Genshin Impact

Chasca Story Quest Guide

Genshin Impact Chasca Story Quest Guide

Guns and Wings is Chasca's Story Quest and Act III of the Flower-Feather Clan Tribal Chronicles in Genshin Impact. See how to unlock this Story Quest, its complete walkthrough, and the in this guide!

Story Quest
Chasca's Character Guides
Genshin - Chasca Builds and RatingBuild Guide Ascension MaterialMaterials Moment of Respite ImageSpecial Dish
Of Fading Flowers and Falling Feathers Chapter
Genshin - Act 1Guns and Wings Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

How to Unlock Chasca Story Quest

Complete the Flower-Feather Clan Tribal Quests

Quest Unlock Requirements
Genshin Impact - Chasca Tribal Quest
Unlock Condition Reach Adventure Rank 28+
Genshin Impact - The Night Before the Trial  Tribal Chronicle Of Fading Flowers and Falling Feathers: Act II
The Night Before the Trial Quest Guide
Genshin Impact - The Rainbow Destined to Burn  Archon Quest Chapter 5: Act 4
The Rainbow Destined to Burn Quest Guide

To unlock Chasca's Story Quest, you need to have first completed the first two acts of the Flower-Feather Clan Tribal Chronicles and The Rainbow Destined to Burn quest.

The Tribal Chronicle quests will be unlocked after completing the Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame Archon Quest.

List of Tribal Chronicles

Story Key is Not Required

Genshin Impact Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame Rewards - Unlock Tribal Chronicles

A Story Key is not likely not required to unlock the Chasca's Story Quest, Of Fading Flowers and Falling Feathers.

List of Story Quests

Chasca's Story Quest Act 1 Walkthrough

Tracks Through the Wilderness

After the events in The Night Before the Trial, go to the trial site near a cliff west from the main village of the Flower-Feather Clan. Approaching Chasca near the trial site will start the quest.
Upon having a converstion with everybody at the trial site, Warmi comes running towrds everyone screaming for help. She says there are dangerous Qucusaurs attacking the out-of-town merchants from before.
Go to the Statue of Seven, west from the Flower-Feather Clan, and rescue the caravan from the dangerous Qucusaur.
After rescuing the caravan, talk to Chasca as she can be seen bothered by the recent encounter with the Qucusaur. She then explains that the Qucusaur you've all recently seen is named Coya and is also her sister.
Return to the Flower-Feather Clan to discuss the situation. Use the Tribal Reputation icon on the map to quickly teleport to the next objective.
After discussing the situation with Mutota and Elder Allpa, go and visit Chasca's "mother" to ask for some help. She is located in an island at the northwest end from the Flower-Feather Clan.
Chasca's "mother", Chimpu, tells you everything about what is happening with Coya and where to find her.
Go to where Coya lives by indwelling with a Qucusaur Spiritscone scattered around. Then, go to the top of the mountain where Chimpu lives and start flying over to Coya's place. You will then need to follow the Scorchwind Conflux along the way to prevent lowering your Phlogiston levels.
Coya lives on an island at the west end of Ochkanatlan and once you arrive at her place a cutscene will occur. Coya's place is also similar to Chimpu's.
After Chimpu and Coya gets ambushed by Isidore and the other merchants, you and Chasca jumps in the scene and defeat all opponents.
After defeating all of the merchants and saving them from the malfunctioning elemental energy, you confront Isidore asking them who's Tepal and why is he kidnapping Qucusaurs.

Mortal Pursuit

After confronting Isidore, you and Chasca will be teleported immediately to the next objective. You will need to go to the Children of Echoes to gather intel. You will also get some help from Xilonen.
Go to Xilonen's workshop and wait there for her and Puma. Puma is Tepal's mother and tells you that she disowned Tepal years ago because of his Phlogiston Wings project.
After Puma leaves, you and Chasca examines a notebook that belongs to Tepal. It contains some tattered notes involving the Phlogiston Wings and a workshop in the sky.
Return to the Flower-Feather Clan and discuss the plan with Mutota and Elder Allpa. They will be located near the Obsidian Totem at the middle of the village.
Go to the trial site and talk to Inkanak. The trial site's location is west from the Flower-Feather Clan. She will later tell you that you can reach the workshop in the sky blocking all the spouts in the trial site.
At this point you will have a free trial Chasca on your team and you can use her elemental skill charged shot to shoot the solid phlogistons and seal the spouts on the ground.
Once all the spouts are sealed, go to the top of mountain within the trial site and ride the wind current.
After riding the wind current, get on the hot air balloon, then a cutscene will occur, and it will teleport you to the workshop in the sky.

Time for the Showdown

Investigate the airborne workshop by exploring around.
Rescue the caged Qucusaurus by shooting at the glowing mechanism on top of its cage.
Continue investigating the airborne workshop by walking through the path. You will need to use Chasca's Elemental Skill to cross the gaps.
Rescue the caged Qucusaurus on the other platforms. But this one is different, it doesn't have the energy to fly away, so you talk to Chasca about it.
Continue investigating the airborne workshop by progressing through the path. You will need to hit some of the mechanisms so they can summon wind currents that can further help you reach other floating platforms.
After reaching the big platform, you need to defeat all opponents that will spawn around you.
Investigate Tepal's records within the big platform after defeating every opponent.
Continue investigating the airborne workshop by progressing through the path. You will need to use Chasca's Elemental Skill again to cross the gaps.
Free the Qucusaur by shooting the glowing mechanism on top of its cage, then climb up the ladder to progress further.
Shoot the other mechanism to prevent it from firing elemental bullets at you, causing a lot of damage.
Shoot the mechanism on the wall to clear the obstruction from the ceiling. Then, hit the mechanism on the ground to summon a wind current that can take you to the next platform.
Move forward until you reach the center of the workshop. You then later split up to look for clues, until Elder Allpa shows up and explains that she is the real mother of Tepal. She's also the one behind all the Qucusaurus kidnappings.
After the all revelations, defeat Allpa in combat. Afterwards, the elemental energy in her Phlogiston Wings malfunctions and Chasca saves everyone from danger again along with a thrilling cutscene.
Once the cutscene ends, everyone seems to be safe, but Coya falls to the ground as she rejoins with her offspring, Chime.
After the events at the airborne workshop, everyone gets teleported back to Flower-Feather Clan, Coya reunites with Chime, Allpa is imprisoned, and Chasca gets to see her Saurian Family whole again.

Chasca Story Quest Act 1 Rewards

All Story Quest Rewards

Sub Quest Quest Rewards
Tracks Through the Wilderness
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x34,785
Mortal Pursuit
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x42,850
Time for the Showdown
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x42,850
Genshin - The Cornerstone of Stars and Flames.pngThe Cornerstone of Stars and Flames x1

Chasca Story Quest Release Date

Release in Version 5.2

Genshin Impact Version 5.2
Genshin - Version 5.2
Release Date November 20, 2024

Chasca's Story Quest, Of Fading Flowers and Falling Feathers, was released on the Version 5.2 update, alongside her release as a playable character last November 20, 2024!

Version 5.2 Release Date and Details

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