Genshin Impact

Artifact Farming Routes and Artifact Leveling Guide

Genshin - Artifact Farming Guide

This page is an artifact farming route guide to help you get level up material for your artifacts in Genshin Impact. Learn how to farm artifacts, efficient farming routes, how to level up artifacts, and when you should start farming for them.

List of Artifacts and Set Bonuses

How to Farm Artifacts

Follow the Route and Interact with Objects

Artifact Route How to Farm.jpg
Farming artifacts with the routes listed below is an easy and fast way of obtaining multiple low rarity artifacts as level up material. To farm the artifacts using our routes, you will have to teleport the waypoints on the map and follow the arrows to the pinned locations. At the marked spots, you can find objects that will drop artifacts when you investigate them. Check every spot shown along the route to get the most out of it.

This method will only provide you with low rarity artifacts and is not useful for obtaining 4 or 5 Star artifacts. Farming the higher level artifacts will need a different method, check out more information on farming stronger artifacts in our guide below!

How to Farm Artifacts

Efficient Farming Route for Artifacts

Farming Time and Average Number of Drops

Route Time Needed Average No. of Drops
Qingce Village Route 3 min 8 pieces
Dihua Marsh Route 2 min 4 pieces
Stone Gate Route 1 min 2 pieces
Sal Tarrae Route 1 min 6 pieces
Yaoguang Shoal Route 30 sec 1 piece
West of Mt. Tianheng Route 30 sec 1 piece
East of Mt. Aozang Route 5 min 21 pieces
Huaguang Stone Forest Route 3 min 8 pieces
Jueyun Karst Route 4 min 14 pieces
Tianqiu Valley Route 1 min 4 pieces

Qingce Village Route

Farm Time 3 min
Average No. of Drops 8 pieces

Dihua Marsh Route

Farm Time 2 min
Average No. of Drops 4 pieces

Stone Gate Route

Farm Time 1 min
Average No. of Drops 2 pieces

Sal Tarrae Route

Farm Time 1 min
Average No. of Drops 6 pieces

Yaoguang Shoal Route

Farm Time 30 sec
Average No. of Drops 1 piece

West of Mt. Tianheng Route

Farm Time 30 sec
Average No. of Drops 1 piece

East of Mt. Aozang Route

Farm Time 5 min
Average No. of Drops 21 pieces

Huaguang Stone Forest Route

Farm Time 3 min
Average No. of Drops 8 pieces

Jueyun Karst Route

Farm Time 4 min
Average No. of Drops 14 pieces

Tianqiu Valley Route

Farm Time 1 min
Average No. of Drops 4 pieces

How to Level Up Artifacts

Use Other Artifacts as Material

The only way to increase the level of artifacts is to use other artifacts as level up material. This means you will be needing a lot of fodder artifacts to use to level up the artifacts you are going to be using.

Use rarity 3 and below artifacts

To level up the artifacts you are going to use, it is recommended to use artifacts that have a rarity of 3 or below. The reason being is that they are easier to come by and either has a rarity 4 or 5 versions that are much better to have equipped instead.

Rarity determines the level cap

Rarity Level Cap
1 Star Lv. 5
2 Star Lv. 5
3 Star Lv. 12
4 Star Lv. 16
5 Star Lv. 20

Leveling up the artifact will enchance its stat bonuses. But there is a limit to how many times you can level up. This limit will be determined by the rarity of the artifact, the higher the rarity the higher the level cap is.

When Should You Start Farming Artifacts

Start Farming at World Level 3

World level increases.png
4 Star and 5 Star artifacts are easier to obtain after reaching World Level 3. These artifacts are much stronger but are less in number and will need a number of artifacts to level up. So start farming for lower rarity artifacts as you obtain the stronger ones.

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22 Anonymous9 months

There's a limit. After farming 30 artifacts, you can't pick anymore in other places.

11 Anonymousalmost 2 years

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