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Low Rank Bow Builds | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise - Low Rank Bow Builds Banner

This is a guide to the best builds and equipment for Bow in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Learn about the best Bow for early game, and the best Skills and Armor pieces to use with the Bow for Low Rank.

All Bow Guides
Bow 1Trees & Full List Bow 2How to Use Bow 3Best Builds

Low Rank Build: Village Quest 4★ to 6★

Sinister Bow Build

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Sinister Bow I Sinister Bow I
ーーー 130 -
Affinity Element
Blast Image 14
Rampage Skill Magnamalo Soul
The Sinister Bow I boasts great stats across the board and decent coatings. Its inherent Blast Element solidifies its place as an efficient all-purpose weapon in this stage of the game..

Best Armor

Armor Slots Skills
Zinogre HelmZinogre Helm ーーー
Zinogre MailZinogre Mail ーーー
Zinogre BracesZinogre Braces ーーー
Constitution Lv. 1
Barioth Coil Barioth Coil ーーー
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Zinogre GreavesZinogre Greaves ーーー
Constitution Lv. 2
Critical Eye Lv. 4 | Constitution Lv. 3
Latent Power Lv. 2
Build Merits Following up on the recommended early game set, this particular armor combination follows the same principle but takes it a step higher. Aside from increasing affinity by 20%, Latent Power Lv. 2 further improves your stamina management as it reduces stamina consumption by 30% when active.

Low Rank Build: Village Quest 1★ to 4★ Quest

Steel Bow Build

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Steel Bow Steel Bow
ーーー 120 -
Affinity Element
Rampage Skill Defense Boost II
Steel Bow is a great weapon that features great stats and an affinity arc shot for relatively cheap materials. These factors make it an all-purpose bow that is fit for any hunt in the early stages of the game.

Alternative: Champion Bow

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Champion Bow Champion Bow
ーーー 150 30
Affinity Element
Rampage Skill Affinity Boost I
An alternative for those looking to quickly finish the early game stage. This bow improves more when you continue to pump it with Affinity. It also provides a defensive balance as it comes with 30 defense. However, it lacks the Affinity Arc shot which could be essential for adding more affinity to your build.

Best Armor

Armor Slots Skills
Izuchi HelmIzuchi Helm ーーー
Critical Eye Lv. 1
Izuchi MailIzuchi Mail ーーー
Izuchi BracesIzuchi Braces ーーー
Constitution Lv. 1
Izuchi Coil Izuchi Coil ーーー
Critical Eye Lv. 1
Kadachi GreavesKadachi Greaves ーーー
Critical Eye Lv. 4 | Constitution Lv. 2
Recovery Speed Lv. 1
Build Merits Bows are weapons that require a lot of stamina. With this in mind, this set offers a mix of offensive and utlity skills. Critical Eye increases your affinity while Constitution reduces stamina consumption of fixed actions such as dodging and blocking. This covers most of the bow's attacks as well!

Best Skills for Bows

Bow Charge Plus
Increases your bow's max charge level which means more damage potential. This is a must-have skill for any endgame bow build!
Reduces stamina costs of dodging which is vital to the Bow.
Stamina Surge
Increases stamina recovery and is vital for stamina heavy weapons.
Critical Eye
Increases affinitty. Always try to aim for at least 50-100% affinity.
Weakness Exploit
Increases your affinity on a monster's weak spots. A great skill for bow users.
Critical Boost
Amplifies critical hits. Make sure to have high affinity first before slotting in critical boosts!
Attack Boost
Increasing the attack rating of bows is one of the most efficient ways to improve DPS.
Flinch Free
Removes interruption in multiplayer hunts.

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All Builds and Best Equipment

• Weapons marked withNEW have been updated.
• Weapons withUP have been reviewed and does not warrant an updated build from the Bonus Update.
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