Genshin Impact

Arkhe System and All Pneuma and Ousia Characters

Genshin Impact What are Pneuma and Ousia

Pneuma and Ousia are forms of opposing energy that flows in every life form from Fontaine in Genshin Impact 4.0. See all the Pneuma and Ousia Characters, the Arkhe System, how to trigger the Annihilation Reaction, and all the known info about these here!

All Arkhe-Alignment List

Pneuma Characters

All Pneuma Characters
Genshin - Lyney Icon Lyney Genshin - Charlotte Icon Charlotte Genshin - Traveler (Hydro) Icon Traveler (Hydro)
Genshin - Freminet Icon Freminet Genshin - Furina Icon Furina Genshin - Neuvillette Icon Neuvillette
Genshin - Emilie Icon Emilie

The Pneuma characters currently are Lyney, Charlotte, Freminet, Neuvillette, Furina, and the upcoming Dendro character, Emilie. The Hydro variant of the Traveler is also Pneuma-aligned.

Ousia Characters

All Ousia Characters
Genshin - Lynette Icon Lynette Genshin - Navia Icon Navia Genshin - Wriothesley Icon Wriothesley
Genshin - Sigewinne Icon Sigewinne Genshin - Furina Icon Furina Genshin - Clorinde Icon Clorinde
Genshin - Chevreuse Icon Chevreuse

The current Ousia Characters available in-game are Lynette, Navia, Wriothesley, Sigewinne, Clorinde, Chevreuse, and Furina. Being the Hydro Archon, Furina is the only character who has affinity on both Arkhe!

You can tell a character's Arkhe type as early as their teasers, where you can sometimes spot the vision shape in their art, or when they appear during quests!

What are Pneuma and Ousia?

Opposing Forms of Energy in Fontaine

Genshin Impact What are Pneuma and Ousia - Opposing Forms of Energy in Fontaine

Pneuma and Ousia are forms of opposing energy in Fontaine that are separate from the Seven elements present in Teyvat. Playable Fontaine characters like Lyney and Lynette as well as the Hydro Traveler can access Pneuma and Ousia through the Arkhe System, a system exclusive to them!

Pneuma vs Ousia

There is no superior or inferior energy between Pneuma and Ousia - they just differ on which characters have a specific Pneuma or Ousia energy or which enemy uses a Pneuma or Ousia power supply.

There are a few ways to identify if your character is Pneuma or Ousia-aligned:

Difference in Vision Badge Style

Ousia Pneuma
Genshin Impact - Pneuma Vision
Rounded badge tips
Genshin Impact - Ousia Vision
Pointed badge tips

Characters with a Ousia-aligned vision have rounded top & bottom tips on their badges, while an Pneuma-aligned characters have pointed badge tips.

Difference in Attack Effect Colors

Pneuma Ousia

Yellowish, gold energy

Dark, purple energy

Both energies can be differentiated by their colors when characters do certain attacks: Pneuma has a yellowish-gold color while Ousia has a dark, purplish color.

Can be Used by Characters Thru The Arkhe System

Some characters can manipulate Pneuma or Ousia in the form of Arkhe, which is a separate mechanic from their Vision. Only Fontaine characters have innate Arkhe attributes.

Arkhe Follows an Attack

Genshin Impact - Pneuma Follow Up Attack

The Hydro Traveler uses their Hydro Elemental Skill then followed up by a Pneuma-aligned Spiritbreath Thorn.

The Arkhe mechanic usually follows an attack using either the Elemental Skill or Charged Attack (Bow) of a character (so far). Be careful as these can also miss with some characters.

Arkhe Needs to Recharge

Each character also needs to recharge their Arkhe before it can activate again. Their vision will usually glow with Pneuma or Ousia's color when it is ready to use!

Pneuma Blocks Can Also Be Used

If players do not have characters that have Arkhe, most overworld puzzles provide Pneuma or Ousia Blocks that they can use to activate Pneumosia relays or overload opposite-aligned enemies.

Pneumosia Blocks in Fontaine

Results in Annihilation Reaction

Genshin Impact What are Pneuma and Ousia - Result to Annihilation Reaction

When Pneuma and Ousia meet, a collision between the two opposing energies causes a reaction called Annihilation is formed.

Annihilation reactions create a form of energy that residents from Fontaine use to power up the whole Nation, and can also be against enemies who use Pneumosia energy!

Annihilation Reaction Details

How to Trigger an Annihilation Reaction?

  1. Know the alignment of the unit you want to trigger the reaction with. Ousia is an energy with a dark, purplish color, while Pneuma has a yellowish-gold color to it.
  2. Hit the enemies or the the mechanism with their opposing alignment. This means you must hit a Pneuma-aligned unit with Ousia, and an Ousia-aligned unit with Pneuma, to trigger the Annihilation Reaction!

Reacts with Clockwork Mekas

Genshin Impact What are Pneuma and Ousia - Power Up Clockwork Meka

Pneuma and Ousia can be utilized by Meka life forms from Fontaine, primarily by machine beings called Clockwork Mekas. These Clockwork Meka beings can be found all over Fontaine, but only those who are inside the city walls are completely non-violent!

Disable Meka Enemies

When used against Meka enemies in Fontaine, the Annihilation reaction overloads their power supplies and stuns them for a short while. This allows Travelers to attack freely for a brief time.

Do note though that it takes a while for a Meka to recharge their power supplies, so further annihilation reactions won't happen if they are not charged.

Clockwork Meka Enemy Guide

Counters Some Boss' Unique Mechanics

Some more powerful boss enemies like Coppelia & Coppelius in Icewind Suite can have their unique mechanics broken by Annihilation reactions! Keep this in mind especially when the game adds these bosses to certain floors in the Spiral Abyss.

Interact with Mechanisms in Fontaine

Genshin Impact What are Pneuma and Ousia - Used by Mechanisms in Fontaine

Pneumosia Energy powers up a plethora of mechanisms that can only be found in Fontaine! From powering up locked storages and aircraft vehicles to relays all over Fontaine - it's a highly versatile form of energy!

Using annihilation reactions aid the Traveler in solving puzzles related to these so take note!

Fixing Pneumosia Relays

Genshin Impact - Pneumosia Relays

Reactions from clashing Pneumosia energies also fix Pneumosia relays which are central to some puzzles in Fontaine. Using the opposite energy reverts the relay back to its Balanced state, rendering it stable and activated.

Pneumousia Relay Guide

Deactivating Pneumousia Amplifiers

Genshin Impact - Pneumousia Amplifiers

Pneumosia Amplifiers are troublesome devices that provides buffs to enemies. These are usually found in enemy camps all over Fontaine. Disable these devices using the opposite energy to disable their effects.

Activate Aircraft Puzzles

Annihilation reactions are used to power up The Miraculous Antoine Roger Aircraft, a new traveling vehicle when exploring Fontaine. This aircraft follows a set path and provides you with a treasure at the end of its journey. Be careful though as anomalies can happen mid-flight!

Fontaine Aircrafts Guide

Opens Huge Storage Vaults

Pneumosia energies are also used to store items and treasures all over Fontaine. Use the opposite energy to break them open!

Pneumousia Storage Box Guide

Pneuma and Ousia Release Date

Released in Version 4.0

Genshin Impact Version 4.0
Genshin - Version 4.0
Release Date August 16, 2023

The Pneuma and Ousia mechanic debuted with Genshin Impact's 4.0 Update which introduced the Hydro region of Fontaine!

Version 4.0 Banners and Release Date

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Fontaine Quest Guides

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Through the Looking Glass
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4.1 Fontaine Puzzles and Features

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4.0 Fontaine Puzzles and Features

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2 TokyoQuaSarover 1 year

I find it pretty easy to understand if you see this as electric poles, like ousia is - and pneuma is + or the opposite. This make the elemental attacks become electrically charged elemental attacks.

1 Anonymousover 1 year

Currently known pneuma/Ousia characters (at least those who have vision visible, all are currently unplayable): Pneuma - Freminet, Charlotte Ousia - Navia, Clorinde, Wriothesley

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