Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Cyclo-Hammer Forging and Upgrade Materials | Monster Hunter Rise

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This page is about the Cyclo-Hammer (Hammer), a weapon found in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). All stats, as well as crafting materials and its full weapon tree, and all builds which use Cyclo-Hammer weapons can be found here.

Cyclo-Hammer Stats and General Info

Cyclo-Hammer I

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Cyclo-Hammer ICyclo-Hammer I
Cyclo-Hammer I Hammer Sharpness
ーーー 160 -
Affinity Element/Status
Rampage Skills Defense Boost II
Master Rider
Spiribird Doubled

Cyclo-Hammer II

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Cyclo-Hammer IICyclo-Hammer II
Cyclo-Hammer II Hammer Sharpness
②ーー 220 -
Affinity Element/Status
Rampage Skills Defense Boost III
Master Rider
Spiribird Doubled

Atlas Hammer

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Atlas HammerAtlas Hammer
Atlas Hammer Hammer Sharpness
③ーー 230 -
Affinity Element/Status
Rampage Skills Defense Boost III
Master Rider
Spiribird Doubled

Atlas Hammer+

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Atlas Hammer+Atlas Hammer+
Atlas Hammer+ Hammer Sharpness
③ーー 270 0
Affinity Element/Status
Rampage Slot

Atlas Crusher

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Atlas CrusherAtlas Crusher
Atlas Crusher Hammer Sharpness
③ーー 310 0
Affinity Element/Status
Rampage Slot

Atlas Crusher+

Weapon Slots ATK DEF
Atlas Crusher+Atlas Crusher+
Atlas Crusher+ Hammer Sharpness
③ーー 340 0
Affinity Element/Status
Rampage Slot
Qurious Augments

Cyclo-Hammer Forging and Upgrade Materials

Cyclo-Hammer Required Materials

Weapon Name Materials
Cyclo-Hammer ICyclo-Hammer I
Forging Materials

Upgrade Materials
Cyclo-Hammer IICyclo-Hammer II
Forging Materials
Upgrade Only

Upgrade Materials
Atlas HammerAtlas Hammer
Forging Materials
Upgrade Only

Upgrade Materials
Atlas Hammer+Atlas Hammer+
Forging Materials

Upgrade Materials
Atlas CrusherAtlas Crusher
Forging Materials
Upgrade Only

Upgrade Materials
Atlas Crusher+Atlas Crusher+
Forging Materials
Upgrade Only

Upgrade Materials
MR Bone Material ImageMR Bone Material ×20 pts

Cyclo-Hammer Layered Weapons

Layered Weapons
Atlas HammerAtlas Hammer

Cyclo-Hammer Weapon Tree

 ┣Bone Hammer II Attack Icon110
 ┃┣Hard Bone Hammer Attack Icon130
 ┃┃┗Bone Bludgeon I Attack Icon150
 ┃┃ ┣Bone Bludgeon II Attack Icon170
 ┃┃ ┃┗Heavy Bone Bludgeon Attack Icon190
 ┃┃ ┃ ┗Diablos Hammer I Attack Icon220 Affinity Icon-25%
 ┃┃ ┃  ┗Diablos Hammer II Attack Icon230 Affinity Icon-25%
 ┃┃ ┃   ┗Diablos Tail Attack Icon240 Affinity Icon-25%
 ┃┃ ┃    ┗Diablos Maul+ Attack Icon340 Affinity Icon-25%
 ┃┃ ┃     ┗Finishing Hammer Attack Icon350 Affinity Icon-25%
 ┃┃ ┃      ┗Finishing Hammer+ Attack Icon360 Affinity Icon-25%
 ┃┃ ┗Cyclo-Hammer I Attack Icon160
 ┃┃  ┣Cyclo-Hammer II Attack Icon220
 ┃┃  ┃┗Atlas Hammer Attack Icon230
 ┃┃  ┃ ┣Atlas Hammer+ Attack Icon270
 ┃┃  ┃ ┃┗Atlas Crusher Attack Icon310
 ┃┃  ┃ ┃ ┗Atlas Crusher+ Attack Icon340
 ┃┃  ┃ ┣Ceanataur Head Axe Attack Icon280Water Icon15
 ┃┃  ┃ ┃┗Ceanataur Head Axe+ Attack Icon300Water Icon16
 ┃┃  ┃ ┃ ┗Big Blue Chopper Attack Icon320Water Icon18
 ┃┃  ┃ ┗Matraca Hammer Attack Icon300Affinity Icon10%
 ┃┃  ┃  ┗Matraca Hammer+ Attack Icon310Affinity Icon10%
 ┃┃  ┃   ┗Argyl Hammer Attack Icon320Affinity Icon10%
 ┃┃  ┗Pukei Hammer I Attack Icon160 Poison Icon40
 ┃┃   ┗Pukei Hammer II Attack Icon180 Poison Icon47
 ┃┃    ┗Datura Club Attack Icon190 Poison Icon54
 ┃┃     ┗Datura Club+ Attack Icon240 Poison Icon56
 ┃┃      ┗Datura Pounder Attack Icon270 Poison Icon58
 ┃┃       ┗Datura Pounder+ Attack Icon310 Poison Icon66
 ┃┣Basarios Blow I Attack Icon120
 ┃┃┣Basarios Blow II Attack Icon160
 ┃┃┃┗Basarios Bash Attack Icon190
 ┃┃┃ ┗Red Bludgeon I Attack Icon190 Affinity Icon5% Fire Icon27
 ┃┃┃  ┗Red Bludgeon II Attack Icon200 Affinity Icon5% Fire Icon31
 ┃┃┃   ┣Huracan Hammer Attack Icon210 Affinity Icon5% Fire Icon34
 ┃┃┃   ┃┗Huracan Hammer+ Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon5% Fire Icon38
 ┃┃┃   ┃ ┣Rathalos Cosh Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon10% Fire Icon45
 ┃┃┃   ┃ ┗Leonid Starcrusher Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon35% Fire Icon65
 ┃┃┃   ┗Rosenhammer Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon20% Fire Icon15
 ┃┃┃    ┣Rosenhammer+ Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon20% Fire Icon19
 ┃┃┃    ┃ ┗Rosenunwetter Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon20% Fire Icon23
 ┃┃┃    ┗Kaktus Unwetter Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon15% Fire Icon55
 ┃┃┣Yeti Hammer I Attack Icon170 Affinity Icon-15% Ice Icon13
 ┃┃┃┗Yeti Hammer II Attack Icon190 Affinity Icon-15% Ice Icon15
 ┃┃┃ ┗Yeti Hammer III Attack Icon220 Affinity Icon-15% Ice Icon17
 ┃┃┃  ┗Abominable Hammer Attack Icon 230 Affinity Icon-15% Ice Icon20
 ┃┃┃   ┗Abominable Buster Attack Icon 310 Affinity Icon-15% Ice Icon25
 ┃┃┃    ┗Abominable Buster+ Attack Icon 330 Affinity Icon-15% Ice Icon28
 ┃┃┃     ┗Abominable Avalanche Attack Icon 350 Affinity Icon-15% Ice Icon31
 ┃┃┗Usurper's Thunder I Attack Icon120 Thunder Icon25
 ┃┃ ┗Usurper's Thunder II Attack Icon190 Thunder Icon28
 ┃┃  ┗Despot's Crackle Attack Icon210 Thunder Icon33
 ┃┃   ┗Despot's Crackle+ Attack Icon300 Thunder Icon37
 ┃┃    ┗Oppressor's Sway Attack Icon320 Thunder Icon42
 ┃┣Calamitous Portent I Attack Icon110 Affinity Icon5% Poison Icon12
 ┃┃┗Calamitous Portent II Attack Icon120 Affinity Icon5% Poison Icon14
 ┃┃ ┗Catastrophic Portent Attack Icon170 Affinity Icon10% Poison Icon16
 ┃┃  ┗Catastrophic Portent+ Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon10% Poison Icon21
 ┃┃   ┗Cataclysmic Portent Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon15% Poison Icon24
 ┃┗Droth Splashhammer I Attack Icon100 Water Icon25
 ┃ ┗Droth Splashhammer II Attack Icon100 Water Icon31
 ┃  ┗Ludroth Dousehammer Attack Icon170 Water Icon37
 ┃   ┣Ludroth Dousehammer+ Attack Icon230 Water Icon40
 ┃   ┃┗Lorelei Attack Icon280 Water Icon43
 ┃   ┃ ┗Lorelei+ Attack Icon320 Water Icon49
 ┃   ┗Golm Gavel Attack Icon300
 ┃    ┗Golm Gavel+ Attack Icon320
 ┃     ┗Gornir Attack Icon350
 ┗Izuchi Hammer I Attack Icon70 Affinity Icon10%
  ┗Izuchi Hammer II Attack Icon90 Affinity Icon12%
   ┣Snapper Hammer Attack Icon160 Affinity Icon15%
   ┃┗Snapper Hammer+ Attack Icon230 Affinity Icon15%
   ┃ ┗Blower's Hammer+ Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon20%
   ┣Hidden Breaker I Attack Icon130 Affinity Icon40%
   ┃┗Hidden Breaker II Attack Icon170 Affinity Icon40%
   ┃ ┗Night Eternal Attack Icon180 Affinity Icon45%
   ┃  ┗Endless Eternia Attack Icon250 Affinity Icon45%
   ┃   ┣Endless Eternia+ Attack Icon270 Affinity Icon45%
   ┃   ┃┗Avidya Breaker Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon45%
   ┃   ┗Ascella's Asterisms Attack Icon330 Poison Icon15
   ┗Carapace Hammer I Attack Icon120 Affinity Icon-10%
    ┗Carapace Hammer II Attack Icon150 Affinity Icon-10%
     ┗Barroth Hammer Attack Icon200 Affinity Icon-5%
      ┗Barroth Charger Attack Icon250 Affinity Icon-5%
       ┗Barroth Charger+ Attack Icon260 Affinity Icon-5%
        ┗Barroth Momentum Attack Icon340 Affinity Icon-5%

Builds that Use this Weapon

▼ Builds with red MR are endgame Master Rank builds.

Available Builds Rank
Atlas Hammer+ Raw Hammer Build
(Atlas Hammer+)
MR1 - MR2

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) Related Guides

MH Rise - Weapons Partial Banner

Weapon Type Guides
MH Rise - Weapons Page BannerWeapons and Weapon Types MH Rise - Weapon Tier ListWeapon Type Tier List MH Rise - Builds for Each WeaponBuilds for Each Weapon Type

Melee Weapon Guides

Melee Weapons
MH Rise - Great Sword IconGreat Sword
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Long Sword Icon Long Sword
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Sword & Shield IconSword and Shield
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Dual Blades IconDual Blades
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Lance IconLance
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Gunlance Icon Gunlance
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Hammer Icon Hammer
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Hunting Horn IconHunting Horn
Guide | Weapon Tree | Melodies
MH Rise - Switch Axe IconSwitch Axe
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Charge Blade IconCharge Blade
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Insect Glaive IconInsect Glaive
Guide | Weapon Tree | Kinsects

Ranged Weapon Guides

Ranged Weapons
MH Rise - Light Bowgun IconLight Bowgun
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Heavy Bowgun IconHeavy Bowgun
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Bow IconBow
Guide | Weapon Tree


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