Genshin Impact

Jadeplume Terrorshroom Boss Fight and Location

Genshin Impact - Jadeplume Terrorshroom Boss Guide

Jadeplume Terrorshroom is a Field Boss found in Sumeru, which was released in Version 3.0 of Genshin Impact. Find out how to get to the Jadeplume Terrorshroom's location, how to beat it, boss drops, and how to unlock it here!

Jadeplume Terrorshroom Location & Unlock

Jadeplume Terrorshroom Location

Location Vanarana, Sumeru

The Jadeplume Terrorshroom is a Field Boss located west of Vanarana, found to the northwest of Sumeru. It was introduced in Version 3.0 of Genshin Impact.

Sumeru Region Map Guide

How to Get to the Jadeplume Terrorshroom

Enter the Tunnel to the South

You can either enter the tunnel south of the Teleport Waypoint near the Jadeplume Terrorshroom aboveground

Use the Portal in the Sky

You can also use the Portal closer to the Jadeplume Terrorshroom's location aboveground. Reach the portal by applying Electro to the Bouncy Mushroom right below it, surrounded by three Winged Dendroshroom.

Remember to activate the Teleport Waypoint just outside the Jadeplume Terrorshroom's territory to get there easier after the first time!

How to Get to the Jadeplume Terrorshroom Guide

How to Reach to Jadeplume Terrorshroom
The cave entrance south of the surface Teleport Waypoint closest to the Jadeplume Terrorshroom is marked by a crop of ores.
Go straight down to the bottom of the cave.
Use the Four-Leaf Sigil to get to the far end of the cave.
Go down a hollow log.
Walk straight ahead until you find the Teleport Waypoint. Be careful of Shroom-kin enemies along the way.
The Jadeplume Terrorshroom's territory is just ahead!

Recommended Characters for the Jadeplume Terrorshroom

Recommended Characters for Repeated Runs

Character Merits
Tartaglia Image Tartaglia • Strong Hydro DPS.
• Can easily trigger Bloom with his Elemental Skill.
Traveler (Dendro) Image Traveler (Dendro) • Great Dendro Support.
• Can easily trigger Dendro reactions with her Elemental Burst.
Fischl Image Fischl • Great Electro Sub-DPS.
• Easily applies Electro with her Elemental Skill.
Shinobu Image Shinobu • Decent Healer.
• Easily applies Electro with her Skill and Burst.
• Can provide Electro Resonance with Fischl.

Character Tier List

Recommended Characters by Role

Main DPS
Genshin - Tartaglia ImageGenshin - Raiden ImageGenshin - Ayato ImageGenshin - Tighnari Image
Genshin - Lisa ImageGenshin - Yae Miko ImageGenshin - Yelan ImageGenshin - Collei Image
Genshin - Barbara ImageGenshin - Zhongli ImageGenshin - Diona ImageGenshin - Sara ImageGenshin - Kokomi Image

Bring Electro and Hydro for Hyperbloom

Bring a Hydro and an Electro Character to take advantage of the Hyperbloom Elemental Reaction to deal damage to the Jadeplume Terrorshroom!

Elemental Reactions Guide

Recommended F2P Team

F2P Party for Jadeplume Terrorshroom
Barbara Image Barbara Lisa Image Lisa Traveler (Dendro) Image Traveler (Dendro) Noelle Image Noelle

Best Team Comps

Defeat the Jadeplume Terrorshroom in Co-Op Mode

Are you missing specific characters, or have you not built a full party yet? Teaming up with others from our Co-Op boards is a great way to quickly beat the Jadeplume Terrorshroom and other bosses.

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

How to Beat the Jadeplume Terrorshroom

Has an Activated State

Genshin - Jadeplume Terrorshroom - Activated State Head Slash
The Jadeplume Terrorshroom can go into an Activated State that allows it to unleash powerful attacks until exhaustion.

Can Produce Spores

Genshin - Jadeplume Terrorshroom - Burning Reaction
When it is not in its Activated State, the Jadeplume Terrorshroom can be affected by reactions such as Burning. It will spread spores to attempt to remove the reactions.

Jadeplume Terrorshroom Drops

Jadeplume Terrorshroom Material Drops

Drop Level
Lv. 30+
Any Lv.
Lv. 40+
Lv. 60+
Lv. 75+

Jadeplume Terrorshroom Artifact Drops

Artifact Set Drops
Adventurer Adventurer Berserker Berserker Instructor Instructor
Gladiator Gladiator's Finale Wanderer Wanderer's Troupe

Characters that Use Majestic Hooked Beak

Genshin Impact - Majestic Hooked Beak Image Majestic Hooked Beak
Genshin - Tighnari ImageGenshin - Collei Image

These characters will need a total of 46 Majestic Hooked Beak each to reach ascension level 6!

Jadeplume Terrorshroom Enemy Information

Jadeplume Terrorshroom Details

Jadeplume Terrorshroom Image
Jadeplume Terrorshroom
Required Resin 40
Adventurer Handbook Description
The lord of fungal beasts that lives in the heart of the woods and in the company of its kin.
Fungi grow wherever it is damp and fertile. They can always adapt to adversity, and their spores can spread anywhere there is room. Given time, this proud-looking bird-like beast might evolve into something yet more magnificent.
Vissudha Field, Sumeru

Fungus Turned Beast

Genshin - Jadeplume Terrorshroom

The Jadeplume Terrorshroom is a Fungus that evolved over the years into a powerful being.

Release Date in Version 3.0

Genshin Impact Version 3.0
Genshin Impact - Version 3.0 The Morn A Thousand Roses Brings
Release Date August 24, 2022

The Jadeplume Terrorshroom was first introduced in the 3.0 Livestream and officially released in the Version 3.0 update on August 24, 2022.

Version 3.0 Release Date and Information

Genshin Impact Related Guides

All Boss Fight Guides

Genshin Impact - Bosses
List of Bosses

Field Bosses

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