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High Rank Dual Blades Builds | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - High Rank Dual Blades

This is a guide to the best builds and equipment for Dual Blades in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Learn about the best Dual Blades for Update 3.0+, and the best Skills and Armor pieces to use with the Dual Blades for High Rank, and Endgame.

All Dual Blades Guides
Dual Blades 1Trees & Full List Dual Blades 2How to Use Dual Blades 3Best Builds

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Endgame Builds (Update 3.0): HR 100+

Night Wings Raw Damage

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Night WingsNight Wings
Night Wings Dual Blades Sharpness
②ーー 190 -
Affinity Element/Status
Armor Slots Skills
Kaiser CrownKaiser Crown ①ーー
Vaik Mail SVaik Mail S ③②①
No Skills
Valstrax BracesValstrax Braces ②ーー
Anjanath Coil S Anjanath Coil S ②①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Ingot Greaves SIngot Greaves S ①ーー
Talisman Constitution Lv. 3
with an additional ② slot
Build Merits Base 70% critical rate and 100% on weak spots. Using Weakness Exploit Lv. 2 from the Valstrax Braces, allows Talisman skill flexibility with the potential addition of other utility skills.

Critical Dragon

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Reddnaught Dragon WingReddnaught Dragon Wing
Reddnaught Dragon Wing Dual Blades Sharpness
②ーー 170 -
Affinity Element/Status
Dragon Image 35
Armor Slots Skills
Valstrax HelmValstrax Helm ②①ー
Valstrax MailValstrax Mail ③①ー
Resuscitate Lv. 2
Dragonheart Lv. 1
Valstrax BracesValstrax Braces ②ーー
Valstrax Coil Valstrax Coil ②ーー
Resentment Lv. 2
Resuscitate Lv. 1
Dragonheart Lv. 1
Valstrax GreavesValstrax Greaves ③①ー
Resentment Lv. 1
Dragonheart Lv. 1
Talisman Any Talisman with ②①①
Dragonheart Lv.5 | Weakness Exploit Lv.3
Resuscitate Lv.3 | Dragon Attack Lv.5
Attack Boost Lv.4 | Critical Boost Lv.3
Resentment Lv. 3
Build Merits Takes full advantage of the new Dragonheart skill and the new Crimson Glow Valstrax Rampage Skill, Valstrax Soul. Once below 80% health both Dragonheart and Valstrax Soul trigger, boosting the the Dragon elementl damage from the Reddnaught Dragon Wing Dual Blades to 56!

Teostra Blast

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Fire and IceFire and Ice
Fire and Ice Dual Blades Sharpness
②ーー 180 -
Affinity Element/Status
Blast Image 36
Ice Image 48
Armor Slots Skills
Flame SealFlame Seal ーーー
Critical Eye Lv. 4
Jelly Vest SJelly Vest S ②①ー
Blast Attack Lv. 2
Kaiser VambracesKaiser Vambraces ②ーー
Kaiser Coil Kaiser Coil ③ーー
Golden HakamaGolden Hakama ①①ー
Talisman Critical Eye Lv. 1 with one additional ② slot or more.
Teostra Blessing Lv. 2 | Critical Eye Lv. 7
Blast Attack 3 | Critical Boost 3
Weakness Exploit 3 | Speed Sharpening Lv. 2
Flinch Free Lv. 1 | Latent Power Lv. 1
Build Merits An update to the 2.0 Teostra Blast build using the final Teostra Tree dual blades, Fire and Ice.

Elemental Builds

Fire: Rampage Twinblades S

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Rampage Twinblades SRampage Twinblades S
Rampage Twinblades S Dual Blades Sharpness
ーーー 210 -
Affinity Element/Status
Rampage Skill Setup
Sharpness Type I Fire III Elemental Surge
Rampage Twinblades S is the best fire elemental DB of Update 3.0 due to its modular nature. You can reach a solid elemental attack rating and a decent level of white sharpness with our ramp up skill setup and recommended build.
Armor Slots Skills
Kaiser CrownKaiser Crown ①ーー
Vaik Mail SVaik Mail S ③②①
No Skills
Sinister Gauntlets SSinister Gauntlets S ②ーー
Anjanath Coil S Anjanath Coil S ②①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Ingot Greaves SIngot Greaves S ①ーー
Talisman Skill Weakness Exploit Lv. 2
three ① are recommended but not required.
Elemental ATK Jewel 1 x5 MH Rise - Handicraft Jewel 3Handicraft Jewel 3 x1
MH Rise - Critical Jewel 2Critical Jewel 2 x2 MH Rise - Tenderizer Jewel 2Tenderizer Jewel 2 x1
MH Rise - Grinder Jewel 1Grinder Jewel 1 x3 (Optional)
Elemental Attack Lv. 5 | Attack Boost Lv. 4-5
Critical Eye Lv. 5 | Critical Boost Lv. 3
Weakness Exploit Lv. 3 | Handicraft Lv. 3
Hellfire Cloak Lv. 1 | Speed Sharpening Lv. 3 (Optional)
Build Merits This set can hotswap to level 5 of any elemental attack skill. Handicraft, allows all of our listed DBs to reach a viable level of white sharpness. It's possible to reach Attack Boost Lv. 5 with Lightning, Ice, and Dragon setups due to their weapon slots. You can also include Speed Sharpening into the set if your Weakness Exploit talisman also comes with three ① slots.
Alternative Elements Weapons
MH Rise - Fire Element MH Rise - Water Element MH Rise - Thunder Element MH Rise - Ice Element MH Rise - Dragon Element

Water: Evening Dusk

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Evening DuskEvening Dusk
Evening Dusk Dual Blades Sharpness
①ーー 200 -
Affinity Element/Status
Water Image 18
Evening Dusk is the best water elemental Dual Blades as of Update 3.0 due to Its superior attack, affinity rating, and potential to reach white sharpness. Furthermore, Evening Dusk's base elemental attack rating can be increased with the Water Boost II ramp up skill.

Thunder: Despot's Blitz

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
DespotDespot's Blitz
②ーー 200 -
Affinity Element/Status
Thunder Image 25
Despot's Blitz retains is still the best thunder elemental Dual Blades because of its solid raw and elemental attack ratings coupled with the potential to reach white sharpness through Handicraft. We definitely recommend taking the Thunder Boost II ramp up skill to further improve its elemental attack.

Ice: Daora's Hook

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
DaoraDaora's Hook
③ーー 170 -
Affinity Element/Status
Ice Image 32
Daora's Hook takes the top spot among ice elemental Dual Blades. Not only does it have naturally white sharpness, but its Kushala Daora Soul skill allows over 100% Affinity on weak spots.

Dragon: Reddnaught Dragon Wing

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Reddnaught Dragon WingReddnaught Dragon Wing
Reddnaught Dragon Wing Dual Blades Sharpness
②ーー 170 -
Affinity Element/Status
Dragon Image 35
Reddnaught Dragon Wing is the best dragon element Dual Blades because of its high elemental rating and unique mostly white sharpness. While it does perform well with our set below, we absolutely recommend that you use our Critical Dragon build instead to take advantage of its Valstrax Soul ramp up skill.

High Rank Builds (Update 2.0): HR 40 to 99

Master's Touch

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Night WingsNight Wings
Night Wings Dual Blades Sharpness
②ーー 190 -
Affinity Element/Status
Rampage Skills Attack Boost III
Affinity Boost II
Master Rider
Armor Slots Skills
Kaiser CrownKaiser Crown ①ーー
Vaik Mail SVaik Mail S ③②①
No Skills
Jyuratodus VambracesJyuratodus Vambraces ③②①
No Skills
Anjanath Coil S Anjanath Coil S ②①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Ingot Greaves SIngot Greaves S ①ーー
Talisman Critical Eye Lv. 2 with 1 Lv. 2 Slot.
Build Merits With max Critical Eye, you'll gain 80% base affinity and you can reach up to 95/101% with Weakness Exploit Lv. 1.Master's Touch will maintain White Sharpness during hunts while Critical and Attack Boost improve overall damage.

Kushala Ice

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Icesteel Fang IIcesteel Fang I
Icesteel Fang I Dual Blades Sharpness
②ーー 160 -
Affinity Element/Status
Ice Image 29
Armor Slots Skills
Kaiser CrownKaiser Crown ①ーー
Aelucanth Thorax S / Rhopessa Vertex SAelucanth Thorax S / Rhopessa Vertex S ①ーー
Lagombi Vambraces SLagombi Vambraces S ②①ー
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Ice Attack Lv. 1
Remobra Belt S Remobra Belt S ①①ー
Golden HakamaGolden Hakama ①①ー
Talisman Weakness Exploit Lv.2.
Critical Eye Lv.7 | Ice Attack Lv. 5
Critical Element Lv. 3 | Critical Boost Lv. 3
Weakness Exploit Lv. 2 | Marathon Runner Lv. 2
Speed Sharpening Lv. 2 | Flinch Free Lv. 1
Latent Power Lv. 1 | Dragon Attack Lv. 1
Build Merits A build that's centered around the Kushala Soul's ramping affinity. It can grant 30% affinity, which is almost identical to the Night Wing Dual Blades, 70% affinity with Critical Eye alone and 100% affinity when striking weakpoints. This build also allows us to maximize the value of Critical Boost and Critical Element to further amplify our damage.

Teostra Blast

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Twin Nails ITwin Nails I
Twin Nails I Dual Blades Sharpness
②ーー 170 -
Affinity Element/Status
Blast Image 24
Ice Image 36
Rampage Skill Teostra Soul
Armor Slots Skills
Flame SealFlame Seal ーーー
Critical Eye Lv. 4
Jelly Vest SJelly Vest S ②①ー
Blast Attack Lv. 2
Kaiser VambracesKaiser Vambraces ②ーー
Kaiser Coil Kaiser Coil ③ーー
Golden HakamaGolden Hakama ①①ー
Talisman Critical Eye Lv. 1
with one additional ② slot or more.
Teostra Blessing Lv. 2 | Critical Eye Lv. 7
Blast Attack 3 | Critical Boost 3
Weakness Exploit 3 | Speed Sharpening Lv. 2
Flinch Free Lv. 1 | Latent Power Lv. 1
Build Merits Twin Nails I's ramp-up skill increases the blast damage which synergizes with increase blast build up. This build uses Critical Boost so it can still deal decent raw damage, but the bulk of the damage will be from blast triggers.

Critical Element

Fire: Wyvern Lovers

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Wyvern LoversWyvern Lovers
Wyvern Lovers Dual Blades Sharpness
ーーー 200 -
Affinity Element/Status
Fire Image 28
The next level up from Twin Flames II, the Wyvern Lovers further strengthens our flame elemental build. Together with its 28 fire elemental value and elemental exploit, you can further dish out stronger fire elemental attacks!
Armor Slots Skills
Flame SealFlame Seal ーーー
Critical Eye Lv. 4
Aelucanth Thorax S / Rhopessa Vertex SAelucanth Thorax S / Rhopessa Vertex S ①ーー
Kaiser VambracesKaiser Vambraces ②ーー
Skalda Elytra S / Spio Elytra S Skalda Elytra S / Spio Elytra S ーーー
Golden HakamaGolden Hakama ①①ー
Talisman Critical Element Lv. 2
MH Rise - Tenderizer Jewel 2Tenderizer Jewel 2 x 1
Elemental Attack Jewels x 3
Critical Eye Lv. 7 | Critical Element Lv.3
Critical Boost Lv. 3 | Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
Elemental Attack Lv. 3-4 | Teostra Blessing Lv. 1
Latent Power Lv. 1
Build Merits A 100% affinity build with Critical Boost and Critical Element for maximum critical damage value.By default, elemental attack boosts can reach as high as lv. 4 on some weapons, but it is possible to max out elemental attack for all weapons if you manage to obtain a Critical Element Lv. 2 Talisman with at least two ① slots.
Alternative Elements Weapons
MH Rise - Fire Element MH Rise - Water Element MH Rise - Thunder Element MH Rise - Ice Element MH Rise - Dragon Element

Water: Mud Twister

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Mud TwisterMud Twister
Mud Twister Dual Blades Sharpness
②①ー 170 -
Affinity Element/Status
Water Image 29
Mud Twister's Element Exploit Ramp Up Skill still makes it the best water elemental Dual Blades pre-HR 100

Thunder: Despot's Blitz

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
DespotDespot's Blitz
②ーー 200 -
Affinity Element/Status
Thunder Image 25
Despot's Blitz is still the best Thunder dual blades with its massive raw damage and 25 thunder element.

Ice: Twin Nails I

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Twin Nails ITwin Nails I
Twin Nails I Dual Blades Sharpness
②ーー 170 -
Affinity Element/Status
Blast Image 24
Ice Image 36
Rampage Skill Teostra Soul
Twin Nails is unique in that while its Ice element is lower than other Dual Blades, its damage is supplemented with blast triggers making it our choice for overall damage output on an ice build.

Dragon: Ro Waga

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Ro WagaRo Waga
Ro Waga Dual Blades Sharpness
①ーー 190 -
Affinity Element/Status
Dragon Image 18
On paper, Fortis Gran might seem like a superior dragon weapon but Ro Waga's rampage skill choices and extra slot makes it a way better dragon elemental DB than Fortis Gran. For Rampage skills, Dragon Exploit or Dragon Boost would both work and for slots, slotting in one more Dragon Jewel is the best choice.

High Rank Builds: HR 8 to 40

Raw Damage

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Night WingsNight Wings
Night Wings Dual Blades Sharpness
②ーー 190 -
Affinity Element/Status
Armor Slots Skills
Death Stench Brain SDeath Stench Brain S ②ーー
Zinogre Mail SZinogre Mail S ①ーー
Rathalos Braces SRathalos Braces S ②ーー
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Rathalos Coil S Rathalos Coil S ②ーー
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Windproof Lv. 1
Golden HakamaGolden Hakama ①①ー
Talisman Skill Weakness Exploit Lv. 2
Attack Boost Lv. 7 | Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
Critical Boost Lv. 2 | Speed Sharpening Lv. 2
Protective Polish Lv. 1 | Latent Power Lv. 1
Windproof Lv. 1 | Flinch Free Lv. 1
Build Merits Despite having lower base damage than some other Dual Blades, we chose the Night Wing due to its 40% Affinity as well as its white Sharpness. We recommend using this weapon with Protective Polish and Speed Sharpening skills to always maintain white sharpness damage bonus.

Blast Attack

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Sinister FaminebladesSinister Famineblades
Sinister Famineblades Dual Blades Sharpness
②①ー 200 -
Affinity Element/Status
Blast Image 20
Rampage Skill Blast Boost II
Armor Slots Skills
Nargacuga Helm SNargacuga Helm S ③ーー
Evade Window Lv. 1
Jelly Vest SJelly Vest S ②①ー
Blast Attack Lv. 2
Rakna ArmguardsRakna Armguards ②ーー
Almudron Coil S Almudron Coil S ②①ー
Jelly BootsJelly Boots ーーー
Blast Attack Lv. 1
Talisman Skill Constitution Lv. 1
Evade Window Lv. 5 | Blast Attack Lv. 3
Constitution Lv. 3 | Defense Boost Lv. 2
Marathon Runner Lv. 2 | Stamina Surge Lv. 1
Power Prolonger Lv. 1 | Flinch Free Lv. 1
Build Merits The bulk of your damage comes from the blast procs you get from Sinister Faminblades with Blast Attack and is a very safe build to play on higher ranked quests. Dodge all those attacks and keep on applying the blast ailment! For Rampage Skills, Blast Boost is the way to go as our build doesn't make use of the Hellfire Cloak skill from the Magnamalo armor set.

Elemental Builds

Fire: Twin Flames II

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Twin Flames IITwin Flames II
Twin Flames II Dual Blades Sharpness
ーーー 190 -
Affinity Element/Status
Fire Image 25
Armor Slots Skills
Zinogre Helm SZinogre Helm S ①ーー
Aelucanth Thorax S / Rhopessa Vertex SAelucanth Thorax S / Rhopessa Vertex S ①ーー
Remobra Gloves SRemobra Gloves S ②ーー
Skalda Elytra S / Spio Elytra S Skalda Elytra S / Spio Elytra S ーーー
Kadachi Greaves SKadachi Greaves S ②①ー
Talisman Skill Critical Eye Lv. 1-2
Elemental Attack Jewels x3
MH Rise - Crit Element Jewel 2Crit Element Jewel 2 x1
MH Rise - Expert Jewel 2Expert Jewel 2 x1
Critical Eye Lv. 6-7 | Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
Critical Element Lv. 3 | Elemental Attack Lv. 3-4
Windproof Lv. 1 | Constitution Lv. 1
Flinch Free Lv. 1
Build Merits Following up on our Hub HR 6 and 7 Elemental Set, this build follows the same principles but with a few improvements due to a new talisman and decorations. It is possible to reach maxed Critical Eye depending on the elemental weapon while Dragon Attack can reach lv. 5 due to our recommended chest piece and Ro Waga's ① slot.
Alternative Elements Weapons
MH Rise - Fire Element MH Rise - Water Element MH Rise - Thunder Element MH Rise - Ice Element MH Rise - Dragon Element

Water: Mud Twister

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Mud TwisterMud Twister
Mud Twister Dual Blades Sharpness
②①ー 170 -
Affinity Element/Status
Water Image 29

Thunder: Despot's Blitz

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
DespotDespot's Blitz
②ーー 200 -
Affinity Element/Status
Thunder Image 25

Ice: Gelid Soul

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Gelid SoulGelid Soul
Gelid Soul Dual Blades Sharpness
③ーー 220 -
Affinity Element/Status
Ice Image 25

Dragon: Ro Waga

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Ro WagaRo Waga
Ro Waga Dual Blades Sharpness
①ーー 190 -
Affinity Element/Status
Dragon Image 18

High Rank Build: Hub HR 4 to 7

Elemental Builds

Fire: Daybreak Daggers

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Daybreak DaggersDaybreak Daggers
Daybreak Daggers Dual Blades Sharpness
②ーー 190 -
Affinity Element/Status
Fire Image 25
Armor Slots Skills
Aelucanth Vertex S / Rhopessa Vertex SAelucanth Vertex S / Rhopessa Vertex S ①ーー
Aelucanth Thorax S / Rhopessa Vertex SAelucanth Thorax S / Rhopessa Vertex S ①ーー
Kamura Braces SKamura Braces S ②ーー
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Heroics Lv. 1
Skalda Elytra S / Spio Elytra S Skalda Elytra S / Spio Elytra S ーーー
Kadachi Greaves SKadachi Greaves S ②①ー
Critical Eye Lv. 6 | Critical Element Lv. 3
Weakness Exploit Lv. 2 | Heroics Lv. 1
Dragon Attack Lv. 1 | Constitution Lv. 1
Build Merits An offense-oriented build that uses Critical Eye and Weakness Exploit to get an optimal value from Critical Element Lv. 3. With this build, we get 60% affinity when striking monster weak points.
Alternative Elements Weapons
MH Rise - Fire Element MH Rise - Water Element MH Rise - Thunder Element MH Rise - Ice Element MH Rise - Dragon Element

Water: Morning Dawn II

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Morning Dawn IIMorning Dawn II
Morning Dawn II Dual Blades Sharpness
①ーー 170 -
Affinity Element/Status
Water Image 15

Thunder: Kadachi Twinblades II

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Kadachi Twinblades IIKadachi Twinblades II
Kadachi Twinblades II Dual Blades Sharpness
①①ー 180 -
Affinity Element/Status
Thunder Image 15

Ice: Blizzarioths II

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Blizzarioths IIBlizzarioths II
Blizzarioths II Dual Blades Sharpness
①①ー 160 -
Affinity Element/Status
Ice Image 18

Dragon: Fortis Gran

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Fortis GranFortis Gran
Fortis Gran Dual Blades Sharpness
ーーー 180 -
Affinity Element/Status
Dragon Image 24

Sleep Bomber

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Stealth Dango IIStealth Dango II
Stealth Dango II Dual Blades Sharpness
②①① 190 -
Affinity Element/Status
Sleep Image 5
Armor Slots Skills
Izuchi Helm SIzuchi Helm S ①①ー
Critical Eye Lv. 1
Izuchi Mail SIzuchi Mail S ①ーー
Izuchi Braces SIzuchi Braces S ①①ー
Constitution Lv. 2
Izuchi Coil S Izuchi Coil S ①①ー
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Ingot Greaves SIngot Greaves S ①ーー
Critical Eye Lv. 7 | Attack Boost Lv. 2
Constitution Lv. 2 | Recovery Speed Lv. 1
Build Merits You'll be able to deal decent critical procs thanks to the Critical Eye while your stamina management is improved thanks to the Constitution. It works great together with Large or Mega Barrel Bombs to blow up sleeping monsters.

Best Skills for Dual Blades

Attack Boost
For some endgame builds, Attack Boost is essential in getting the most damage out of raw. However, if you are focusing on elemental damage, you can prioritize this after. It's a great skill but to make the most out of it, be sure to increase your affinity first and get the necessary damage skills.
Fire, Water, Thunder, Ice, Dragon Attack.
Elemental skills are vital to the DB. They can maximize the damage dealt by elemental skills so increasing the elemental damage of your weapons is a must.
Critical Element
While we prioritize elemental attack in elemental builds, Critical Element is good to slot in as long as you have enough room for decorations and high affinity. Critical Element is similar to Critical Boost where, instead of raw, more elemental damage is applied on critical hits.
Critical Eye
More damage and Critical Element is also reliant on affinity so make sure to raise your affinity when playing DB.
Weakness Exploit
50% affinity when striking enemy weak spots at max rank is extremely valuable for a weapon that likes to deal damage.
Blast Attack
Having Blast Attack greatly amps up the damage of blast type dual blades. It's a great skill to have if you don't wish to play elemental dual blades.
Evade Window
Allows you to dodge enemy attacks more easily. At the hands of an expert, a dual blade user with Evade Window is nearly untouchable and it opens up new ways to approach enemy attacks.
Marathon Runner
Longer demon mode duration is always great.
Stamina Surge
Quickly replenish your stamina after using Demon Mode.
A great skill to have as it allows you to dodge even while in Demon Mode with ease.
Protective Polish
A neat skill to have for Dual Blades as the Dual Blade's sharpness rapidly decreases due to its fast attacking nature.
Razor Sharp
Same reason as Protective Polish but it doesn't need a whetstone to use in exchange of half effectivity.
Flinch Free
A must have skill for multiplayer. It's placed lower as a needed skill since the Dual Blades' attacks doesn't get interrupted once used.
Critical Boost
Early on, raw damage isn't the strongest point of the Dual Blades so putting Critical Boost on DB isn't as effective as the other weapons. You can have this as the last of the damage skills for raw builds once you have provided enough of Attack Boost and Critical Eye.
Evade Extender
It is optional, but this is a suitable comfort skill given that using the Dual Blades gives you a lot of movement options. Longer dashes means you can get out of harms way more easily or reach enemy weakspots.

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11 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Why in the world would you put an piece of armor that requires you to get a carapace from Rakna kadaki as a viable build for HR 4-7 that literally makes no sense... by the time you get to have the items for that build you already out of HR 7...put a real viable and available build at hr 4 to push 5 and 6 and then 7.

1 Anonymousabout 2 years

I’m curious why critical element is ranked 3 star and the guide says it’s very important for end game elemental builds, but the end game (base rise hr 100+) elemental builds on your guide don’t use it at all. Thanks for the guides!


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