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High Rank Bow Builds | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - High Rank Bow Builds Banner

This is a guide to the best builds and equipment for the Bow in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) in the Nintendo Switch. Learn about the best Bow for Update 3.0+ and the best Skills and Armor pieces to use with the Bow for High Rank, and Endgame.

All Bow Guides
Bow 1Trees & Full List Bow 2How to Use Bow 3Best Builds

Endgame Build (Update 3.0): HR 100+

Rampage Bow S Rapid Build

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Rampage Bow S Rampage Bow S
ーーー 210 -
Affinity Element
Rampage Skill -
Rampage Skill Setup
Attack Boost IV Non-Elemental Boost Firing: Rapid
Use Power Coating Use Exhaust Coating Arc Shot: Affinity

Best Armor

Armor Slots Skills
Mighty Bow FeatherMighty Bow Feather ーーー
Vaik Mail SVaik Mail S ③②①
No Skills
Valstrax BracesValstrax Braces ②ーー
Vaik Coil S Vaik Coil S ②ーー
Arzuros Greaves SArzuros Greaves S ③②①
No Skills
Talisman Skill Constitution Lv. 3
with one additional ② or ③ slot
Constitution Lv. 4 | Critical Boost Lv. 3
Weakness Exploit Lv. 3 | Normal/Rapid Up Lv. 3
Reload Speed Lv. 2 | Bow Charge Plus Lv. 1
Dragonheart Lv. 1
Build Merits Following up on our previous Rapid Raw Damage build, armor pieces have been tweaked to include Critical Boost as well. This adjustment allows us to dish maximum damage while retaining Constitution to manage stamina consumption.

Rampage Bow S Pierce Build

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Rampage Bow S Rampage Bow S
ーーー 210 -
Affinity Element
Rampage Skill -
Rampage Skill Setup
Attack Boost IV Non-Elemental Boost Firing: Pierce
Use Power Coating Use Exhaust Coating Arc Shot: Affinity

Best Armor

Armor Slots Skills
Mighty Bow FeatherMighty Bow Feather ーーー
Vaik Mail SVaik Mail S ③②①
No Skills
Valstrax BracesValstrax Braces ②ーー
Chrome Metal Coil Chrome Metal Coil ③②①
No Skills
Arzuros Greaves SArzuros Greaves S ③②①
No Skills
Talisman Skill Constitution Lv. 3
with one additional ② or ③ slot
Constitution Lv. 4 | Critical Boost Lv. 3
Weakness Exploit Lv. 3 | Pierce Up Lv. 3
Reload Speed Lv. 2 | Bow Charge Plus Lv. 1
Flinch Free Lv. 1 | Dragonheart Lv. 1
Build Merits This build picks up after our 2.0 Raw Piercer and improves its damage output with the addition of Critical Boost. Stamina management is once again improved through Constitution.

Water Spread Elemental Build

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Azure Era "Soaring Dragon" Azure Era "Soaring Dragon"
③ーー 190 -
Affinity Element
Water Image 25
Rampage Skill Affinity Boost IV

Best Armor

Armor Slots Skills
Mighty Bow FeatherMighty Bow Feather ーーー
Vaik Mail SVaik Mail S ③②①
No Skills
Valstrax BracesValstrax Braces ②ーー
Azure Age Obi Azure Age Obi ③①ー
Rakna GreavesRakna Greaves ①ーー
Talisman Skill Constitution Lv. 3
with additional two ② and a ① slot
Constitution Lv. 5 | Water Attack Lv. 5
Weakness Exploit Lv. 3 | Spread Up Lv. 3
Stamina Surge Lv.3 | Bow Charge Plus Lv. 1
Dragonheart Lv. 1 | Critical Boost Lv. 2
Reload Speed Lv. 1 | Critical Element Lv. 1
Quick Sheath Lv. 1 | Evade Extender Lv. 1
Build Merits The Soaring Dragon is by far the only endgame bow that is straight up Spread with its charge shots. The Bow Charge Plus unleashes its level 4 charge shot that contains five arrows! Too bad that we can only exploit this bow with Water Element. That's why you have to maximize it with Stream Jewels and with the Azure Age Obi. Still it's a great spread bow for those looking for a spread-type bow build, most especially if you exploit its capability to use Power Coatings.

Elemental Builds

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Araknatorch Araknatorch
②①① 170 -
Affinity Element
Fire Image 33
Araknatorch has a 30% affinity rating, high elemental rating, and amazing charge shots allows it to retain its spot among the best fire element bows of Update 3.0. The only fire bow that is arguably better than this one is a properly modded Rampage Bow S.

Alternative Elemental Weapons

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Heaven Heaven's Manna
①ーー 210 -
Affinity Element
Water Image 15
Heaven's Manna can also compete at the top spot against a properly modded Rampage Bow S with its high attack rating and great charge shots. Having paralysis phials and a ① slot on the weapon also contribute to its viability.
Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Rampage Bow S Rampage Bow S
ーーー 210 -
Affinity Element
Rampage Skill -
Rampage Skill Setup
Attack Boost IV Thunder III Firing: Rapid
Use Power Coating Use Exhaust Coating Arc Shot: Affinity
Nothing comes close to a Rampage Bow S that is modded for thunder! It's charge shots and attack rating easily outclasses every other thunder element bow.
Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Daora Daora's Sagittarii
①ーー 180 -
Affinity Element
Ice Image 37
Daora's Sagittarii has great stats across the board and Kushala Soul ramp up skill earns it a seat at the top of ice element bows.
Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Abyssal Gale Bow Abyssal Gale Bow
ーーー 220 0
Affinity Element
Dragon Image 15
Ibushi's tree maintains its dominance over dragon element bows with its latest addition, Abyssal Gale Bow. This bow offers great stats across the board and its elemental rating can be further improved through its Dragon Boost IV ramp up skill.

Best Armor

Armor Slots Skills
Mighty Bow FeatherMighty Bow Feather ーーー
Remobra Suit SRemobra Suit S ①①ー
Valstrax BracesValstrax Braces ②ーー
Anjanath Coil S Anjanath Coil S ②①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Rakna GreavesRakna Greaves ①ーー
Talisman Skill Constitution Lv. 3
with one additional ② slot
MH Rise - Critical Jewel 2Critical Jewel 2 x2 MH Rise - Tenderizer Jewel 2Tenderizer Jewel 2 x1
Elemental Attack Jewels x5
Constitution Lv.5 | Elemental Attack Lv. 5
Critical Boost Lv. 3 | Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
Attack Boost Lv. 2 | Stamina Surge Lv. 2
Bow Charge Plus Lv. 1 | Flinch Free Lv. 1
Dragonheart Lv. 1
Build Merits Very little has changed for our Elemental Set in Update 3.0. The addition of Valstrax Braces and a new talisman skill allows us to reach max Constitution while retaining all of our previous skills that improve damage. Take note that Dragonheart inflicts blight onto yourself when you drop to 50% HP at lv. 1.

High Rank Build (Update 2.0): HR 40 to 99

Rampage Bow V Rapid Build

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Rampage Bow V Rampage Bow V
ーーー 200 -
Affinity Element
Rampage Skill -
Rampage Skill Setup
Attack Boost III Non-Elemental Boost Firing: Rapid
Use Power Coating Use Exhaust Coating Arc Shot: Affinity

Best Armor

Armor Slots Skills
Mighty Bow FeatherMighty Bow Feather ーーー
Vaik Mail SVaik Mail S ③②①
No Skills
Vaik Braces SVaik Braces S ①①ー
Anjanath Coil S Anjanath Coil S ②①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Rakna GreavesRakna Greaves ①ーー
Talisman Skill Weakness Exploit Lv. 2
with one additional ② slot.
Constitution Lv. 4 | Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
Normal/Rapid Up Lv. 3 | Hunger Resistance Lv. 3
Attack Boost Lv. 2 | Stamina Surge Lv. 2
Reload Speed Lv. 2 | Bow Charge Plus Lv. 1
Flinch Free Lv. 1
Build Merits Maximizes damage through Normal/Rapid Up, Bow Charge Plus, and Weakness Exploit. General performance and stamina management are improved via Quickload and Constitution respectively.

Night Flight Pierce Build

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Night Flight Night Flight
②ーー 210 -
Affinity Element
Armor Slots Skills
Mighty Bow FeatherMighty Bow Feather ーーー
Vaik Mail SVaik Mail S ③②①
No Skills
Jyuratodus VambracesJyuratodus Vambraces ③②①
No Skills
Anjanath Coil S Anjanath Coil S ②①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Rhenoplos Greaves SRhenoplos Greaves S ①①ー
Talisman Skill Weakness Exploit Lv. 2
with one additional ② slot.
Constitution Lv. 4 | Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
Pierce Up Lv. 3 | Hunger Resistance Lv. 3
Attack Boost Lv. 2 | Reload Speed Lv. 2
Bow Charge Plus Lv. 1 | Flinch Free Lv. 1
Tremor Resistance Lv. 1
Build Merits We still recommend the same set from the early stages of HR 8 for Night Flight until after clearing Allmother Narwa and crafting the final Rampage Bow.

Elemental Builds

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Araknatorch Araknatorch
②①① 170 -
Affinity Element
Fire Image 33
While Araknatorch may fall short of the Dark Filament in terms of base attack rating, its superior elemental rating, and ridiculous Lv. 3 and 4 charge shots allow it to overtake Dark Filament in damage.

Alternative Elemental Weapons

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Hail of Mud Hail of Mud
②①ー 170 -
Affinity Element
Water Image 34
The Elemental Exploit Ramp Up skill provides a nice damage boost against water adverse monsters.
Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Flying Kadachi Striker Flying Kadachi Striker
ーーー 190 -
Affinity Element
Thunder Image 23
The consistent charge shots and 15% affinity rating are great in mid High Rank. This bow can also reach 31 Thunder Damage through the Thunder Boost III Ramp Up skill.
Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Icesteel Bow I Icesteel Bow I
①ーー 170 -
Affinity Element
Ice Image 30
Icesteel Bow I comes with Kushala Daora Soul, which increases your affinity as you land hits on monsters!.
Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Azure Elder Bow II Azure Elder Bow II
ーーー 210 -
Affinity Element
Dragon Image 13
Its base elemental rating can be raised to 21 by activating the Dragon Boost III Ramp Up skill..

Best Armor

Armor Slots Skills
Mighty Bow FeatherMighty Bow Feather ーーー
Zinogre Mail SZinogre Mail S ①ーー
Rakna ArmguardsRakna Armguards ②ーー
Anjanath Coil S Anjanath Coil S ②①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Golden HakamaGolden Hakama ①①ー
Talisman Skill Weakness Exploit Lv. 2
with one additional ② slot.
Elemental Attack Jewel x5 MH Rise - Physique Jewel 2Physique Jewel 2 x2
MH Rise - Critical Jewel 2Critical Jewel 2 x1
Elemental Attack Lv. 5 | Critical Boost Lv. 3
Weakness Exploit Lv. 3 | Constitution Lv. 4
Attack Boost Lv. 2 | Latent Power Lv. 2
Bow Charge Plus Lv. 1 | Stamina Surge Lv. 1
Build Merits Not much has changed for our adjustable Elemental Set above HR 40. Always remember to slot in your bow's respective elemental attack (Fire, Water, Thunder, Ice, Dragon Attack) before embarking on a hunt!

High Rank Build (Update 2.0): HR 8 to 40

Rapid Build

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Sinister Soulpiercer Sinister Soulpiercer
②①ー 200 -
Affinity Element
Blast Image 19

Best Armor

Armor Slots Skills
Mighty Bow FeatherMighty Bow Feather ーーー
Vaik Mail SVaik Mail S ③②①
No Skills
Vaik Braces SVaik Braces S ①①ー
Anjanath Coil S Anjanath Coil S ②①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Rakna GreavesRakna Greaves ①ーー
Talisman Skill Weakness Exploit Lv. 2
with one additional ② slot.
Constitution Lv. 4 | Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
Normal/Rapid Up Lv. 3 | Hunger Resistance Lv. 3
Attack Boost Lv. 2 | Stamina Surge Lv. 2
Reload Speed Lv. 2 | Bow Charge Plus Lv. 1
Flinch Free Lv. 1
Build Merits Built around Sinister Soulpiercer's Rapid Level 5. This build offers a good balance of offense and utility with its skills, allowing you to dish out high damage without worrying about your stamina consumption too much.

Pierce Build

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Night Flight Night Flight
②ーー 210 -
Affinity Element

Best Armor

Armor Slots Skills
Mighty Bow FeatherMighty Bow Feather ーーー
Vaik Mail SVaik Mail S ③②①
No Skills
Jyuratodus VambracesJyuratodus Vambraces ③②①
No Skills
Anjanath Coil S Anjanath Coil S ②①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Rhenoplos Greaves SRhenoplos Greaves S ①①ー
Talisman Skill Weakness Exploit Lv. 2
with one additional ② slot.
Constitution Lv. 4 | Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
Pierce Up Lv. 3 | Hunger Resistance Lv. 3
Attack Boost Lv. 2 | Reload Speed Lv. 2
Bow Charge Plus Lv. 1 | Flinch Free Lv. 1
Tremor Resistance Lv. 1
Build Merits A build for those who prefer Piercing Shots. Damage is improved through Pierce Up, Bow Charge Plus, and Weakness Exploit. General performance is improved because of Constitution and Reload Speed.

Elemental Builds

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Prominence Bow II Prominence Bow II
①ーー 200 -
Affinity Element
Fire Image 21
Rampage Skill Element Exploit
Prominence Bow II rules over Fire Elemental Bows at the climb from HR 8 to 40. Aside from its great stats, this bow also comes with the Elemental Exploit ramp up skill — Allowing you to deal even more elemental damage on specific hit zones!

Alternative Elemental Weapons

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Hail of Mud Hail of Mud
②①ー 170 -
Affinity Element
Water Image 34
Hail of Mud's stats and charge shot levels, combined with its Elemental Exploit ramp up skill, has earned it the top spot among Water Elemental Bows.
Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Flying Kadachi Striker Flying Kadachi Striker
ーーー 190 -
Affinity Element
Thunder Image 23
The Flying Kadachi Striker offers amazing stats for relatively cheap materials. Its rapid charge shots allow you to deal damage at a very consistent rate compared to other bows with different charge shot types. It is important to note that this bow's elemental rating can be improved by activating its Thunder Boost III ramp up skill.
Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Heaven Heaven's Glaze
③ーー 190 -
Affinity Element
Ice Image 50
Rampage Skill Element Exploit
With Icesteel Bow I being locked at HR30, Heaven's Glaze remains the king for the majority of the climb from HR 8 to 40. Its high base attack and elemental ratings can produce great numbers with the aid of its Elemental Exploit ramp up skill.
Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Azure Elder Bow II Azure Elder Bow II
ーーー 210 -
Affinity Element
Dragon Image 13
Ibushi's Azure Elder Bow II sits at the top of the totem pole at this stage of the game. The bow's high attack rating and charge shot levels gives it an edge amongst the competition. Similar to Flying Kadachi Striker, this bow's elemental rating can be improved via its Dragon Boost III ramp up skill.

Best Armor

Armor Slots Skills
Mighty Bow FeatherMighty Bow Feather ーーー
Zinogre Mail SZinogre Mail S ①ーー
Rakna ArmguardsRakna Armguards ②ーー
Anjanath Coil S Anjanath Coil S ②①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Golden HakamaGolden Hakama ①①ー
Talisman Skill Weakness Exploit Lv. 2
with one additional ② slot.
Elemental Attack x5 MH Rise - Physique Jewel 2Physique Jewel 2 x2
MH Rise - Critical Jewel 2Critical Jewel 2 x1
Elemental Attack Lv. 5 | Critical Boost Lv. 3
Weakness Exploit Lv. 3 | Constitution Lv. 4
Attack Boost Lv. 2 | Latent Power Lv. 2
Bow Charge Plus Lv. 1 | Stamina Surge Lv. 1
Build Merits This build pumps as much damage as possible via affinity skills and elemental attack skills. Always make sure you use the Elemental Attack Skill that corresponds to your bow's element before embarking on a hunt!

High Rank Build: HR 6 and 7

Full Rakna-Kadaki

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Sinister Soulpiercer Sinister Soulpiercer
②①ー 200 -
Affinity Element
Blast Image 19
Magnamalo's Sinister Soulpiercer is an amazing bow that can take you all the way to the end of Hub 7★ Quests!

Best Armor

Armor Slots Skills
Rakna HelmRakna Helm ①①ー
Reload Speed Lv. 1
Spread Up Lv. 1
Rakna MailRakna Mail ②①ー
Reload Speed Lv. 1
Spread Up Lv. 1
Rakna ArmguardsRakna Armguards ②ーー
Rakna Coil Rakna Coil ②②ー
Spread Up Lv. 1
Rakna GreavesRakna Greaves ①ーー
Constitution Lv. 4 | Stamina Surge Lv. 3
Spread Up Lv. 3 | Reload Speed Lv. 2
Build Merits The full Rakna-Kadaki Set compliments the Sinister Soulpiercer very well! This set Improves the Sinister Soulpiercer's Lv. 2 and 3 charge shots through its maxed Spread Up skill while ticking all of the Bow's needs in terms of comfort and stamina management.

High Rank Build: HR 4 and 5

Full Izuchi

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Arzuros Arzuros' Honeypot
①ーー 190 15
Affinity Element
Rampage Skill Defense Boost I
Arzuros' Honeypot is a great bow to start your High Rank adventures with due to its great stats and spread type charged shots. It also comes with +15 defense rating, granting you with additional survivability at this stage of the game.

Best Armor

Armor Slots Skills
Izuchi Helm SIzuchi Helm S ①①ー
Critical Eye Lv. 1
Izuchi Mail SIzuchi Mail S ①ーー
Izuchi Braces SIzuchi Braces S ①①ー
Constitution Lv. 2
Izuchi Coil S Izuchi Coil S ①①ー
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Izuchi Greaves SIzuchi Greaves S ①①ー
Critical Eye Lv. 5 | Constitution Lv. 3
Recovery Speed Lv. 2
Build Merits Starting off with the full Izuchi set is a viable choice for Bow users because it pumps affinity into your bow while providing early stamina management via Constitution.

Best Skills for Bows

Bow Charge Plus
Increases your bow's max charge level which means more damage potential. This is a must-have skill for any endgame bow build!
Reduces stamina costs of dodging which is vital to the Bow.
Stamina Surge
Increases stamina recovery and is vital for stamina heavy weapons.
Critical Eye
Increases affinitty. Always try to aim for at least 50-100% affinity.
Weakness Exploit
Increases your affinity on a monster's weak spots. A great skill for bow users.
Critical Boost
Amplifies critical hits. Make sure to have high affinity first before slotting in critical boosts!
Attack Boost
Increasing the attack rating of bows is one of the most efficient ways to improve DPS.
Flinch Free
Removes interruption in multiplayer hunts.

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All Builds and Best Equipment

• Weapons marked withNEW have been updated.
• Weapons withUP have been reviewed and does not warrant an updated build from the Bonus Update.
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Other Builds

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General High Rank Builds and Best Equipment Buddy Equipment Builds
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2 Anonymousabout 2 years

easy to get Talisman, and this setup can be modified for spread and rapid on the fly. Simply change the deco for shot type and maybe the same thing on rampage bow when you use one.

1 Anonymousabout 2 years

the HR 3.0 elemental builds are complete weak, tested them vs my builds and for sure this builds here are not the best. Yes you can chill and dont have to look out for your stamina but this cost you around 100dmg per shot. And lets be real most times the monsters are so fast on the move you dont have even time to empty your stamina. Bubblydance 3 (when active +2 con +2 evawindow) with resuscitate 3 (+20 atk when under a special condition) is the key. Have fun dancing with the monsters =)


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