief Crossbow I
Rarity Attack Affinity
1 80 10%
Slots Def. Deviation
ーーー - None
Recoil / Reload Average / Above Avg.
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe
Rampage Skills
Affinity Boost I
Small Monster Exploit
Buddy Rally

Ammo Capacity|Recoil|Reload Shot Type
Normal Ammo 1 3|Low|Fastest
Normal Ammo 2 3|Low|Fastest
Pierce Ammo 1 4|Low|Fastest
Pierce Ammo 2 3|High|Fast
Pierce Ammo 3 2|High|Fast
Shrapnel Ammo 1 3|Low|Fastest
Shrapnel Ammo 2 2|Average|Fastest
Recover Ammo 1 2|Average|Fastest
Recover Ammo 2 1|High|Fast
Demon Ammo 1|Average|Fast
Armor Ammo 1|Average|Fast
Slicing Ammo 2|High|Fast
Tranq Ammo 2|Average|Fastest

MS - Moving Shot, MR - Moving Reload, AR - Single Fire Auto Reload, RF - Rapid Fire

Wind Thief Crossbow II

Weapon Stats and Info
 Wind Thief Crossbow II Heavy Bowgun Image Wind Thief Crossbow II
Rarity Attack Affinity
2 90 10%
Slots Def. Deviation
ーーー - None
Recoil / Reload Average / Above Avg.
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe
Rampage Skills
Affinity Boost II
Small Monster Exploit
Buddy Rally

Ammo Capacity|Recoil|Reload Shot Type
Normal Ammo 1 4|Low|Fastest
Normal Ammo 2 3|Low|Fastest
Pierce Ammo 1 4|Low|Fastest
Pierce Ammo 2 4|High|Fast
Pierce Ammo 3 2|High|Fast
Shrapnel Ammo 1 3|Low|Fastest
Shrapnel Ammo 2 2|Average|Fastest
Recover Ammo 1 2|Average|Fastest
Recover Ammo 2 1|High|Fast
Demon Ammo 1|Average|Fast
Armor Ammo 1|Average|Fast
Slicing Ammo 2|High|Fast
Tranq Ammo 2|Average|Fastest

MS - Moving Shot, MR - Moving Reload, AR - Single Fire Auto Reload, RF - Rapid Fire

Wind Thief Crossbow III

Weapon Stats and Info
 Wind Thief Crossbow III Heavy Bowgun Image Wind Thief Crossbow III
Rarity Attack Affinity
4 160 10%
Slots Def. Deviation
②①ー - None
Recoil / Reload Average / Above Avg.
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe
Rampage Skills
Affinity Boost III
Small Monster Exploit
Buddy Rally

Ammo Capacity|Recoil|Reload Shot Type
Normal Ammo 1 5|Low|Fastest
Normal Ammo 2 4|Low|Fastest
Pierce Ammo 1 5|Low|Fastest
Pierce Ammo 2 4|High|Fast
Pierce Ammo 3 4|High|Fast
Shrapnel Ammo 1 4|Low|Fastest
Shrapnel Ammo 2 2|Average|Fastest
Recover Ammo 1 2|Average|Fastest
Recover Ammo 2 1|High|Fast
Demon Ammo 2|Average|Fast
Armor Ammo 2|Average|Fast
Slicing Ammo 3|High|Fast
Tranq Ammo 2|Average|Fastest

MS - Moving Shot, MR - Moving Reload, AR - Single Fire Auto Reload, RF - Rapid Fire

Gale Crossbow

Weapon Stats and Info
 Gale Crossbow Heavy Bowgun Image Gale Crossbow
Rarity Attack Affinity
5 180 10%
Slots Def. Deviation
②①ー - None
Recoil / Reload Average / Above Avg.
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe
Rampage Skills
Affinity Boost IV
Small Monster Exploit
Buddy Rally

Ammo Capacity|Recoil|Reload Shot Type
Normal Ammo 1 5|Low|Fastest
Normal Ammo 2 5|Low|Fastest
Pierce Ammo 1 6|Low|Fastest
Pierce Ammo 2 4|High|Fast
Pierce Ammo 3 4|High|Fast
Shrapnel Ammo 1 4|Low|Fastest
Shrapnel Ammo 2 2|Average|Fastest
Recover Ammo 1 2|Average|Fastest
Recover Ammo 2 1|High|Fast
Demon Ammo 2|Average|Fast
Armor Ammo 2|Average|Fast
Slicing Ammo 3|High|Fast
Tranq Ammo 2|Average|Fastest

MS - Moving Shot, MR - Moving Reload, AR - Single Fire Auto Reload, RF - Rapid Fire

Gale Crossbow+

Weapon Stats and Info
 Gale Crossbow+ Heavy Bowgun Image Gale Crossbow+
Rarity Attack Affinity
8 250 10%
Slots Def. Deviation
②①ー 0 None
Recoil / Reload Average / Above Avg.
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe
Rampage Slot

Ammo Capacity|Recoil|Reload Shot Type
Normal Ammo 1 5 | Low | Fastest
Normal Ammo 2 5 | Low | Fastest
Pierce Ammo 1 6 | Low | Fastest
Pierce Ammo 2 4 | High | Fast
Pierce Ammo 3 4 | High | Fast
Shrapnel Ammo 1 4 | Low | Fastest
Shrapnel Ammo 2 2 | Average | Fastest
Recover Ammo 1 2 | Average | Fastest
Recover Ammo 2 1 | High | Fast
Demon Ammo 2 | Average | Fast
Armor Ammo 2 | Average | Fast
Slicing Ammo 3 | Very High | Fast
Tranq Ammo 2 | Average | Fastest

MS - Moving Shot, MR - Moving Reload, AR - Single Fire Auto Reload, RF - Rapid Fire

Reaper Ballista Notus

Weapon Stats and Info
 Reaper Ballista Notus Heavy Bowgun Image Reaper Ballista Notus
Rarity Attack Affinity
10 340 10%
Slots Def. Deviation
②①ー 0 None
Recoil / Reload Average / Above Avg.
Special Ammo Wyvernsnipe
Rampage Slot
Qurious Augments

Ammo Capacity|Recoil|Reload Shot Type
Normal Ammo 1 5 | Low | Fastest
Normal Ammo 2 5 | Low | Fastest
Pierce Ammo 1 6 | Low | Fastest
Pierce Ammo 2 6 | High | Fast
Pierce Ammo 3 6 | High | Fast
Shrapnel Ammo 1 4 | Low | Fastest
Shrapnel Ammo 2 2 | Average | Fastest
Recover Ammo 1 2 | Average | Fastest
Recover Ammo 2 1 | High | Fast
Demon Ammo 2 | Average | Fast
Armor Ammo 2 | Average | Fast
Slicing Ammo 4 | Very High | Fast
Tranq Ammo 2 | Average | Fastest

MS - Moving Shot, MR - Moving Reload, AR - Single Fire Auto Reload, RF - Rapid Fire

Wind Thief Crossbow Forging and Upgrade Materials

Wind Thief Crossbow Required Materials

Weapon Name Materials
Wind Thief Crossbow I Wind Thief Crossbow I
Forging Materials
Iron Ore ImageIron Ore ×3

Upgrade Materials
Wind Thief Crossbow II Wind Thief Crossbow II
Forging Materials
Upgrade Only

Upgrade Materials
Izuchi Material ImageIzuchi Material ×10 pts
Wind Thief Crossbow III Wind Thief Crossbow III
Forging Materials
Upgrade Only

Upgrade Materials
Gale Crossbow Gale Crossbow
Forging Materials
Upgrade Only

Upgrade Materials
Izuchi+ Material ImageIzuchi+ Material ×10 pts
Gale Crossbow+ Gale Crossbow+
Forging Materials
Upgrade Only

Upgrade Materials
Reaper Ballista Notus Reaper Ballista Notus
Forging Materials
Upgrade Only

Upgrade Materials

Wind Thief Crossbow Layered Weapons

Layered Weapons
Gale CrossbowGale Crossbow

Wind Thief Crossbow Weapon Tree

 ┣Iron Assault II Attack Icon100
 ┃┣Steel Assault Attack Icon140
 ┃┃┗Striker's Bowgun I Attack Icon170
 ┃┃ ┗Striker's Bowgun II Attack Icon190
 ┃┃  ┣Elite Bowgun Attack Icon230
 ┃┃  ┃┗Elite Bowgun+ Attack Icon280
 ┃┃  ┃ ┣Imperial Bowgun Attack Icon330
 ┃┃  ┃ ┃┗Imperial Bowgun+ Attack Icon360
 ┃┃  ┃ ┗Wyvern Assault Attack Icon330 Affinity Icon20%
 ┃┃  ┃  ┗Wyvern Assault+ Attack Icon340 Affinity Icon20%
 ┃┃  ┃   ┗Wyvern Crasher Attack Icon350 Affinity Icon20%
 ┃┃  ┗Flammenkanone I Attack Icon210 Affinity Icon-20%
 ┃┃   ┗Flammenkanone II Attack Icon220 Affinity Icon-20%
 ┃┃    ┗Gnashing Flammenkanone Attack Icon230 Affinity Icon-20%
 ┃┃     ┗Gnashing Flammenkanone+ Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon-20%
 ┃┃      ┗Thermablaster Attack Icon370 Affinity Icon-20%
 ┃┃       ┗Thermablaster+ Attack Icon400 Affinity Icon-20%
 ┃┣Meteor Bazooka I Attack Icon110
 ┃┃┣Meteor Bazooka II Attack Icon160
 ┃┃┃┗Meteor Cannon Attack Icon200
 ┃┃┃ ┗Meteor Cannon II Attack Icon270
 ┃┃┃  ┣Meteor Cannon III Attack Icon320
 ┃┃┃  ┃┗Galaxy Cannon Attack Icon360
 ┃┃┃  ┗Frostmoon Howlitzer Attack Icon340
 ┃┃┃   ┗Frostmoon Howlitzer+ Attack Icon350
 ┃┃┃    ┗Egil Attack Icon360
 ┃┃┗Rock Eater I Attack Icon110
 ┃┃ ┗Rock Eater II Attack Icon150
 ┃┃  ┗Earth Eater Attack Icon180
 ┃┃   ┗Earth Eater+ Attack Icon280
 ┃┃    ┗Gaia Eater Attack Icon350
 ┃┗Marino Burst I Attack Icon80
 ┃ ┣Marino Burst II Attack Icon90
 ┃ ┃┗Marino Cannon Attack Icon160
 ┃ ┃ ┗Marino Cannon+ Attack Icon260
 ┃ ┃  ┣Purple October Attack Icon290
 ┃ ┃  ┃┗Purple October+ Attack Icon330
 ┃ ┃  ┗Golm Cannon Attack Icon360
 ┃ ┃   ┗Golm Cannon+ Attack Icon380
 ┃ ┃    ┗Golclops Attack Icon400
 ┃ ┗Carom Shot I Attack Icon130
 ┃  ┗Carom Shot II Attack Icon160
 ┃   ┗Rebound Shot Attack Icon200
 ┃    ┗Rebound Shot+ Attack Icon260
 ┃     ┗Red-Hot Rebound Shot Attack Icon280
 ┃      ┗Red-Hot Rebound Shot+ Attack Icon350
 ┗Wind Thief Crossbow I Attack Icon80 Affinity Icon10%
  ┗Wind Thief Crossbow II Attack Icon90 Affinity Icon10%
   ┗Wind Thief Crossbow III Attack Icon160 Affinity Icon10%
    ┣Gale Crossbow Attack Icon180 Affinity Icon10%
    ┃┗Gale Crossbow+ Attack Icon250 Affinity Icon10%
    ┃ ┗Reaper Ballista Notus Attack Icon340 Affinity Icon10%
    ┗Fulgent Shot I Attack Icon170 Affinity Icon40%
     ┗Fulgent Shot II Attack Icon180 Affinity Icon40%
      ┗Araknamortar Attack Icon190 Affinity Icon40%
       ┗Araknaboom Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon40%
        ┣Araknaboom+ Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon40%
        ┃┗Forlorn Firestorm Attack Icon330 Affinity Icon40%
        ┗Bordeaux Candlestick Attack Icon350
         ┗Bordeaux Candlestick+ Attack Icon360
          ┗Lampa Da Lavater Attack Icon370

Builds that Use this Weapon

▼ Builds with red MR are endgame Master Rank builds.

Available Builds Rank
Izuchi Pierce + Slicing Starter HBG
(Gale Crossbow+)
MR1 - MR2
High Rank Starter
(Gale Crossbow)
HR4 - HR5
Recoil Management Build
(Wind Thief Crossbow II)
Village 1★ - 4★

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) Related Guides

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MH Rise - Insect Glaive IconInsect Glaive
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Ranged Weapon Guides

Ranged Weapons
MH Rise - Light Bowgun IconLight Bowgun
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Heavy Bowgun IconHeavy Bowgun
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Bow IconBow
Guide | Weapon Tree


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