Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Charge Blade Builds (Master Rank)

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┗ TU4 Monsters: Velkhana | Risen C.G. Valstrax
┗ TU5 Monsters: Amatsu | Risen Shagaru Magala
┗ Bonus Update Monster: Primordial Malzeno

Monster Hunter Rise (Sunbreak) - Master Rank Charge Blade Builds

This is a guide to the best builds and equipment for Charge Blade in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Learn about the best Charge Blades for Sunbreak and the best builds and Armor pieces to use with the Charge Blade for Low, High, and Master Rank.

All Charge Blade Guides
Charge Blade 1Trees & Full List Charge Blade 2How to Use Charge Blade 3Best Builds

Charge Blade Builds List & Progression

This is a quick section summarizing all the Charge Blade builds in this page. It is arranged from newest to oldest, and MR build progression is from bottom to top.

Click on the build name to see the build!

Master Rank Title Update Build Name
MR140+ BU Blood Awakening Elemental Savage Axe
MR180+ TU5 Heaven-Sent, Dragon Conversion Elemental Savage Axe
MR160+ TU4 Dragon Conversion Elemental CBs
MR140+ TU3 Powder Mantle Elemental AED Build
MR120+ TU3 Mail of Hellfire Chaotic Gore Impact Phial
MR10+ TU1 Elemental AED Climber
MR10+ TU2 Elemental Savage Axe Climber
MR10+ TU2 Lucent Raw Balanced Blader
MR6+ TU2 Critical Savage Axe Climber
MR3-6 Base Mid Game Ultra Element Discharger
MR3-6 Base Mid Game Savage Axe Mode
MR1-2 Base Starting Balanced Impact Build

Ultra Endgame MR Build: MR 100+

Blood Awakening Elemental Savage Axe (BU Build)

Recommended Charge Blades

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Flamlion BladeFlamlion Blade
Flamlion Blade Charge Blade Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Fire Image 60
Phial Type Impact Phial
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Divine Fieldblade+Divine Fieldblade+
Divine Fieldblade+ Charge Blade Sharpness
310 0 20%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Water Image 58
Phial Type Impact Phial
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Demonlord BladeDemonlord Blade
Demonlord Blade Charge Blade Sharpness
330 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Thunder Image 18
Phial Type Impact Phial
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
DaoraDaora's Worldbearer
320 0 10%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Ice Image 62
Phial Type Impact Phial
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Unheilskraft Charge Blade Sharpness
320 0 20%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 30
Phial Type Impact Phial

Recommended Armor Loadout

Armor Slots Skills
Risen Kushala GlareRisen Kushala Glare ③②①
Primordial MailPrimordial Mail ④④②
Burst Lv. 1
Primordial VambracesPrimordial Vambraces ④④②
Risen Kaiser Coil Risen Kaiser Coil ④③ー
Primordial GreavesPrimordial Greaves ④④ー
Talisman Weakness Exploit 2 with a ②②① slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Element Exploit to increase elemental damage against monsters weak to each element
Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Critical Eye Lv. 5 | Element Attack Lv.5
Attack Boost Lv. 4 | Blood Awakening Lv. 3
Blood Rite Lv. 3 | Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
Wirebug Whisperer Lv. 3 | Partbreaker Lv. 3
Master's Touch Lv. 3 | Critical Boost Lv. 2
Guard Lv. 2 | Element Exploit Lv. 2
Critical Element Lv. 2 | Ballistics Lv. 2
Burst Lv. 1 | Powder Mantle Lv. 1
Wind Mantle Lv. 1 | Intrepid Heart Lv. 1

For the Fire and Dragon:
Element Exploit Lv. 3
For the Water and Ice Build:
Kushala Blessing Lv.1
For the Thunder Build:
Element Exploit Lv. 3 | Critical Element Lv. 3

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
MH Rise - Elemental BoostElemental Boost Lv 8
MH Rise - Attack BoostAttack Boost Lv 1
For Water/Thunder/Dragon Weapon:
MH Rise - Elemental BoostElemental Boost Lv 6
MH Rise - Rampage Slot UpgradeRampage Slot Upgrade Lv 1
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:

For damage, aim for any of the following:
Powder Mantle
Element Exploit
Critical Boost
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Recovery Up
Wind Mantle
Frenzied Bloodlust
Build Merits and Notes
Blood Awakening is a new aggressive comfort skill introduced in the Bonus Update. Paired with Blood Rite, this skill becomes formidable late in a hunt or when dealing with large monsters that inflict Bloodblight.
This build leans toward comfort. If seeking for more elemental damage and a consistently higher overall DPS, we recommend the Dragon Conversion build.
For the Charge Blade play style, this focuses on the use of Condensed Spinning Slash. The switch skill Ready Stance is helpful in bringing out damage faster, since they can cancel Elemental Discharge axe swings.
For sharpness maintenance, we included Risen Teostra's waist piece and maxed out Master's Touch. High affinity weapons and affinity-boosting skills are used to ensure that you get the most out of sharpness preservation.
One level of Blood Rite can be exchanged for two more levels of Guard if needed since they share the same jewel slot requirement. However, recovering health and activating Blood Awakening will take longer, requiring more hits.
Intrepid Heart comes handy in receiving Bloodblight since it significantly reduces damage and negates knockback when filled. If armor is to be augmented, you can put in Recovery Up which synergizes with Blood Rite.

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Heaven-Sent Dragon Conversion Elemental Savage Axe (TU5 Build)

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Flamlion BladeFlamlion Blade
Flamlion Blade Charge Blade Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Fire Image 60
Phial Type Impact Phial
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Divine Fieldblade+Divine Fieldblade+
Divine Fieldblade+ Charge Blade Sharpness
310 0 20%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Water Image 58
Phial Type Impact Phial
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Demonlord BladeDemonlord Blade
Demonlord Blade Charge Blade Sharpness
330 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Thunder Image 18
Phial Type Impact Phial
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
DaoraDaora's Worldbearer
320 0 10%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Ice Image 62
Phial Type Impact Phial
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Unheilskraft Charge Blade Sharpness
320 0 20%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 30
Phial Type Impact Phial

* = check Build Merits below.

Recommended Armor Loadout

Armor Slots Skills
Valstrax Helm - EpochValstrax Helm - Epoch ④②ー
Tempest RobeTempest Robe ④④①
Tempest SleevesTempest Sleeves ④④①
Valstrax Coil - Epoch Valstrax Coil - Epoch ④①①
Tempest HakamaTempest Hakama ④④ー
Talisman (via Normal Melding):
Weakness Exploit 2 with a ②①
(via Qurious Melding):
Weakness Exploit 3 | Rapid Morph 2
with a ②① slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Fire and Ice Charge Blade:
MH Rise - Elembane Jewel 3Elembane Jewel 3 x 1
Water and Dragon Charge Blade:
MH Rise - Anti-Wyvern Jewel 2Anti-Wyvern Jewel 2 x 1 or
MH Rise - Anti-Aerial Jewel 2Anti-Aerial Jewel 2 x 1 or
MH Rise - Anti-Aquatic Jewel 2Anti-Aquatic Jewel 2 x 1 or
MH Rise - Fanged Exploit Jewel 2Fanged Exploit Jewel 2 x 1
Dragon Charge Blade:
MH Rise - Wirebug Jewel 1Wirebug Jewel 1 x 1
Rampage Skill Fire and Ice Build:
Element Exploit to increase elemental damage against monsters weak to each element
Water and Dragon Build:
Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Dragon Build:
WIrebug Wrangler to increase the time you can keep a wirebug, giving access to more Ready Stance
Element Attack Lv.5
Critical Eye Lv.6 | Attack Boost Lv.4
Critical Boost Lv.3 | Weakness Exploit Lv.3
Latent Power Lv.3 | Guard Lv.2-3
Stamina Surge Lv.3 | Rapid Morph Lv.3
Heaven-Sent Lv.3 | Dragon Conversion Lv.2
Intrepid Heart Lv.1-2 | Shock Absorber Lv.1
Normal Talisman:
Burst Lv.2-3
Qurious Melding Talisman:
Burst Lv.3 | Critical Element Lv.2-3
For the Fire Build: Teostra Blessing Lv.2
For the Water and Ice Build: Kushala Blessing Lv.2
For the Thunder and Dragon Build: Defiance Lv.1

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
Stamina Surge
Latent Power (only a single point)

For damage, aim for any of the following:
Dragon Conversion (to max it out)
Powder Mantle
Critical Element
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Rapid Morph
Build Merits and Notes
*Note: Thanks to the new Qurious Melding introduced in Title Update 5, it's now easier to acquire great-value charms. For this build, try and meld for a talisman with a Weakness Exploit Lv.3 and a Rapid Morph Lv.2. This will open up slots in the build, making it possible to max out Burst and slot in Critical Element that can increase your DPS further. However, keep in mind that this is not a requirement and the build can still work without a secondary skill on the talisman recommended above.
In Free Title Update 5, the heavenly armor of Amatsu descended from the skies. Three pieces of this armor introduced a new skill; Heaven-Sent. This skill bestows its users powers when they manage to not get caught in any attacks. At level 3, it prevents sharpness loss and allows you to recover some after switching scrolls. This is perfect for the Charge Blade's Savage Axe playstyle, which usually depletes sharpness fast. Say goodbye to sharpening and say hello to continuous spinning (slash)!
Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax's armor skill, Dragon Conversion, converts elemental resistances you get from attacking with the Blue Swap Scroll to elemental damage when you switch to the Red Swap Scroll. This is a powerful skill to use with elemental builds and for weapons that are able to land hits continuously. Be sure to start fights with the Blue Swap Scroll first and switch to Red only when the elemental resistance logo appears at the top of your health bar. Also take extra care when fighting with the Red Swap Scroll as your elemental resistances will all be 0.
High affinity benefits the Savage Axe playstyle greatly. For this reason, we maxed out Critical Eye, along with Critical Boost and Weakness Exploit to get critical hits in. This will quickly bring the monster's health down to zero. Before venturing out and using this playstyle, don't forget to equip Condensed Spinning Slash and Ready Stance as your Switch Skills.
This is the optimal build for Savage Axe that uses the new skill from the Amatsu armor. You can get continuous hits in and stun a monster once or twice for your team, since all of the selected Charge Blades have impact phials in them. However, if you're looking for more damage, we highly suggest our Dragon Conversion Elemental Builds on the next section.

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TU4 Dragon Conversion Elemental Charge Blade Builds (MR160+)

Elemental Charge Blades Selections

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Crawling CrusherCrawling Crusher
Crawling Crusher Charge Blade Sharpness
300 0 30%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Fire Image 66
Phial Type Element Phial
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Armordraad Charge Blade Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Water Image 57
Phial Type Element Phial
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Flicker Blizzard WailFlicker Blizzard Wail
Flicker Blizzard Wail Charge Blade Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Ice Image 71
Phial Type Element Phial
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Asylum PealAsylum Peal
Asylum Peal Charge Blade Sharpness
310 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Thunder Image 75
Phial Type Element Phial
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Crimson MechwingCrimson Mechwing
Crimson Mechwing Charge Blade Sharpness
340 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 60
Phial Type Element Phial
Armor Slots Skills
Valstrax Helm - EpochValstrax Helm - Epoch ④②ー
Valstrax Mail - EpochValstrax Mail - Epoch ④④ー
Flaming Espinas GripFlaming Espinas Grip ④②ー
Valstrax Coil - Epoch Valstrax Coil - Epoch ④①①
Onmyo SashikoOnmyo Sashiko ④ーー
Talisman Rapid Morph 2 with ②① slot
Rampage Decoration
For Fire, Water, and Dragon Build:
For Fire Build:
For Water and Ice Charge Blade:
For Fire, Ice, Thunder, and Dragon Build:
Rampage Skill Element Exploit to increase elemental damage against monsters weak to each element
Element Attack Lv.5
Guard Lv.4 (Lv.5 for the Fire, Water, and Dragon Build)
Attack Boost Lv.4 | Weakness Exploit Lv.3
Stamina Surge Lv.3 | Offensive Guard Lv.3
Dragon Resistance Lv.3 | Flinch Free Lv.3
Rapid Morph Lv.3 | Element Exploit Lv.3
Dragon Conversion Lv.3 | Latent Power Lv.2
Loadshells Lv.2 | Intrepid Heart Lv.2
Razor Sharp Lv.2 | Spare Shot Lv.2

For Fire Charge Blade Build:
Teostra Blessing Lv.2
For Water and Ice Charge Blade Build:
Kushala Blessing Lv.2
For Fire, Ice, Thunder, and Dragon Charge Blade Build:
Spiribird's Call Lv.1

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments For Fire, Ice, Thunder, and Dragon Charge Blades
For the Water Charge Blade
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Powder Mantle
Critical Element
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Wind Mantle
Build Merits and Notes
Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax's armor introduced a new skill called Dragon Conversion. This skill converts elemental resistances you get from attacking with the Blue Swap Scroll to elemental damage when you switch to the Red Swap Scroll. This is a powerful skill to use with elemental builds and for weapons that are able to land hits continuosly. Be sure to start fights with this build with the Blue Swap Scroll first and switch to Red only when the elemental resistance logo appears at the top of your health bar. Also take extra care when fighting with the Red Swap Scroll as your elemental resistances will all be 0.
To build up the elemental resistance you get from attacking with the Blue Swap Scroll, it is important to get your combos or elemental discharge in without getting interrupted. Proper positioning and guarding can help with this, but to ensure that you do your combos consecutively, we maxed out the Intrepid Heart skill just in case an unexpected move delays your resistance buildup.
For weapon choice, Charge Blades with the highest possible elemental values and an element phial type were chosen to take advantage of the power given by the Dragon Conversion skill. To further increase this damage, we maxed out the Element Exploit skill and, thanks to Weapon Augments, slotted in the Elembane as a Rampage Decoration. This will ensure a quick hunt against monsters weak to a specific element.

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Powder Mantle Elemental AED Build (TU3)

Fire Charge Blade Powder Mantle Build

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Crawling CrusherCrawling Crusher
Crawling Crusher Charge Blade Sharpness
300 0 30%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Fire Image 66
Phial Type Element Phial
Armor Slots Skills
Risen Kaiser HornsRisen Kaiser Horns ③②ー
Silver SolmailSilver Solmail ④③①
Risen Kushala GrandeRisen Kushala Grande ④②ー
Burst Lv. 2
Wind Mantle Lv. 1
Risen Kaiser Coil Risen Kaiser Coil ④③ー
Onmyo SashikoOnmyo Sashiko ④ーー
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3, with a ②① slot
Rampage Decoration

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Powder Mantle
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Wind Mantle
Build Merits and Notes
Element Super Amped Elemental Discharge (AED) is still the king of damage. We choose the Crawling Crusher Charge Blade, as it still has the highest fire element value amongst all of the Charge Blades. Naturally, we're going for Lv.5 Element Boost for our weapon augment.
To increase the damage further, we slot in two Flamescale Jewels for the extra 10% Fire Attack from the Teostra Blessing skill.
Powder Mantle's additional blast damage complements the AED playstyle, as phial discharge counts as hits needed to build up the skill. Firing of an AED will boost you damage, which can, potentially,speed up the hunt!

Water and Ice Powder Mantle Charge Blade Build

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Armordraad Charge Blade Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Water Image 57
Phial Type Element Phial
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Flicker Blizzard WailFlicker Blizzard Wail
Flicker Blizzard Wail Charge Blade Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Ice Image 71
Phial Type Element Phial
Armor Slots Skills
Risen Kaiser HornsRisen Kaiser Horns ③②ー
Silver SolmailSilver Solmail ④③①
Risen Kushala GrandeRisen Kushala Grande ④②ー
Burst Lv. 2
Wind Mantle Lv. 1
Risen Kaiser Coil Risen Kaiser Coil ④③ー
Onmyo SashikoOnmyo Sashiko ④ーー
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3, with a ② slot
Rampage Decoration
Hard Element Jewel+ 4 x 1
Element Jewel 1 x 1
MH Rise - Magazine Jewel+ 4Magazine Jewel+ 4 x 1
MH Rise - Quickswitch Jewel+ 4Quickswitch Jewel+ 4 x 1
MH Rise - Guardian Jewel 3Guardian Jewel 3 x 1
MH Rise - Ironwall Jewel+ 3Ironwall Jewel+ 3 x 2
MH Rise - Attack Jewel 2Attack Jewel 2 x 3
MH Rise - Quickswitch Jewel 2Quickswitch Jewel 2 x 1
MH Rise - Ironshell Jewel 1Ironshell Jewel 1 x 2
Attack Boost Lv.6 | Element Attack Lv.5
Guard Lv.4 | Weakness Exploit Lv.3
Powder Mantle Lv.2 | Offensive Guard Lv.3
Flinch Free Lv.3 | Rapid Morph Lv.3
Burst Lv. 2 | Load Shells Lv.2
Master's Touch Lv.2 | Element Exploit Lv.1
Kushala Blessing Lv.2 | Wind Mantle Lv.1
Critical Eye Lv.2 | Critical Element Lv.1
Ballistics Lv.2 | Fire Attack Lv.3

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Powder Mantle
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Wind Mantle
Build Merits and Notes
Element AED is still the king of damage. For the Water Charge Blade, we chose the Armordraad, and for the Ice Charge Blade, we chose the Flickering Blizzard Wail. These two Charge Blades have the highest elemental value in their respective elements and will surely pack a punch!. Naturally, we're going for Lv.5 Element Boost for our weapon augment.
To increase the damage further, we slot in two Ironshell Jewels for the extra 10% Water and Ice Attack from the Kushala Blessing skill.
Powder Mantle's additional blast damage complements the AED playstyle, as phial discharge counts as hits needed to build up the skill. Firing of an AED will boost you damage, which can, potentially,speed up the hunt!

Thunder and Dragon Powder Mantle Charge Blade Build

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Asylum PealAsylum Peal
Asylum Peal Charge Blade Sharpness
310 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Thunder Image 75
Phial Type Element Phial
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Crimson MechwingCrimson Mechwing
Crimson Mechwing Charge Blade Sharpness
340 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 60
Phial Type Element Phial
Armor Slots Skills
Risen Kaiser HornsRisen Kaiser Horns ③②ー
Silver SolmailSilver Solmail ④③①
Risen Kushala GrandeRisen Kushala Grande ④②ー
Burst Lv. 2
Wind Mantle Lv. 1
Risen Kaiser Coil Risen Kaiser Coil ④③ー
Onmyo SashikoOnmyo Sashiko ④ーー
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3, with a ② slot
Rampage Decoration
Element Attack Lv.5 | Attack Boost Lv.4
Guard Lv.4 | Weakness Exploit Lv.3
Powder Mantle Lv.2 | Offensive Guard Lv.3
Flinch Free Lv.3 | Rapid Morph Lv.3
Element Exploit Lv.3 | Load Shells Lv.2
Burst Lv. 2 | Master's Touch Lv.2
Fire Attack Lv.3 | Wind Mantle Lv.1
Critical Eye Lv.2 | Critical Element Lv.1
Ballistics Lv.2

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Powder Mantle
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Wind Mantle
Build Merits
Element AED is still the king of damage. For the Thunder Charge Blade, we chose the Asylum Peal, and for the Dragon Charge Blade, we chose the Crimson Mechwing. These two Charge Blades have the highest elemental value in their respective elements and will surely pack a punch! Naturally, we're going for Lv.5 Element Boost for our weapon augment.
Powder Mantle's additional blast damage complements the AED playstyle, as phial discharge counts as hits needed to build up the skill. Firing of an AED will boost you damage, which can, potentially,speed up the hunt!

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Mail of Hellfire Chaotic Gore Magala Impact Phial Build (TU3)

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Friede/Désastre Charge Blade Sharpness
340 0 -30% / 15%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 48
Phial Type Impact Phial
Armor Slots Skills
Arc Helm / Storge HelmArc Helm / Storge Helm ③ーー
Coalescence Lv. 2
Bloodlust Lv. 1
Archfiend Armor BauloArchfiend Armor Baulo ③②ー
Resentment Lv. 1
Burst Lv. 1
Risen Kushala GrandeRisen Kushala Grande ④②ー
Burst Lv. 2
Wind Mantle Lv. 1
Sinister Grudge Tassets Sinister Grudge Tassets ④②①
Onmyo SashikoOnmyo Sashiko ④ーー
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3, with a ②① slot
Rampage Decoration
Attack Boost Lv.4 | Guard Lv.4
Weakness Exploit Lv.3 | Offensive Guard Lv.3
Artillery Lv.3 | Rapid Morph Lv.3
Flinch Free Lv.3 | Load Shells Lv.2
Coalescence Lv.3 | Bloodlust Lv.1
Burst Lv. 3 | Mail of Hellfire Lv.1
Resentment Lv. 1 | Defiance Lv.3
Wind Mantle Lv.1

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Powder Mantle
Mail of Hellfire
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Wind Mantle
Build Merits
Bloodlust is crucial in this build as it utilizes the unique mechanic present in all Chaotic Gore Magala Weapons; overcoming the Frenzy virus will turn the weapons' afiinity from negative to positive. With that in mind, it is important to be aggressive as possible while using this build. Overcoming the Frenzy virus will also activate Coalescence for an added boost in damage.
We equipped this build with the Mail of Hellfire for an extra boost in damage. You would mainly stay at the Red Swap Scroll, since this build focuses primarily on raw damage. However, it will also decrease your armor this way, so one point of this skill is enough.

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Endgame MR Build: MR 6+

Elemental AED Climber

Fire Elemental Charge Blade

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Crawling CrusherCrawling Crusher
Crawling Crusher Charge Blade Sharpness
300 0 30%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Fire Image 66
Phial Type Element Phial
Weapon Augments

Water Elemental Charge Blade

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Armordraad Charge Blade Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Water Image 57
Phial Type Element Phial
Weapon Augments

Ice Elemental Charge Blade

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Flicker Blizzard WailFlicker Blizzard Wail
Flicker Blizzard Wail Charge Blade Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Ice Image 71
Phial Type Element Phial
Weapon Augments

Thunder Elemental Charge Blade

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Asylum PealAsylum Peal
Asylum Peal Charge Blade Sharpness
310 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Thunder Image 75
Phial Type Element Phial
Weapon Augments

Dragon Elemental Charge Blades

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Crimson MechwingCrimson Mechwing
Crimson Mechwing Charge Blade Sharpness
340 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 60
Phial Type Element Phial
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Draquila Reaver+Draquila Reaver+
Draquila Reaver+ Charge Blade Sharpness
330 0 -5%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 55
Phial Type Element Phial
Weapon Augments

Elemental AED Climber Armor Setup

Armor Slots Skills
Barroth Helm XBarroth Helm X ④①ー
Silver SolmailSilver Solmail ④③①
Bazelgeuse Braces XBazelgeuse Braces X ②②ー
Agitator Lv. 2
Guard Lv. 1
Guard Up Lv. 1
Archfiend Armor Ura Archfiend Armor Ura ④ーー
Burst Lv. 2
Onmyo SashikoOnmyo Sashiko ④ーー
Talisman Attack Boost 3 with ②① slots or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Defense Grinder II or Element Exploit
Element Attack Lv.5 | Guard Lv.5
Attack Boost Lv.4 | Defiance Lv.3-Lv.5
Offensive Guard Lv.3 | Rapid Morph Lv.3
Weakness Exploit Lv.3 | Burst Lv.3
Flinch Free Lv.3 | Guard Up Lv.1-Lv.3
Load Shells Lv.2 | Agitator Lv.2
Defense Boost Lv.1 | Spread Up Lv.1
Element Exploit Lv.1 | Critical Element Lv.1

Build Merits and Augments

Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:

For damage, aim for any of the following:
Kushala Blessing
Teostra Blessing
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Wind Mantle
Build Merits and Notes
Elemental damage becomes more important for the Charge Blade in Sunbreak's endgame, as several options open up to amplify damage significantly over their Impact Phial counterparts. Defensive skills like Guard, Guard Up, and Defiance, are included to ensure counters don't cause knockback and that your AEDs are uninterrupted by roars and wind. Embolden may also be added or used in place of Guard, especially when solo, to reduce knockback against stronger attacks.
This build can be a great start as you grind up MR and anomaly research level, as the armor and decorations only require MR 10 to craft. The weapons suggested are the same as the ultra endgame sets, and should mostly be available by MR 50. Only the Crimson Mechwing unlocks at MR 70, but the Draquila Reaver+ may be used in the meantime.

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Elemental Savage Axe Climber

Fire Elemental Charge Blade

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Flamlion BladeFlamlion Blade
Flamlion Blade Charge Blade Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Fire Image 60
Phial Type Impact Phial
Weapon Augments

Water Elemental Charge Blade

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Divine Fieldblade+Divine Fieldblade+
Divine Fieldblade+ Charge Blade Sharpness
310 0 20%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Water Image 58
Phial Type Impact Phial
Weapon Augments

Ice Elemental Charge Blade

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Gluttonous GlacierGluttonous Glacier
Gluttonous Glacier Charge Blade Sharpness
330 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Ice Image 32
Phial Type Impact Phial
Weapon Augments

Thunder Elemental Charge Blade

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Amagarex Blade+Amagarex Blade+
Amagarex Blade+ Charge Blade Sharpness
310 0 30%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Thunder Image 35
Phial Type Impact Phial
Weapon Augments

Dragon Elemental Charge Blade

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Friede/Désastre Charge Blade Sharpness
340 0 -30% / 15%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 48
Phial Type Impact Phial
Weapon Augments

Elemental Savage Axe Climber Armor Setup

Armor Slots Skills
Lunagaron HelmLunagaron Helm ②②ー
Chaotic Mail / Nephilim MailChaotic Mail / Nephilim Mail ③①ー
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Flaming Espinas GripFlaming Espinas Grip ④②ー
Archfiend Armor Ura Archfiend Armor Ura ④ーー
Burst Lv. 2
Arc Greaves / Storge GreavesArc Greaves / Storge Greaves ③②ー
Razor Sharp Lv. 1
Spare Shot Lv. 1
Bloodlust Lv. 1
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3 with ②① slots or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Element Attack Lv.5 | Critical Eye Lv.4
Attack Boost Lv.4 | Burst Lv.3
Wirebug Whisperer Lv.3 | Critical Boost Lv.3
Razor Sharp Lv.3 | Spare Shot Lv.3
Guard Lv.3 | Speed Sharpening Lv.2-Lv.3
Weakness Exploit Lv.1-Lv.3 | Strife Lv.1
Intrepid Heart Lv.1 | Bloodlust Lv.1
Handicraft Lv.1-Lv.3 (Except Ice)
Maximum Might Lv.1 (Ice Only)

Build Merits and Augments

Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:

For damage, aim for any of the following:
Powder Mantle
Teostra Blessing
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Blood Rite
Build Merits and Notes
While using Element Phial Charge Blades is the way to go for maximum DPS, the Condensed Spinning Slash (CSS) or Savage Axe can still be viable, especially if you can target weakpoints consistently. Impact Phials are still recommended for CSS, as stunning monsters remains useful in the endgame.
This build mostly only requires parts from monsters unlocked at MR 10, and it can be used to grind for better materials from higher-level Anomaly Investigations or Risen Elder Dragons later on. The Rare 9 versions of the weapons may be used while Afflicted Claws are unavailable. While the Handicraft Jewel+ 4 is not yet available, the Handicraft Jewel 3 can be used with a level of Sharpness Augment in the meantime.
The Chaotic Gore Charge Blade can actually be used as a raw alternative when replacing the elemental boosts with an Attack Augment and Attack Boost Lv.7. The Dragon Attack decorations can be replaced with 3x Attack Jewel 2 and an Ironwall Jewel+ 3.
As the playstyle requires staying in Axe Mode, equipping Ready Stance with Guard levels makes sure knockback is reduced. This also allows for guarding when necessary while being able to maintain CSS. Intrepid Heart works well for extra safety since it charges quickly with spinning attacks.

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Lucent Raw Balanced Blader

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
NunkiNunki's Asterism
340 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Poison Image 18
Phial Type Impact Phial
Armor Slots Skills
Astalos HelmAstalos Helm ④②①
Burst Lv. 1
Archfiend Armor BauloArchfiend Armor Baulo ③②ー
Resentment Lv. 1
Burst Lv. 1
Golden LunebracesGolden Lunebraces ④②①
Rathalos Coil X Rathalos Coil X ②ーー
Malzeno GreavesMalzeno Greaves ④①①
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Defense Grinder I

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Build Merits and Notes
Free Title Update 1 gave us the opportunity to pack Savage Axe and Ultra Discharge playstyles into well-rounded package! Phial damage is maximized through Attack Boost and Artillery, while the sword and axe swings are bolstered through Weakness Exploit, Critical Boost, and Burst. QoL staples are present to provide maximum comfort as well.
For Qurious Crafting choices, we recommend Attack Boost or Rampage Slot Upgrade. The latter allows you to slide in Wyvern or Fanged Exploit for more damage depending on the target, while the former is a less potent, but universal improvement.

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TU2 Critical Savage Axe Climber

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Pure Axe OmonshiroPure Axe Omonshiro
Pure Axe Omonshiro Charge Blade Sharpness
320 0 10%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Fire Image 18
Phial Type Impact Phial
Armor Slots Skills
Kaiser Crown XKaiser Crown X ①①①
Archfiend Armor BauloArchfiend Armor Baulo ③②ー
Resentment Lv. 1
Burst Lv. 1
Malzeno BracesMalzeno Braces ④ーー
Archfiend Armor Ura Archfiend Armor Ura ④ーー
Burst Lv. 2
Arc Greaves / Storge GreavesArc Greaves / Storge Greaves ③②ー
Razor Sharp Lv. 1
Spare Shot Lv. 1
Bloodlust Lv. 1
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3 with one ② slot
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Build Merits and Notes
The Pure Axe Omonshiro replaces the Fine Kamura Charge Blade for our Savage Axe (Condensed Spinning Slash) climber build thanks to its longer purple sharpness and three Lv.2 slots that allow us to finally hit 100% affinity on weakpoints. Damage across the board is improved via Attack Boost, Critical Boost, Weakness Exploit, and Burst. You'll need to augment the weapon with a Rampage Slot Upgrade to slot in the anti-species jewels and then add an Attack Boost augment to round it out. Levels in Guard may replace Rapid Morph to use Ready Stance without heavy knockback.

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Master Rank Build (Mid Game): MR 3-6

Mid Game Ultra Element Discharger

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Aslat Charger+Aslat Charger+
Aslat Charger+ Charge Blade Sharpness
320 0 10%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Phial Type Impact Phial
Armor Slots Skills
Almudron Helm XAlmudron Helm X ②②ー
Damascus Mail XDamascus Mail X ②①ー
Rhenoplos Braces XRhenoplos Braces X ②②ー
Bazelgeuse Coil X Bazelgeuse Coil X ②②ー
Guard Lv. 1
Load Shells Lv. 2
Razor Sharp Lv. 1
Death Stench Heel XDeath Stench Heel X ②①ー
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Defense Grinder I
Build Merits and Notes
Those who prefer to use the Charge Blade's elemental discharges may opt for this mid-game build. Damaged is pumped primarily through Attack Boost and Artillery while the usual cast of QoL skills ensure that you get as many comfortable element discharges as possible.Our MR1-2 starter build CB is solid enough for farming all the parts you need, while temporarily using Nargacuga's Howl in the Rain. Just make sure to upgrade their defense levels whenever possible!

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Mid Game Savage Axe Mode

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Aslat Charger+Aslat Charger+
Aslat Charger+ Charge Blade Sharpness
320 0 10%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Phial Type Impact Phial
Armor Slots Skills
Almudron Helm XAlmudron Helm X ②②ー
Damascus Mail XDamascus Mail X ②①ー
Rathalos Braces XRathalos Braces X ②ーー
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Earplugs Lv. 2
Anjanath Coil X Anjanath Coil X ④①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Death Stench Heel XDeath Stench Heel X ②①ー
Talisman Weakness Exploit Lv.2
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Defense Grinder I
Build Merits and Notes
Those who prefer to use the Charge Blade's Savage Axe Mode may opt for this mid-game build instead! Damage is bolstered through Attack Boost, Critical Boost, and Weakness Exploit while Speed Sharpening and Protective Polish help you maintain Aslat Charger+'s improved sharpness. Similar to our discharge build, you can use our MR1-2 starter build to get all the parts you need, while temporarily using Nargacuga's Howl in the Rain.

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Master Rank Build (Early Game): MR 1-2

Starting Balanced Impact Build

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Kamura Warrior C. BladeKamura Warrior C. Blade
Kamura Warrior C. Blade Charge Blade Sharpness
250 - 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Phial Type Impact Phial
Armor Slots Skills
HunterHunter's Helm X ②ーー
Hermitaur MailHermitaur Mail ①ーー
Ammo Up Lv. 1
Guard Lv. 3
Load Shells Lv. 1
Rhenoplos Braces XRhenoplos Braces X ②②ー
Anjanath Coil X Anjanath Coil X ④①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Volvidon Greaves XVolvidon Greaves X ①ーー
Talisman Attack Boost Lv. 3; no slots required
Rampage Decoration
Build Merits and Notes
This early game build combines both of our endgame High Rank CB builds into one package! Start off strong by maximizing the Charge Blade's strongest aspects: Savage Axe Mode and Ultra Element Discharges. Damage for both of these are improved through Attack Boost and Artillery respectively. This build also hosts Guard, Speed Sharpening, Evade Extender, and Load Shells as well — making your early hunts in Sunbreak relatively comfortable.

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Best Skills for Charge Blade

Best Damage Skills

These skills make it possible to deal extra damage! Aim for these skills for maximum DPS to defeat those monsters easier and finish those quests faster!

Main Damage Skills

Best Skills Explanation
Weakness Exploit
A staple skill for any meta builds. Use this skill to increase your DPS with your sword attacks, especially in between AEDs.
Element Attack
Sunbreak featured buffs for elemental damage, making elemental builds viable. Max out this skill to increase damage for Charge Blades with Element Phials!
Fire | Water | Ice | Thunder | Dragon
Activate this skill with ease with both the Charge Blades AED and Savage Axe attacks, improving overall DPS.
Available in Sunbreak Base Game
Element Exploit
Amplify your elemental AED and Savage Axe hits with this skill. A single point of it is enough to deal significant damage.
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 1
Dragon Conversion
When activated, this skill from the Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax Armor will benefit elemental builds, increasing DPS even further!
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 4
Powder Mantle
This skill from the Risen Teostra Armor provides the Charge Blade with additional blast damage every time it activates, contributing greatly to DPS.
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 3
Using the Red Scroll increases the Charge Blade's elemental values while using the Blue Scroll increases both attack and stun potency, improving overall damage. Just be wary of your health!
Available in Sunbreak Base Game

AED Charge Blade Playstyle

Best Skills Explanation
Attack Boost
Focus on maxing out this skill when using an Impact AED build.
Offensive Guard
Doing moves such as the Guard Point or Counter Peak Performance activates this skill, increasing your damage values. Be sure to max it out!
Improves phial hits for Impact Phial builds.
Improves stun rate. Useful for solo play due to the lower enemy ailment resistance. Also useful for multiplayer to give the team openings to deal damage. Only viable with Impact AED Builds.
Easily break monster parts with the AED's reach.

Savage Axe Charge Blade Playstyle

Best Skills Explanation
Critical Eye
With the Savage Axe playstyle, this skill will provide more DPS the higher its level. Always aim for 80-100% affinity to amplify base damage efficiently!
Critical Boost
Further amplifies critical hit damage. Make sure to have high affinity first before equipping!
Attack Boost
For the Savage Axe playstyle, 4 levels of this skill is more than enough.
Offensive Guard
Get a boost in your DPS after blocking with Ready Stance. Only slot this if you can.
Critical Element
Increases elemental attacks whenever you land critical hits.
Maximum Might
Doing Savage Axe combos won't consume stamina; with this skill, you can get up to 30% affinity whenever it's activated.
Overcome the Frenzy Virus to power up with this skill; best paired with Coalescence.
Available in Sunbreak Base Game

Best Comfort Skills

These are skills that make managing weapon mechanics a lot easier. Damage is only part of the equation - taking time to slot in comfort skills that increase consistency & comfort will also increase overall DPS!

Best Skills Explanation
Rapid Morph
A Charge Blade's best friend. Rapid Morph is still an amazing skill for Charge Blade builds as it makes the transitions between its two forms as seamless as possible. The damage increase for its morphing attacks further improves its value.
Load Shells
Get your Charge Blade into full potential as soon as possible with this skill, decreasing the time it takes to fill all your bottles!
This skill decreases the impact and stamina consumption upon guarding a strong attack with Guard Point or Ready Stance, making it easier to get back into your combos!
Protective Polish
Master's Touch
Be sure to consider these skills for the Savage Axe Playstyle, which can eat up sharpness fast!
Guard Up
Lets you guard normally unguardable attacks. A single point of this skill is enough for most fights.
Three levels of this skill prevent most roars, tremors, and winds from interrupting your charged attacks. The Cornerstone Jewel is a level 1 decoration, so slot it in whenever possible!
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 1
Wind Mantle
This skill from the Risen Kushala Armor will recharge your Wirebugs faster after a Counter Peak Performance or Ready Stance.
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 3
Flinch Free
Useful especially in multiplayer where minor attacks can interrupt your attacks, especially when trying to fill your bottles!
Speed Sharpening
Reduces a cycle for sharpening with each level. Useful for getting your sharpness level up mid-fight.
Increases sharpness. Be sure to consider this skill for the Savage Axe Playstyle
Intrepid Heart
Whenever the gauge above your health bar is full, this skill can be useful in preventing monster attacks from interrupting your combos, making it possible to pull off an extra charged attack before you can regroup.
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 2

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• Weapons withUP have been reviewed and does not warrant an updated build from the Bonus Update.
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13 Anonymous4 months

The Elemental AED Climber Build is falsely stated to be available with TU1 but the Onmyo Sashiko are only available from TU 2 onward

12 Anonymous8 months

this question may be a dumb question but is the part that says "for higher overall DPS, we recommend the Dragon Conversion build" referring to the dragon conversion + heaven sent build, or the pure dragon conversion build?


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